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Peter Price edited this page Nov 28, 2023 · 12 revisions

The latest version of an Atmega32U4 based device from Indalo Tech


Original Version

Revision B

Reprogramming Instructions

  1. Install the Arduino GUI (version >= 1.8.13)
  1. Configure Arduino
  • Select Tools, Board, Boards Manager
    • type evofw3 in the search bar
    • click on install in Evofw3 avr boards
    • close Boards Manager
  • Select Tools, Board, Evofw3 avr Boards
    • Select atmega32u4 (HW UART)
  • Select Tools, Processor
    • Select atmega32u4 (5V 16Mhz)
  • Select Tools, Pinout
    • Select Pro Micro
  1. Get a copy of evofw3
  • open evofw3.ino in Arduino
  1. Plug in the SSM-D2
  • In Windows Device Manager you should see an new COM Port appear as a USB Serial Device
  • Select Tools, Port and choose the new COM Port
  • Select Sketch, Verify/Compile
  • Select Sketch, Upload

Recovery Instructions

If you have attempted to reprogram an SSM-D2 without correctly selecting the options described in 2 above the firmware will not boot correctly and the COM Port will not be visible and/or neither LED will light

If you have a DEAD device you can verify this is the problem by monitoring Device Manager and pressing the reset button on the PCB. On windows you will hear an audio signal that a device has been detected and you will see a COM Port labeled Arduino Micro Bootloader (COMz). This COM port will disappear after 8-10 seconds.

To reprogram the device from this state follow steps 1 and 2 as above and then

  • In Files, Preferences
    • Select Show verbose output during compilation and upload
  • Select Tools, Port and choose ANY visible COM Port that is not being used by another application (COMx)
  • Select Sketch, Verify/Compile
  • Select Sketch, Upload
    • Monitor the arduino console output until you see a line saying
      Forcing reset using 1200bps open/close on port COMx
      followed by multiple occurrences of a line similar to
      PORTS {COMx, COMy4, } / {COMx, COMy, } => {}
    • the last line should change to something like
      PORTS {COMx, COMy, } / {COMx, COMy, COMz, } => {COMz, }
      and upload should proceed
      • If you are too slow just try upload again
      • if you don't see either of the lines described and/or get an error message try upload a couple of times and then try again with a different COM port

You should now have a correctly programmed SSM-D2

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