WARNING! This is outdated, it needs work to make it run. The development of this idea continues on https://sites.google.com/view/bodywords/home
Artificial Butoh Teacher and Butoh Score Generator System made with RiTa toolkit for computational literature
You will need a Google Cloud account: https://cloud.google.com/, create a project and download your credentials file
You have to install Node: https://node.js
You have to install RiTa https://rednoise.org/rita/index.php
When you can't do above you'll have to wait until this project has been developed a bit further...
The good thing about a teacher is that the teacher pushes you in directions that you would never even know that excisted before you met the teacher. May the sprit of butoh invade your random number generator.
Be careful. This has been designed to be hypnotic. Only listen at a safe place. Google Milton Erickson, David Snyder before use
score.yaml is the score I use at this moment for my own research. It is a body-only score. Maybe you could call it context-free butoh. I use it as one layer, sometimes with music, sometimes with any activity. It makes me move in ways I have never moved before - ;) - see. Artificial Teachers and body intelligence. Sensors in, Voice out...
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