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This is a snakemake pipeline that determines primer mismatches to SSU rRNA in metagenomic data.


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Update 2021-05-14: The manuscript describing the results from this pipeline for marine systems has now been accepted for publication in mSystems. The final text can be freely accessed on bioRxiv here and on the mSystems website.

Table of contents:

  1. QuickStart and Reproducibility
  2. Preamble
  3. Pipeline Architecture
  4. Detailed Overview:
    3.1 Motivating Scientific Questions
    3.2 Input Requirements
    3.3 Recommended Operating Systems
    3.4 Overview of Pipeline Steps
    3.5 Expected Output Files
    3.6 Open Source Software and Database Dependencies
  5. Setting up databases and configuration files:
    4.1 Setting up and activating a snakemake conda environment
    4.2 Cloning the repository and adding raw data
    4.3 Downloading databases
    4.4 Setting up your configuration file
  6. Running the Compute workflow
  7. Running the Classify workflow
  8. Running the Compare workflow
  9. Example showing how to quickly download data from ENA
  10. Known Issues

0. Quickstart and Reproducibility

The following steps will get you ready to analyze your own data quickly and/or reproduce our paper's analysis. You can then read the sections below for more information about the pipeline design/rationale and how to interpret output files.

The following instructions assume you are using a linux system and have git installed.

  1. First, clone the repo and cd into the directory:
#if you're running a fresh system may need to install git
sudo apt-get install git
git clone [email protected]:jcmcnch/MGPrimerEval.git
cd MGPrimerEval
  1. To quickly set up the pipeline and its required databases/software dependencies, we provide a helper script that can be run as follows (see section 4 for more information about what it does):

This script assumes miniconda3 is NOT installed. It will install miniconda3, snakemake, download and set up the required databases. You will have to reply "yes" several times during the install. This process will take a few hours and will use about 8 Gb of space. Once it's finished you need to do one more thing:

  1. Modify config/tutorial/config.yaml to include the correct paths to your databases. Note that uclust only requires the directory where the executable is stored. For your convenience, these paths are automatically generated by the by the script and can be found in the file database.paths. For example, on my system the top part of my config I used to run the tutorial looks like this (yours should look similar but just with different paths, i.e. the /home/jesse part will likely be different unless your user name is also Jesse):
#readLength: <your read length here> #use new auto-detect function in phyloFlash 3.4 
readlimit: 1000000 #the number of reads phyloFlash will extract. Metagenomes never typically get 
more than a million, but metatranscriptomes will potentially get lots more than a million. 
cutoff: 0.01 #cutoff for classify pipeline, probably can keep the same 
suffixR1: "_1.fastq.gz" #NCBI format 
suffixR2: "_2.fastq.gz" #NCBI format 
bbsplitDBpath: "/home/jesse/databases/bbsplit-db/" 
phyloFlashDB: "/home/jesse/databases/phyloFlash-db/138.1/" 
uclustpath: "/home/jesse/databases/" 
VSEARCHudbPath: "/home/jesse/databases/VSEARCH_db/silva132_99_sintax.udb" 
PhytoRefUdbPath: "/home/jesse/databases/VSEARCH_db/PhytoRef_plus_Cyano.udb" 
study: MGPrimerEval-tutorial 

 926R : "AAACTYAAAKRAATTGRCGG" #reverse complement 
 806RB : "ATTAGAWACCCBNGTAGTCC" #reverse complement 

Now, we are ready to test the pipeline:

  1. As part of this github repository we provide a few small input files (see folder test-input) to verify the pipeline functions on your system. You can test it as follows:

The pipeline will run for a few hours, and then you should see output from snakemake saying 100% of the steps have been completed (NB: the number of steps will be different):

Completion Message:

It will produce a few summary pdf plots which can be useful to verify it worked (some may be blank if there is not sufficient data). For example, this is what is produced from the tutorial data for Bacteria (excluding Cyanobacteria and plastids):

For example:

There are many more outputs to peruse which are described more fully in the sections on expected output files, as well as the detailed instructions for running the compute and classify workflows.

  1. To run the pipeline with your own data, you now merely have to follow the instructions here to set up your own configuration file and to add your own raw data.

  2. If you want to reproduce the analysis reported in our publication, we provide ENA/SRA identifiers in the folder config/dataset-info/. In our experience, downloading such large datasets is best accomplished with ascp and the kingfisher tool, and we include instructions here. For each of the datasets, the pipeline was run in a separate folder and the explicit invocation of snakemake used to generate output can be found in the runscripts folder.

  3. To intercompare metagenomes with ASVs, you can follow the template pipeline described here which reproduces the outputs discussed in the paper.

1. Preamble

Accurate design of oligonucleotide primers for small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplicon sequencing (or indeed any PCR-based analysis) determines how quantitiative the resulting data is. So far, primers have been mainly designed based on comprehensive and highly-curated reference databases such as SILVA. This has provided important insights into theoretical primer performance and corrected many flaws. However in past primer evaluations, the reliance on full-length references and giving each sequence equal weight can lead to a distorted perspective on the actual extent of matches and mismatches expected in real samples. Prior approaches did not take into account:

  • The highly unequal abundances in nature, so for example, a very abundant mismatched taxon has the same weight as a well-matched one occurring at vanishingly small abundance, hence the “% match” to the database could significantly over- or under-estimate the actual “% match” to the field even if all taxa are in the database.
  • Some environments may have abundant taxa poorly represented or unrepresented in these curated reference databases.

Our new approach as implemented with this pipeline is an attempt to provide an automated, less biased way of evaluating primer performance based on meta-'omics datasets from the environment of interest, avoiding both sources of bias mentioned above.

2. Pipeline Architecture

The pipeline is divided into three modules:

  • Compute workflow: Calculate, from raw (unassembled) metagenome/transcriptome reads, the proportion of reads that perfectly match your primer(s) of interest.
  • Classify workflow: Using output from the Compute workflow, determine which taxa are matched, and which taxa are mismatched. Provide information on primer variants for specific groupings that can allow an investigator to correct biases as appropriate.
  • Compare workflow: Using output from the Compute workflow, compare relative abundances of amplicon sequence variants with those from the same region of the 16S/18S molecule. This allows an "apples to apples" comparison between amplicon/metagenomic methods, and can show how well the two methods correspond with one another.

We have described the results of this analysis already for oceanic ecosystems (see preprint here, which was recently aceepted in mSystems), but we should note that our pipeline is agnostic to primer/dataset and thus could be used on any meta-'omics dataset. We hope the instructions below are enough to get you started. If there are any bugs, or questions, please open a github issue above and we'll do our best to help.

3. Detailed Overview

3.1 Motivating Scientific Questions

This pipeline is designed to address several related questions at different levels of detail:

  • What fraction of environmental SSU rRNA fragments match oligonucleotide primer sequences* in a given environment at 0, 1, and 2-mismatch thresholds? i.e., how well do primers theoretically perform for a given environment / dataset?
  • What taxa are perfectly matched by my primers? What taxa are not, and therefore likely to be inaccurately quantified using PCR amplicon barcoding methods? i.e. what are the taxonomic blindspots of a given oligo / primer set?
  • How can I improve a given oligonucleotide primer to improve its performance on a given dataset/environment? i.e. can I create an "optimal" primer set for my environment?
  • How well do results from PCR primers compare with metagenomic reads? i.e. are the two methods consistent or inconsistent with one another?

*Note: the pipeline does handle degenerate primers as a query, and returns a perfect match if one of the variants specified in your degenerate sequence matches the target.

3.2 Input Requirements:

The only thing you need are raw, unassembled paired-end meta'omics data such as metagenomes or metatranscriptomes. They should be compressed in gzip format (suffix = gz). Merged read pairs or single-end reads are not currently supported. It is important that data have not been filtered or assembled, since the goal of this pipeline is to recover the underlying environmental patterns with respect to primer matches/mismatches (which assumes that your metagenome/-transcriptome is an accurate representation of the environment in question).

3.3 Recommended operating systems

The recommended operating system to run the pipeline is Linux (tested on Ubuntu 16.04/20.04, and CentOS). It may work on Mac/Windows so long as you can install snakemake and conda, but has not been tested on these systems.

3.4 Overview of Pipeline Steps:

The pipeline steps are roughly as follows:

  1. Extract SSU rRNA fragments (16S and 18S) from your input data*
  2. Quality control retrieved fragments
  3. Split SSU rRNA fragments into 4 categories:
  • Archaea
  • Eukarya (18S)
  • Bacteria (not including Cyanobacteria)
  • Cyanobacteria (including chloroplast 16S sequences derived from eukaryotic phytoplankton)
  1. Align to a reference and subset these fragments to SSU rRNA region
  2. Compare PCR primers specified in the config file with your SSU rRNA fragments
  3. Classify matching/mismatching fragments to get their taxonomy
  4. Summarize data

*By default, the pipeline is set to limit the number of retrieved SSU rRNA per sample to 1 million (so it doesn't run too slowly on rRNA-rich data such as metatranscriptomes), but you can tweak this if you'd like to get more data back - just change the readlimit parameter in your config file.

3.5 Expected output files

NB: By default, the pipeline keeps all intermediate files except for the fastp processed raw reads, but you can change this behaviour by putting temp() around any output files you wish to discard. That being said, the processed data files should be considerably smaller than your raw data. I also have a cleanup script in the repository you can use to compress and remove some unnecessary intermediates if you're running out of space (scripts/ This script should only be run after you finish running all modules.

If you run just the Compute workflow, you will get:

  • phyloFlash summaries of taxa present in your metagenome/-transcriptome (can be useful to make sure your sample is what you think it is)
  • QC'd SSU rRNA fragments
  • Sorted SSU rRNA fragments (into categories noted above)
  • Aligned SSU rRNA fragments
  • Fragments subsetted from alignments to primer regions, and sorted into matching and non-matching at 0, 1, and 2-mismatch thresholds
  • Summaries of these data in a tab-separated format suitable for importing into plotting software

If you additionally run the Classify workflow using output from above, you will get:

  • A graphical summary of the overall results from the Compute workflow
  • Taxonomic assignments for above matching / mismatching fragments (at the order level)
  • Graphical summaries of the taxonomic matches / mismatches
  • Tabular summaries across your whole dataset, indicating the proportions of order-level taxonomic groups are matched or mismatched for each primer/group/mismatch threshold (e.g. summarizing mismatches to Archaea for the primer 515Y at a 0-mismatch threshold)
  • Tabular summaries of the primer variants, both for the groups indicated above and for taxa that have abundant mismatches (so you can correct these mismatches or at least know what they are, even if the taxa are rare)

The Compare workflow (only if you have paired metagenomes and amplicon sequences you want to intercompare):

  • SSU rRNA fragments subsetted to the primer region
  • A BLASTn-based comparison between MG SSU rRNA fragments and amplicon sequence variants (using ASVs as a BLAST database and the MG SSU rRNA as query)
  • A direct intercomparison between taxonomic groups found in MG SSU rRNA and ASVs from the same sample, summarized in graphical and tabular format (includes R^2 values of relative abundances; see manuscript text for more details)

3.6 Open-source software and database dependencies

This pipeline depends on a number of amazing free and open source software packages such as:

  • Snakemake which runs the whole workflow.
  • The wonderful phyloFlash package which uses a curated version of the SILVA database to retrieve SSU rRNA from meta'omics data (both 16S and 18S).
  • bbtools, the "Swiss Army Knife" of bioinformatics - which we use for splitting the SSU rRNA into different categories as well as data manipulation (bbtools is also a dependency of phyloFlash).
  • cutadapt which is used for matching the primers to metagenomic reads.
  • VSEARCH which is used to taxonomically classify reads.
  • fastp which is used to quality-control raw reads.
  • seqtk which is used for basic sequence manipulation.
  • pyNAST which is used to align SSU rRNA sequences against a reference.

Our taxonomic classification and splitting steps also heavily depend on the SILVA database project, which is an expert-curated database that is the most comprehensive SSU rRNA database for diverse global environments.

4. Running the pipeline with your own data

The following are instructions to get the pipeline set up for your own datasets. There are also instructions below for downloading and processing example data if you just want to test the mechanics and make sure it runs on your system. You will still need to follow most of the setup below, with the exception of adding your sample names to the config (a config is already provided with the sample names for these example data).

These instructions assume you have familiarity with basic bash command line syntax, have github installed, and you're using something like screen or tmux to keep a persistent session alive for remote servers.

4.1 Setting up and activating a snakemake conda environment

Assuming you have the python3 version of miniconda installed, install snakemake into its own environment and activate it as follows:

#install mamba, which is faster than conda
conda install -c conda-forge mamba

#create an environment named snakemake-env
mamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n snakemake-env snakemake
conda activate snakemake-env

(Source for install instructions)

4.2 Cloning the repository and adding raw data

Now, clone the repo into a new folder we'll call myDataset and enter that folder.

git clone myDataset
cd myDataset

Link your raw data into the input folder (the ln -s "softlink" prevents data duplication). For example:

ln -s /full/path/to/your/data/*gz intermediate/compute-workflow/00-fastq/

4.3 Downloading databases for phyloFlash, SSU rRNA splitting, SSU rRNA classification with VSEARCH, and adding uclust to your path

4.3.1 PhyloFlash Database for Retrieving SSU rRNA fragments

Install phyloFlash into its own environment and run the database install script (will take some hours as phyloFlash runs quality-control steps on the database but this only needs to be run once):

#Install mamba into your base environment (if not already installed)
conda install -c conda-forge mamba

#Use mamba to create phyloFlash environment
mamba create -c conda-forge -c bioconda --name pf sortmerna=2.1b phyloflash

#If you're getting errors, you may need to run `conda update conda` or do a fresh install of miniconda if updating is not easy (sometimes you get all sorts of incompatibilities which can just be solved by a fresh install)
conda activate pf

#change directory to suit your needs
mkdir -p ~/databases/phyloFlash-db/ ; cd ~/databases/phyloFlash-db/

#run database download/construction script
#will take a few hours while the database is downloaded and QC'd --remote

*Note: sortmerna is not used in this pipeline but is part of the conda recipe.

4.3.2 Database for Splitting SSU rRNA fragments

If you do not already have bbmap installed locally, make a conda environment called bbmap-env:

mamba create -c bioconda --name bbmap-env bbmap

Now, download and create the database (should only take a few minutes):

#activate environment
conda activate bbmap-env

#make directory, enter it
mkdir -p ~/databases/bbsplit-db/ ; cd ~/databases/bbsplit-db

#download database files from OSF
for item in kv3xp eux4r npb2k 4qtev s5j6q 5jmkv eahds ; do curl -O -J -L$item/download ; done

#make databases
chmod u+x ; ./

4.3.3 Databases for classifying SSU rRNA fragments with VSEARCH

NB: If these databases are not set up correctly, the Classify workflow will run but will generate empty output files.

The following code will download the udb-formatted files you can use for the Classify workflow (not needed if you only want to run the Compute workflow):

#make directory, enter it
mkdir -p ~/databases/VSEARCH_db/ ; cd ~/databases/VSEARCH_db

#download database files from OSF
for item in 25a8b znrv8 ; do curl -O -J -L$item/download ; done

#get full paths for config file
ls $PWD/*udb

4.3.4 Getting the uclust executable:

Please note that the pipeline will still run if uclust is not set up correctly, but will produce empty output files for the alignment step (meaning you won't get any results). So double-check that the path you provide in the config below is accurate.

The alignment steps in this pipeline currently depend on pyNAST, which also depends on uclust. However, the uclust executable is not available through standard repositories as it is not open-source. You may have access to uclust (e.g. from an older install of qiime), but you can also just email me at mcnichol at alum dot mit dot edu and I'll send you the binary. I have been given permission to distribute the executable by email by the author.

All you need to do is put the binary in a sensible location, and make a note of the full path to add to the config file (next section). This way, when you run the workflow, this executable will be found. For example:

#enter your analysis folder
cd myDataset

#make a directory for binaries, enter directory
mkdir bin ; cd bin

#copy uclust into this directory
cp /location/of/uclust .

#make executable
chmod a+x uclust

#get full path to put into the config file (below)

4.4 Setting up your configuration file

The template configuration file comes pre-set with a number of primers that we tested in our study. If you just want to test these primers on your samples, all you have to do is add your sample names at the end in the format sample : sample. I suggest making a new folder and config file for your analysis to keep things organized. If your forward reads end with _1.fastq.gz (the default for NCBI SRA data), the following code would append your sample names directly to a new config file you could use entitled config/myDataset/myDataset.yaml:

#make new directory, and copy the template into it
mkdir config/myDataset
cp config/config-template.yaml config/myDataset/myDataset.yaml

#Append sample names to template config, assuming a suffix of `1.fastq.gz` :
for file in `ls intermediate/compute-workflow/00-fastq | grep 1.fastq.gz | cut -f1 -d_` ; do printf "  $file : $file\n" ; done >> config/myDataset/myDataset.yaml

Now, you need to edit your config file (e.g. config/myDataset/myDataset.yaml) to include a unique name for your study (which will be appended to output files), the paths to the databases set up above, the path to uclust, and the suffixes for your input files (i.e. what should be stripped off to get the sample identifier). After opening the file in your favourite editor, look for and edit the following lines:

suffixR1: "_1.fastq.gz" #NCBI format
suffixR2: "_2.fastq.gz" #NCBI format
phyloFlashDB: "/home/jesse/databases/phyloFlash/138.1/" #location of phyloFlash database, download with phyloFlash's built-in script
bbsplitDBpath: "/home/db/bbsplit-db/" #Download here:
uclustpath: "/home/jesse/MGPrimerEval-tutorial/bin"
VSEARCHudbPath: "/home/db/VSEARCH/silva132_99_sintax.udb"
PhytoRefUdbPath: "/home/db/PhytoRef/PhytoRef_plus_Cyano.udb"
study: <your study here>

For example, if you used the above commands to install the databases, the paths would be:

/home/<your username>/databases/phyloFlash-db/138.1/
/home/<your username>/databases/bbsplit-db/
/home/<your username>/myDataset/bin/
/home/<your username>/databases/VSEARCH_db/silva132_99_sintax.udb
/home/<your username>/databases/VSEARCH_db/PhytoRef_plus_Cyano.udb

If you don't need or want to test all the primers specified in the config, just comment them out. If you want to add new primers, you have to provide their location on the 4 different SSU rRNA references (see this repository for an example of how to do so). Or you can just open a github issue and I can add them to the template config. NB: If you're adding new primers, don't forget to reverse complement the reverse primer sequence.

Other parameters you can optionally adjust in the config:

  • cutoff determines what taxa appear in the summary. It is set by default at 0.01, meaning that only taxa that comprise 1 percent or more of either the matched or mismatched categories will appear in your summary files. You could reduce it to get more rare taxa, but there will be some limit at which noise overwhelms the signal for very rare things so be cautious.
  • readlimit determines the number of SSU rRNA reads retrieved by phyloFlash. It is currently set at 1 million per sample so the workflow won't "choke" on rRNA-rich samples like metatranscriptomes.

5. Running the Compute workflow

The simplest invocation would be as follows:

conda activate snakemake-env
snakemake --cores <# of cores> --use-conda --snakefile Snakefile-compute.smk --configfile config/myDataset/myDataset.yaml

To make sure things are set up properly you can:

  • Append -np to just print out the commands to be run (good way to check if all the input files can be found)
  • Append --conda-create-envs-only to just install the necessary software using conda

Once the compute pipeline has completed, I recommend you take a look at the output to make sure you're getting good data back. For example, you can view the output on the command line as follows:

#concatenate output and pipe to less to look at the data
cat output/compute-workflow/09-summary/* | less

You should look at the 6th column to check for the number of QC'd sequences recovered per sample/direction/group/primer. It makes sense to start with BACT-NON-CYANO since this category will typically be the most abundant. It's normal to see zeroes or very low numbers for some categories. For example Archaea are just not that abundant in many surface ocean samples. If the data is all zeroes, it likely means that uclust is not set up properly. You can confirm this by looking into the alignment files as follows:

#view alignment files to make sure they're not empty:
cat intermediate/compute-workflow/05-pyNAST-aligned/* | less

#you should see something like this on your screen if the alignment was successful (will be empty if the alignment failed):
>SRR5720219.765562.1 NS500496_227_HVGG2BGXX:1:11306:17362:3569 length=150 1..68

If you want to get more information about which taxa are missed by your primers, you can run the Classify workflow (next section). The first step below also produces some graphical output that may be helpful determining whether it's worth proceeding further (for example, if your primers are already nearly perfect for your environment in question, then you may not care to run the next steps).

The Compute output will be found in output/compute-workflow/09-summary/. It starts with 09 since it's the ninth step in the pipeline. Intermediate files are found in intermediate/compute-workflow (note that 01-fastp_cleaning will normally be missing because those files are marked as temporary in the workflow).

Output is composed of tab-separated files with a single line of data in the following format {sample}.{direction}.{group}.{primer}.{mismatches}.summary.tsv. You can easily concatenate them on the command line if you just want to take a quick look or redirect to a file:

#concatenate and view all the bacterial samples from the 515Y primer at a 0-mismatch threshold
cat output/compute-workflow/09-summary/*BACT-NON-CYANO.515Y.0-mismatch* | less

#output same information to a file with headers
echo "SampleName	ReadDirection	OrganismalCategory	Primer	MismatchThreshold	IdentifiedSeqs	MatchedSeqs	MismatchedSeqs	FracMatched" > MGPrimerEval-tutorial.BACT-NON-CYANO.515Y.0-mismatch.tsv
cat output/compute-workflow/09-summary/*BACT-NON-CYANO.515Y.0-mismatch* >> MGPrimerEval-tutorial.BACT-NON-CYANO.515Y.0-mismatch.tsv

6. Running the Classify workflow:

The classify workflow summarizes all the data from the compute workflow. For example, if you had 500 samples it would give you information on the overall patterns summed across all 500 samples. It is mainly useful for finding out which taxa might be primarily responsible for mismatches, and provides information on how to modify primers to fix these issues.

I recommend first running a small portion of the workflow to generate a summary plot from the Compute results:

#Activate snakemake
conda activate snakemake-env

#The until flag only runs the pipeline up to a specific step
#In this case, it just concatenates the compute results and plots them up
snakemake --cores <# of cores> --use-conda --snakefile Snakefile-classify.smk --configfile config/tutorial/config.yaml --until plot_compute_results 

This will produce 4 boxplots (in your base analysis directory) summarizing the percent of environmental sequences perfectly matching individual primers in your environment at 0, 1, and 2-mismatch thresholds. If you have a small amount of input data, or your environment lacks some of the groups, it's normal for some plots to be blank.

Once you verify (at least some of) the plots look good, you can run the rest of the pipeline without the --until flag:

#Activate snakemake and run full pipeline
conda activate snakemake-env
snakemake --cores <# of cores> --use-conda --snakefile Snakefile-classify.smk --configfile config/tutorial/config.yaml

If you want taxon-specific information on primer variants, you need to run the following script:

#run a bash script to generate order-level summaries of primer mismatches
#the bash script runs a python script which uses the environment specified in envs/biopython-env.yaml
#the name of the conda environment activated in the bash script is
#automatically generated by snakemake, and may not be the same on your system

Note: this script is only generates output for order-level taxa that have greater than 5% total mismatches and 50 total sequences across your dataset. This will therefore only work for deeply-sequenced samples or if you have many replicates with moderate coverage.

The Classify output will be found in output/classify-workflow/. If you want to learn how we tackled the primer re-design, you can find detailed information here.

Here is a brief summary of the contents of the folders:

  • output/classify-workflow/plots/matchVSmismatch-barplots is a good place to start. It contains plots of the community composiiton of the mismatched and matched reads at 0, 1, and 2-mismatch thresholds. It will give you a general idea which organisms may be over-represented in the mismatches and thus might merit some corrections. Some may be empty if there is insufficient data.
  • output/classify-workflow/overall-summaries contains detailed information you may wish to peruse further. For example:
    • Files ending in mismatch.summary.tsv are tab-separated spreadsheets that show statistics about mismatches for order-level taxa. This will give more quantitative information complementary to the plots mentioned above.
    • Files ending in taxonFracMismatched.0-2mm.tsv show the fraction of mismatches across the different mismatch thresholds. This would essentially tell you how hard it will be to improve your primer for each taxon. For example, if your taxon is not well covered at 0-mismatches but well-covered at 1-mismactches then it would only require minor modifications.
    • Files ending in aln.summary.tsv show the relative abundances for the matching variants at each threshold and their relative abundances. If your goal is to improve your primer, I suggest you start at the 2-mismatch threshold since it will contain things not matched by your primer. Variants found in the 0-mismatch files are already covered perfectly by your primer.
    • Files ending in aln.fasta contain fasta files of the actual variants identified, and could be useful for plotting/visualization.
  • output/classify-workflow/taxa-mismatch-summaries contains the output from the bash script mentioned above. It could be useful for making modifications to your primers that are taxa-specific. For example, I used this to make sure that mismatches to specific taxa such as the Ectothiorhodospirales were corrected in our new primer design.
  • filtered-0-mismatches, normalized-summaries, summary-mismatch-overlap-primer-pairs, and pasted-summaries were used for generating the summary figure in the paper (showing coverage as function of primer pair, not individual primers). You can ignore them unless you want to reproduce our figure.

7. Running the Compare workflow

To run this workflow, you need to provide several files (examples that are in the github repository are shown in parentheses; note that the formatting needs to be exactly the same in order for it to run correctly):

  1. An ASV table that has been transformed to relative abundances (e.g. config/compare/200514_ASV_info/DADA2/PROKs/200519_GA03-GP13_all-16S-seqs.with-tax.proportions.tsv).
  2. Sequences for the ASVs (e.g. config/compare/200514_ASV_info/DADA2/PROKs/200519_GA03-GP13_all-16S-seqs.with-tax.proportions.fasta)
  3. A tab-separated file that indicates which metagenomic files correspond with which ASV sample (e.g. config/compare/GA03-GP13-sample-SRA.tsv)
  4. A config file with information on the parameters you want to give the pipeline (e.g. config/compare/config-tutorial.yaml)

If you've downloaded the example data (next section), the compare workflow can be run with the following script:


The output can be found, you guessed it, in the output/compare-workflow folder. Since this comparison has quite a few "knobs" you can turn, I've made it so that the output folder is named to record parameters specified by the user (so you don't forget later). For example, the output from today's test was named:


Within this folder, you'll find two subfolders:

  • 07-MG-vs-ASV-plots contains plots of the metagenomic relative abundances plotted against the ASV relative abundances on both linear and log scales.
  • 07-MG-vs-ASV-stats contains some statistics about the correlation. Interpret these statistics with caution - they are intended to be a data exploration tool, not an authoritative description. For example, they could help identify samples that differ a lot between MG and ASV-based methods, and could point towards ways to optimize methods.

8. Downloading data from ENA to either reproduce our analysis or conduct a new evaluation

The following instructions explain how to download 10 files from the BioGEOTRACES metagenomes that can be used with configuration files and template scripts to test the functionality of the pipeline on your system. They are the raw data from which the test-input files are derived. Just modify the scripts / input to the scripts with your own ENA/SRA identifiers if you want to download something different.

  1. If you haven't done so, clone the repo into a folder named myDataset and enter it:
git clone myDataset
cd myDataset
  1. Now, clone this extremely helpful repo into your analysis folder (you should now see a ena-fast-download subfolder).

  2. Install ascp on your system, which is proprietary software that is a dependency of ena-fast-download. You may find these instructions helpful for installing ascp.

  3. Run the script ./tutorial/ to download the BioGEOTRACES metagenomes with ena-fast-download. Keep in mind, this is still a fair bit of data! If possible, do it on a work server, not your home network unless you have unlimited bandwidth.

  4. The shell script will put the downloaded files in the proper place (i.e. intermediate/compute-workflow/00-fastq/). So once you have set up the databases and configuration file (in this case, make sure to edit config/tutorial/config.yaml; see above for instructions), all you need to do to run the Compute workflow is invoke the script found in the base directory. The remaining steps can be run as noted above, just make sure to substitute your configuration file.

9. Known issues:

  • If paths are not set up correctly for uclust and the VSEARCH databases, the pipeline will still run but produce empty output files.
  • As mentioned above, some output plots will be empty if there is insufficient data.
  • If you are running the pipeline on a cluster that has a job submission system, you may need to source ~/.bashrc before submitting your job to get conda to be recognized.
  • If you are running into issues with DAG generation taking a long time (read snakemake documentation if you want to know what a DAG is), especially if you have a lot of samples, you might need to subset your workflow. You can do this manually (some examples of how to do so are found in the runscripts folder), or use a new batch mode built into the latest versions of snakemake (not implemented in this workflow).
  • bbmap/bbsplit steps sometimes can hang under situations of high RAM use - it will just get stuck at a particular step and not proceed further. To resolve this, just kill (i.e. CTRL-C) and restart your workflow.
  • 210427: I ran into a strange error with pyNAST failing, deleting a temporary file (rm /tmp/fastq-ids_pynast_fail.fasta) seemed to resolve it/

A visual demonstration of the compute module: Rule graph for initial (Snakefile-compute.smk) steps


This is a snakemake pipeline that determines primer mismatches to SSU rRNA in metagenomic data.







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