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giulioforesto edited this page Sep 17, 2014 · 8 revisions



Not only Backbone

The JavaScript framework contains many things. Some are build on the top of Backbone as said before (the views, models). But they are many more things.

  • Helpers
  • Views
  • templates
  • Models

Domain: definition

A domain has many attributes:

  • type: Javascript type boolean, number, string.
  • validation: An array of the validation attributes with the following types: regex, number, string, function
  • decorator: the name of a jQuery plugin use for the domain rendreing
  • formatter: {value: function(data, opts){//validate the data}, options: {isCool: true}}

Domain: Example

 "DO_LABEL_30": {
  "type": "string",
  "validation": [{
    "type": "string",
    "options": {
      "maxLength": 30
  style: "do_label_30",
  required: false

Domain: validation: Object structure

The validation has to have the following structure:

 'type': 'validationType', /*number, string, date, function, string, regex.*/
 'value': valiationValue, //Optional but when need it is the value of the validator
 'options': {'opt1': opt1Value, 'opt2': opt2Value, label: ""} //Optional as its name says.


The number mean the property has to be a number, it will go through a isNaN function after a cast into a int value with the + operator. This validation takes the following options

  • max: The maximum value authorize
  • min: The minimum value authorize.
{"type":"number", "options": {"min": 1, "max": 30}}


The string validation will check that the property is a string. It takes the following options:

  • minLength: The minimum length options, has to be an integer.
  • maxLength: The maximum length options, has to be an integer.

Example of declaration: ```:json { "type":"string", "options": {"minLength": 1, "maxLength": 30} } ```


This validation will takes the regex define into the value field and apply the following to test if the property value match the Regex: regexValue.test(propertyValue).
Note that regex takes no options.

Example of declaration:

  "value": /^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/ 


//Define a function.
  "value": function(propertyValue, options){
    return prop === true;


  "type": "number",
  "validation": [{
    "type": "regex",
    "value": "^\\d+$"
"DO_DATE": {
  "type": "date",
  "validation": [{
    "type": "date"
"DO_LABEL_30": {
  "type": "string",
  "validation": [{
    "type": "string",
    "options": {
      "maxLength": 30
  "type": "date",
  "validation": [{
    "type": "function",
    "value": function(propertyValue, options){
      return prop === true;

Site description

//Function use to build the site description from the 
var site = function (p) {
    return {
        headers: [{
            name: "home",
            url: "#home",
            roles: ['ADMIN_GENERAL_CONSULT']
        }, {
            name: "centerStructure",
            url: "#centerStructure/sites/siteList",
            roles: ['STRUCT_SITE_CONSULT'],
            headers: [{
                name: "sites",
                url: "#centerStructure/sites/siteList",
                roles: ['STRUCT_SITE_CONSULT'],
                requiredParams: ['sitId'],
                headers: [{
                    name: "site",
                    url: "#centerStructure/sites/siteDetail/" + p.sitId.value,
                    roles: ['STRUCT_SITE_CONSULT']
                }, {
                    name: "buildingList",
                    url: "#centerStructure/sites/siteDetail/" + p.sitId.value + "/buildingList",
                    roles: ['STRUCT_SITE_CONSULT'],
                    requiredParams: ['bldId'],
                    pages: [{
                        name: "building",
                        url: "#centerStructure/sites/siteDetail/" + p.sitId.value + "/buildingDetail/" + p.bldId.value,
                        roles: ['STRUCT_SITE_CONSULT']
              pages: [
                //Test page 
                    name: "domainTest",
                    url: "#administration/domainTest",
                    roles: ['ADMIN_GENERAL_CONSULT']
//Container for the module exports.
var siteDescription = {};

//Default name and value parameters.
var defaultParams = {
    bldId: {
        name: 'bldId',
        value: ':bldId'
    cslId: {
        name: 'cslId',
        value: ':cslId'
    countryCode: {
        name: 'countryCode',
        value: ":countryCode"
    vatCode: {
        name: 'vatCode',
        value: ":vatCode"
    roleId: {
        name: 'roleId',
        value: ':roleId'
    sitId: {
        name: 'sitId',
        value: ':sitId'
    steId: {
        name: 'steId',
        value: ':steId'
//Exports ther params for initialization.
siteDescription.params = defaultParams;

//Function to build the site description depending on parameters.
siteDescription.value = function (params) {

    //Extend the params.
    var p = _.extend({}, defaultParams, params);

    //Process the site description construction.
    return site(p);

//Export site description.
module.exports = siteDescription;




Page template builder

  • In order to be able to build an application page. You might need sevral files. One View, One Model, One Collection, One Service, Two Templates.
  • It can be painful to always create the same file structure in order to build your application.
  • That is why we build a tool in order to create "page" template
  • It is based on the same template language as in the application views.

Template generator

Chrome Dev tools

Chrome provide us a really great dev tools, you have to get use to them. Chrome dev tools


You have to ge use to the fact that the console will be usefull. Console


Quality tools: JSHINT

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