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Pierre Besson edited this page Aug 12, 2014 · 3 revisions

Create a simple page

In order to be able to display your first page you need to perform differents actions:

  • Create a model which represents the data you want to display and the actions you might want to perform.
  • Create a view for your page which use your model
  • Create a template for your view. The templating language we will use is Handlebars

We will take as an example the problem of displaying a contact on a screen, and a list of contact. A contact has the following attributes:

  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • Email

Model: Define the model

A model has to extend an existing Backbone.Model which could be the default Backbone.Model.

var ContactModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
  default: {
    firstName: undefined,
    lastName: undefined,
    email: undefined
  name: function displayFirstNameLastName(){
    return this.get('firstName') + ' ' + this.get('lastName');

##Model : Using the model

Now that you have a model, you can try to create a model and play with it.

var contact = new ContactModel({firstName: "Robert", lastName: "Dupont", email: "[email protected]"});
console.log(contact.get('firstName')); //Display: Robert
console.log(; // Display: Robert Dupont
//Update the firstName and set its address (a new field)
contact.set({firstName: "Roberto", address: "12 rue des fleurs 75000 Paris"});
console.log(contact.get('firstName'), contact.get('address')); //Display: Roberto, 12 rue des fleurs 75000 Paris

Template: data

A template is written in a template language. This template consume data which are pass to it by th view. The data which are passed to the template are JSON. Usally, the data passed to the template are a json representation of the model. Here our data would be :

  "firstName": "Robert",
  "lastName": "Dupont",
  "email" : "[email protected]"

Template: file

A template has a .hbs extension. Inside a template you can write plain HTML and when you need to access the value of the data passed inside the view you just have to type a {{propertyName}}. As an example: {{firstName}}.

<p> Mr {{firstName}}  {{lastName}} has the following email: {{email}}.</p>

A template will be compiled as a JavaScript function by the brunch tool. Il will be use as follows: templateFunction(jsonData);
it will display:

<p> Mr Robert  Dupont has the following email: [email protected].</p>

View: define

A view has to extend an existing view or a default Backbone view. The model is not "linked" to the view it has to be pass to the view when instaciated.

//We load the template which has been defined in the template part. 
//This template is (or will be ) compiled as a javascript function.
var template = require('./template/contact'); 
var ContactView = Backbone.View.extend({
  template: template,
  render: function renderContactView(){
    // The model will be pass to the view in the next part.
    // Here we inject the json into the template function associated to the template.
    return this;

All view has an el element which contains all the DOM element of it.

View: using

var contact = new ContactModel({firstName: "Robert", lastName: "Dupont", email: "[email protected]"});
var contactView = new ContactView({model: contact});
//Will display : <p> Mr Robert  Dupont has the following email: [email protected].</p>
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