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Password Api

Marius David Wieschollek edited this page Jan 1, 2022 · 41 revisions

The passwords api allows listing, creating, updating and deleting password entries.

The Password Object

Property Type Writable Encrypted Versioned Length Description
id string no no no 36 The UUID of the password
label string yes yes yes 64 User defined label of the password
username string yes yes yes 64 Username associated with the password
password string yes yes yes 256 The actual password
url string yes yes yes 2048 Url of the website
notes string yes yes yes 4096 Notes for the password. Can be formatted with Markdown
customFields string yes yes yes 8192 Custom fields created by the user. (See custom fields)
status int no no yes 1 Security status level of the password. (See security status)
statusCode string no no yes 12 Specific code for the current security status (See security status)
hash string yes no yes 40 SHA1 hash of the password
folder string yes no yes 36 UUID of the current folder of the password
revision string no no yes 36 UUID of the current revision
share string / null no no no 36 UUID of the share if the password was shared by someone else with the user
shared bool no no no 1 True if the password is shared with other users
cseType string yes no yes 10 Type of the used client side encryption
cseKey string yes no yes 36 UUID of the key used for client side encryption
sseType string no no yes 10 Type of the used server side encryption
client string no no yes 256 Name of the client which created this revision
hidden bool yes no yes 1 Hides the password in list / find actions
trashed bool no no yes 1 True if the password is in the trash
favorite bool yes no yes 1 True if the user has marked the password as favorite
editable bool no no no 1 Specifies if the encrypted properties can be changed. Might be false for shared passwords
edited int yes no yes 12 Unix timestamp when the user last changed the password
created int no no no 12 Unix timestamp when the password was created
updated int no no yes 12 Unix timestamp when the password was updated

Detail Levels

Level Description
model Returns the base model
+revisions Adds the revisions property which contains all revisions. A revision consists of all properties marked as versioned and its own created property
+folder Fills the folder property with the base model of the folder. If the password is not hidden but the folder is, the base folder will be used
+tags Adds the tags property filled with the base model of all tags. Hidden tags are not included in this list if the password is not hidden
+tag-ids Adds the tags property filled with the ids of all tags. Hidden tags are not included in this list if the password is not hidden. Can not be used with +tags
+shares Adds the shares property filled with the base model of all shares with other users. Fills the share property with the base model of the original share if available


  • Since the status check is done once per day server side, the DUPLICATE status may take some time to be applied to all affected passwords
  • The difference between updated and edited is that updated is always set by the server when the password is changed and edited has to be set by the client.

Available api actions

Action Url Method Session required Description
list /api/1.0/password/list GET yes List all passwords with the default detail level
list /api/1.0/password/list POST yes List all passwords with the given detail level
show /api/1.0/password/show POST yes Show a password
find /api/1.0/password/find POST yes Find passwords matching given criteria
create /api/1.0/password/create POST yes Create a new password
update /api/1.0/password/update PATCH yes Update an existing password
delete /api/1.0/password/delete DELETE yes Delete a password
restore /api/1.0/password/restore PATCH yes Restore an earlier state of a password

The create action

The create action creates a new password with the given attributes.


Argument Type Default Required Description
password string - yes The password
label string - yes The label of the password
username string empty no The username associated with the password
url string empty no The url of the associated website
notes string empty no The users notes
customFields string empty no The custom fields defined by the user
hash string empty yes The SHA1 hash of the password
cseType string "none" no The client side encryption type
cseKey string "" no The UUID of the key used for client side encryption. Required if cseType not "none"
folder string Base folder no The current folder of the password
edited int 0 no Unix timestamp when the user has last changed the actual password
hidden bool false no Whether or not the password should be hidden
favorite bool false no Whether or not the user has marked this password as favorite
tags array empty no The id of all tags associated with this passwords

Return value

The success status code is 201 Created

Argument Type Description
id string The UUID of the password
revision string The UUID of the revision


  • If the password is not hidden and should be created in a hidden folder, it will be created in the base folder instead
  • If the folder uuid is invalid or does not exist, the base folder uuid will be used instead
  • If the edited argument is "0" or missing, the current time will be used
  • If the edited time is in the future, the current time will be used
  • If the cseType is set to "none", the hash will be calculated on the server
  • If the tags argument contains invalid tag ids, they will be ignored
  • You can assign hidden tags to a not hidden password, but they will not be visible. Therefore another client might remove the tag by accident

The update action

The update action creates a new revision of a password with an updated set of attributes.


Argument Type Default Required Description
id string - yes The id of the password object
revision string - no The current revision known to the client. If not the latest revision, the request will fail.
password string - yes The password
label string - yes The label of the password
username string empty no The username associated with the password
url string empty no The url of the associated website
notes string empty no The users notes
customFields string empty no The custom fields defined by the user
hash string empty yes The SHA1 hash of the password
cseType string "none" no The client side encryption type
cseKey string "" no The UUID of the key used for client side encryption. Required if cseType not "none"
folder string Base folder no The current folder of the password
edited int 0 no Unix timestamp when the user has last changed the actual password
hidden bool false no Whether or not the password should be hidden
favorite bool false no Whether or not the user has marked this password as favorite
tags array empty no The id of all tags associated with this password

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok

Argument Type Description
id string The UUID of the password
revision string The UUID of the new revision


  • If the password is not editable any change to the encrypted properties, the cseType and the hash will be ignored.
  • If the password is shared you can only use cse types which support sharing
  • If the password is shared you can not hide the password
  • If the password is not hidden and should be moved to a hidden folder, it will be moved to the base folder instead
  • If the password has tags and you want to remove all tags, you need to submit an array with one invalid tag id
  • If the folder uuid is invalid or does not exist, the base folder uuid will be used instead
  • If the revision argument is present, the value must match the latest revision or the action will fail with an error. This prevents the client from overwriting a more recent revision on the server with old data.
  • If the edited argument is "0" or missing, the timestamp from the last revision will be used
  • If the edited time is in the future, the current time will be used
  • If the hash has not changed, the edited field from the last revision will be used
  • If the cseType is set to "none", the hash will be calculated on the server
  • If the tags argument is empty or missing, no changes will be made
  • If the tags argument contains invalid tag ids, they will be ignored
  • You can assign hidden tags to a not hidden password, but they will not be visible. Therefore another client might remove the tag by accident

The show action

The show action lists the properties of a single password.


Argument Type Default Required Description
id string - yes The id of the password
details string "model" no The detail level of the returned password object

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok The return value is a password object with the given detail level


  • This is the only action that can access hidden passwords

The list action

The list action lists all passwords of the user except those in trash and the hidden ones.


Argument Type Default Required Description
details string "model" no The detail level of the returned password objects

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok The return value is a list of password objects with the given detail level


  • The list will not include trashed passwords
  • The list will not include hidden passwords
  • The list will not include suspended passwords where the folder or a parent folder is in the trash

The find action

The find action can be used to find all passwords matching the given search criteria. Only a specific set of fields is allowed in the criteria. How the criteria array works is explained on the object search page.


Argument Type Default Required Description
criteria array [] no The search criteria
details string "model" no The detail level of the returned password objects

Allowed search fields

Field Type Description
created int Unix timestamp when the password was created
updated int Unix timestamp when the password was updated
edited int Unix timestamp when the user last changed the password
cseType string The client side encryption type
sseType string The server side encryption type
status int The server side detected security status
trashed bool Whether or not the password is in the trash
favorite bool Whether or not the user has marked the password as favorite

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok The return value is a list of password objects that match the criteria with the given detail level


  • The property trashed will be set to false if not present
  • The list will not include hidden passwords
  • The list will not include suspended passwords where the folder or a parent folder is in the trash

The delete action

The delete action moves a password to the trash or deletes it completely if it is already in the trash.


Arguments Type Default Required Description
id string - yes The id of the password
revision string - no Assumed current revision of the password (Since 2019.6.0)

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok

Argument Type Description
id string The UUID of the password
revision string The UUID of the new revision. Only if the password was moved to the trash


  • If a password is moved to the trash, the relations to tags will be hidden from the tag, but not the password.
  • If the revision is set, the password will only be deleted if that revision is the current revision. Otherwise an "Outdated revision id" error is returned. This way, a password is not accidentally deleted instead of trashed if the client is out of sync.

The restore action

The restore action can restore an earlier state of a password.


Arguments Type Default Required Description
id string - yes The id of the password
revision string - no The id of the revision

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok

Argument Type Description
id string The UUID of the password
revision string The UUID of the new revision


  • If no revision is given and the password is in trash, it will be removed from trash
  • If no revision is given and the password is not in trash, nothing is done
  • If a revision is given and the revision is marked as in trash, it will be removed from trash
  • If a revision is given that does not belong to the model, an "Invalid revision id" error will be returned.
  • The action will fail if the password is shared but the revision to restore does not meet the requirements for sharing
  • This action will always create a new revision
  • The server side encryption type may change
  • If the folder does not exist anymore, it will be moved to the base folder
  • Tag relations can not be restored
  • Deleted passwords can not be restored

Custom Fields

The custom fields attribute contains a JSON formatted array with user defined custom fields. Custom fields are part of the shared attributes.

Note: Some clients may initialize the customFields attribute as an empty array ("[]") others may use an empty string ("").


Each field has three attributes: the name, the type and the value. The label contains the name of the field, the type describes the value and the value contains the content of the field.

        "label": "Field Name",
        "type" : "text",
        "value": "Field Value"

Field Types

Type Description
text Generic text value
secret A secret value which should be treated like a password
email An email address
url A valid full url. Any protocol is allowed
file The path to a file accessible over WebDav. The base url of the WebDav service is defined in the setting server.baseUrl.webdav.
data A field with technical information. Should not be shown to the user.


  • The format of the JSON was changed in 2019.4.0
  • Only 20 fields per password are allowed including hidden fields
  • The label has a maximum length of 48 characters
  • The value has a maximum length of 320 characters
  • Data fields can have 370 characters for label and value combined
  • The total length of the stringified customFields JSON can not exceed 8192 characters
  • The value should not be but may be empty

Security Status

Each password entry has the status and statusCode properties which describe the current security status of the password. The status is an integer value which categorizes the overall status of the password and the statusCode is a string which may give a reason for the status. The status is maintained by the server and updated automatically.

Status Description Status Code Status Code Description
0 The password is secure GOOD The password is secure
1 User specified rules were violated DUPLICATE The password occurs multiple times in the database
OUTDATED The user specified maximum age for passwords is exceeded
2 The password is insecure BREACHED The password was found in a database of breached passwords
3 Unknown NOT_CHECKED The security status of the password was not checked. This can occur if the user has disabled the SHA1 hash.
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