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Command mapping

samedder edited this page Sep 7, 2017 · 1 revision

The Service Fabric CLI commands can be thought of as a dictionary. The keys are strings corresponding to user syntax and the values are python functions.

For every command available to the user, there is a python function and an entry in this command dictionary.

Command groups

To simplify the mapping, the domain of user syntax strings is further split into smaller groups called command groups. The CLI follows a common syntax pattern.

sfctl <object> <action>

The objects are always command groups, and the actions are individual commands. For example, sfctl node start is the command start inside the command group node.

Command groups have unique help strings as specified by their help file inside the src\helps folder.

Command mappings

Each command group is specified in a with statement as a context manager. Inside the command group, each command is specified with the command method.

Take a look at the following example:

client_func_path = 'azure.servicefabric#ServiceFabricClientAPIs.{}'
with CommandSuperGroup(__name__, self, client_func_path,
                       client_factory=client_create) as super_group:
    with'cluster') as group:
        group.command('health', 'get_cluster_health')

This code creates the following command mapping:

sfctl cluster health -> azure.servicefabric#ServiceFabricClientAPIs.get_cluster_health

The python namespace is specified when creating a CommandSuperGroup. In the previous example, this namespace is azure.servicefabric#ServiceFabricClientAPIs.{}, with the {} being used as a format specifier.

When specifying the command, the second argument is the function name in that namespace. In the previous example, this function name is get_cluster_health. Note, the string must be a full namespace string that is valid in the given Python environment.

The command-line syntax is based on the group specification and the first argument to command. In this case, there is a group called cluster that contains the command health. The sfctl prefix is automatically added, and therefore the full command-line syntax becomes sfctl cluster health.

Knack documentation

For more information, take a look at the Knack CLI package used by the Service Fabric CLI

Command types

Generally speaking there are two types of commands. Standard commands are defined by a direct mapping to the python SDK. Custom commands require additional logic that is implemented in the CLI prior to invoking a REST API.

Standard commands

The previously used sfctl cluster health command is an example of a standard command. The command itself is mapped to the Service Fabric Python SDK directly, the target being azure.servicefabric#ServiceFabricClientAPIs.get_cluster_health. Standard commands have the following properties:

  • Do not require local system access such as file I/O
  • Map directly into the Python SDK
  • Do not have complex object types as arguments

The command is fully specified in Swagger. Therefore, the python SDK API can be generated precisely from the Swagger.

Custom commands

A custom command is a command that does not fit the standard command definition. For example, the sfctl application upload command is an example of a custom command. Custom commands have fewer restrictions. They can be any python function since they do not neatly fit into the Python SDK.

All custom commands that are defined by the CLI have a target python namespace of sfctl, since they are defined in the same package. For example, custom application commands use a target namespace of sfctl.custom_app#{}.