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Standard commands

Christina-Kang edited this page Apr 5, 2018 · 4 revisions

Standard commands can be specified entirely by their swagger definition. The swagger definition can be used to generate the python function. It is sufficient to add just a mapping for the command syntax for a standard command.

For more information about the differences between standard and custom commands, see the related documentation.

Standard command files

All standard commands are located in the src/sfctl/ file.

Tests for custom commands are in their corresponding file under src/sfctl/tests.


To define a new standard command, add an additional command under the command group corresponding to your command. For example, here is the mapping for sfctl cluster health. Mappings are inside the file:

with CommandSuperGroup(__name__, self, client_func_path,
                       client_factory=client_create) as super_group:
    with'cluster') as group:
        group.command('health', 'get_cluster_health')

Here, the Python SDK client contains a function called get_cluster_health that gets mapped to the CLI syntax sfctl cluster health.


Once the command has a mapping in, be sure to include tests for the command. If adding new tests, the tests should be added as functions that include the phrase test at the start of the function name.

All of the unit tests are under the src/sfctl/tests folder.