DRMAA for Slurm 1.1.3
New Features and Enhancements
- Retrieve job status from accounting (slurmdb) if already complete (instead of only looking at slurmd) when
is set. (#39, #60; thanks @holtgrewe) - Use SlurmDBD when running tests, replace Debian Buster with Bullseye, test against Slurm 21.08 (#59, #61)
- Slurm 21.08 support: Prototype of
was changed in Slurm 21.08 (#58; thanks @sandynomad) - Add
command line utility for testing (natefoo/drmaa-utils#3) - RPM release field now contains the version of Slurm installed at build time, when building with the included RPM spec file (#52; thanks @kcgthb)
Bug Fixes
- Array jobs: Don't segfault if parent job doesn't exist (#51; thanks @benmwebb)
- Fixes for configuration test order and programs, fix runtime linker path on EL (#44, #62; thanks @reid-wagner)
- Don't segfault when running
command line utilities without arguments (#64, natefoo/drmaa-utils#5; thanks @richc-at-graphcore) - Fix path to
for ragel (natefoo/drmaa-utils#2, natefoo/drmaa-utils#6; thanks @sandynomad)
To download the source code, select the slurm-drmaa-1.1.3.tar.gz archive under Assets (below).
You most likely do not want to download the archives named "Source code (zip/tar.gz)" as they are development repository snapshots automatically generated by Github and do not include the Autotools-derived artifacts (e.g. ./configure
- Enterprise Linux:
- EL 7: Yum repositories containing RPMs of DRMAA for Slurm and the current stable releases of Slurm and Munge for Enterprise Linux (e.g. RHEL, CentOS) 7 are available on the Galaxy Project Depot. Note that these repositories contain Slurm RPMs as well since they predate (and include versions differing from) Slurm in EPEL. If you are using Slurm from EPEL and want to use a slurm-drmaa RPM, you are advised to build it yourself using the provided spec file.
- EL 8: I don't have a build system for EL 8 yum repos yet, but for the time being, you can find an RPM for the current EPEL version of Slurm in the downloads area below.
- Ubuntu: I maintain an Ubuntu PPA for the current Ubuntu LTS version and newer.
- Debian: Packages for Debian 11 (bullseye) and Debian 12 (bookworm) are available on the Galaxy Project Depot. To use, ensure
are installed, then execute the following:$ echo "deb https://depot.galaxyproject.org/apt/ $(bash -c '. /etc/os-release; echo ${VERSION_CODENAME:-bullseye}') main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/galaxy-depot.list $ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 18381AC8832160AF $ sudo apt install slurm-drmaa1