The MUBench dataset is an MSR 2016 Data Showcase and an benchmarking pipeline for API-misuse detectors. Please feel free to contact Sven Amann, if you have any questions.
- Sven Amann (Project Lead)
- Sarah Nadi
- Hoan A. Nguyen
- Tien N. Nguyen
- Mattis Kämmerer
- Jonas Schlitzer
- Install Docker.
$> cd /mubench/install/path/
$> docker run --rm -v $PWD:/mubench svamann/mubench git clone .
$> ./mubench check
- Install Docker.
$> cd X:\mubench\install\path\
- Allow Docker to mount from your X-drive:
- Right click the Docker icon in the system tray and choose "Settings."
- Open the "Shared Drives" tab.
- Ensure that the X-drive is selected and apply.
$> docker run --rm -v "%cd:\=/%":/mubench svamann/mubench git clone .
$> ./mubench.bat check
To use the MUBench pipeline, you need to Setup a Review Site for MUBench to publish detector results to. Afterwards, you can Run Benchmark Experiments.
We want MUBench to grow, so please be welcome to Add Your Own Project or Misuse to the Dataset or Add Your Own Detector to the benchmark.
All software provided in this repository is subject to the CRAPL license.
The detectors included in MuBench are subject to the licensing of their respective creators. See the information in the detectors' folders.
The projects referenced in the MuBench dataset are subject to their respective licenses.
The project artwork is subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).