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winlin edited this page Jan 6, 2022 · 44 revisions



SRS provides HTTP api, to external application to manage SRS, and support crossdomain for js.

Once HTTP API enabled, you can use srs-console to connect to your SRS server.

Design Priciple

The HTTP API of SRS follows the simple priciple:

  • Only provides API in json format, both request and json are json.
  • Please use srs-console to access API.
  • When error, response in HTTP status or code in json.


SRS always enable the http api, read configure

./configure && make


The config also need to enable it:

listen              1935;
# system statistics section.
# the main cycle will retrieve the system stat,
# for example, the cpu/mem/network/disk-io data,
# the http api, for instance, /api/v1/summaries will show these data.
# @remark the heartbeat depends on the network,
#       for example, the eth0 maybe the device which index is 0.
stats {
    # the index of device ip.
    # we may retrieve more than one network device.
    # default: 0
    network         0;
    # the device name to stat the disk iops.
    # ignore the device of /proc/diskstats if not configed.
    disk            sda sdb xvda xvdb;
# api of srs.
# the http api config, export for external program to manage srs.
# user can access http api of srs in browser directly, for instance, to access by:
#       curl
# which will reload srs, like cmd killall -1 srs, but the js can also invoke the http api,
# where the cli can only be used in shell/terminate.
http_api {
    # whether http api is enabled.
    # default: off
    enabled         on;
    # the http api listen entry is <[ip:]port>
    # for example,
    # where the ip is optional, default to, that is 1985 equals to
    # default: 1985
    listen          1985;
    # whether enable crossdomain request.
    # default: on
    crossdomain     on;
    # the HTTP RAW API is more powerful api to change srs state and reload.
    raw_api {
        # whether enable the HTTP RAW API.
        # default: off
        enabled             off;
        # whether enable rpc reload.
        # default: off
        allow_reload        off;
        # whether enable rpc query.
        # default: off
        allow_query         off;
        # whether enable rpc update.
        # default: off
        allow_update        off;
vhost __defaultVhost__ {

The http_api enable the HTTP API, and stats used for SRS to stat the system info, including:

  • network: Used for heartbeat to report the network info, where heartbeat used to report system info. Please read Heartbeat
  • disk: Used to stat the specified disk iops. You can use command cat /proc/diskstats to get the right disk names, for instance, xvda.


Start SRS: ./objs/srs -c http-api.conf

Access api, open the url in web browser:

Remark: Please use your server ip instead.


The HTTP api supports 370 request per seconds.

Access Api

Use web brower, or curl, or other http library.

SRS provides api urls list, no need to remember:

  • code, an int error code. 0 is success.
  • urls, the url lists, can be access.
  • data, the last level api serve data.

Root directory:

# curl
    "urls": {
        "api": "the api root"

The urls is the apis to access:

# curl
    "urls": {
        "v1": "the api version 1.0"

Go on:

# curl
    "urls": {
        "versions": "the version of SRS",
        "authors": "the primary authors and contributors"

Go on:

# curl
        "major": 0,
        "minor": 9,
        "revision": 43,
        "version": "0.9.43"


# curl
        "primary_authors": "winlin,wenjie.zhao",
        "contributors_link": "",
        "contributors": "winlin<[email protected]> wenjie.zhao<[email protected]> xiangcheng.liu<[email protected]> naijia.liu<[email protected]> alcoholyi<[email protected]> "

The Api of SRS is self-describes api.

Error Code

SRS response error in both HTTP status or HTTP body.

For example, SRS response HTTP error, where HTTP status not 200:

winlin:~ winlin$ curl -v && echo ""
< HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
< Connection: Keep-Alive
< Content-Length: 9
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
< Server: SRS/2.0.184
Not Found

For example, SRS response code not 0 when HTTTP Status 200:

winlin:~ winlin$ curl -v && echo ""
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Connection: Keep-Alive
< Content-Length: 12
< Content-Type: application/json
< Server: SRS/2.0.184

User should handle these two error style.


SRS HTTP API supports js crossdomain, so the html/js can invoke http api of srs。

SRS support two main CROS styles:

  • OPTIONS: JQuery can directly access the CROS, where the brower will send an OPTIONS first, then the API request.
  • JSONP: JQuery/Angularjs can send JSONP CROS request to SRS API, where specifes the function name by QueryString callback.
  • JSONP-DELETE: JSONP only support GET, so we use the method in QueryString to override the HTTP method for JSONP.

For example, the JSONP crossdomain request:

GET http://localhost:1985/api/v1/vhosts/?callback=JSON_CALLBACK
GET http://localhost:1985/api/v1/vhosts/100?callback=JSON_CALLBACK&method=DELETE

Server ID

Each response of api contains a server field, which identify the server. When ServerID changed, SRS already restarted, all information before is invalid.

API Nevigation

SRS provides the nevigation of APIs.

User can access the, where:

API Example Description
server 4481 The identity of SRS
versions /api/v1/versions the version of SRS
summaries /api/v1/summaries the summary(pid, argv, pwd, cpu, mem) of SRS
rusages /api/v1/rusages the rusage of SRS
self_proc_stats /api/v1/self_proc_stats the self process stats
system_proc_stats /api/v1/system_proc_stats the system process stats
meminfos /api/v1/meminfos the meminfo of system
authors /api/v1/authors the license, copyright, authors and contributors
features /api/v1/features the supported features of SRS
requests /api/v1/requests the request itself, for http debug
vhosts /api/v1/vhosts manage all vhosts or specified vhost
streams /api/v1/streams manage all streams or specified stream
clients /api/v1/clients manage all clients or specified client, default query top 10 clients
configs /api/v1/configs RAW API for CUID the configs


User can get the system summaries, for instance, the memory, cpu, network, load usage.

Please access the url


SRS provides http api to query all vhosts.

The http api vhost url:

To process specified vhost by id, for instance


SRS provides http api to query all streams.

The http api stream url:

To process specified stream by id, for instance


SRS provides http api to query clients, default to get top 10 clients.

The http api client url:

To process specified client by id, for instance

Kickoff Client

SRS provides HTTP RESTful api to kickoff user:

DELETE /api/v1/clients/{id}

User can get the id of client to kickoff:

GET /api/v1/clients

User can get the id of publish client from streams api:

GET /api/v1/streams
or GET /api/v1/streams/6745

The client cid is the info from stream api stream.publish.cid:

1. GET
2. Response stream.publish.cid:
stream: {
    publish: {
        active: true,
        cid: 107

Remark: User can use HTTP REST Tool to send a request.

Remark: User can use linux tool curl to start HTTP request. For example:

curl -v -X GET && echo ""
curl -v -X DELETE && echo ""

Persistence Config

HTTP RAW API will reload and persistence config to file.

  1. To reformat config without comments.
  2. To support HTTP RAW API, please read HTTP RAW API.

Remark: Signal SIGUSR1 used for Log Rotate, not for persistence config anymore.

The config persistence file maybe:

listen 1935;
max_connections 1000;
daemon off;
srs_log_tank console;
pithy_print_ms 1000;
http_api {
    enabled on;
    listen 1985;
http_server {
    enabled on;
    listen 8080;
stream_caster {
    enabled off;
    caster flv;
    output rtmp://[app]/[stream];
    listen 8936;
vhost __defaultVhost__ {
    ingest livestream {
        enabled on;
        input {
            type file;
            url doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv;
        ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg;
        engine {
            enabled off;
            output rtmp://[port]/live?vhost=[vhost]/livestream;
    http_remux {
        enabled off;
        mount [vhost]/[app]/[stream].flv;
        hstrs on;


SRS supports powerful HTTP RAW API, while other server only support Read API, for instance, to get the stat of server. SRS supports Write API, which can Reload or change server state.

Remark: User must enable the HTTP RAW API, in config section http_api to enable the http_api.raw_api.enabled, or SRS will response error code 1061.

http_api {
    enabled         on;
    listen          1985;
    raw_api {
        enabled             on;
        allow_reload        on;
        allow_query         on;
        allow_update        on;

The supported HTTP RAW APi of SRS is:

  • Raw: To query the HTTP RAW API config.
  • Reload: To reload the SRS.
  • Query: Query the global and vhost config of SRS.
  • Update: Update the global and vhost config of SRS.
  • Vhost: Vhost is a subset of update.
  • DVR: DVR is a subset of update.


feature Query the HTTP RAW API info.
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=raw
curl curl
config No config
params No params

RAW Reload

feature Reload is the same to killall -1 srs to reload the config
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=reload
curl curl
params No params

RAW Query

feature Query the global config of SRS
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=query&scope=global
curl curl ''
config allow_query on;
params scope=global, to query global config of SRS
feature Query the minimal global config of SRS
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=query&scope=minimal
curl curl ''
config allow_query on;
params scope=minimal, to query minimal global config of SRS
feature Query specified vhost config.
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=query&scope=vhost&vhost=__defaultVhost__
curl curl ''
config allow_query on;
params scope=vhost&vhost=xxx, query specified vhost.

RAW Update

feature Update global listen port
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=listen&value=1935,1936
curl curl ',1936'
config allow_update on;
params scope=listen&value=1935,1936, specifies the listen port list
require Int port list split by comma, for instance, 1935,1936,1937
feature Update the pid file of SRS
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=pid&value=./objs/
curl curl ''
config allow_update on;
params scope=pid&value=./objs/, specifies the new pid file for SRS
require File path must starts with ./, /tmp or /var, and ends with .pid, for instance, /var/
feature Update the global RTMP chunk_size
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=chunk_size&value=60000
curl curl ''
config allow_update on;
params scope=chunk_size&value=60000, specifies the new global RTMP chunk_size
require chunk_size must be integer in [128, 65535], for instance, 60000
feature Update the global log dir for ffmpeg
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=ff_log_dir&value=./objs
curl curl ''
config allow_update on;
params scope=ff_log_dir&value=./objs, specifies the new global ff_log_dir
require ff_log_dir must starts with ./, /tmp/ or /var/, for instance, ./objs
feature Update the global log tank for SRS
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=srs_log_tank&value=file
curl curl ''
config allow_update on;
params scope=srs_log_tank&value=file, specifies the new log tank.
require srs_log_tank must be file or console, for instance, file
feature Update the global log level for SRS
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=srs_log_level&value=trace
curl curl ''
config allow_update on;
params scope=srs_log_level&value=trace, speicifies the new log level
require srs_log_level must be verbose,info,trace,warn,error, for inance, trace
feature Update the global log file path for SRS.
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=srs_log_file&value=./objs/srs.log
curl curl ''
config allow_update on;
params scope=srs_log_file&value=./objs/srs.log, specifies the new log file
require srs_log_file must be *.log and in ./, /var/ or /tmp/, for instance, ./objs/srs.log
feature Update the max connections for SRS, both RTMP and HTTP.
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=max_connections&value=1000
curl curl ''
config allow_update on;
params scope=max_connections&value=1000, specifies the new max connections
require max_connections must be interger and in [10, 65535], for instance, 1000
feature Whether enable the utc time for log and path which use time
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=utc_time&value=false
curl curl ''
config allow_update on;
params scope=utc_time&value=false, specifies whether enable the utc time
require utc_time must be true or false, for instance, false
feature Update the global pithy print time in ms
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=pithy_print_ms&value=10000
curl curl ''
config allow_update on;
params scope=pithy_print_ms&value=10000, specifies the new pithy print time
require pithy_print_ms must in [100,300000], in ms, for insance 10000

RAW Vhost

The vhost raw apis is a subset of update.

feature Add a none exists vhost.
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=vhost&
curl curl ''
config allow_update on;
params scope=vhost& to create a vhost
require The vhost to crote must not be exists.
feature Update the name of vhost.
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=vhost&
curl curl ''
config allow_update on;
params scope=vhost& to update the name of vhost
require The vhost to update must exists and disabled.
feature Disable the vhost
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=vhost&
curl curl ''
config allow_update on;
params scope=vhost& to disable the vhost
require The vhost to disable must exists and enabled.
feature Enable the vhost
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=vhost&
curl curl ''
config allow_update on;
params scope=vhost& to enable the vhost
require The vhost to enable must exists and disabled.


The DVR is a subset of Update.

feature Enable the DVR of stream of vhost
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=dvr&
curl curl ''
config allow_update on;
params scope=dvr& to enable the DVR of stream
require The DVR of vhost must enabled.
feature Disable the DVR of stream of vhost
url /api/v1/raw?rpc=update&scope=dvr&
curl curl ''
config allow_update on;
params scope=dvr& to disable the DVR of stream
require The DVR of vhost must enabled.

Winlin 2015.8

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