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quantik-git edited this page Apr 9, 2019 · 17 revisions

Stormbreaker Wiki

Gif Stormbreaker

Welcome to the Stormbreaker wiki

The wiki is strutured in the following way:

  • Quick Guide
    Here I explain the foundations of Stormbreaker and all the others things that were too small to have their own section.

  • Basic Layouts
    In this section the available layouts are enumerated and implementation is discussed, the html code and the atom tag are provided alongside with an image demonstrating each layout.

  • Navbars
    Here you can see the available navbars and how they look in a mobile environment.

  • Cards and Media
    Cards and Media is where I show what styles the img tags have and how it affects them. It is also where I describe the use of card's.

  • Stormbreaker Essentials
    This section enumerates the fundamental components of a webpage and how the Framework uses them.