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Mapping US Airport to NOAA Weather Data Web App

Robert Duc Bui 2022-07-18

Example: ORD


To gather and process the data necessary, we will be using the following Python packages:

  • pandas: useful data tools & data frame manipulation.

  • airportsdata: open-source Python package to retrieve airport information.

  • haversine: Python package to calculate distance based on coordinates.

  • dash: Python package to implement interactive visualizations.

  • folium: Python wrapper for leaflet to create interactive GIS maps.

    import pandas as pd
    import airportsdata as ad

    import haversine
    from haversine import haversine, haversine_vector, Unit

    import dash
    import dash_core_components as dcc
    from dash import html
    from dash.dependencies import Input, Output

    import folium
    from folium import plugins

Data Sources

We will be using the following data sources:


Step 1: Importing data

The following script imports our data from aforementioned sources.

  • Airport metadata: Filtered for US-based airports only. Selecting for IATA code, ICAO code, Latitude, and Longitude.

  • NOAA metadata: retrieve data frame of all NOAA weather stations participating in GHCN reporting program for US climate normals.

  • Monthly normal temps from 2006-2020: reading in mly-normal-allall.csv, downloaded from NOAA site.

Next, using the monthly normals dataset station ID as primary keys, we perform a SQL join with the station metadata, only keeping stations with monthly normal temp data. From this joined table we keep the following variables:

  • NOAA internal reporting ID

  • Station coordinates (longitude/latitude)

    # Reading publicly-available airport metadata
    airports = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(ad.load('IATA'),orient = 'index')[['iata','name','country','lat','lon']]
    airports = airports[ == "US"]

    # Reading GHCND Station Metadata
    colspecs = [(0, 11), (12, 20), (21, 30), (31, 37), (38, 40), (41, 71), (73,-1)]

    ghcnd_metadata = pd.read_fwf("/content/drive/MyDrive/career/United Ground/uge_deicing_heatwatch_2022/data_noaa/ghcnd-stations.txt",
                                 colspecs = colspecs)
    ghcnd_metadata = ghcnd_metadata.drop(ghcnd_metadata.columns[[4,6]],axis=1)

    # Extracting monthly normals data (to filter out stations with missing data)
    mly = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/career/United Ground/uge_deicing_heatwatch_2022/data_noaa/by_variable/mly-normal-allall.csv')

    df_stations = mly[['GHCN_ID']]\
      .rename(columns = {'GHCN_ID' : "id"})\
             on = "id",
             how = 'left')

Step 2: Finding nearest weather station to each airport

To determine which weather station is closest to each airport, we will be calculating the distance between each airport and station by their latitudes and longitudes. We could use either Haversine (half-versine) distance or Euclidean distance - here, to account for the curvature of the Earth, we will be using Haversine distance.

The Haversine distance formula, given r as the radius of earth, d as the distance between two points, \phi_{1},\phi_{2} as latitudes, and \lambda_{1}, \lambda_{2} as longitudes, is as follows:

 haversin(\frac{d}{r}) = haversin(\phi_{2} - \phi_{1}) + cos(\phi_{1}) cos(\phi_{2}) haversin(\lambda_{2} - \lambda_{1})

Otherwise, to find the distance d, we can perform the following calculation:

 a = sin^2(\frac{\phi_{2} - \phi_{1}}{2}) + cos(\phi_{1})cos(\phi_{2})sin^2(\frac{\lambda_{2} - \lambda_{1}}{2})

 d = r.(2. atan2(\sqrt{a},\sqrt{1-a}))

Using the option comb=True in the haversine function, we create a matrix of all possible combinations of one IATA airport code and one NOAA weather station. We can derive the pairwise distances, and save this matrix for archival purposes.

    # Calculating pairwise distances (haversine - not taking altitude into account)
    distances = pd.DataFrame(haversine_vector(airports.zipped.tolist(),df_stations.zipped.tolist(),Unit.MILES, comb=True))
    distances.columns = airports.iata.tolist()
    distances.index =
    # Saving dataframes to .pkl file

Step 3: Pre-Rendering Maps for All Airports

To speed up serving the interactive maps on our web application, we will pre-render the leaflet-based interactive GIS maps using folium, save them as html files, and load them on-demand later on.

Using folium, we can layout a topographical tileset as the base of the map. A topological map makes sense for our purpose in finding which station is most representative of climate and weather conditions, as we can visually check for differences in altitude, or the presence of geological features that can affect local climate conditions. Here we use the open-source Stamen Terrain tileset.

    # Finding nearest 5 NOAA stations to input airport
    # Working example here is ORD - O'Hare International

    def draw_top5_map(input_iata):
        top5stations = distances[[input_iata]] \
            .sort_values(by=input_iata) \
            .head(5) \
            .reset_index() \
                   how='left') \
            .rename(columns={input_iata: 'distance'})

        input_lat = float(airports[airports.iata == input_iata].lat)
        input_lon = float(airports[airports.iata == input_iata].lon)

        # Init folium map
        m5 = folium.Map(location=[input_lat, input_lon],
                        tiles="Stamen Terrain")

        # Add root marker for airport
            [input_lat, input_lon],

        # Add NOAA station markers
        for i in range(0, len(top5stations)):
                [top5stations.iloc[i]['lat'], top5stations.iloc[i]['lon']],
                popup=top5stations.iloc[i]['id'] + "\n" + top5stations.iloc[i]['name'] + "\n" + str(

        # Init + add minimap
        minimap = plugins.MiniMap()

        return m5


Example: ORD

Finally, we call the function in a for loop to pre-render for every airport with an IATA code in the US and save all html files to the asset folder, which will in turn be rendered in the dash app as an iframe.

    # Pre-rendering all airports' top-5 map
    for x in range(0, len(airports)):
        inputx = str(airports.iloc[x]['iata'])
        filename = str("data_dash/prerenders/" + inputx + ".html")

        map_obj = draw_top5_map(inputx)

Step 4: Dash Application & Deployment

Our file instantiates a flask application through dash, which allows the user to input a 3-letter IATA code into a text field, which the application uses to look up within the pre-renders saved in the asset folder. The corresponding html containing the folium map is then rendered on the webpage as an iframe.

Should the user input a string of text that is not a 3-letter IATA code, the iframe will return a 404 error, but does not crash the page. If a correct code is then submitted, then the corresponding prerender would appear.

The application is then deployed on Salesforce’s Heroku PaaS. Very little additional requirements are needed aside from the two prerequisite config files, which should be included in the git repository:

  • requirements.txt contains all the necessary packages that the deployed app needs to function.

  • Procfile contains web: gunicorn app:server

    • web: gunicorn initializes gunicorn, which serves the flask app for production.

    • app: server calls and refers specifically to the server object, itself instantiated by calling the app.server class/method in the script.

The deployed application can be found at


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