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Getting Started

rosaliafx edited this page Dec 2, 2015 · 13 revisions

##Step 1## Create a new Class Library project in your solution and name it [MySolytionName].Build

##Step 2## Install Rosalia NuGet package to that project. Make sure to set Pre-Release option

PM> Install-Package Rosalia -Pre

Visual Studio will complain about changing the project file, make sure you click Reload to apply the changes. As a result of this step, you should be able to see MainWorkflow class in your project:

##Step 3## The build project is ready to go!

You can run it with Debug->Start New Instance

Once you click Debug->Start New Instance, the Rosalia tool window should appear:

##Step 4## Open ManiWorkflow class and replace content of RegisterTasks with your own task definitions!