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Rosalia.exe command line reference

rosaliafx edited this page Apr 7, 2015 · 6 revisions

Rosalia.exe is a CLI that ships with Rosalia NuGet package and aimed to run workflows.


Rosalia.exe [OPTIONS] [INPUT_FILE]


INPUT_FILE could be:

  1. path to compiled dll that contains a workflow;
  2. path to a csproj file for a project that contains a workflow.

The first case suits well for development stage, because when you do Debug->Start New Instance on build project Visual Studio builds the code for you and creates output dll. The second option is useful when you run build from external script file or on Continuous Integration server. If the second option is chosen, Rosalia will build workflow project in order to run the primary workflow.


Option Description
do not show Rosalia logo
display help message
pass property value to workflow
do not close the console after execution (helpful for debugging)
a filter to be used if multiple workflows defined in the target assembly
set work directory
/workflowBuildOutput set the path to build project output (by default is bin/Dibug). Only suitable if input file is csproj
/workflowBuildConfiguration set build project Configuration (by default is Debug). Only suitable if input file is csproj