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API Demonstration

maximilianweidenauer edited this page Oct 3, 2023 · 1 revision


In this example-screen I'm going to use some customizing, API-functions, hooks and requests to use custom-components to modify the data of an already existing workscreen.

1. Customize the screen

Firstly we'll have to add the screen-wrapper to the application, so there is an entrypoint to the workscreen, so it can be customized. In the onLogin function I'm going to add the screen-wrapper to the following screen, but only when the user "features" is logged in. The onLogin function has to be passed to the <ReactUI /> component to work.

    const onLogin = () => {
        if (api.getUser().userName === "features") {
            api.addScreenWrapper("SimCon-QQ", <ScreenWrapperExample />);
    return (
        <ReactUI onLogin={onLogin} />

2. Creating the Screen-Wrapper

This is the template of the most basic screen-wrapper before anything has been added, it would just render the screen without adding anything:

import { ScreenWrapper, useAPI } from "@sibvisions/reactui";
import React, { FC } from "react";

const ScreenWrapperExample:FC = (props) => {
    const api = useAPI();

    const onOpen = () => {

    return (
        <ScreenWrapper onOpen={onOpen}>
            {screen => 
export default ScreenWrapperExample

Here is a screenshot before all changes.


3. Creating the Custom-Components

We'll need to write some custom-components to add to the screen. I'll create a text-field and a button.

const CustomTextField:FC = (props) => {
    const [text, setText] = useState<string>("")

    return (
            onChange={(event) => setText(event.currentTarget.value)}
            style={{ background: "#7ab8f5" }} />

const CustomButton:FC<any> = (props) => {
    return (
            style={{ background: "red", borderColor: "red", color: "#00ff00" }} />

4. Replace existing-components with your custom-components

Now we need to get the names of the existing-components and replace them with our custom-components in the onOpen function.

    const onOpen = () => {
        api.addCustomComponent("SimCon-QQ_B_DOINSERTEMPTY", <CustomTextField />);
        api.addCustomComponent("SimCon-QQ_B_DOINSERTRANDOM", <CustomTextField />);
        api.addCustomComponent("SimCon-QQ_B_DELETE", <CustomButton buttonLabel="Custom Insert" />);
        api.addCustomComponent("SimCon-QQ_B_RESTORESELECTEDROW", <CustomButton buttonLabel="Custom Delete" />);

Now the screen looks like this:


5. Adding external components into the screen-wrapper

A screen-wrapper isn't only there to create an entrypoint to the workscreen. We can also use it to add some components next to the workscreen. I've added three components, which aren't available in the ReactUI.

    const [selectedRow] = useRowSelect(props.screenName, dataProviders[4]);

    const [rating, setRating] = useState<number|undefined>(selectedRow ?["RATING"] : undefined);

    const [iban, setIban] = useState<string>(selectedRow ?["IBAN"] : undefined);

    const [salary, setSalary] = useState<number|null>(selectedRow ?["SALARY"] : undefined);

Now you'll also have to add them into the screen-wrapper's return statement

    return (
        <ScreenWrapper onOpen={onOpen}>
            {screen => 
                    <div style={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center" }}>
                            onChange={(e) => {
                                setRating(e.value as number);
                                const setValuesReq = createSetValuesRequest();
                                setValuesReq.columnNames = ["RATING"];
                                setValuesReq.dataProvider = dataProviders[4];
                                setValuesReq.values = [e.value];
                                api.sendRequest(setValuesReq, REQUEST_KEYWORDS.SET_VALUES);
                            style={{ marginRight: "0.5rem" }} />
                            onChange={(e) => setIban(e.value)}
                            onBlur={() => {
                                const setValuesReq = createSetValuesRequest();
                                setValuesReq.columnNames = ["IBAN"];
                                setValuesReq.dataProvider = dataProviders[4];
                                setValuesReq.values = [iban];
                                api.sendRequest(setValuesReq, REQUEST_KEYWORDS.SET_VALUES);
                            style={{ marginRight: "0.5rem" }} />
                            onChange={(e) => setSalary(e.value)}
                            onBlur={() => {
                                const setValuesReq = createSetValuesRequest();
                                setValuesReq.columnNames = ["SALARY"];
                                setValuesReq.dataProvider = dataProviders[4];
                                setValuesReq.values = [salary];
                                api.sendRequest(setValuesReq, REQUEST_KEYWORDS.SET_VALUES);
                            incrementButtonClassName="p-button-success" />

The result looks like this: example-external-components

6. Add the data-binding to our textfields and onClicks to buttons

Now for the data-binding we are getting the dataproviders using the useDataProviders(props.screenName) hook. Then we are going to pass the dataprovider and the columnName. For the buttons we are passing the onClick function, we are calling the api.insertRecord and api.deleteRecord function.

    const dataProviders = useDataProviders(props.screenName);

    const onOpen = () => {
        api.addCustomComponent("SimCon-QQ_B_DOINSERTEMPTY", <CustomTextField screenName={props.screenName} dataProvider={dataProviders[4]} columnName={"FIRSTNAME"} />);
        api.addCustomComponent("SimCon-QQ_B_DOINSERTRANDOM", <CustomTextField screenName={props.screenName} dataProvider={dataProviders[4]} columnName={"LASTNAME"} />);
        api.addCustomComponent("SimCon-QQ_B_DELETE", <CustomButton buttonLabel="Custom Insert" onClick={ () => api.insertRecord(props.screenName, dataProviders[4]) } />);
        api.addCustomComponent("SimCon-QQ_B_RESTORESELECTEDROW", <CustomButton buttonLabel="Custom Delete" onClick={ () => api.deleteRecord(props.screenName, dataProviders[4]) } />);

In the CustomTextField we are going to use the useRowSelect hook to get the currently selected row and we are going to add an useEffect hook to update our textfields text state whenever the selectedRow changes.

    const CustomTextField:FC<any> = (props) => {
        const [selectedRow] = useRowSelect(props.screenName, props.dataProvider);

        const [text, setText] = useState<string>(selectedRow ?[props.columnName] : "");

        useEffect(() => {
            setText(selectedRow ?[props.columnName] : "")
        }, [selectedRow])

        return (
                onChange={(event) => setText(event.currentTarget.value)}
                style={{ background: "#7ab8f5" }} />

Now we can see at the bottom that the data is available in the textfields. data-bound

7. Editing the Fields and sending the changes to the Server

Now that we have access to the data, data-changes won't be sent to the server right now. For that we need to send a SetValuesRequest to the server by using the createSetValuesRequest function.

    return (
            onChange={(event) => setText(event.currentTarget.value)}
            onBlur={() => {
                const setValuesReq = createSetValuesRequest();
                setValuesReq.columnNames = [props.columnName];
                setValuesReq.dataProvider = props.dataProvider;
                setValuesReq.values = [text];
                api.sendRequest(setValuesReq, REQUEST_KEYWORDS.SET_VALUES);
            style={{ background: "#7ab8f5" }} />



The Buttons do their jobs aswell! button-example

Full Source

Link to the complete source of the screen-wrapper