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Custom Components

maximilianweidenauer edited this page Oct 3, 2023 · 2 revisions

1. Adding Custom Components


Custom-Components replace already existing components of a screen with your own react-coded components. The custom-components will be at the same spot in the layout, as the components which got replaced. The size of the custom-component gets measured and the layout will be adjusted.

Use custom-components if you want to add your react components, which aren't supported by swing to a screen of your application.


  1. First you need to register a screen-wrapper for the screen where the custom-component is placed. In the screen-wrapper create a variable which uses the useAPI hook to gain access to api-functions.
const api = useAPI();
  1. Define a function which will be passed as onOpen property to the screen-wrapper. In the function call the api.addCustomComponent function.

api.addCustomComponent Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id string ID of the component you want to replace, can be found in VisionX.
component ReactElement The custom component which should be added.
    const onOpen = () => {
        api.addCustomComponent("Fir-N7_B_DOOPEN", <CustomCounter />)


I've replaced a button of a screen with a react counter component

Here is a screenshot of the screen before I've added the custom-component


When adding the custom-component


Removing Custom-Components


Removes a component from a workscreen. The layout will be adjusted to the removed component. Used if you want to remove existing components from VisionX to not see them in web.


  1. The same as step 1 of adding custom-components above.

  2. Define a function which will be passed as onOpen property to the screen-wrapper. In the function call the api.removeComponent function.

api.removeComponent Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id string ID of the component you want to remove, can be found in VisionX.
    const onOpen = () => {


Before I removed a component




2. Adding Global Components


With global-components you are able to add your own component to replace all components, sent by the server with a specific classname. The global-components will be at the same spot in the layout, as the components which got replaced. The size of the custom-component gets measured and the layout will be adjusted.

The difference to custom-components is that you don't replace one specific component by name, but instead replace all components with that classname.


  1. First in your "main" component (e.g. App.js) you will need to create a variable, which uses the useAPI hook to gain access to api-functions.
const api = useAPI();
  1. Then in a function which is passed to the ReactUI component. (e.g. onStartup, onLogin, onMenu), use the api.addScreenWrapper function. As first parameter pass the classname of the components you want to replace, as second parameter pass the component you want to replace it with.
  const onLogin = () => {
     if (api.getUser().userName === "admin") {
      api.addGlobalComponent("MobileBrowser", <CustomBrowser />);


In my exmaple the server sends a component with the classname "MobileBrowser", this type of component isn't supported in the ReactUI. The implemented component is just a simple iframe which uses the url the server sends.



