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1249 lines (1248 loc) · 211 KB

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1249 lines (1248 loc) · 211 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
30756 @blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads. ↗️
6138 @hirak/prestissimo composer parallel install plugin
1020 @kenjis/php-framework-benchmark PHP Framework Benchmark
660 @MagicalTux/goro PHP in Go
533 @yandod/candycane a port of Redmine to CakePHP from Ruby on Rails ↗️
504 @kenjis/ci-phpunit-test An easier way to use PHPUnit with CodeIgniter 3.x. ↗️
351 @kenjis/codeigniter-composer-installer Installs the offical CodeIgniter 3 with secure folder structure via Composer
346 @ichikaway/cakephp-mongodb [Abandon Project] MongoDB database driver for CakePHP
341 @ackintosh/ganesha 🐘 A Circuit Breaker pattern implementation for PHP applications. ↗️
295 @slywalker/TwitterBootstrap Plugin for CakePHP2 to use Bootstrap, from Twitter (CSS JS Framework)
287 @slywalker/cakephp-plugin-boost_cake Bootstrap Plugin for CakePHP ↗️
262 @suin/php-rss-writer 📦 Yet another simple RSS writer library for PHP 5.4 or later. This library can also be used to publish Podcasts.
247 @s-ichikawa/laravel-sendgrid-driver This library can add sendgrid driver into the laravel's mail configure.
228 @nao-pon/flysystem-google-drive Flysystem adapter for Google Drive
211 @chobie/jira-api-restclient php JIRA REST API
207 @kohkimakimoto/altax [Deprecated - This project is no longer maintained] A deployment tool for PHP
154 @fetus-hina/
154 @liaoziyang/HolidayDateTime A php class to check Japanese holiday and weekend. 土日祝日を判定するphpクラス。
147 @hissy/rs-csv-importer Really Simple CSV Importer for WordPress ↗️
147 @kenjis/php-orm-benchmark PHP ORM Benchmark
138 @koriym/Koriym.PhpSkeleton CI ready PHP project skeleton
138 @torounit/custom-post-type-permalinks Edit the permalink of custom post type ! ↗️
135 @chobie/php-sundown php-sundown is just simple wrapper of sundown
134 @koriym/print_o An object graph visualizer
133 @kenjis/codeigniter-ss-twig A Simple and Secure Twig integration for CodeIgniter 3.x
133 @traprajith/open-school-CE Open-School is an integrated school management system which focuses on excellence and evolution in the field of Education. To achieve this O-S is flexible and innovates the new trends in education management. Open-School is a diverse, demanding, and high quality educational management system where every user can discover and realize their potential to achieve overall development. ↗️
132 @naga3/docker-lamp Apache + PHP + MySQL with Docker Compose
129 @dotneet/bpush The management system of web push notification. bpush also supports a Non-SSL site.
129 @dounokouno/TransmitMail Copyright表示不要のPHP製汎用メールフォームシステム ↗️
121 @kohkimakimoto/workerphp [Deprecated - This project is no longer maintained] A PHP micro job scheduler framework like cron.
118 @fujimoto/php-skype PHP Skype API wrapper class ↗️
116 @kjdev/php-ext-lz4 LZ4 Extension for PHP
116 @makotokw/wp-gfm WordPress Plugin for PHP-Markdown and GitHub Flavored Markdown
114 @KLab/emlauncher
114 @yandod/php5-nginx-vagrant-sample Vagrantfile for php5.5 as php-fpm with nginx, mysql, postgres, imagemagick.
111 @nov/jose-php PHP JOSE Library (JWT, JWS, JWE, JWK, JWK Set, JWK Thumbprint are supported)
108 @shirosaidev/diskover-web Web file manager, disk space usage, storage search engine and file system analytics for diskover ↗️
97 @ackintosh/snidel Snidel makes it easier for all PHP developers to work with parallel processing w/o any extensions.
94 @kjdev/php-ext-snappy Snappy Extension for PHP
94 @ryuzee/open-slideshare Open Source Slide Deck Sharing Application like Slideshare or SpeakerDeck ↗️
93 @ytake/Laravel-Aspect aspect oriented programming Package for laravel framework
93 @zh/statusnet Open source microblogging application, aiming to be an alternative to Twitter. ↗️
91 @yandod/php-warrior php implementation of ruby-warrior
87 @kawahara/composer-proxy The composer proxy
87 @zachleigh/laravel-vue-generators Generate Vue js files via artisan commands
86 @ichikaway/mongoDB-Datasource Old and Historical repository. Please use new repository at:
79 @inc2734/snow-monkey Premium WordPress Theme. This theme is published here for users and developers. Please buy themes when using themes on live site. we can not provide support to anyone who does not buy. ↗️
79 @koriym/PHP.Skeleton CI ready PHP project skeleton
77 @kenjis/codeigniter-cli Cli for CodeIgniter 3.0
74 @chatwork/Phest PHP + Smarty製のデザイナ向け静的サイトジェネレーター。S3やGitHub Pagesなど、静的コンテンツしか扱えないホスティング環境でのサイト制作に便利です。 ↗️
74 @zachleigh/laravel-property-bag Add settings to any Laravel model.
73 @shin1x1/laravel-ddd-sample
69 @bmf-san/Rubel Rubel is a cms built with Laravel and React. ↗️
69 @fusic/filebinder Filebinder: Simple file attachment plugin for CakePHP
69 @tortuvshin/boxshop Laravel ecommerce platform ↗️
68 @sotarok/git-daily [DEPRECATED] Git-daily is a workflow management tool for Git. Managing branches, releases and remote collaborations. ↗️
67 @TimOliver/PHP-Framework-Classes A collection of PHP classes I've developed for personal projects.
67 @jumilla/wordpress-plus Laravel 5 feat. WordPress. Use Lumen.
66 @ytake/Laravel.Smarty smarty template engine for laravel
62 @tkyk/docker-compose-lamp Classic LAMP environment built on Docker-compose.
61 @sizuhiko/Fabricate PHP data generator for Testing inspired on Fabrication and factory-girl from the Ruby world.
58 @BYVoid/vakuum An open-source online judge for ACM/ICPC & Olympiad in Informatics
58 @inc2734/smart-custom-fields
56 @jrmadsen67/Mahana-Messaging-library-for-CodeIgniter A small library to help jump start your internal messaging system, for the CodeIgniter framework
55 @brtriver/dbup php simple migration tool ↗️
55 @exceedone/exment Exmentは、情報資産をWeb上で管理するための、オープンソースソフトウェアです。 ↗️
53 @hirak/packagist-crawler make mirror of ↗️
52 @ichikaway/cakeplus adding some functions to cakephp
52 @ohida/pochika A lightweight blog engine powered by Laravel5
52 @ohida/pochika-blog A lightweight blog engine powered by Laravel5
51 @kenjis/codeigniter-deployer A Deployment Tool for CodeIgniter 3.0
48 @chobie/protoc-gen-php protoc plugin for PECL ProtocolBuffers
48 @inc2734/mw-wp-form
47 @hirak/pdo-datamapper-example PDO example
47 @rubikitch/daily-emacs-jp
47 @ttskch/WordPress.Skeleton Composer based WordPress project skeleton. ↗️
46 @jumilla/laravel-extension Add add-on architecture on Laravel 5 framework.
46 @ytake/valueobjects A PHP library/collection of classes / immutable objects!
45 @hiromi2424/TransitionComponent Transition component for CakePHP.
45 @jrmadsen67/laravel-route-coverage-test Confirms whether or not there exists a feature test for all routes in Laravel application
43 @fusic/maintenance Maintenance plugin for CakePHP
43 @nazo/laravel-reactphp ReactPHP Server on Laravel 5.0
42 @HotaruCMS/HotaruCMS Open Source Plugin-Powered CMS Engine ↗️
42 @elstc/twitter_kit TwitterAPI Plugin for CakePHP 1.3+ ↗️
42 @mikiakira/php-simple-kanban A web app that was inspired by Trello and cloned only the "Kanban" function with PHP
42 @sizuhiko/hexpress hexpress is a PHP library that human way to define regular expressions
42 @tanakahisateru/pinoco Web site development framework using PHP and (mainly) PHPTAL ↗️
41 @client9/snowflake2time Converts twitter snowflake ids to UTC timestamps (unix epoch seconds or milliseconds) and back in php and python
41 @emonkak/underbar.php This library is deprecated, please use emonkak/collection ↗️
41 @garfieldnate/kengdic Joe Speigle's Korean/English dictionary database
41 @shield-9/u2f-login [DEPRECATED] Please migrate to
41 @shinokada/Kaimonokago CodeIgniter simple shopping cart ↗️
41 @ytake/Laravel-FluentLogger fluent logger for laravel (with Monolog handler for Fluentd)
40 @shield-9/opcache-dashboard OPcache dashboard for WordPress. ↗️
39 @MASA-P/KtaiLibrary Ktai library, supports Japanese mobile phone sites coding. ↗️
39 @ixkaito/bathe The simplest WordPress starter theme including full setup for Sass, PostCSS, Autoprefixer, stylelint, Webpack, Eslint, imagemin, Browsersync, etc. ↗️
39 @metheno/kibou_lite Typecho 主题
39 @miya0001/gh-auto-updater Automatic Updater with GitHub API for WordPress Plugin
39 @wata727/pahout A pair programming partner for writing better PHP. Pahout means PHP mahout 🐘
38 @syamvilakudy/CartMart Cart Mart will convert your Magento Store to Multivendor Marketplace, which will have a separate vendor / seller section for their Products.
37 @chomado/chomado_bot Twitter の @chomado_bot を作っていきます
37 @kohkimakimoto/BackgroundProcess [Deprecated - This project is no longer maintained] BackgroundProcess is a PHP library to run background processes asynchronously on your system.
37 @piece/stagehand-testrunner A continuous test runner for CLI ↗️
36 @inc2734/mimizuku Minizuku is a WordPress theme framework for child themes development.
36 @kenjis/fuelphp1st 電子書籍『はじめてのフレームワークとしての FuelPHP』(初版) サポートサイト ↗️
35 @tekezo/ImageLnk Get image URLs from image page HTML ↗️
35 @tototoshi/staticmock A mockery-like DSL to replace static method in test.
34 @acro5piano/laravel-vue-jwtauth-spa-todo-app SPA Todo application with authentication using Lavavel 5.4 + Vue.js 2.2 + JWTAuth ↗️
34 @predominant/cake_social CakePHP Social Media Plugin ↗️
33 @andrewplummer/TableGear Dynamic HTML Tables ↗️
32 @miya0001/wp-total-hacks WP Total Hacks can customize more than 20 settings on your WordPress Site. ↗️
32 @unpush/p2-php ServerSide 2ch viewer ↗️
31 @fuyutsuki/Texter This is a PocketMine-MP plugin that can add, edit, move and remove FloatingTextParticle. ↗️
31 @sadiqevani/HostChecker Hostchecker is a script that helps you monitor your servers and services whether they are online or not. You can add a unlimited amount of hosts or ip to monitor and directly check them or a cronjob will check the services for you and you will receive an email if one of your hosts is down.
31 @sanmai/cdek-sdk Библиотека на PHP для интеграции с программным комплексом СДЭК ↗️
31 @utahta/WP-Social-Bookmarking-Light Embed share buttons on your WordPress article ↗️
31 @v-exec/Purity Wiki authoring engine. ↗️
30 @sizuhiko/Bdd BDD(Behavior Driven Development) integration plugin for CakePHP2
30 @ytake/Laravel-Couchbase Couchbase providers for Laravel
29 @77web/Japanese.Holiday calculates holidays in Japan
29 @YuzuruS/redis-recommend PHP and wrapping Redis's sorted set APIs for specializing recommending operations. ↗️
29 @kenjis/user-agent-parser-benchmarks PHP User Agent Parser Benchmarks
29 @shin1x1/independent-core-layer-laravel Independent core layer pattern implementation with Laravel
27 @makotokw/php-twient php-twient is a php twitter client library. require PHP5.3+, supports OAuth and should work without curl.
27 @shin1x1/laravel-force-https-url-scheme Force https url schema middleware for Laravel 5
27 @tortuvshin/taracode Hotels booking system ↗️
26 @linuxsec/indoxploit-shell IndoXploit Webshell V.3 ↗️
26 @miya0001/oembed-gist oEmbed Gist API for WordPress ↗️
26 @msyk/FMDataAPI FMDataAPI is a class developed by PHP to access FileMaker database with FileMaker Data API.
26 @suin/php-ftp-client 📦 A simple PHP FTP client library working without FTP extension.
26 @zachleigh/laravel-lang-bundler Create translation bundles in Laravel projects
25 @banyan/Zend_Service_CloudFlare Zend Framework client for CloudFlare Hosting Provider API
25 @gengo/gengo-php A PHP library to interface with the Gengo API for translation. ↗️
25 @kjdev/php-redis-graph RedisGraph PHP Client
25 @miiitaka/wp-structuring-markup 🔌 WordPress: Plug-in Markup (JSON-LD) structured in ↗️
25 @nao-pon/flysystem-cached-extra Extra traits for Flysystem cached adapter
25 @oliverlundquist/laravel-ddd-bowling-alley Repository for a blog post i wrote.
25 @zachleigh/yarak Phalcon devtools
24 @77web/my-silex-examples how to work with Silex php framework in typical cases
24 @brtriver/silex-sample-application silex sample blog application with tests
24 @jrmadsen67/eloquent_by_example Working examples of Laravel Eloquent ORM
24 @jumilla/laravel-versionia Semantic version based database migration system for Laravel 5.
24 @martynbiz/slim3-controller Provides controller functionality to Slim Framework v3. Also includes PHPUnit TestCase for testing controllers.
24 @memory-agape/php-websocket-server WebSocket server on PHP
24 @predominant/goodies Goodies plugin for CakePHP - Gravatar helper, AutoJavascript includer. ↗️
23 @kenjis/ci-app-for-ci-phpunit-test CodeIgniter Test Application for ci-phpunit-test
23 @miya0001/tinymce-templates TinyMCE Templates for WordPress ↗️
23 @niiyz/Laravel-DDD A sample applications that make domain driven design in Laravel.
23 @shin1x1/vagrant-lapp-sample LAPP(CentOS6.4 / Apache2.2 / PHP5.4 / PostgreSQL9.3) sample project on Vagrant
23 @uzulla/Tinitter PHP sample web application
23 @yandod/phpinfo-heroku
23 @ytake/laravel-websocket Laravel (websocket, sample / websocket, サーバサンプル
22 @chitoku-k/HomoChecker PHP + Riot.js Experiment with docker-compose ↗️
22 @jrmadsen67/laravel-cascade-updates Allows cascading updates of Laravel models
22 @kenjis/codeigniter-doctrine A simple Doctrine integration for CodeIgniter 3.x
22 @kenjis/codeigniter-tettei-apps 『CodeIgniter徹底入門』のサンプルアプリケーション
22 @kra8/laravel-snowflake This Laravel package to generate 64 bit identifier like the snowflake within Twitter.
22 @miya0001/simple-map Display Google Map Shortcode for WordPress
22 @miya0001/wp-cli-vhosts WP-CLI package command for VirtualHost
22 @n1215/lara-todo-persistence LaravelとEloquentの永続化パターンサンプル
22 @riquezjp/kitchenTV Kitchen TV; weather, clock, live news feeds & video for Raspberry pi using PHP/javascript
22 @shin1x1/laravel-table-admin Laravel-Table-Admin Simple CRUD package for Laravel 4
22 @sizuhiko/CakeBehat This project is shell for testing CakePHP Application by Behat
22 @wkeese/old-api-viewer Old viewer for output of old js-doc-parse, replaced by
21 @geckotang/alfred-lgtmin-workflow Alfred Workflow for
21 @hypermkt/CopyAsMarkdownForSequelProBundle Copy selected rows as Markdown. It's so easy to paste in GitHub issue.
21 @meu32ki/eard-server Plugin for PM-MP , gives economy, land, money. - we each have a home.
21 @oasynnoum/phpmake_firmata Yet Another Firmata interface for PHP
21 @sutara79/convert-mysql-to-sqlite Convert a MySQL dump file to a sql file for SQLite3 using PHP.
21 @ytake/Laravel5.BasicArchitecture Larave5 基本的な実装サンプル集/Laravel5 basic architecture Sample
20 @hirose31/teeny-nagios Teeny web interface for Nagios with smartphone(iPhone, Android)
20 @katzueno/git-Webhooks-Auto-Deploy-PHP-Script PHP script to auto deploy your repo using GitHub's and Bitbucket's hook function.
20 @mingfunwong/autoCropImage 快速将图片缩放成指定大小
20 @nojimage/CakePHP-TALTAL PHPTAL for CakePHP ↗️
20 @realglobe-Inc/ansible-demo-playbooks
20 @rti7743/Regexp_Assemble_For_PHP perlのRegexp::Assemble を PHP に移植する
20 @stk2k/charcoalphp2 A task oriented PHP web framework
20 @torounit/vanilla Simple WordPress theme for blogging ↗️
20 @yandod/cakephp-heroku-plugin This Plugin helps reading configuration from heroku config vars.
19 @appleple/ablogcms-public a-blog cms 公開ソースコード ↗️
19 @hiromi2424/Collectionable Collectionable plugin for CakePHP
19 @k1LoW/yalog Yet Another Logger for CakePHP
19 @kenjis/codeigniter3-filename-checker CodeIgniter3 Filename Checker
19 @kevincobain2000/laravel-alert-notifications Send alert to email, microsoft teams from laravel app, when an exception occurs. Throttle is enabled by default.
19 @masayuki0812/dynamodb-php-wrapper Access AWS DynamoDB through simpler interface.
19 @matsubo/redis-ranking Wrapping Redis's sorted set APIs for specializing ranking operations.
19 @polidog/php-chatwork-api
19 @riaf/obsoleted-webpay-php Deprecated / See also ↗️
19 @shinokada/kaimonokago2.0
19 @sutara79/demo-laravel-crud My practice for basic CRUD of Laravel5 on Heroku. ↗️
19 @wokamoto/wp_post_helper WordPress にデータ移行する時に使えるヘルパークラス
18 @MASA-P/ktai-dev Ktai Library development suite ↗️
18 @chobie/Emoji like a github, cutest emoji parser & render
18 @fumikito/Gianism WordPress Plugin to enable user to login with Social Account(Twitter, Facebook, Google etc.) ↗️
18 @gong023/turmeric-spice give php syntax sugar for getter/setter
18 @hissy/concrete5-amp Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for concrete5
18 @ichikaway/xformHelper extends cakephp form helper.
18 @mach3/google-spreadsheet.php Google Spreadsheet Client for PHP
18 @minoryorg/laravel-resources-lang-ja Laravel 5.5 日本語メッセージファイル一式です。バリデーションやページネーションを日本語化しています。
18 @sizuhiko/cakephp-fabricate-adaptor Fabricate Adaptor for CakePHP3
18 @torounit/hello-kushimoto This is not just a plugin. When activated you will randomly see a Quotations of legendry engineer Mr. M in the upper right of your admin screen on every page. ↗️
18 @wokamoto/nephila-clavata WordPress media uploader for AWS S3. Allows you to mirror your WordPress media uploads over to Amazon S3 for storage and delivery.
18 @yuya-takeyama/retry-handler-php PHP implementation of retry-handler.
18 @zaru/Cakephp2_AWS_S3_DataSource CakePHP2のAmazonWebServices S3のファイルを操作をサポートするデータソースプラグイン
17 @brtriver/karen Karen is a simple PSR-7 micro framework with PHP7
17 @chobie/PHP_reStructuredText pure php implementation parser of reStructuredText.
17 @chobie/php-rtb-server
17 @fetus-hina/
17 @hirak/co-httpclient php>=5.5 httpclient by coroutines
17 @hirocaster/phpunit-stack 車窓からの TDD ↗️
17 @hypermkt/nippo 本アプリケーションはYAPC::Hokkaido 2016の「Vue.jsによるWebアプリケーション開発」用に実装したサンプルアプリケーションです。 ↗️
17 @jrmadsen67/laravel-feature-test-generator Generator to create feature tests for Resource Controller in Laravel
17 @kobake/
17 @kobake/
17 @kohkimakimoto/EArray EArray is a small PHP class to provide convenient ways to access a PHP Array.
17 @makotokw/php-hadoopstreaming php utils for Hadoop Streaming
17 @miya0001/child-pages-shortcode
17 @piece/stagehand-fsm A finite state machine ↗️
17 @ttskch/php-abc-quests 順番に課題をこなしていけばそれなりに今風な PHP 開発の入門ができるコンテンツ
17 @ttsuruoka/php-simple-dbi Simple database interface class for PHP PDO
17 @tyoro/tiarraMetro Log::DBIを使って溜めた tiarra ログへのフロントエンドWEBアプリ ↗️
17 @woohgit/woocommerce-otpbank-payment-gateway WooCommerce Payment Gateway for OTP Bank (Hungary) ↗️
16 @AtsushiM/Facebook-WallSearch
16 @dit-rohm/textbook Web development tutorials for beginners
16 @geta6/Twig-Markdown extend twig with markdown converter (filter/function) ↗️
16 @gongo/merciful-polluter Emulate "register_globals" and "magic_quotes_gpc" ↗️
16 @hbkr/tefutefu TefuTefu連鎖
16 @kenjis/codeigniter-widgets CodeIgniter Widget (View Partial) Sample
16 @moriyoshi/phjosh Write your javascript in PHP!
16 @nanasess/ec-cube-extended EC-CUBE2系の非公式ミラーです。既に本家のサポートを終えた旧バージョンの保守を独自に続けようと思っています。 ↗️
16 @nojimage/CakePHP-Twim Twitter API Plugin for CakePHP 2
16 @slywalker/account_manager CakePHP AccountManager Plugin
16 @slywalker/pdf CakePHP PDF Plugin
16 @tkyk/cakephp-query-builder An Object-Oriented way to build find queries.
16 @torounit/simple-post-type-permalinks Easy to change Permalink of custom post type. ↗️
16 @xinqiyang/buddy Buddy Intelligent Framework - Buddy智能开发框架 ↗️
16 @yahoojapan/yconnect-php-sdk YConnect PHP SDK
16 @yousan/damp Docker Apache MySQL PHP
16 @yuya-takeyama/mymr MapReduce framework using PHP and MySQL
15 @KeitaMoromizato/wordpress-react-ssr WordPress + React ServerSide RenderingをDocker Composeで試すサンプル
15 @anatoo/PHPPEG PEG Parser Combinator for PHP5 ↗️
15 @balibali/opDiaryPlugin Diary plugin for OpenPNE3 ↗️
15 @client9/gsb4u Google Safe Browsing batch server, client
15 @gong023/assert_chain enables you to write PHPUnit assert with method chain.
15 @hashnao/pnp4nagios configurations for pnp4nagios
15 @infiniteloop-inc/crystal-signal
15 @jrmadsen67/MahanaGeneratorScaffolding Generator Scaffolding for Laravel 5
15 @kaz29/extjsplugin ExtJS Plugin for CakePHP
15 @keichan34/wordpress-on-lambda Boilerplate for running WordPress on AWS Lambda ↗️
15 @kjdev/php-ext-hoedown PHP Extension for Hoedown
15 @milk1000cc/cakephp_exception_notifier Exception Notifier Component for CakePHP
15 @polidog/esa-php esa API v2 client library, written in PHP ↗️
15 @sasezaki/Backbeard 🌚 PHP's Generator based Dispatcher Framework
15 @sotarok/pastit "Pastit" is an application for paste something.
15 @taniko/saori PHP static site generator for blog
15 @tkyk/cakephp-qdmailer A CakePHP component to send mail with the Qdmail Library. ↗️
15 @ttskch/esaba Host your markdown docs on with your own css.
15 @yosiakatsuki/ystandard 一風変わったカスタマイズありきのWordPressテーマ
15 @ytake/Tutorial.Laravel4 Laravel4 tutorial application
15 @yusuke/twtr-api-pocket-reference
14 @brtriver/MameForm simple contact form app based on Silex, Twig, SwiftMailer
14 @christopherobin/EventEmitter PHP 5.4 EventEmitter trait ported from node.js
14 @emonkak/php-collection A collection library as a container for aggregation of objects
14 @h13i32maru/devtool コードスニペットを共有するWebアプリ
14 @hiroy/lune a PHP minimal framework ↗️
14 @inc2734/wp-customizer-framework A framework of WordPress Customizer API.
14 @jrmadsen67/credit_card_helper simple function to determine credit card based on number. thanks!/brandonsavage
14 @jumilla/l4-sample-todo ↗️
14 @memememomo/php-SQL-Maker
14 @nkjm/ A toolkit to enable OAuth in external Web Services developed in php ↗️
14 @shin1x1/gihyo-laravel-book-reservation Laravelエキスパート養成読本 chapter5. サンプルコード ↗️
14 @takimo/mixi-php-sdk mixi-php-sdk
14 @xcir/varnishlogTrans This project is deprecated. New project is ↗️
13 @MASA-P/cake_ktai_library Japanese mobile phone plugin for CakePHP ↗️
13 @PyYoshi/shortuuid-php ↗️
13 @Yukinoshita47/cyber-attack-system-1.2.1-darknime CMS Exploiter versi opensource penyempurnaan dari Project NekoGirl
13 @algobasket/CourseToQuiz This webapp is an online platform to learn about various courses and also give fun quiz about the course.
13 @ariarijp/mackerel-client-php mackerel-client-php is an unofficial port of mackerelio/mackerel-client-ruby.
13 @dakatsuka/JBuilder This is a library for creating the structure of the JSON for PHP.
13 @gong023/swagger-assert enable to assert swagger doc keys and API response
13 @hirak/php-XML_Builder PHP DSL for DOM/XMLWriter ↗️
13 @hnw/PhpParser PHP language parser with pure PHP
13 @hobbiot/cacheable-auth-user Cacheable Auth::user() for Laravel 5.3
13 @k1LoW/fake Fixture generator plugin for cAKEphp.
13 @k1LoW/model_info CakePHP DB Schema/Model Info Plugin
13 @kaz29/smartyview smarty view plugin for CakePHP
13 @kenjis/sample-contact-form FuelPHP で作成した「コンタクトフォーム」のサンプルです。 ↗️
13 @kohkimakimoto/phpmigrate PHPMigrate is a minimum database migration tool for MySQL.
13 @miyukki/ApplestFramework A PHP Framework for myself
13 @nojimage/CakePHP-skel CakePHP アプリケーションスケルトンの建設中。fork me!
13 @tkyk/cakephp-search-pagination Appending search parameters to patination links.
13 @tortuvshin/bella Laravel ecommerce
13 @tortuvshin/devtools
13 @tortuvshin/survey Хэрэглэгчийн шаардлага цуглуулах вэб апп
13 @ttsuruoka/php-simple-amazon-dynamodb A simple PHP interface to Amazon DynamoDB API
13 @yahoojapan/fastpay-php
13 @ytake/Laravel.JpRecipe laravel jp recipe site ↗️
12 @Eidwinds/a_and_d_vulnerable_web Vulnerable Web App
12 @OtorisanVardo/SignEdit From now...! You CAN edit the sign in GAME!!
12 @YuheiNakasaka/sharememo
12 @fumikito/noveljam2018 NovalJam 2018の掲載作品 ↗️
12 @fuyutsuki/libform It is a virion library that can handle various forms easily.
12 @gong023/Ayaml php fixture library by yaml.
12 @hiromi2424/hack_plugin CakePHP alias library
12 @hypermkt/hypermkt My playground. Sample codes, research.
12 @ichikaway/AutoAppBuild AutoAppBuild finds sub directories in Controller/Model directory and executes App::build()
12 @jrmadsen67/mahana-bitmask Bit masking to manage settings
12 @k1LoW/Yacsv Yet another CSV utility plugin for CakePHP
12 @k1LoW/viewpath Viewpath: View file path display plugin for CakePHP
12 @kenjis/fuelphp-tools Tools for FuelPHP 1.x
12 @kiridaruma/Onset TRPG向けの簡単なチャット
12 @koriym/Koriym.Baracoa A JavaScript server side rendering interface for PHP
12 @koriym/MaDci Data, Context and Interaction (DCI) framework for PHP
12 @linuxsec/shu-shell Webshell Jumping Edition ↗️
12 @monsat/Ogp CakePHP OGP Plugin
12 @rakshasa/rtgui Fork of rtgui with support for rtorrent 0.9 and later
12 @shin1x1/phpcon2018-independent-core-layer PHP カンファレンス 2018 独立したコアレイヤパターン
12 @stk2k/phitflyer phitFlyer, bitFlyer API PHP client
12 @suin/phpstorm-yaf-doc 📕 php-yaf API documentation for PhpStrom
12 @tortuvshin/university :octocat: University Management System
12 @ytake/php-ksql Apache Kafka / Confluent KSQL REST Client for PHP
12 @ytake/php-presto-client prestdb client for php
11 @DQNEO/php-skeleton a skeleton package for modern PHP (>= 7.1)
11 @KitaitiMakoto/PHP-EPUBParser EPUB Parser for PHP
11 @ada-u/chocoflake chocoflake is an implementation of twitter Snowflake concept.
11 @algobasket/URBANCLAP-CLONE This project is similar to URBANCLAP for searching job and services online
11 @brtriver/silex-react-sample sample application with Silex and Reactjs
11 @dakatsuka/MonologFluentHandler Fluentd Handler for Monolog
11 @hiromi2424/ninja miscellaneous libraries for (cake)php
11 @hiroy/clover-text-ltsv Labeled Tab-separated Values (LTSV; cf. parser for PHP.
11 @hypermkt/pepalunch Quick lunch matching service. Go lunch with friends in your Slack team.
11 @inc2734/wp-breadcrumbs A library for WordPress breadcrumbs.
11 @jidaikobo-shibata/a11yc Check accessibility of target page and generate accessibility evaluate page and policy.
11 @kenjis/codeigniter-simple-module CodeIgniter Simple Module
11 @kentaro/soushi Bimodal Site Generator Powered by PHP ↗️
11 @kjdev/php-ext-zopfli This extension allows Zopfli compression.
11 @kohkimakimoto/lib-migration LibMigration is a minimum database migration library and framework for MySQL. ↗️
11 @koriym/Koriym.DevPdoStatement A PdoStatement for Developers
11 @mecab/docker-compose-mpos-zeny BitZeny support enabled MPOS mining pool
11 @miya0001/advanced-csv-importer Import posts, pages, custom fields, categories, tags and more from a CSV file. ↗️
11 @miya0001/content-template-engine Enables template engine to WordPress contents.
11 @mizunashi-mana/dokuwiki-plugin-mdpage A DokuWiki Plugin for Markdown Page
11 @monsat/CakePHP-SimpleHtmlDom-Plugin SimpleHtmlDom Datasource
11 @nao-pon/xelfinder eiFinder for XOOPS
11 @ngyuki/php-ftp-client トランスポート層とFTP層のエラーを区別出来るようにしたFTPクライアント
11 @predominant/CakeFest-Berlin-2009-Workshop Working files from the Workshop at CakeFest 2009 in Berlin ↗️
11 @rmzn17/Online-Bidding-System-PHP- An Online Auction system, where users can sell or bid for products through the internet. Tools and Technology: PHP,MYSQL,JAVASCRIPT,BOOTSTRAP,HTML,CSS
11 @sasezaki/php-extension-stub-generator PHP ReflectionExtension's Information Rewind to PHP Code As Stub
11 @shin1x1/findTwitter seach tweets / cakephp sample application ↗️
11 @shu223/csv2plist Script to convert CSV file to plist file. ↗️
11 @sizuhiko/cakephp3-bdd-example CakePHP3 Blog Tutorial Application For Testing by Behat and PHPSpec
11 @slywalker/give_me_data Insert fake data plugin for CakePHP
11 @suin/php-event-sourcing
11 @takuro/manga_server ブラウザで漫画を見るためのアプリケーションです。PHP製。デモは下記URLから。 ↗️
11 @tomk79/php-excel2html Convert Excel(*.xlsx) to HTML Table. (with PHPExcel)
11 @yohei-yoshihara/cakephp_backbonejs this is the sample JavaScript Web application which uses CakePHP and Backbone.js
10 @GreenMeteor/humhub-certification-module
10 @GreenMeteor/humhub-oauth A number of Social OAuth for the Social Platform HumHub
10 @HoshinoTouko/NHentaiAPI NHentaiAPI
10 @KLab/metahub
10 @NightMoonTeam/NightMoon A server software for PMMP
10 @YuzuruS/parse-rss This PHP library can easily parse xml files, especially RSS1.0, RSS2.0 and ATOM.
10 @YuzuruS/post-to-wp This PHP library can easily post articles to wordpress with its thumbnail ↗️
10 @fetus-hina/gimei-php random Japanese name and address generator, PHP port
10 @fusic/encount ErrorHandler for CakePHP3
10 @hissy/kintone-php The Kintone SDK for PHP provides a interface to easy access to kintone api.
10 @hrix/php-utf-8_levenshtein levenshtein distance of UTF-8 Strings ↗️
10 @inc2734/wp-github-theme-updater A library for WordPress that automatic theme updater with GitHub API.
10 @inunosinsi/soycms SOY CMS PHP7用 ↗️
10 @junichi11/CakePHP-Plupload-Plugin CakePHP Plupload Plugin
10 @k0u5uk3/obfuscated-php-webshell-detector obfuscated-php-webshell-detector - Detect PHP Webshell in obfusucation
10 @k1LoW/controller_prefix `Controller name prefix' custom route plugin for CakePHP
10 @kaoken/markdown-it-php php version markdown-it
10 @kaz29/cake_slack
10 @kohkimakimoto/LaravelAdminer It's a embedded adminer in laravel application.
10 @kou/php-document-search PHP document search system based on Laravel, PostgreSQL and PGroonga
10 @kuzuha/Phunk Plack for php 5.4 higher
10 @makotokw/wp-amazonjs WordPress Amazon Plugin,
10 @materializing/PetitCustomField PetitCustomField プラグインは、ブログ記事に入力欄を追加できるbaserCMS専用のプラグインです。 ↗️
10 @miya0001/tinyTemplate Template Engine for PHP based on bTemplate ↗️
10 @moriyoshi/php-Xlib A X client library written entirely in PHP
10 @moriyoshi/uguisudani NoSQL server written in pure PHP
10 @nojimage/cakephp-environment CakePHP Environment Plugn
10 @pepabo/colormeshop-wp-plugin A WordPress plugin to integrate Colorme Shop.
10 @shinokada/kaimonokago3
10 @slywalker/mobile_kit CakePHP Mobile Plugin
10 @suin/php-cs-fixer-rules [READ-ONLY] A Rule set for PHP-CS-Fixer mainly targeting PHP 7.1 or higher.
10 @suzuki/guzzle-promise-sample Sample of Guzzle Promise ↗️
10 @tkyk/cakephp-markup-helper Building (X)HTML by method chaining
10 @ttskch/party 🍻 CLI command to calculate amounts of pizzas and drinks for a party.
10 @uzulla/convert_mbox_to_eml_files Split huge mbox file(giga byte) to many .eml(.emlx) file.
10 @vishnugopal/purl Purl is a clone in PHP
10 @yukiawano/sscpmodule Content Personalization Module for SilverStripe 3.0 (GSoC 2012)
9 @DQNEO/php-HelloWorldEnterpriseEdition HelloWorld Enterprise Edition
9 @ashiina/php-apns-queueserver APNS server with a queue system.
9 @brtriver/date-range DateRange is a simple representation of date range for PHP.
9 @disco-v8/Ban4ip Ban4IP reads log file containing failure report, and ban these IP addresses using iptables.
9 @doljko/course
9 @fetus-hina/docomo-dialogue docomo対話API
9 @fumikito/Literally-WordPress This plugin is abondoned. WordPressでPayPal決済を可能にする ↗️
9 @futoase/futaba-ng futaba chan script. ↗️
9 @gaspanik/ut64fend A standard Ubuntu 14.04 box with LAMP/MxxN stack and some helpful programs for front-end developers.
9 @hiromu/arrow-judge-web Arrow Judge is open source online judge system.
9 @hissy/c5-pagelist-templates concrete5 Custom Template Collection for Page List Block
9 @hrgruri/saori static site generator
9 @k1LoW/recipe recipe - CakePHP CLI Package Installer -
9 @k1LoW/tokyotyrant_php Yet Another "Tokyo Tyrant" PHP Interface ↗️
9 @keichan34/wp386 A WordPress theme based on BOOTSTRA.386 ↗️
9 @kenjis/perfect-php-mini-blog 書籍『パーフェクト PHP』のミニブログアプリケーションです。
9 @koriym/BEAR.Ace Ace online editor utility for PHP ↗️
9 @koriym/Koriym.ReduxReactSsr DEPRECATED
9 @koriym/dii Dependency Injection Container Plugin for Yii 1
9 @kozo/Partial Partial for CakePHP
9 @nojimage/cakephp-remember-me RememberMe authentication adapter plugin for CakePHP 3
9 @sanmai/usb-scale-reader Read weight from an USB scale (from or DYMO) in Linux
9 @shin1x1/phpcon2017
9 @slywalker/cakephp-plugin-mysql_util MySQL Util Plugin for CakePHP2
9 @suin/php-yaf-twig 📦 Twig extension for Yet Another Framework.
9 @suin/phpcs-psr4-sniff [READ-ONLY] PHP_CodeSniffer sniff that checks class name matches PSR-4 project structure.
9 @taniko/dijkstra Dijkstra's algorithm in PHP
9 @tkyk/cakephp-key-value-source CakePHP's DataSource for simple key-value stores. ↗️
9 @torounit/acf-encrypted-field パスワードとかを暗号化して保存するフィールドを追加します。
9 @ttskch/nagoyaphp-party Calculate amounts of pizzas and drinks.
9 @vishnugopal/active-record-php This is a POC clone of Rails' active_record in PHP 5.3
9 @ytake/LaravelWorkShop Laravelワークショップなどで利用した資料です。
9 @zachleigh/artisanize Artisanize your Symfony Console commands
8 @GreenMeteor/humhub-discordapp-module Discord Module for Humhub ↗️
8 @GreenMeteor/humhub-themes-MadeHub MadeHub - light material theme for HumHub
8 @Songmu/Yapafi Yet Anather PHP Application Framework Interface
8 @YuzuruS/Markovchain PHP Library that made TEXT of Markovchain for Japanese by MeCab ↗️
8 @alfasado/mt-plugin-minifier Minifying HTML, JavaScript, CSS code and remove Exif data from images.
8 @ariarijp/redash-api-client re:dash results API client for PHP.
8 @concrete5cojp/open_graph_tags_lite This is a concrete5 package. This add-on inserts Open Graph Tags (OGP) into HEAD tag automatically. ↗️
8 @elstc/CakePHP-MixiKit mixi Graph API plugin for CakePHP ↗️
8 @geckotang/alfred-hatebulist はてブのマイブックマーク内から検索するAflredのワークフロー
8 @hamee-dev/app-template-fuel
8 @heavenshell/php-net-kyototycoon Client library KyotoTycoon for PHP
8 @hiromi2424/yaml_reader YAML configuration reader for CakePHP.
8 @hiroy/karinto a minimal web application framework for PHP 5.3 or later inspired by Silex based on Lune
8 @horike37/wp-one-metric
8 @ichikaway/securephp SecurePHP is the library for security
8 @jrmadsen67/williamsconcepts-template williamsconcepts template library modified to allow version numbers on assets
8 @junichiro/zf-starter The schelton for the project using ZendFramework.
8 @k1LoW/escape Auto escaping plugin for CakePHP
8 @k1LoW/pear_local PEAR Local install plugin for CakePHP
8 @k1LoW/yak Yet Another Ktai plugin for CakePHP
8 @kaz29/mobileip Transplanting 'sfMobileIPPlugin' to CakePHP
8 @kaz29/unofficial-niftycloud-sdk-for-php 非公式NiftyCloudSDK for PHP
8 @koriym/Koriym.QueryLocator A SQL query locator
8 @koriym/cs A Coding Standard for PHP_CodeSniffer
8 @koriym/spaceman Give namespace to un-namespaced legacy php code
8 @linmic/mysql-to-excel this php script was crafted for people who needs to export their mysql data to ms-excel format
8 @linuxsec/webshell Webshell Jumping Edition ↗️
8 @naga3/qb Qb: Simple query builder ↗️
8 @naoya/PQ
8 @pha/EasyBotter プログラミングができなくても作れるTwitter botの作り方 ↗️
8 @polygonplanet/Posql Posql is a tiny text-base database engine (DBMS) written by pure PHP that does not need any additional extension library, it is designed compatible with SQL-92, and only uses all-in-one file as database. ↗️
8 @quartetcom/haydn 配列に対してかけ算や列演算を宣言的に指定できるライブラリ
8 @shin1x1/arry method chain interface for PHP array
8 @sifue/UserManagement User management application of symfony2 (2.1.6)
8 @stan/asaph Fork from
8 @suin/php-json 📦 Just a simple wrapper of json_decode() and json_encode(), but provides better interfaces: exception-based error handling and object oriented APIs.
8 @suin/php-qiita 📦 QiitaAPIを扱うためのPHP向けライブラリ
8 @tanakahisateru/yii2-app-basic-npm How to use NPM with Yii 2 Basic Application Template
8 @threetreeslight/humper Ruby on Rails like PHP MVC framework. work on PHP5.1!!!
8 @uhho/PHPHiddenMarkovModel Implementation of Hidden Markov Model and Viterbi algorithm for PHP
8 @v-exec/V-OS Wiki-format web site and narrative platform. ↗️
8 @wakuworks/php-gumroad PHP Gumroad API Client. PHP5.3+
8 @zachleigh/larafolio A portfolio management system for Laravel.
7 @4K17O/lineapi-php LINE Messaging's private API
7 @Clintal/wp-firebase-push-notification Wordpress new post notification plugin with FCM
7 @KEINOS/Mastodon_Simple-Toot-Deleter ✅ Simple PHP script to delete all your toots from your Mastodon instance.
7 @SoraCrafty/GunServer BattleFront2
7 @ashiina/codeigniter-rediscache Simple cache system using redis, for Codeigniter
7 @chell-uoxou/PHP-Prompt-OS
7 @chobie/chatwork-api-client unofficial, but glittering chatwork api client.
7 @concrete5cojp/addon_open_graph_tags_lite This is a concrete5 package. This add-on inserts Open Graph Tags (OGP) into HEAD tag automatically. ↗️
7 @doljko/Teever ↗️
7 @dotneet/pukiwiki-md This is wiki system folked from Pukiwiki for supporting Markdown notation.
7 @emonkak/php-orm A strict typed Object-Relational Mapper
7 @fivestar/php-rentacar
7 @fusic/zipcode JP Post Zipcode Plugin for CakePHP.
7 @geckotang/alfred-horesase-workflow 惚れさせ男子の画像をクリップボードにコピーできるAlfred Workflowです
7 @geckotang/alfred-suddendeath-workflow 突然の○○AAを作るAlfredのWorkflowです。
7 @haruyama/Vulnerable-Site-Sample for evaluating Web Application Scanners
7 @hinaloe/laravel-line-notify
7 @hissy/addon_open_graph_tags_lite This is a concrete5 package. This add-on inserts Open Graph Tags (OGP) into HEAD tag automatically. ↗️
7 @hnw/php425 convert PHP4 code to PHP5 code
7 @inc2734/Kotetsu
7 @inc2734/wp-github-plugin-updater
7 @issei-m/sfDependencyInjectionPlugin Supporing Symfony's DependencyInjection component for your older symfony project.
7 @jrmadsen67/mahana-hierarchy Codeigniter library to handle data in a parent-child hierarchy
7 @k1LoW/has_no Simple binding model practice plugin for CakePHP.
7 @kaz29/FileFixture FileFixture Plugin for CakePHP2.x
7 @kazu69/sequelpro_bundles Copies SequelPro results as GitHub-Flavored Markdown.
7 @kazu9su/functional-tester This is a library for functional test of PHP legacy products
7 @ketaiorg/Ranking2chWatcher 2chのスレッドの勢いを監視するためのスクリプト
7 @ko31/LineBot LINE BOT APIで作った画像検索ボットくん
7 @kohkimakimoto/BayesClassifier This is a Bayes Classifier implementation written in PHP
7 @koriym/Koriym.HttpConstants Constants for the HTTP protocol
7 @ku/ dashboard for poor japanese ke-tai ↗️
7 @kuritaka/SimpleIPAM Simple IP address management
7 @makies/cakeTiarra webbased irc client for tiarra user.
7 @makotokw/wp-theme-makotokw WordPress theme for kwLog ↗️
7 @manse/ScienceStyle A manager theme based on RevoStyle for MODX Evo.
7 @martynbiz/slim3-module Simple module loader for a Slim 3 project
7 @matschaffer/fakemail A clone of the CVS repository for fakemail ↗️
7 @miya0001/posts-in-category-widget ↗️
7 @n1215/http-context [PHP7] Additional interfaces for PSR-7 HTTP messages. Make PSR-7 HTTP middlewares (or applications) simpler and more composable.
7 @nao-pon/HypCommon Extension for XOOPS ↗️
7 @pepabo/oauth2-colormeshop Colorme Provider for the OAuth 2.0 Client
7 @riaf/Oweleo The IRC bot written in PHP ↗️
7 @ryo-utsunomiya/gof_design_patterns_in_php Sample implementations of GoF Design Patterns in PHP
7 @shin1x1/Phagrant
7 @slywalker/vendors slywalker's vendors for CakePHP
7 @suzuki/its-travel-pack Slide
7 @syuhari/ImageBehavior Behavior for CakePHP ↗️
7 @takyam-git/phpchat_example PHP <-> NodeJS example
7 @torounit/pppp Posts per page for custom post types and taxonomies. ↗️
7 @torounit/rs-csv-importer-media-addon Really Simple CSV Importer Media Addon.
7 @uhho/PHPNaiveBayesClassifier Simple implementation of Naive Bayes Classifier for PHP
7 @uzulla/call_user_func_twitter_bot bot.
7 @uzulla/voicetext-webapi-php VoiceText web api access wrapper.
7 @vectorxenon/sfJpMobilePlugin 携帯サイトの作成支援のsymfony用プラグイン ↗️
7 @vsec7/cXss Capture XSS
7 @wokamoto/
7 @yandod/cakephp-guidebook sample sources of cakephp-guidebook (japanese)
7 @ytake/microCMS.Project micro cms / blog engine by Lumen
7 @yuka2py/wp-over-network
7 @yuya-takeyama/LisPHP Lisp like language implemented in PHP.
7 @yuya-takeyama/phync Simple rsync wrapper in PHP. ↗️
6 @Akkiesoft/airpippi エアコンの電源をおしてもらったりするやつ
6 @Daikoun/li3_aws Lithium plugin for accessing Amazon Web Services
6 @Gomasy/books-manager [WIP] A simple books manager
6 @Qithub-BOT/Qithub-ORG ✅ Qithub サークルのメインリポジトリ。運用/ルール/全リポジトリの Issue など取りまとめています。 ↗️
6 @Yellowen/RadioBoot Official website of Radio Boot
6 @Yukinoshita47/php-backdoor File Backdoor dalam bentuk PHP
6 @YuzuruS/redis-ranking Wrapping Redis's sorted set APIs for specializing ranking operations.
6 @alfasado/mt-plugin-build-cache Faster publishing using MTBuildCache tag.
6 @alfasado/mt-plugin-search-entry-field Search entry's CustomField value.
6 @balibali/opKakiagePlugin Do you like kakiage?
6 @brtriver/Haku a sample API micro web application framework with Hack
6 @brtriver/PHPTALServiceProvider PHPTAL Extension for Silex
6 @brtriver/orephp simple and fast PHP web application routing framework
6 @chobie/alpaca-webkit alpaca is great toolkit for web develop which use capybara-webkit's webkit_server
6 @concrete5cojp/scaling-concrete5 Scalable concrete5 with Memcache
6 @concrete5japan/Manual-Nav concrete5.7 version of Manual Nav
6 @doljko/icook
6 @emonkak/php-random A random number library for PHP
6 @ericmuyser/php-class-promise Promises for PHP. ↗️
6 @fetus-hina/totp RFC 6238 / TOTP: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm
6 @frontainer/alfred-tiqav-search Tiqav search for Alfred2
6 @fullkawa/aglab-php DEPRECATED: Development framework for analog games. See -> ↗️
6 @fumikito/Anyway-Feedback Simple WordPress plugin to gather user feedback. ↗️
6 @fumikito/wp-readme Generate readme.txt from Github's
6 @fumiyasac/laravel-minimum-tutorial [ING]Laravel5.1でCRUDアプリケーションを作成する簡易チュートリアル
6 @fusic/Apollon
6 @fusic/Seaaaaarch Laravel Search Package
6 @ha1t/php-Services_Photozou フォト蔵のWeb APIをPHPから簡単に利用するためのライブラリ ↗️
6 @hanamura/wp-model Missing functionalities from model objects of WordPress.
6 @hanhan1978/docker-laravel55-skelton
6 @hanksudo/facebook-chat-bot (deprecated) Implement facebook chat bot based on official facebook chat api sample
6 @hidenorigoto/test-greeter
6 @hirakiuc/ChainRecord ActiveRecord Pattern ORM library written by pure php. ↗️
6 @hiromi2424/CakePHP-Bitly-Helper Bitly Helper for CakePHP
6 @hiromi2424/CakePHP-Kcaptcha-Plugin easy to use Kcaptcha with cakephp
6 @hiromi2424/Sheets2DB Import database table definition from Google Spread Sheet into your local database. ↗️
6 @horike37/wp-elasticsearch
6 @issei-m/spike-php [ABANDONED] The client of REST api for PHP.
6 @iteman/net-useragent-mobile HTTP mobile user agent string parser ↗️
6 @jumilla/kanbanlist かんばん風タスクリストアプリ( のLaravel4ポーティングです) ↗️
6 @jyokyoku/cakephp-crud-component Generic CRUD functions ↗️
6 @k1LoW/DebugMemo DebugMemo: Memo tool for development / CakePHP plugin
6 @k1LoW/po CakePHP .po File Edit Plugin
6 @katzueno/rescan_files_job concrete5 Job package to rescan the entire files in the file manager
6 @kawanamiyuu/vagrant-php-mecab vagrant-php-mecab
6 @kenjis/fuelphp-advent-calendar-2012 FuelPHP Advent Calendar 2012 電子書籍作成用
6 @kenjis/fuelphp1st-2nd 『はじめてのフレームワークとしてのFuelPHP 第2版(改訂版)』サポートサイト
6 @ketaiorg/MotherYukkuri PHPで作られたSkype用ボットプログラム「マザーゆっくり」です
6 @ketaiorg/Watch2ch 2chのスレの勢いを監視し、大きなイベントや異常事態の発生に気付くためのスクリプトです。
6 @kimuraeiji214/fancy-product-designer-extended Updated fancy product designer plugin
6 @kjim/phrack PHSGI toolkit
6 @masakielastic/webpay-wordpress WebPay による決済のためのショートコードを WordPress に追加するプラグインです。
6 @mayukojpn/force-update-translations Download WordPress theme/plugin translations and apply them to your site manually even their language pack haven't been released or reviewed on ↗️
6 @memory-agape/CSSParser-on-PHP CSS parsing and output formatting class
6 @mithusree/wp-simple-phpexcel-export Simple PHPExcel Export Plugin for WordPress
6 @miya0001/cardboard This is a WordPress plugin enables you to enjoy 360 photo with Google Cardboard.
6 @miya0001/wp-plugins-api Retrieve plugin information from WordPress Plugins API.
6 @monsat/environment
6 @mzhs/yii2-blog-demo
6 @nao-pon/xpWiki Wiki for XOOPS based on PukiWiki 1.4 ↗️
6 @nekoya/Lime-Test-Pluggable Added plugin support for - lime - test framework for symfony ↗️
6 @ngyuki/phpower Implement assertion like Power Assert in PHP.
6 @nojimage/cakephp-cron-jobs A cron job runner for CakePHP 3.x
6 @omoon/fuel-jpaddress A package for FulePHP handling Japanese addresses.
6 @predominant/CakeMatsuri-Todo A Todo application written for Workshops at CakeMatsuri ↗️
6 @setchi/ko-cha2 コーディングチャットを手軽に始められるWebアプリです ↗️
6 @shin1x1/book-tdd-php
6 @shin1x1/independent-core-layer-pattern-fortee-demo 2019.11.30. 独立したコアレイヤパターンの適用 - fortee 編 -
6 @shinokada/sharethis_helper Sharethis helper for CodeIgniter
6 @sizuhiko/Taste Taste is custom-loader of CakePHP Application
6 @suin/php-dmm 📦 DMM.comの商品情報検索APIをたたくためのPHPライブラリ。
6 @suin/php-marshaller 📦 Type-safe data mapping between JSON and a PHP class object.
6 @suzuki/swiftmailer-samples Swift Mailer Samples ↗️
6 @takyam-git/capture Simple web page capture (screen shot) for PHP via PhantomJS @ composer
6 @tomk79/PxFW-1.x Pickles Framework(PxFW) は、静的で大きなウェブサイトを効率よく構築できる オープンソースのHTML生成ツールです。 ↗️
6 @ttskch/PaginationServiceProvider Wrapper of KnpPaginatorBundle as service provider for the Silex microframework.
6 @ttsuruoka/php-time Simple time class for php
6 @udonmai/Don a sandbox-based wordpress theme called Don(a kind of food's name from Japan)
6 @uzulla/line-notify-sample-call-me.php Sample php code for LINE Notify
6 @virusvn/docker-centos-v8js Centos 7 with Nginx 1.9.9, PHP 7, V8, V8JS
6 @vishnugopal/pluggable-php Pluggable-PHP is a small but full featured plugin system for any PHP app ↗️
6 @visvirial/monacoin-paperwallet
6 @walf443/php-test-tap php port of perl's Test::More
6 @wokamoto/WP-InputValidator
6 @wokamoto/crazy-bone [WordPress Plugin] Tracks user name, time of login, IP address and browser user agent.
6 @y-uti/random-forest PHP で random forest を実装してみたものです。
6 @ytake/example-laravel-aspect-ddd example. laravel aspect oriented programming with ddd style
6 @ytake/laravel-presto-kafka-demo (example) laravel with prestodb
6 @yuya-takeyama/async_mysql Example project to execute MySQL queries asynchronously
6 @zachleigh/pronounce-php A command line utility to convert the Carnegie Mellon University Pronouncing Dictionary (CMUdict) file to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and to an easier to read spelling approximation. Also does basic English hyphenation.
5 @39ff/ultimatetwitter happy abusing twitter, no api-limit , rotating-proxy , bypass account verification process
5 @77web/opAuthFacebookPlugin OpenPNE3.xにfacebookでログインするプラグイン
5 @77web/opTagPlugin 詳細はwikiページに。provides OpenPNE3.x tag entry&save interface, tag cloud, tag search.
5 @CAFxX/oversky Decentralized HTTP content delivery network (CDN) coded in PHP
5 @CreeParker/WorldEditPlus This world edit does not stop the server. (I use google translation application) ↗️
5 @Frost-Dev/Frost-Web Cool and cool SNS ↗️
5 @ITJesse/zf-decode 正方教务系统密码解密算法
5 @Jeemusu/alfred-jisho-workflow Alfred v2 workflow for searching
5 @KEINOS/parsedown-extension_table-of-contents ✅ Simple Parsedown extension/plugin to generate a list of ToC (Table of Contents) from headings of a markdown file.
5 @MagicalTux/pinetd2 Portable Inet Daemon
5 @Nully/Jobeet-For-ZendFramework symfony tutorial 'Jobeet' For Zend Framework ! ↗️
5 @Xxawareness/RunForMoney TagGame! haha
5 @Yukinoshita47/Fake-Admin-Panel-Honeypot Part of Website Security Engineering Trap For Hacker
5 @acro5piano/docker-compose-dev-env Development environment built only with docker-compose.yml
5 @acro5piano/spa-blog Single Page Blog Application powered by Laravel + Vue.js
5 @aiiro/laravel-factory-generator Make it easier to create laravel's factory file.
5 @alfasado/mt-plugin-countgroupby Counting groups of objects.
5 @alfasado/mt-plugin-put-contents Content write to the file.
5 @alfredfrancis/Image-similarity-check Compare two images on a similarity scale from 0(very different) to 100(exactly the same)
5 @anatoo/HatenaSyntax はてな記法パーサ。
5 @anatoo/hslide.php はてな記法でスライドを書くためのツール ↗️
5 @appleple/acms-slack Slack app for a-blog cms
5 @appleple/acms-zoho a-blog cmsのフォームと連携することによってお客様が入力した情報をZoho CRM 上に蓄積することができます。
5 @appleple/wp-smartphoto SmartPhoto plugin for WordPress
5 @b123400/Auto-readdaily do the automatically
5 @bluemooninc/xoopsec xoops cube ec site builder kit
5 @brtriver/silx-users-jp Code of Japanese Silex Users Website
5 @brtriver/slim3-controller Anonymous controller and trait for Slim3 with PHP7
5 @calmery/Mizuderu Share information on water leaks.
5 @chanshige/whois 'chanshige/whois' is that helps registered domain holder lookup.
5 @chatwork/oauth2-chatwork-php
5 @coderdojo-tokyo/
5 @concrete5japan/concrete5_japanese_book 『concrete5公式活用ガイドブック』サンプルデータ ↗️
5 @d-sak/gauth gauth
5 @dozen/psptter Twitter client for PSP.
5 @emonkak/php-http-app-skeleton A HTTP application skeleton that uses PSR-7 and PSR-15
5 @ericmuyser/php-class-curl PHP class for curl/multicurl.
5 @fujiwaraizuho/BanSystem This is BanSystem
5 @fukuiretu/amazon-kinesis-client-library-php It is a Wrapper module of Amazon Kinesis Client Module.
5 @fusic/valii
5 @fuyutsuki/learn-more プラグインをPC以外のデバイスで見るためのプラグイン置き場です。
5 @gatespace/caxias-hosoya これはただのプラグインではありません。伝説上のシンガー カシアス・ホソヤによって歌われた最も有名な WordPress のキーワードに要約される、同一世代のすべての人々の希望と情熱を象徴するものです。これは世界で最初で最後になるかわからない WordBench Kobe 公式プラグインです。このプラグインが有効にされると、プラグイン管理画面以外の管理パネルの右上に「君の瞳にダッシュボード」からの歌詞がランダムに表示されます。
5 @genkiroid/turpan Turpan will check that whether deletion of PHP require statements is safe.
5 @gong023/namae-space util command for PHP namespace. totally written in PHP.
5 @ha1t/sgphp 新月プロトコルのPHP実装
5 @hidenorigoto/DefaultRouteBundle adds default route for Symfony2 application
5 @hideokamoto/make-json-ld Easy Make JSON-LD using WordPress custome fields ↗️
5 @hiromi2424/ImageUploader ImageUploader plugin for CakePHP
5 @hiromi2424/MatchableBehavior generating joins options from model associations
5 @hiroy/clover-text-forbidden-words
5 @hissy/c5-open-graph-tags-lite This is a concrete5 package. This add-on inserts Open Graph Tags (OGP) into HEAD tag automatically. ↗️
5 @hnw/phpbugs Find bugs in PHP5 Programs
5 @horike37/Trust-Form
5 @ichikaway/Symfony2-PerformanceCheckSample Symfony2-PerformanceCheckSample
5 @ichikaway/cakephp-MissingDetect-Plugin check property name
5 @issei-m/multiple-apps-support 複数アプリケーションを運用する Symfony2 Standard Edition プロジェクトのコマンド実行を補助。
5 @jyokyoku/wp-ogp-customized ↗️
5 @k1LoW/Exception Exception plugin for CakePHP
5 @k1LoW/Setting Database driven setting plugin for CakePHP.
5 @k1LoW/calendar Calendar plugin for CakePHP
5 @kawahara/opKdtPlugin 俺俺OpenPNE3開発支援用プラグイン
5 @kb10uy/shortstoryserver2 Re: ShortStoryServer
5 @kenjis/epub-converter EPUB to KOBO EPUB converter
5 @ketaiorg/YukkuriTalk ゆっくりが指定した文字をしゃべってくれるプログラムです
5 @kjdev/php-ext-msgpacki PHP MessagePack Improved Extension
5 @koriym/Koriym.TicketSan An example of basic REST application
5 @langrid/langrid-php-library Multilingual Studio is a set of APIs for using the multi-language functions provided by the Language Grid, such as back translation, text-to-speech, multi-hop translation and so on. ↗️
5 @linways/phinx-multiple-database Phinx wrapper to run migrations on multiple database for multi-database multi-tenant applications
5 @martynbiz/slim3-module-skeleton Slim Framework 3 module skeleton application
5 @miya0001/dynamic-hostname fix hostname problem when using the vagrant cloud for WordPress
5 @miya0001/janken-login Leap Motionをつかったじゃんけんゲームに勝たないとログイン画面が表示されないプラグイン
5 @monochromegane/QueryBuilder A very simple query builder for PHP. It helps building query and binding values.
5 @morizyun/vagrant-centos-cakephp CentOS 6.5/MySQL/Apache/phpMyAdmin/PHP 5.3/CakePHP 2.4.6
5 @naao/d3diary d3diary
5 @naoya/php-List_RubyLike Array iterator like Ruby for PHP
5 @nariyu/radium the PHP micro web application framework ↗️
5 @nulab/drupalcamp-taipei-2014 Sample repository for Drupal Camp 2014 Taipei ↗️
5 @omeripek/jobtrapp JobTr: A Simple Job Tracking App with PHP
5 @ounziw/shortcode-acf ShortCode Field for Advanced Custom Fields plugin
5 @pcambra/countries_fifa Demonstrative example on how to swap a service with dependency injection containers
5 @piece/piece-flow A page flow engine ↗️
5 @piece/piece-questetra A client for Questetra BPM Suite API ↗️
5 @pocket7878/opauth-foursquare Foursquare strategy for Opauth
5 @polidog/InstagramApiComponent cakePHPでInstagramのAPIを扱うためのコンポーネント ↗️
5 @polidog/Polidog.Todo BEAR Sunday Todo sample application
5 @polidog/symfony_sample_todo Symfony2のTodoサンプル
5 @predominant/GA-PI-Google-Analytics-PHP-Interface Mirror of ↗️
5 @predominant/cakephp_linux_format CakePHP Linux Format Magazine Tutorials ↗️
5 @ryo-utsunomiya/amazon-block A WordPress plugin that provides 'Amazon' block for Gutenberg editor.
5 @saboyutaka/laravel-sample docker-compose for laravel
5 @sanmai/pipeline General-purpose collections pipeline. Pipe operator for PHP. ↗️
5 @sasezaki/Miffie Scraping toolkit
5 @shin1x1/independent-core-layer-simple
5 @shin1x1/laravel-k8s-dev-sample Laravel on Kubernetes(k8s) for development
5 @slywalker/CakeEmailPlus CakePHP2.x email extensions
5 @slywalker/CakeSublimeText2 CakePHP2.x completions
5 @slywalker/jquery CakePHP Jquery Plugin
5 @suin/php-expose 📦 Makes non-public properties and methods be testable to help your unit tests with PHPUnit.
5 @suin/php-image-resizer 📦 This is a simple image resizing library for PHP.
5 @suin/xoopscube-preloads XOOPS Cube Legacy 用 プリロード集
5 @sysdevmike/larabook-updated Laracast's awesome larabook tutorial - refreshed with Laravel 5.0 code
5 @tanakahisateru/oreore-waf-2017-spring
5 @tanakahisateru/phpmatsuri-hack-contest PHPMatsuriの大LT大会のエントリー&審査をやるサイト ↗️
5 @tejima/opAutoFriendPlugin メンバー全員を自動的にフレンド関係にするプラグイン
5 @tkyk/cakephp-cicindela CakePHP Library to access Cicindela recommendation engine. ↗️
5 @tkyk/cakephp-dynamic-component Loading components dynamically ↗️
5 @tototoshi/php-parser-combinator Parse combinator for PHP
5 @tyoro/tyobot tyobot core module
5 @typetokrish/Laravel-Custom-Hashing Simple custom password hash to change default hashing on laravel 5
5 @udonmai/chakayu Japanese word ‘茶粥’ 's Roman phonetic - chakayu. A real-time chatroom powered by codeigniter etc..
5 @uzulla/Ore
5 @uzulla/Ore2
5 @v2e4lisp/preview mocha.js and rspec inspired php bdd test framework.
5 @vsec7/Email-Opened-Tracker Email Opened Tracker
5 @walkingice/pmwiki It is a clone from pmwiki, I use git to manage it
5 @withgod/Services_Twitter_Uploader oauth echo support uploader utility ↗️
5 @yahoojapan/ConfigCacheBundle Symfony ConfigCacheBundle for easier handling of user-defined configuration file cache
5 @ytake/ytake-laravel
5 @yuya-takeyama/code_path_analyzer Analyze code path of specified file using XDebug
5 @yuya-takeyama/php5-Text_Ngram An implementation of N-gram in PHP.
5 @zonuexe/oiraphp PHPでフレームワークを作ってみるハンズオン ↗️
4 @DQNEO/php-FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition php FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition
4 @Felli/flarum-japanese Flarum 日本語拡張機能
4 @GiganticMinecraft/SeichiRanking ギガンティック☆整地鯖のランキングページ ↗️
4 @GreenMeteor/humhub-github-module Adds a GitHub card widget to the dashboard, profiles and spaces of your site.
4 @GreenMeteor/humhub-modules-privacybox Forces users to accept/decline the Privacy Policy of your site
4 @HiroKws/laravel-checker Environment checker for Laravel PHP framewrok for version 3...
4 @HiroKws/syncle Laravel 4 deploy Artisan command by execute a command line.
4 @KitaitiMakoto/PHP-Castanet-Userid
4 @MASA-P/lib3gk Japanese mobile phone library for PHP ↗️
4 @MagicalTux/mintchip MintChip tests & code
4 @Manato0x2cc/BuildBank BuildBank is an object-oriented world editor for Pocketmine-MP(pmmp) ↗️
4 @Manato1fg/BuildBank BuildBank is an object-oriented world editor for Pocketmine-MP(pmmp) ↗️
4 @Manato2cc/BuildBank BuildBank is an object-oriented world editor for Pocketmine-MP(pmmp) ↗️
4 @Olein-jp/snow-monkey-child
4 @OtorisanVardo/MyPluginHistory 私の過去プラグインをまとめたもの
4 @Ranyuen/Di Annotation based simple DI & AOP at PHP. ↗️
4 @Sankame/ga-help
4 @Xxawareness/UBans Ban!
4 @ackintosh/toumi An useful tool to "include" LEGACY php files without side-effect.
4 @akiyan/php-checkpad-api ↗️
4 @alfasado/mt-plugin-breadcrumbs It allows users to keep track of their locations within documents.
4 @alfasado/mt-plugin-get-hash-var Get template vars from ARRAY or HASH.
4 @alfasado/mt-plugin-set-context
4 @alfasado/mt-plugin-set-cookie Function Tag MTSetCookie and MTClearCookie.
4 @alfasado/mt-plugin-speed-meter
4 @alfasado/mt-plugin-translate
4 @alfasado/mt-plugins-entry-is-in-category Conditional Tag 'MTIfEntryIsinCategory'.
4 @ariarijp/phpixela Pixela API client for PHP
4 @asciian/plog A simple markdown based blog engine
4 @blivesta/wp-theme-dev-starter Theme development environment for WordPress.
4 @calmery/mizuderu 熊本地震で発生した水不足の情報を共有する
4 @chatwork/slim-json-request Slim middleware for supporting post json
4 @chell-uoxou/SnowballFight Snowball Fight PVP System for MCPE
4 @chiilog/wp-view-login-only If you view a website without log in, WordPress redirect to the login page
4 @chobie/Git2RepositoryBrowserBundle
4 @chobie/githq Suck fast git integrated project tracker. below site are registered developer only please pin me if you wanna try it ↗️
4 @concrete5cojp/concrete5_debugbar concrete5 Debugbar (Integrates PHP Debug Bar)
4 @concrete5japan/5.5.japanese concrete5 Ver.5.5 japanese Package
4 @dakatsuka/BlueprintBundle The bundle provides a way to manage test data for the Doctrine ORM
4 @do-aki/php-phroonga Groonga for PHP
4 @dud3/MailTree An AngularJS / Laravel app - Keyword Based Email forwarder | read/write emails through IMAP
4 @ericmuyser/php-class-eventemitter Event emitter for PHP.
4 @ericmuyser/php-class-process Spawn and communicate with children PHP processes.
4 @fetus-hina/haraikomi ゆうちょ銀行の払込取扱票の印字データ作成スクリプト ↗️
4 @fetus-hina/mb_str_replace str_replace() のマルチバイト対応版 mb_str_replace() の実装 ↗️
4 @fujimoto/php-oll online-learning library written in PHP
4 @fujiwaraizuho/ServerInfoForm ServerFormを表示させるプラグインです。
4 @gsi-cyberjapan/elevation-php
4 @haniokasai/ChatPermitter チャットをweb認証するまで制限します
4 @heavenshell/php-silex-maintenance Show maintenance to client.
4 @heavenshell/php-string-filter Porting p5-string-filter to PHP
4 @hirokawa/LightOAuth2 A lightweight OAuth2 library for PHP 5
4 @hiromi2424/modular_auth CakePHP plugin for modular
4 @hissy/c5_example_entity An example concrete5 package of developing a new entity using doctrine orm
4 @hissy/scaling-concrete5 Scalable concrete5 with Memcache
4 @holyshared/developer-package Frontend Developer Package
4 @horike37/wp-plugin-unittest-dependency-patten
4 @hototya/Clank ガチャプラグイン
4 @hotta/ansible-centos7 This set of ansible playbooks aims to deploy various environment quickly.
4 @i544c/nikujaga
4 @ichikaway/CakeEpicSaxGuy Play Epic Sax Guy video when test failed.
4 @issei-m/StreamedCsvResponse Represents a CSV format file as streamed HTTP response.
4 @iteman/osc2011-nagoya-symfony2-tutorial PHPフレームワークSymfony2 開発チュートリアル ↗️
4 @ixkaito/wp-api-customizer
4 @ixkaito/wp.shakyo
4 @jrmadsen67/MahanaMailinatorAPI Php Mailinator API library
4 @jrmadsen67/MahanaMailinatorTest A PHPUnit extension for testing emails via the Mailinator API
4 @jrmadsen67/mahana-hierarchy-laravel Laravel package version of the Mahana Hierarchy module for version 4.2 ↗️
4 @jumilla/l4-sample-getstarted ↗️
4 @jumilla/laravel-addomnipot Addon system for Laravel.
4 @jumilla/laravel-erb2blade Convert .erb to .blade.php for Laravel command.
4 @jumilla/php-source-generator PHP source code generator. Can be written using a method chain.
4 @junichiro/zend-view-twig The view of ZendFramework Zend_View alternate Twig.
4 @k-holy/Volcanus_Csv
4 @k-ishiwata/LaravelSimpleCMS Laravel練習用のCMSです。
4 @k1LoW/Back Sessoin base `history back' plugin for CakePHP
4 @k1LoW/Sample-Calendar-Application Sample Application for the CakePHP Calendar Plugin
4 @k1LoW/Yasd Yet Another SoftDeletable Behavior for CakePHP
4 @k1LoW/webroot_view CakePHP library for use elements and helpers under app/webroot/
4 @kaz29/aws-datasource-for-cakephp
4 @kb10uy/ShortStoryServer Reborn: kb10uy S3
4 @keichan34/wp-object-cache-memcache Memcached backend for the WP Object Cache.
4 @kenjis/ci-hmvc-ci-phpunit-test CodeIgniter HMVC and ci-phpunit-test
4 @kenjis/codeigniter-twig-samples CodeIgniter Twig Samples
4 @kenjis/fuel-simplerauth FuelPHP SimplerAuth Package
4 @ketaiorg/YukkuriTalkServer 受け取った文字列をゆっくり声で喋らせ、wavファイルの形でダウンロードさせるサーバプログラムです。
4 @kiaking/laravel-locale Cachable multi-locale routing and URL generating helper for Laravel 5.
4 @kohkimakimoto/LaravelValidatorExtension An extension of validator for Laravel4.
4 @kohkimakimoto/adminer-cli Command line interface to run adminer on the PHP built-in server.
4 @koike/ayumi ayumi is tools for analyze Drive-by Download
4 @koriym/Koriym.DbAppPackage BEAR.Sunday project skeleton
4 @kotamat/laravel-apispec-sample
4 @kumatch/stagehand-php-parser A PHP parser for PHP
4 @kurubusi/krc-cast-manager 1.0.01
4 @kuzuha/Geography_JapanesePrefectures This module allows you to get information on Japanese Prefectures names. and region. ↗️
4 @m2wasabi/twitter_imagehunter Twitterから画像を掻っ攫うやつ
4 @mach3/ghostsheet Simple Google Spreadsheet Loader for PHP and Ajax
4 @mavenzer/Placement--Management--System
4 @mawatari/Backbone-ToDos-with-CakePHP-RESTful-API Backbone ToDos with CakePHP RESTful API
4 @memory-agape/PHPPython run bytecode Python by PHP
4 @memory-agape/memoin Easy to use virtual currency exchangers APIs ↗️
4 @metheno/theme_starter Typecho 主题脚手架,在这里开始你的主题创作之旅吧!
4 @mromaine/eejpn_langfiles Japanese language files for Expression Engine ↗️
4 @muratayusuke/phpThumbnailer easy to make Thumbnail image in php using GD library
4 @n1215/simple-adr A PSR-15 / PSR-17 compatible simple Action-Domain-Responder pattern example with no framework.
4 @nako48/Csrf-Exploiter Exploiter Jquery File Upload
4 @nano-eight/TwitterBootstrapSkel twitter bootstrap for cakephp
4 @nekonomokochan/php-json-logger LoggingLibrary for PHP. Output by JSON Format
4 @nekoya/SmartCSS Advanced CSS parser contains variables, recursive rulesets and import another files.
4 @nekoya/php-ganc
4 @ngyuki/composer-curl-plugin Composer Curl Plugin
4 @ngyuki/zf2-smarty Smarty module for Zend Framework 2
4 @nhim175/opencart-news-module OpenCart News Module
4 @niaeashes/fuel-gearman Utilities to use Gearman with FuelPHP
4 @nojimage/CakePHP-AppEmail AppEmailComponent (for Japanese) ↗️
4 @nojimage/codeception-mobileemulation WebDriver mobile emulation switcher for Codeception
4 @norbusan/piwigopress Piwigo-Wordpress integration
4 @nowelium/php-thread-utils php thread utility ↗️
4 @nulltask/Aether Monkey patch for Ethna 2.5.0 ↗️
4 @omoon/Laravel.Osaka.2016
4 @ounziw/MojoMotor-Qrcode QR Code via google chart API ↗️
4 @pastak/nicoDoEnTagginger PHP script for download video file from , then call ffmpeg and add id3v2.4 tag
4 @pepabo/muumuu.php 🐘 API Client for MuumuuDomain.
4 @polidog/SsrBundle A JavaScript server side rendering for Symfony
4 @polidog/sf2-todo Symfony2のTodoサンプル
4 @predominant/Woopra CakePHP Woopra Plugin ↗️
4 @predominant/bookmark Bookmarking Service (CakePHP Example) ↗️
4 @predominant/phpmatsuri-cms Example CMS project developed during workshops at PHP Matsuri 2010 ↗️
4 @pyrmont/slurm Slurm is a plugin for Koken that replaces the boring auto-generated slugs with magical numeric slugs.
4 @ryutakomori/php
4 @sama55/FluxBB-Japanese-Translation FluxBBの日本語翻訳環境(FluxBB:軽快な動作が特徴のオープンソース掲示板ソフト) ↗️
4 @sasezaki/zf2-jenkins-builds [out of date] build files for developing zendframework/zf2
4 @shin1x1/how-to-write-php-code-with-fizzbuzz Sample for PHP conference Kansai 2014 session B-4
4 @shin1x1/phpconsen2019 明日から使えるアーキテクチャ 独立したコアレイヤパターン
4 @shin1x1/phpstorm-with-docker-for-mac-sample
4 @sho-yamane/wp-webpack-gulp-starter Webpack + Gulpで作るWordPressスターターテーマ
4 @sizuhiko/behat_websteps Testing web pages with Behat, PHPUnit and Goutte
4 @slywalker/CakePHPWorkshopKansai CakePHP Workshop Kansai Sample Code ↗️
4 @slywalker/form_mail CakePHP FormMail Plugin
4 @slywalker/tool_kit CakePHP Tool Plugin
4 @suin/cakephp-subcommand-injector 📦CakePHP Subcommand Injector make it possible that automatical adding Task classes as subcommands of a Shell class.
4 @suin/xoops-watch-template
4 @taizo/simplesamlphp-googleauth Google Apps OpenID Authentication module for SimpleSAMLphp
4 @technote-space/add-richtext-toolbar-button WordPress plugin to add richtext toolbar button
4 @tejima/opAuthJanrainPlugin Janrainを使ってGoogle、Facebook、TwitterアカウントなどからSSOするためのプラグイン
4 @tengyifei/php-gettext-memcached Using Memcached to speed up PHP implementation of gettext, which is used when the native gettext extension is unavailable.
4 @teriyakisan/twicon Twitterユーザアイコンの画像URLを取得してキャッシュするPHPライブラリ / Get and cache Twitter User Icon Image URL library written in PHP.
4 @ttskch/google-sheets-api-php-client PHP client library for Google Sheets API.
4 @tyoro/gyazo-mail メールドリブンでgyazoに投げる何か
4 @usualoma/google-docs-for-mt Enabling to work with GoogleDocs.
4 @vsec7/ Create, Read, Update, Delete with
4 @walf443/php-sql-maker-insert_multi generate multi insert SQL for MySQL
4 @wokamoto/spirits-and-goblins [WordPress Plugin] Spirits and Goblins (魍魎)
4 @yama/kcfinder-for-modx kcfinder for MODX
4 @yamakadi/laravel-line-webhooks Handle Line webhooks in a Laravel application
4 @yandod/phpfriends Let's friend! ↗️
4 @yandod/teacare Tiny question and answer application which is developed on #li3 (Lithium)
4 @yowcow/php-mime-base64-urlsafe PHP-version of URL safe base64 encoding/decoding
4 @ytake/Iono.Container spring framework style PHP service container library(with annotations)
4 @ytake/Laravel.VoltDB VoltDB providers for Laravel
4 @ytake/gulp-sample phpの為のgulp入門
4 @ytbdken/notification-box WordPress Plugin
4 @yuya-takeyama/piper Helps functional programming in OO style
4 @zcbenz/sbbs-search 虎踞龙蟠BBS全文检索 ↗️
4 @zonuexe/builderscon-frameworkless-php [builderscon]
3 @0918nobita/eitango_pretest 英単語を様々なアプローチで暗記することができます
3 @2843/ablogcms
3 @77web/Excel.Templating enable using excel files as template for reports
3 @77web/Excel.Templating.Old enable using excel files as template for reports
3 @77web/opActiveMemberPlugin [開発中]現在ログインしているユーザーを表示するガジェットを追加するプラグイン
3 @77web/opActivityTweetPlugin OpenPNE3.xでアクティビティをtwitterに同時投稿するプラグイン
3 @77web/opAnnouncePlugin OpenPNE3のお知らせ(簡易CMS)機能
3 @77web/opContactPlugin OpenPNE3.x用お問合せフォームプラグイン
3 @77web/opNicePlugin add "nice!" button & counts in OpenPNE3.x
3 @77web/opPopMailPlugin OpenPNE3のメール投稿処理にPOP3を使えるようにするプラグインです
3 @77web/opSkinFacebookPlugin provides facebook like skin to OpenPNE3.x
3 @77web/sfAsseticPlugin [under development]enable assetic in symfony1.4.x projects with PHP5.2.x
3 @77web/workflower-zundokokiyoshi-example
3 @Aquasys/ja-sugarcrm Japanese language pack for SugarCRM
3 @Atrac613/felica-auth Allows WordPress to FeliCa for authentication of users.
3 @EndoHizumi/planasphere 月のフレームアームズ部隊「プラナスフィア」のWebポータルサイト ↗️
3 @Flast/php-packetix PHP binding for administering PacketiX VPN
3 @GreenMeteor/humhub-facebook-module Adds a Facebook page widget to Humhub`s sidebar.
3 @HiroKws/Laravel-base-32 Laravel ver.3.2 Japanese sample and development base
3 @HotaruCMS/BookmarkingPlugins Quickstart pack of Social Bookmarking Plugins for HotaruCMS
3 @JohannesFischer/adora-gallery work in progress
3 @LocoNeko/silex-ROR Republic of Rome - Silex Framework
3 @Maecenas/tt-rss An unofficial mirror of the Tiny Tiny RSS, an open-source RSS feed reader and aggregator ↗️
3 @MagicalTux/nezumi-php Nezumi PHP RO emulator
3 @MisumiRize/php-pre-commit-hook Git pre-commit hook validation
3 @NEKOGET/ci_language の system/language/english を日本語化するためのレポジトリです。
3 @OtorisanVardo/ButtonCall Flowyを用いたPMMPプラグイン
3 @Quantisan/WholeCell M. genitalium whole cell model and knowledge base by Karr et al.
3 @Rokt33r/laravel-angular-jwt-auth-example Laravel Tokyo LT #1 - Laravel x Angular アプリケーションでのJWT認証
3 @SakurabaKiyoka/PixivDNSFetcher 一个方便的Pixiv DNS列表更新脚本
3 @Tak0002/eventshare 興味あるタグをフォローしてイベントを共有できるSNSです
3 @Tomvictor/flowershop fully responsive mobile first design for a flower shop
3 @Yanorei32/savacs Senior Assisting Video & Audio Communication System
3 @ackintosh/wp-remove-control-character WordPress plugin.
3 @ahomu/Ah 世間のフレームワークを使ったことがなかったので、フレームワークを習作する試み。 ↗️
3 @aki77/Propel-Behavior Propel Behavior
3 @akkshaylawrence/carehack-p CareHack Preliminary Project
3 @alfasado/cakephp-plugin-mt-cake MTCake is template engine for CakePHP.
3 @alfasado/mt-plugin-fiscal-yearly-archiver-php
3 @alfasado/mt-plugin-if-cookie Conditional Tag MTIfCookie.
3 @alfasado/mt-plugin-if-the-http-referer Conditional Tags MTIfTheHTTPReferrer or MTIfHTTPReferrer.
3 @alfasado/mt-plugin-rebuild-filter
3 @alfasado/mt-plugin-search-csv Search data from CSV.
3 @alfasado/mt-plugin-set_error_handler Override Error Handler for Dynamic Publishing.
3 @algobasket/Scrapping-Crawling-Scripts All Scripting and Crawling Script
3 @appleple/acms-google-sheets Google Sheets API と連携し、お問い合わせフォームなどで送信された内容を任意のGoogle スプレッドシートの最後の行に追記することができます。
3 @appleple/acms-google-translate Google Translation for a-blog cms
3 @appleple/acms-recaptcha a-blog cms の 拡張アプリ「reCAPTCHA for a-blog cms」を使うと、GoogleのreCAPTCHAを使用してボットからの フォームアクセスを防御することが出来るようになります。
3 @becyn/fluxflex_wordpress_3.2.1
3 @bmf-san/ahi-router The simple URL router built with PHP
3 @bmf-san/bitflyer-chat-morphological-analysis Bitflyer Chat Morphological Analysis
3 @bmf-san/bmf-php-router The simple URL router built with PHP
3 @bmf-san/til Today I learned.
3 @brtriver/SymfonyanBundle Symfonyan bundle for Symfony2
3 @brtriver/simple-crud-bundle simple crud actions method by trait for Symfony2
3 @c-brains/cakephp3-circleci-example
3 @chobie/dabloomd dablooms * memcached like server
3 @chobie/kokuban yet another gist implementation using php-git2
3 @chobie/php-influxdb (WIP)Experimental Protobuf Client / HTTP client for influxdb
3 @chobie/php-plist
3 @christopherobin/whisper A PHP MicroFramework ↗️
3 @chungth/php-examples Some php examples from novice to professional
3 @chvanikoff/Kohana-CLI-generator A simple module that allows generating empty Jelly-models and controllers via CLI
3 @cognitom/SugarCE-JLP Japanese Language Pack for SugarCE ↗️
3 @concrete5cojp/addon_author_profile A concrete5 block to show author's profile. ↗️
3 @concrete5cojp/addon_mysqldump
3 @concrete5cojp/addon_ssl_redirect_conf A concrete5 Add-on. Redirect users to https URL with simple rules configuration.
3 @concrete5cojp/concrete5-debugbar concrete5 Debugbar (Integrates PHP Debug Bar)
3 @concrete5cojp/ssl_redirect_conf A concrete5 Add-on. Redirect users to https URL with simple rules configuration.
3 @creatorish/social-shares SNSでシェアされた数とその合計値が取得できるPHP&jQueryプラグイン
3 @dakatsuka/JBuilderBundle Symfony2 Bundle for JBuilder
3 @deeeki/cakephp-csvio Behavior for CakePHP supports CSV import/export.
3 @deeeki/cakephp-partitionable Behavior for CakePHP supports MySQL partitioning by date.
3 @dengenxp/MediaGallery Media Gallery Plugin for Geeklog
3 @do-aki/php-SqliteArray A module of PHP, emulate primitive array class using SQLite ↗️
3 @dozen/roman2kana_library PHPでローマ字をひらがなに変換するライブラリ
3 @dvcrn/oosbl Code Generation of .osb (Osu Storyboard) Files
3 @e2info/wp-botman Create your chatbot for WordPress site using botman
3 @elzup/dominator 💀✅ Twitter user Sentiment Analysis on web app ↗️
3 @emonkak/php-di A fast dependency injection library for PHP
3 @emonkak/php-enumerable An implementation of LINQ to Objects in PHP
3 @ericmuyser/ls-module-flatfoot Notice: Currently unsupported! There may be a use for this in the future, but no plans yet. Please use the official file-based templates: (CMS filesystem synchronization for LemonStand)
3 @ericmuyser/php-node-bootstrap [UNMAINTAINED] PHP bootloader for Node.js ↗️
3 @fc2ist/wp.xmlrpc WordpressのXML-RPC投稿を簡単に行うためのクラスです。
3 @fetus-hina/
3 @fetus-hina/tarte Twitter bot engine "たると。"
3 @fk2000/fbsprog FBSprogは異なるSNSユーザ間のコミュニケーションサービスを作るプロジェクトです。 ↗️
3 @fujiwaraizuho/UILoginSystem This is LoginSystem ↗️
3 @fumikito/WP-Hamazon WordPressでAmazonアフィリエイトを可能にします。DMM, PHGにも対応。
3 @fumiyasac/laravel5.3-minimum-tutorial [ING]Laravel5.3でCRUDアプリケーションを作成する簡易チュートリアル
3 @fusic/Reincarnation Use version 1.1.x for Cake3.3 and below
3 @gruis/MooTact Mootools and JSON driven Javascript Contact Form. It's a Lightboxed contact form ↗️
3 @gunyarakun/mumu Template engine written in pure PHP
3 @ha1t/candycane-emoji candycane emoji ( ) plugin
3 @ha1t/php-Pit ↗️
3 @hackerkid/Hackernews-Syncer-for-Wordpress ⚓ A Wordpress plugin for syncing the Hackenews posts with Wordpress blog
3 @haniokasai/Flowly-Example Flowyのイグザンプル
3 @haniokasai/MiRm-CorePVP MiRm-CorePVP
3 @heavenshell/gene Glue of Zend Framework
3 @heavenshell/php-net-url-dispatcher PHP library for Dispatch to controller class from PATH_INFO
3 @hidenori-wasa/_PEAR_BreakpointDebugging_PHPUnitStepExecution
3 @hidenorigoto/Nagoya.Dk9
3 @hidenorigoto/annotation-checker-bundle
3 @hideokamoto/wp-theme-kiyomizu This theme has 2column post list. Customized Twenty Fifteen Theme
3 @hiro-su/twitter-streaming-api-test
3 @hiromi2424/candycane_clone candycane for PHP >= 5.2.6
3 @hiromi2424/mailer Mailer plugin for CakePHP
3 @hiroy/cookie-stored-session a cookie-stored session class for php
3 @hissy/addon_author_profile A concrete5 block to show author's profile. ↗️
3 @hissy/addon_csv_xml_converter_legacy Abandoned! See ↗️
3 @hissy/addon_debug_panel
3 @hissy/addon_disqus Adds disqus comment system to your concrete5 site.
3 @hissy/addon_example_attribute_types An example package to adding custom attribute types for concrete5 version 8
3 @hissy/addon_mysqldump
3 @hissy/addon_ssl_redirect_conf A concrete5 Add-on. Redirect users to https URL with simple rules configuration.
3 @hissy/concrete5-debugbar concrete5 Debugbar (Integrates PHP Debug Bar)
3 @hissy/concrete5_example_form An example of development a package contains custom form block
3 @hissy/php-code-scanner Static code analyzer to find potential vulnerability risk.
3 @hissy/pulse-ogp
3 @hissy/wp-c5-exporter Move your WordPress blog content to your concrete5 site. ↗️
3 @horike37/simple-ga-ranking
3 @imos/ninespot Launch a cloud machine on demand.
3 @inc2734/markdown-importer Importing posts from markdown files.
3 @inc2734/my-snow-monkey
3 @inc2734/snow-monkey-forms
3 @ixkaito/twilio
3 @jagadotio/jaga Social Sharing and Networking Platform ↗️
3 @john-saman/ftp-sync A class to provide functionality of sync command using PHP and FTP server
3 @johna1203/pwa-aws-summit AWS Summit Tokyo 2016 + Amazon Payments
3 @jonwaller/howtobuycryptocoinsinfo-website Repo for
3 @jumilla/laravel-addon-wordpress WordPress addon for Laravel 5.
3 @june29/wp29 Simple WordPress theme just for june29 ↗️
3 @junichi11/netbeans-php-stubs NetBeans PHP用の日本語のスタブです。
3 @k-usk/laravel-csv-seeder
3 @k1LoW/Routine
3 @k1LoW/Xls
3 @k1LoW/devilspie Sell your soul...he he he
3 @k1LoW/exceptable `Exceptable any fields form conditions' plugin for CakePHP
3 @k1LoW/glue
3 @k1LoW/octopackage octorelease for composer
3 @k1LoW/property-enum Property based enum plugin for CakePHP 3
3 @k1LoW/xlsx
3 @karad/wpjelly_vol_2
3 @kawahara/opLiteMailTaskPlugin This plugin contains some mail tasks that is lighter than task of OpenPNE3.
3 @kawahara/opPointPlugin
3 @kawahara/opSimpleActivityAPIPlugin
3 @kawahara/symfony-bootstrapper ↗️
3 @kaz29/CoMeetingBot
3 @kazu69/render-reactjs-with-php-example Server rendering of React.js template in php application example
3 @kenjis/OreOrePHP A simple and fast PHP 5.4+ "glue" framework with minimal learning cost.
3 @kenjis/fuelphp1st-2nd-contact-form 『はじめてのフレームワークとしてのFuelPHP 第2版(改訂版)』のコンタクトフォーム ↗️
3 @kenjis/imadoki-codeigniter-phpunit イマドキのCodeIgniterでPHPUnit入門 ↗️
3 @kenjis/php-csp-nonce-source CSP (Content Security Policy) nonce-source for PHP
3 @kjdev/php-ext-callmap Call a callback with an map of parameters function Extension for PHP
3 @kjim/sqlshade-php SQLShade PHP implementation
3 @kmusiclife/App Symfony2 useful bundles. including UserBundle(FOSUserBundle and FOSFacebookBundle) and UploadBundle(jQuery-File-Uploader)
3 @ko31/pigeon みまもりメールWebアプリを構築できるWordpressテーマ ↗️
3 @ko31/simple-slug-translate Simple Slug Translate can translate the post, page, category and taxonomy slugs to English automatically. ↗️
3 @kohkimakimoto/StaticProxy StaticProxy provides static interface to an instance method.
3 @koike/tomori tomori is tools for analyze Drive-by Download
3 @komagata/awesome-form プリミティブなフォーム用関数群
3 @komagata/nitohen-sankakukei kids event website.
3 @koriym/restapp-spec-skeleton REST Application Spec Skeleton
3 @kotamat/laravel-apispec-generator
3 @kotas/myqueue Sample implementation of message queue using MySQL. ↗️
3 @kouki-kuriyama/jlab-script-plus 実況ろだの閲覧期間付きアップローダーです ↗️
3 @kozo/ReviserComponent Excel Reviser Component for CakePHP
3 @kozo/debug_kit_setting debug_kit setting panel for CakePHP
3 @kozo/imagemake ImagemakeComponent for Cakephp
3 @ktakayama/swa Sign in with Apple / Generate and validate tokens
3 @ktty1220/php-redisutil Redisの様々な型のデータの検索および保存をそれぞれ単一のメソッドで実行するクラス
3 @kuma-guy/BEAR.JwtAuthModule JSON Web Token Authentication for BEAR.Sunday
3 @kuzuha/Autoloader_Simple a simple autoloader for php5. ↗️
3 @kuzuha/Missa
3 @kyorohiro/KyoroStressV1 deprecated: android test tool. this tool create situation low memory killer is run
3 @lukyth/jwc7-website
3 @magic3org/magic3 Web application platform ↗️
3 @makotokw/pukiwiki.codeprettify PukiWiki Plugin, Syntax highlighting by using google-code-prettify
3 @manse/jsminplus.modx JavaScript compressor for MODX Evo.
3 @manse/sass.modx SASS compiler for MODX Evo.
3 @mapyo/eloqunet-only
3 @marihachi/TeaTime The TeaTime is SNS for your tea time. ↗️
3 @marioyc/oj-tool
3 @martynbiz/diff Diff helps you generating difference views between two or three text files.
3 @materializing/keyword baserCMSの固定ページとブログ記事にキーワード入力欄を追加するプラグイン ↗️
3 @mccrodp/message_private The Message Private module provides a message type and associated entity reference fields, enabling sending and receiving private messages using The Message Stack. ↗️
3 @memememomo/composer-sql-maker
3 @miiitaka/wp-posted-display 🔌 WordPress: Plug-in Posted Display Widget & ShortCode Add. ↗️
3 @miiitaka/wp-widget-extensions 🔌 WordPress : Plug-in Default Widget Extensions. ↗️
3 @minoryorg/validation.php Laravel 5.5 日本語バリデーションメッセージファイル
3 @mirakui/haccho DMM monthly rental service crawler
3 @miurahr/Ushahidi_plugin_kml Ushahidi's KML plugin ↗️
3 @miya0001/Mail_CheckUser check email addresses for validity with SMTP commands ↗️
3 @miya0001/custom-field-suite-revision-fix Fix revision and preview issue for Custom Field Suite Plugin
3 @miya0001/logo-customizer This plugin allow you to customize the logo image on Theme Customizer.
3 @miya0001/oembed-internal-link
3 @miya0001/wp-themeception
3 @monsat/github_receiver
3 @mura-/NahaPHP YSP(やっけーしーじゃーぱわー)
3 @n1215/hakudo A PSR-15 compatible HTTP router.
3 @n1215/learn-laravel-facade LaravelのFacadeっぽいものを自作する
3 @nagayama/wp-starter a easy starter wordpress project with timber
3 @nakaharatt/moodle-block_forum_report Moodleのフォーラムに投稿と返信をカウントするプラグイン。
3 @namidairo777/mydiary website project based on CakePHP
3 @nanasess/eccube-SQLAzureSupport-plugin EC-CUBE on Microsoft Azure SQL Database
3 @nanasess/xdo O/R Mapping Framework of PHP that aims at high productivity. It inspired by JDO (Java Data Objects - JSR243) of Java. ↗️
3 @nao58/tuibotter PHP Framework to handle twitter bot ↗️
3 @narupi/OITBeginnersCTF
3 @nazo/phpcondo PHP Conference Hokkaido ↗️
3 @nazo/safeapc PHP APC(APCu) Cache Wrapper
3 @ncrt035/lexiconGrammaticum A Glossary of Ancient Greek Grammatical/Philological Terminology (written in PHP)
3 @nekowen/iossample-devicecheck-server DeviceCheck Server Sample
3 @ngyuki/dbdatool
3 @ngyuki/php-dbdatool
3 @niiyz/Laravel-Testing Laravel Testing Sample
3 @nijitaro/ my github page ↗️
3 @nishimura/Tsukiyo PHP O/R Mapping Library
3 @nobunobuta/xoopscube XOOPS Cube gitgub repository building test environment
3 @nojimage/CakePHP-PHPTAL-Blog-Tutorial CakePHP with PHPTAL code sample ↗️
3 @nojimage/cakephp-login-attempts LoginAttempts plugin for CakePHP 3
3 @nojimage/tiwt tiwt - TwitterKit Plugin sample. ↗️
3 @nojimage/tld-crawler fetch tld data from
3 @norbusan/slick-google-map-plugin Free Google map Wordpress plugin
3 @nouphet/get-connpass-member-list コンパスの参加者リストを一撃で取得するスクリプト
3 @nowelium/JIRAClient SOAP JIRAClient for PHP ↗️
3 @nukosuke/php-annict [EXPERIMENTAL] Annict APIクライアントライブラリ for PHP ↗️
3 @ogaoga/TwitterEntitiesLinker TwitterEntitiesLinker is a PHP script to add links into tweets by using entities data.
3 @oginomizuho/pdf-image-generator A WordPress plugin to generate automatically cover image of PDF by using ImageMagick.
3 @ounziw/Debugging-translation-for-Concrete5 ↗️
3 @ounziw/MojoMotor-Breadcrumb Breadcrumb Add-on for MojoMotor. MojoMotor is a CodeIngiter based CMS. ↗️
3 @ounziw/PHPTAL-for-WordPress-Default-Theme A PHPTAL template, based on WordPress Default Theme (kubrick)
3 @ozero/uploadentry2blogger upload your 1 html into as 1 entry
3 @pastak/jichikai_web this project is based on lionwiki
3 @piece/piece-unity A Web application framework ↗️
3 @piece/stagehand-componentfactory A component factory with the Symfony DependencyInjection component ↗️
3 @pinfort/glitter tweet your GitLab contribution ↗️
3 @pocket7878/opauth-flickr Flickr strategy for Opauth
3 @polidog/ControllerFilterBundle
3 @polidog/TestRunkit runkitを楽しくするためのツール ↗️
3 @polidog/payjp-decorator
3 @ponko2/laravel-starter-kit
3 @poppen/p2 2ch viewer written in php ↗️
3 @predominant/opcache-stats OpCache Statistics Page
3 @pyrmont/babel Babel is a plugin for Koken that allows multiple languages to be used but separately displayed.
3 @reoring/docker-cakephp3 Docker environment for CakePHP3
3 @reoring/sabel php web application framework
3 @repeatedly/shibboleth-module-for-openpne This module conduct Shibboleth authentication on OpenPNE.
3 @rewish/CSS_DynamicCompressor ↗️
3 @riaf/jp.rhaco-users.kaigi rhaco kaigi (events system) ↗️
3 @ryota-murakami/twitter-bearer-token-getter CLI tool of twitter API Bearer Token
3 @sanemat/HTML_Emoji_fork から fork
3 @sanmai/pindx Эталонный справочник почтовых индексов объектов почтовой связи, PHP / JSON (База индексов Почты России) ↗️
3 @sapporomatt/moodle-mod_reactforum This is a version of the Moodle Forum plugin that allows buttons to be added for users to click and clicks tallied.
3 @sebinpj/ODCS-PHP online doctor consultancy php script
3 @serima/MyNumber Japanese MyNumber Verifier
3 @shibafu528/mastodon-moved-account-check Mastodonおひっこしチェッカー ↗️
3 @shigeru-kuratani/SimpleTemplate SimpleTemplate repository
3 @shin1x1/laravel-on-heroku Sample Laravel 4 application on Heroku
3 @shin1x1/laravel-table-admin-example example for Laravel-Table-Admin
3 @shoichi4411/dec2multi php function DEC <-> Multi(2 number ~ 92 number)
3 @simulacre/MooTact Mootools and JSON driven Javascript Contact Form. It's a Lightboxed contact form ↗️
3 @sizuhiko/BddExampleApp CakePHP sample application and test cases for using BDD plugin.
3 @sizuhiko/CakeBehatExampleApp Sample Application For CakeBehat
3 @slywalker/cakephp-plugin-base
3 @slywalker/cakephp-plugin-debug_kit_plus Add Panel in DebugKit
3 @sojan-official/moby-thesaurus A class for parsing the Moby Thesaurus and Moby Part of Speech dictionary.
3 @sonots/pukiwiki-plugin Sonots' PukiWiki Plugin ↗️
3 @stffrdhrn/fudosan PHP, Twiiter Bootstrap, jQuery, CouchDB based webapp for managing real-estate property and client relationships
3 @suin/livexample 💯 Ensures your example codes works well by unit testing.
3 @suin/php-skeleton A template repository for kicking start PHP library development.
3 @suin/phpexcel-playground 👾 PHPExcelを勉強するときや、スニペットを手軽に試すためのリポジトリです。
3 @suin/symplify-cs-fixer [READ-ONLY] Make Symplify Coding Standard's fixers work with PHP-CS-Fixer.
3 @sukeesh/William-Harvey Microsoft 2018 ↗️
3 @sutara79/basic.crud.codeigniter CodeIgniter + SQLite3 + Bootstrap
3 @sutara79/basic.crud.phalcon Phalcon + SQLite3 + Bootstrap
3 @suzuki86/sample-of-using-mailcatcher-on-travisci Sample of using mailcatcher on Travis CI
3 @taiyoh/Test_mysqld-php from cpan's Test::mysqld
3 @taiyoh/pikotan.php tiny web framework that is anti-fullstack, and doesn't use classes
3 @tanabe/score-ranking-php
3 @tanakahisateru/php-gettext-alternative Simple cacheable po parser instead of PHP's native gettext
3 @tanshio/phpAnalyticsIP IP and Cookie set Google Analytics
3 @tejima/opAction2MailPlugin メッセージをメールに通知するプラグインです。
3 @tejima/opDropboxPlugin OpenPNEからDropboxにアクセスするプラグイン
3 @tejima/opLunchRandomizerPlugin Lunch Randomizer Agent
3 @tell-k/php-services_buzzurl PHP Library for Buzzurl API ↗️
3 @tetsuwo/php-voicetext-api The unofficial PHP client for the VoiceText Web API ↗️
3 @tmitz/askeet-symfony1_2
3 @tomohiro/gimei Random Japanese name generator ↗️
3 @torounit/smart-pwa
3 @torounit/wp-pwa
3 @ttskch/TtskchPagerfantaBundle Most easy and customizable way to use Pagerfanta with Symfony.
3 @ttskch/TwiggedSwiftMessageServiceProvider Twig templated Swift_Message builder service provider for the Silex microframework.
3 @ttskch/ansible-docker My docker-hosting ubuntu provisioner with ansible.
3 @ttskch/line-nullpo [deprecated] 「ぬるぽ」に「ガッ」するLINE BOT
3 @ttsuruoka/Services_Amazon ↗️
3 @ttsuruoka/dynamodb-example Bulletin board application using Amazon Dynamo DB
3 @tyokinuhata/html-builder メソッドチェーンキモチイイ!
3 @udonmai/cippus SSDUT-CIPPUS website
3 @udonmai/codeigniter-twig-doctrine A clear combination of Codeigniter-2.1, Twig-1.7.0 and Doctrine-2.2.0 :)
3 @uhho/PHPMarkovChain Simple implementation of Markov Chain for PHP
3 @uzulla/SugaPoem すがさんのポエムを簡単便利にCLIで読む
3 @uzulla/guard_php (Perl) Guard for PHP
3 @uzulla/mock_slim_client Client for a Mock Slim. (for PHPUnit)
3 @uzulla/ssh-pubkey-encrypter Encrypting short data by ssh-rsa public key.
3 @visualive/va-social-buzz [WordPress] It displays buttons at the end of every article for readers to "Like" your recommended Facebook page, to share the article on Facebook, to tweet about it on Twitter, and to follow you on Twitter.
3 @vitei/pendactive A recursive task management tool ↗️
3 @vsec7/Simple-MySQL-Injection-Labs Simple Labs MySQL Injection
3 @wokamoto/head-cleaner
3 @wokamoto/wp-basic-auth
3 @xcezx/Stream_Filter_Mbstring
3 @xinqiyang/woshimaijia,share u buy! ↗️
3 @y-matsumoto/BaseDemo FuelPHPデモアプリ
3 @y-uti/document-recommendation 社内勉強会での説明を補足するスクリプト群です
3 @yama/MaxiGallery This repository is obsolete. New repo is here ↗️
3 @yama/PemFTP
3 @yama/phpMyBackupPro
3 @yama/phpsniff
3 @yamamoto-febc/wp-sacloud-webaccel Wordpress SakuraCloud WebAccelerator Plugin:cherry_blossom: ↗️
3 @yandod/heroku-php-sample sample codes for heroku meetup
3 @yandod/matsutter cakematsuri-sample CakePHP based tiny twitter clone. (branched contains steps of workshop)
3 @yandod/php-warrior-maze maze experimental
3 @ytake/L5Idea for Laravel5.1 next level architecture example
3 @ytake/Lom Lombok style code generator for php
3 @ytake/laravel-skeleton strict mode laravel (removed facades etc...)
3 @ytake/spec-unit-testing for phpstudy
3 @yuka2py/cake-FkRecordModel This is a plug-in to handle the entity object in the CakePHP 2.x.
3 @yuka2py/wp-plugin-HtmlCustomFieldForm You can create a template for the custom fields in the HTML. If you have become familiar with CSS and HTML, you can create a form of complex layouts with minimal learning cost.
3 @yutaono/heroku_php_mysql PHP + MySQL on Heroku
3 @yuya-takeyama/acne Simple DI container for PHP < 5.3
3 @yuya-takeyama/bulky Library to execute bulk insertion
3 @yuya-takeyama/curry Function does currying
3 @yuya-takeyama/parallel_http Node.js like parallel HTTP client for PHP < 5.3
3 @yuya-takeyama/php-Cache_Casual A casual way to cache your data with PHP.
3 @yuya-takeyama/php-gyazo Gyazo clone application built on Sumile framework
3 @yuya-takeyama/venom Simple vendoring manager for PHP 5.2
3 @zachleigh/laravel-laundromat Remove sensitive data from objects before sending them client-side
3 @zonuexe/zonufuck A Brainfuck interpreter written in PHP.
3 @zuborawka/Backupable Backup and restore records plugin for cakephp2. ↗️