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522 lines (521 loc) · 83.2 KB

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522 lines (521 loc) · 83.2 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
1007 @yahoojapan/objc2swift Open Source Obj-C to Swift Converter.
960 @lloydmeta/enumeratum A type-safe, reflection-free, powerful enumeration implementation for Scala with exhaustive pattern match warnings and helpful integrations.
687 @seratch/AWScala Using AWS SDK on the Scala REPL
663 @ktoso/sbt-jmh "Trust no one, bench everything." - sbt plugin for JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness) ↗️
574 @tototoshi/scala-csv CSV Reader/Writer for Scala
512 @nulab/scala-oauth2-provider OAuth 2.0 server-side implementation written in Scala
259 @ktoso/akka-raft A toy project implementing RAFT on top of Akka Cluster (not prod ready) ↗️
249 @tototoshi/slick-joda-mapper Slick with JodaTime
165 @TanUkkii007/akka-cluster-custom-downing akka-cluster-custom-downing provides configurable auto-downing strategy you can choose based on your distributed application design.
164 @kxbmap/configs Scala wrapper for Typesafe config
160 @mumoshu/play2-memcached A memcached plugin for Play 2.x
108 @lloydmeta/diesel Boilerplate-free, zero-overhead Tagless Final / typed-final / Finally Tagless DSLs in Scala
107 @lloydmeta/schwatcher File-watching library for Scala. Built on Java 7's WatchService, RxScala and Akka actors.
103 @crossroad0201/ddd-on-scala DDD sample implementation by Scala.
91 @akisaarinen/rillit Boilerplate-free Functional Lenses for Scala 2.10
88 @ponkotuy/MyFleetGirls KanColle Public View Tool ↗️
88 @tototoshi/play-flyway Flyway plugin for Play >= 2.1
83 @xuwei-k/sbt-class-diagram sbt plugin to create a class diagram
82 @ktoso/sbt-jol Don't guess JVM object sizes. Get them on a silver platter.
79 @fozziethebeat/TopicModelComparison Scripts and codes for replicating experiments published in Exploring Topic Coherence over many models and many topics
76 @lloydmeta/slim-play Slim Play app
75 @lloydmeta/metascraper Scala library for scraping metadata from specified URLs (e.g. OpenGraph)
71 @mumoshu/play2-typescript TypeScript assets handling for Play 2.0. Compiles .ts files under the /assets dir along with the project.
67 @xuwei-k/httpz purely functional http client with scalaz.Free ↗️
66 @j5ik2o/akka-ddd-cqrs-es-example Bank API CQRS Event Sourcing System on Akka-Cluster (Concept Model)
63 @ktoso/scala-rainbow Super simple terminal output colorizing for Scala
62 @tototoshi/sbt-slick-codegen slick-codegen compile hook for sbt
61 @okapies/finagle-kafka An Apache Kafka client in Netty and Finagle.
59 @kiszk/spark-gpu Spark GPU and SIMD Support
59 @tototoshi/sbt-musical NO MUSIC, NO BUILD. Enjoy your compile time.
58 @xuwei-k/grpc-scala-sample translated from grpc java examples with ScalaPB
52 @tarao/bullet-scala A monadic library to resolve object relations with the aim of avoiding the N+1 query problem.
51 @tototoshi/play-json4s
50 @seratch/scalikesolr Apache Solr Client for Scala/Java ↗️
49 @ktoso/akka-persistence-hbase An HBase backed Journal for Akka's experimental persistence / event-sourcing
49 @tototoshi/play-json-naming Custom naming convention for play-json to map snake_case json to camelCase case classes
47 @okomok/sing Type-Level Metaprogramming Library in Scala ↗️
42 @halcat0x15a/kits A lightweight library for functional programming.
41 @lloydmeta/rhodddoobie My little sandbox for playing around with the FP + OOP + DDD combination, in particular using Rho, doobie, Docker, testing, etc in a project.
38 @j5ik2o/scala-ddd-base scala-ddd-base provides traits to support for ddd repositories and aggregates.
38 @mmizutani/sbt-play-gulp Gulp asset pipeline for Play Framework
37 @potix2/spark-google-spreadsheets Google Spreadsheets datasource for SparkSQL and DataFrames
36 @kmizu/jsonda A DSL for constructing json-like data sturctures ↗️
35 @everpeace/ml-examples-by-scalala Machine Learning Algorithms Samples By Scalala
34 @chatwork/scala-quiz
34 @everpeace/kafka-reassign-optimizer Kafka Partitions Re-Assignment Optimizer in scala ↗️
33 @ktoso/akka-http-mini-workshop
33 @todokr/sbt-project-switcher A sbt plugin to switch project in a snappy way⚡️
32 @tarao/lambda-scala Type level lambda calculus in Scala
31 @TsingJyujing/GeoScala A geo library written by Java and Scala ↗️
31 @maropu/hivemall-spark A Hivemall wrapper for Spark
31 @mizzy/scala-design-patterns
31 @mshibuya/cloudformal A type-safe CloudFormation DSL, which you can apply changes casually!
31 @seratch/bigquery4s A handy Scala wrapper of Google BigQuery API 's Java Client Library.
31 @yuroyoro/scala-hackathon Scala発火村の資料ですお ↗️
30 @j5ik2o/ticket-price-modeling
29 @codefirst/dashbozu A missing line for software development ↗️
29 @j5ik2o/reactive-aws-clients AWS Client libraries for Scala (Automatic generation from AWS source code)
28 @xuwei-k/nobox immutable primitive array/NonEmptyArray wrapper for Scala
28 @yoshikyoto/lgtmoon ↗️
28 @yu-iskw/hierarchical-clustering-with-spark
27 @halcat0x15a/twitter4z A Scalaz wrapper for Twitter API.
27 @tanishiking/scalaunfmt Generates the .scalafmt.conf that have minimum change to existing your scala codebase on running scalafmt.
27 @tototoshi/sbt-build-files-watcher show message when sbt build files changed
26 @pocketberserker/scodec-msgpack Yet another MessagePack implementation for Scala
25 @chototsu/mikumikustudio-gdx MikuMikuStudio for libgdx.
25 @crossroad0201/flyway-awslambda AWS Lambda function for RDS migration using Flyway.
25 @maropu/spark-sql-server Yet Another Spark SQL JDBC/ODBC server based on the PostgreSQL V3 protocol
24 @nulab/play2-oauth2-provider This library is enabled using scala-oauth2-provider in Play Framework
24 @xuwei-k/ghscala purely functional scala github api client ↗️
23 @mumoshu/geohash-scala Geohash library for scala
23 @nus/gitbucket-plantuml-plugin A GitBucket plugin that renders PlantUML diagrams.
23 @tarao/slick-jdbc-extension-scala An extension to slick.jdbc
23 @todokr/emojipolation The easiest way to use Unicode Emoji in Scala🎉✨
23 @tototoshi/play-ascii-art-plugin play-ascii-art-plugin
23 @xuwei-k/protobuf-compiler online protobuf compiler ↗️
22 @akiradeveloper/akashic-storage Filey system backed S3-compatible storage in Scala/Akka-Http
22 @yu-iskw/click-through-rate-prediction Kaggle's click through rate prediction with Spark Pipeline API
21 @everpeace/kube-throttler throttling your pods in kubernetes cluster.
21 @kmizu/pegex A PEG-based pattern matching library EXtended by back reference with regex-like notation in Scala ↗️
21 @nulab/BacklogMigration-Redmine Migrate your projects from Redmine to Backlog.
21 @okomok/hano Reactive Sequence Combinators in Scala ↗️
20 @ktoso/hadoop-scalding-nojartool Hadoop Tool implementation which enables extreme productivity - running MR jobs on your cluster right from your sbt shell!
20 @kxbmap/sbt-jooq jOOQ plugin for SBT 1.0+
20 @lloydmeta/zipkin-futures Zipkin tracing for Scala Futures and non-Futures (synchronous operations)
20 @tototoshi/scala-http-client A thin wrapper of Apache HttpClient
20 @xuwei-k/play-json-extra playframework2 json extra module. provide convenience functions for define Format, Reads, Writes ↗️
19 @NomadBlacky/scala_examples Scalaですから
19 @TanUkkii007/reactive-snowflake Akka based id generation service with the same algorithm with Twitter Snowflake
19 @akiomik/idea-android-scala IntelliJ plugin for Android development with Scala ↗️
19 @bakenezumi/domala Domain Oriented Database Mapping Framework for Scala
19 @chatwork/sbt-aws sbt-aws is a plugin for aws
19 @codelibs/gitbucket-fess-plugin GitBucket plugin for Fess
19 @everpeace/healthchecks tiny healthcheck library for akka-http with Kubernetes liveness/readiness probe support ↗️
19 @ktoso/akka-streams-alpakka-talk-demos
19 @kxbmap/netty4-example-scala Porting Netty4 examples to Scala
19 @mike-neck/scala-study Scala勉強会のレポジトリー
19 @motemen/android-PicTumblr Android app for Tumblr picture reblogging
19 @nulab/akka-http-oauth2-provider This library is enabled using scala-oauth2-provider in Akka HTTP
19 @yu-iskw/spark-streaming-with-google-cloud-example an example of integrating Spark Streaming with Google Pub/Sub and Google Datastore
18 @3tty0n/gatling-thrift Gatling third party plugin for thrift protocol. ↗️
18 @cho45/hookhub
18 @dakatsuka/akka-http-oauth2-client A Scala wrapper for OAuth 2.0 with Akka HTTP
18 @dtaniwaki/akka-pusher Pusher meets Akka
18 @eiennohito/grpc-akka-stream-subrepo akka-stream server/client bindings for gRPC
18 @todokr/zugen An architecture diagram generator for Scala project.
17 @pocketberserker/scala-logic
17 @tototoshi/play-joda-routes-binder QueryString / Path Binder for Play 2.x
17 @tototoshi/scala-js-slide slide show written in Scala.js
16 @kmizu/macro_peg Macro PEG: PEG with macro-like rules
16 @ktoso/scala-macro-method-alias Scala 2.10 macros that help you delegate to other methods declaratively
16 @ktoso/scaladays-berlin-akka-streams
16 @todesking/scala-pp Pretty print objects for debugging purpose. Like Ruby's pp
16 @xuwei-k/javadoc-badge Badge for Javadoc (or any other jvm doc). redirect to sonatype or
15 @okomok/mada A General Purpose Library for Scala (Deprecated) ↗️
15 @todesking/sbt-conflict-classes
15 @yuroyoro/scala-websocket Sample applications of websocket on jetty 7 that written by scala. ↗️
14 @hayasshi/akka-http-router A simple library for route definition of akka-http.
14 @lloydmeta/freAST Fast, simple Free Monads using ScalaMeta macro annotations. Port of Freasy-Monad.
14 @lloydmeta/sbt-opencv Start using OpenCV in your JVM project in just 1 line, no separate compiling, installing OpenCV, or fussing with your system required.
14 @seratch/inputvalidator Scala Input Validator with quite readable DSL
14 @todesking/Unveil Runtime JVM Bytecode optimizer
14 @tototoshi/play-json-generic
14 @xuwei-k/play2scalaz Scalaz typeclasses <~> Playframework2 typeclasses ↗️
14 @xuwei-k/usagi rabbitmq client in scalaz-stream ↗️
14 @yuroyoro/InteractiveHelp InteractiveHelp ↗️
13 @akisaarinen/smartdiet SmartDiet analysis toolkit for Android
13 @camilosampedro/Aton Open web computer laboratory administrator ↗️
13 @code-check/github-api-scala GitHubAPI wrapper for scala
13 @everpeace/rxscalaz some useful type class instances for Observable
13 @j5ik2o/akka-persistence-dynamodb akka-persistence(journal, snapshot), akka-persistence-query plugin for AWS DynamoDB
13 @kmizu/scomb SComb: Simple but Powerful Parser Combinator Library
13 @lloydmeta/metascraper-service A completely non-blocking RESTful Play2 based API application that uses the Metascraper library to scrape URLs for metadata.
13 @seratch/sadamasashi-compiler さだまさしコンパイラ ↗️
13 @todokr/scala-graalvm-lambda Sample application of Native Scala with GraalVM.
13 @tototoshi/alpaca A tiny scripting language for web browser automation
13 @xuwei-k/gist-slide slideshow on google app engine ↗️
13 @xuwei-k/sbt-jshell sbt jshell plugin
12 @TanUkkii007/reactive-zookeeper Let-it-crash style ZooKeeper client based on Akka actor
12 @akisaarinen/ccf Concurrency Control Framework (CCF) ↗️
12 @ejisan/kuro-otp The OTP authentication library for Scala which is the implementation of TOTP(RFC6238) and HOTP(RFC4226).
12 @kurochan/logback-stackdriver-logging
12 @lloydmeta/sparkka-streams Power a Spark Stream from anywhere in your Akka Stream Flow
12 @tototoshi/play-reactjs-example Simple Twitter App with Play2 and React.js
12 @tototoshi/scala-fixture Simple fixture library for Scala
12 @viirya/SparkAffinityPropagation Affinity Propagation on Spark
12 @xuwei-k/sbt-conflict-classes show conflict classes in classpath. fork from
12 @xuwei-k/zeroapply zero cost Apply/Applicative syntax
11 @YoshinoriN/gitbucket-monitoring-plugin Provides monitoring page which contains machine information, resources, processes ...etc
11 @j5ik2o/spetstore-cqrs-es-akka
11 @ktoso/akka-streams-alpakka-talk-demos-2016
11 @maropu/spark-kinesis-sql-asl Amazon Kinesis Source for Structured Streaming
11 @nwtgck/trans-server-akka A Server for Transmitting File by curl or wget: Transfer data over HTTP/HTTPS
11 @seratch/ltsv4s LTSV parser implementation in Scala
11 @seratch/nhk4s "NHK 番組表 API" client library for Scala
11 @shinichy/akka-graph-example Working example of Distributed (in-memory) graph processing with Akka (
11 @windymelt/p2p2ch 2ch like p2p bbs by Scala
11 @xuwei-k/githubot github rss tweet bot ↗️
11 @xuwei-k/optparse-applicative Scala port of Paolo Capriotti's optparse-applicative library. fork from
11 @y-yu/featherweight_go Featherweight Go implementation by Scala ↗️
11 @yu-iskw/bisecting-kmeans An implementation of Bisecting KMeans Clustering which is a kind of Hierarchical Clustering algorithm on Spark
11 @yu-iskw/spark-ranking-algorithms Ranking algorithms for Spark machine learning pipeline ↗️
10 @akiomik/stanford-corenlp-server Scala JSON-RPC server for Stanford CoreNLP
10 @everpeace/banditsbook-scala Scala implementations of standard algorithms for Multi-Armed Bandits Problem.
10 @gunyarakun/clone2ch Clone of 2ch.
10 @int128/appengine-scala-starter App Engine Scala Template with Unfiltered and Scalate
10 @lloydmeta/ltsv-logger Convenient and performant logging in LTSV for Scala
10 @okapies/akka-mastodon Mastodon client based on Akka Streams. ↗️
10 @seratch/testgenerator Scala test generator sbt plugin
10 @taisukeoe/scalikejdbc-on-android ScalikeJDBC demo on Android SQLite.
10 @tototoshi/sbt-slick-codegen-example
10 @tototoshi/scala-base62 Base62 encode/decoder for Scala
10 @tototoshi/scala-base64 BASE64エンコーダ
10 @xuwei-k/dependency-graph online sbt-dependency-graph ↗️
10 @xuwei-k/iarray scalaz friendly immutable Array, NonEmptyArray ↗️
10 @xuwei-k/play-twenty-three generate over twenty three case classes play-json Reads/Writes/Format
10 @xuwei-k/play.g8 playframework giter8 template
10 @ymnk/websocket-in-scala
10 @yu-iskw/gihyo-spark-book-example 技術評論社「詳解Apache Spark」のサンプルコード ↗️
9 @3tty0n/play-json-xml It converts between play-json and xml like json4s.
9 @NomadBlacky/scala_samples Scalaですから
9 @TanUkkii007/akka-persistence-s3 Amazon S3 Snapshot Store Plugin for Akka Persistence
9 @everpeace/scalamata Automata in Scala ↗️
9 @halcat0x15a/kits-eff-dotty Extensible Effects in Dotty
9 @haruyama/ssh_client_sample SSH Client Sample ↗️
9 @j5ik2o/wallet-akka
9 @koduki/mechanize
9 @lloydmeta/http4s-doobie-docker-scratchpad Playing around with http4s + doobie + docker
9 @okomok/ken DSL like Haskell in Scala (toy)
9 @tarao/nonempty-scala A value class for non-empty collections in Scala
9 @tatsuya6502/hbase-mr-pof A proof of concept prototype of new HBase + Hadoop Map Reduce integration
9 @todesking/arrow_builder.scala
9 @todesking/fast_function_composer.scala Low overhead function composition
9 @tototoshi/lift-json-play-module lift-json module for Play20
9 @wmeddie/lstm-recommender An in progress demonstration of using LSTMs for next item recommendation.
8 @193s/margn JVM-based scripting language
8 @AKB428/mikasa_ol Mikasa Recommendation System. Twitter Data Analyzer
8 @dav009/FuzzyDict Fast Fuzzy String matching dictionary for Scala
8 @ejisan/scalauthx-otp The OTP authentication library for Scala which is the implementation of TOTP(RFC6238) and HOTP(RFC4226).
8 @everpeace/composing-monads monads can compose when distributive law exists.
8 @everpeace/ring-benchmark-in-akka This is another implementation in Akka of .
8 @hatena/scala-Intern-Bookmark はてな教科書サンプルコード ↗️
8 @higepon/tiny_scheme tiny scheme written in Scala
8 @j5ik2o/forseti The OAuth2 and OpenID Connect library for Scala
8 @j5ik2o/reactive-aws-client
8 @j5ik2o/warikan-domain-scala
8 @kotakanbe/akka-nbench Akka-nbench is a benchmarking tool created to conduct accurate and repeatable performance tests and stress tests, and produce performance graphs.
8 @ktoso/kaze-class Like Case Class, but easier to bin-compat evolve
8 @okomok/lity Exploring literal-level metaprogramming
8 @roundrop/scalikejdbc-sqlsyntax-ext ScalikeJDBC SQLSyntax Extension
8 @seratch/hackernews4s HackerNews API Client in Scala
8 @seratch/r2dbc-samples-in-scala Demonstrates how to use R2DBC - Reactive Relational Database Connectivity in Scala
8 @t-hiroyoshi/akka-http-standalone Example of stand-alone http server with Scala and Akka-Http.
8 @takezoux2/sbt-profile-plugin Sbt plugin which add maven like profile feature
8 @tanacasino/learning-scala Scalaのお勉強用
8 @todesking/nyandoc Javadoc/Scaladoc to markdown converter
8 @tototoshi/dbcache Cache library with RDB backend
8 @tototoshi/mvnsearch
8 @wmeddie/spark-text Text mining Japanese text with spark
7 @AKB428/inazuma spark + kuromoji + d3.js = 誰でも簡単できる「つぶやきビッグデータ」
7 @Shinpeim/Scala.jsTodoExample
7 @bongole/scala-api-chm htmlhelp for scala api
7 @halcat0x15a/logical LOGic programming In sCALa
7 @hisui/exteff Extensible Effects in Scala
7 @j5ik2o/aws-gatling-tools the aws stress-test tool used by gatling
7 @j5ik2o/motherbase
7 @j5ik2o/old-example Eaxmple for DDD/CQRS+ES
7 @j5ik2o/scala-ddd-base-akka-http.g8
7 @j5ik2o/scala-ddd-base-functional
7 @ktoso/akka-codepot-workshop
7 @kui/gatling-gradle-example Small Example to Load Test with Gradle and Gatling
7 @lloydmeta/scala-akka-cv-part1 Scala, Akka, Streams, JavaCV, OpenCV O MY! Part 1
7 @lloydmeta/scala-akka-cv-part2 Scala, Akka, Streams, JavaCV, OpenCV O MY! Part 2
7 @nulab/BacklogMigration-CybozuLive Migrate your projects from CybozuLive to the Backlog.
7 @nulab/BacklogMigration-Jira Migrate your projects from JIRA to the Backlog.
7 @nyuichi/chisel-uart Uart module written in chisel
7 @petitviolet/ulid4s ULID implementation by Scala
7 @pocketberserker/scala-zero-formatter
7 @seratch/working-sql-in-scala How to work with SQL queries in Scala - ScalikeJDBC, Slick StaticQuery and Anorm. ↗️
7 @sifue/play2-layered-sample Sample application of DDD layered architecture on Play framework
7 @sorah/tagtodo touch NFC tag to launch url. for Android device comes with NFC.
7 @tototoshi/gitter-twitter-bot Gitter twitter bot
7 @ukitaka/sil-opt-scala Swift Intermediate Language (SIL) parser / optimizer written in Scala.
7 @uryyyyyyy/kamon-stackdriver Kamon Google Stackdriver Integration
7 @xuwei-k/applybuilder scalaz.Apply builder
7 @xuwei-k/replace-symbol-literals replace deprecated scala.Symbol literals. s/'foo/Symbol("foo")/
7 @ymnk/scalajdo an easy-to-use framework for JDO from Scala code
7 @yu-iskw/spark-kuromoji-tokenizer Kuromoji Tokenizer for Spark DataFrames ↗️
7 @yuroyoro/slim3-scala-blank blank project for slim3 using scala. ↗️
6 @Lewuathe/spark-kaggle-examples Kaggle Job repository
6 @MakeNowJust/dali Modern, Lightweight and Simple Generic Programming Library (i.e. shapeless alternative for Scala 2.13)
6 @aoiroaoino/json4s-optics Providing optics operation for Json4s by Monocle.
6 @codefirst/ShimbashiShelf A next generations document management system
6 @daiksy/dmm4s DMM WebAPI for Scala
6 @everpeace/constructr-redis This library enables to use Redis as cluster coordinator in a ConstructR based cluster
6 @exoego/aws-sdk-scalajs-facade A complete set of Scala.js type facade for aws-sdk-js
6 @halcat0x15a/erltype
6 @hsk/type-systems-scala Implementations of various type systems in Scala.
6 @jirotubuyaki/CRPClustering CRPClustering: An R Package for Bayesian Nonparametric Chinese Restaurant Process Clustering with Entropy
6 @jyuch/gitbucket-backup-plugin Provide all in one backup features for GitBucket
6 @koduki/QucikStart_Scala_on_GAE Google App Engine Sample with Scala.
6 @koduki/scala_on_gae ScalaでGAE/jを手軽に始めるためのフレームワークとサンプルアプリ。まだ作りかけ。
6 @kurochan/sippo SSH Honeypot written in Scala
6 @moc-yuto/regression calculate regression by breeze
6 @mzp/condoc Coqdoc to markdown
6 @okapies/scala-native-example Quick examples of Scala Native
6 @seratch/scalatra-thymeleaf-support Scalatra Thymeleaf Support
6 @taisukeoe/VoIPAkka Demo project for ScalaDays 2017 Chicago talk
6 @takezoux2/play-websocket-chat Play2.0 chat sample program using websocket
6 @tanishiking/scalafix-check-scaladoc Custom scalafix lint rule that examines scaladoc comments on classes, methods, values, type definitions, and so on.
6 @tototoshi/play-auth-social An experimental implementation of social login with play-auth
6 @tototoshi/play-scalate This project has been migrated to
6 @tototoshi/selector jQuery-like selector
6 @tricreo/baseunits-scala Scalaらしさを追究したbaseunitsライブラリです。
6 @uryyyyyyy/hadoopSample
6 @wmeddie/hello-scala-tensorflow Shows how to use Tensorflow's C++ API via JavaCPP.
6 @xuwei-k/mima-web lightbend/migration-manager web API
6 @xuwei-k/sbtend sbt xtend plugin
6 @y-yu/sbt-swagger-meta This is a sbt plugin to generate a Swagger YAML/JSON file based on annotation
6 @yasuoza/play2-redis Redis store plugin for play framework 2.1
6 @ymnk/OAuS OAuth clinet in Scala
6 @ymnk/tdd-with-scala-sample This project will demonstrate TDD with scala.
6 @yoshiori/akemi
5 @Shinpeim/BackLogger
5 @YusukeKokubo/ScalaGWT-samples ↗️
5 @aoiroaoino/connpasscala
5 @chatwork/gatling-akka a gatling plugin to execute stress tests for Akka actor application
5 @chatwork/sbt-docker
5 @dohzya/scalaio-2017-esmonad Composable Event Sourcing with Monads
5 @everpeace/scala-galois Galois Field Arithmetic Library in Scala.
5 @fand/clonepool Git clone and branch manager ↗️
5 @halcat0x15a/act 横スクロールアクションゲーム ↗️
5 @halcat0x15a/kits-eff Extensible Effects in Scala2
5 @halcat0x15a/twilack twitter client for slack
5 @haruyama/solr-filter
5 @hsk/mincamlj min caml on java and scala
5 @j5ik2o/scalatestplus-db ScalaTest for MySQL and Flyway Support
5 @j5ik2o/wallet
5 @kamekoopa/bbs_api 課題のやつ
5 @ktoso/sbt-jmh-seed-activator SBT-JMH benchmarking seed (activator template)
5 @ktoso/scala-words "A vocabulary of words to code by"
5 @lloydmeta/unless-when unless and when macros for Scala 2.10+.
5 @matsumotius/wabi wavelet tree
5 @moc-yuto/sansyo library for Scala collections utility
5 @nekop/infinispan-scala-swing-demo Yet another infinispan GUI demo
5 @numa08/gradle-releasenote-gen-plugin
5 @petitviolet/scala-acase annotations let a class as case class
5 @petitviolet/scala-mlogging @logging annotation using scala.meta
5 @petitviolet/scala-operator enrich scala built-in types
5 @ruimo/store Open source electric comerce application package ↗️
5 @seratch/gyotaku Saving complete web pages by using Selenium Web Driver
5 @seratch/xsbt-scalag-plugin Scala code/resource Generator Plugin for xsbt
5 @shokai/iBeacon-AndroidScala iBeacon Receiver for Android Scala
5 @swkoubou/magic-water
5 @tkrs/fluflu Yet another Fluentd logger for Scala 💎
5 @tototoshi/configpath typosafe typesafe config
5 @tototoshi/sbt-automkcol Fork of webdav4sbt(
5 @tototoshi/sbt-shintyoku-doudesuka 進捗どうですか?
5 @tototoshi/scala-itunes
5 @xuwei-k/Scala2Java8 provide Scala Functions to Java8 lambda implicit conversions
5 @xuwei-k/compile-time-fibonacci compile time fibonacci using scala macros
5 @xuwei-k/msgpack-json web api for convert msgpack <=> json
5 @xuwei-k/sbt-sonatype-and-sbt-release-sample sbt-sonatype and sbt-release plugin sample
5 @xuwei-k/scalaz-magnolia auto deriving scalaz typeclass instances with magnolia
5 @yanana/agni Fully functional Cassandra client for Scala
5 @ymnk/dpfwds Dynamic Port Forwader in Scala
5 @yu-iskw/more-scalable-hierarchical-clustering-with-spark Another, hopefully better, implementation of hierarchical clustering algorithm on Apache Spark
5 @yuroyoro/juliuscala
4 @3tty0n/sbt-trigger-coursier This can enable and disable sbt-cousier plugin in sbt shell.
4 @53ningen/golang-scala "golang" is Mofumofu Oriented Programming Language implemented by Scala ↗️
4 @KeenS/scala-lisp a type level lisp intepreter
4 @TanUkkii007/aws-aware-akka-cluster-custom-downing AWS cloud aware Akka cluster downing strategy customization
4 @Yasushi/metascala unofficial metascala repository ↗️
4 @akihiro4chawon/gist4z gist api
4 @akisaarinen/algoholism Algorithm processing stub for Reaktor Code Camp 11, probably no use to you
4 @akr4/backbone-cellar-play2
4 @aoiroaoino/totuple a compiler plugin that adds toTuple method to all case classes
4 @bigwheel/util-backports A backport library of scala.util in Standard Library from Scala 2.13 to 2.12
4 @chaabaj/backlog4s Backlog SDK for Scala
4 @chatwork/akka-guard
4 @chatwork/sbt-wix-embedded-mysql sbt-wix-embedded-mysql is sbt-plugin for wix-embedded-mysql
4 @cosmo0920/image-stocker-play22 Practice WebApp by play2.2 with Slick2.x series as ORM.
4 @eiennohito/nlp-tools-demo Demo for Various NLP tools
4 @everpeace/observable-canbe-monad try to verify Observable, in RxJava, can be a Monad.
4 @everpeace/scala-bikleisli BiKleisli Arrow in Scala using Scalaz
4 @grimrose/scala-kansai-summit-2018 Scala関西Summit 2018 ↗️
4 @halcat0x15a/tetriz
4 @hayasshi/akka-http-easy-router A simple library for route definition of akka-http.
4 @hsk/lllong windows osx linux対応の x86 x86_64 コンパイラ
4 @hsk/timi Timi is simple x86_64 native compiler writing by Scala language for Mac OSX.
4 @hsk/x86_64 x86_64 compiler using scala.
4 @huydx/KafkaChat
4 @j5ik2o/brainfuck-scala Brainfuck Interpreter
4 @j5ik2o/reactive-memcached Akka-Stream based Memached Client for Scala
4 @jamesneve/dondoroke Pagination for Play Framework 2.4
4 @jamesneve/factory_hedgehog Factory library for generating objects: Play 2.4, slick & Scalatest
4 @karad/play2-project-info Show Play 2.0 Project Informations.
4 @kgtkr/calc
4 @kmizu/Blawny A programming language, which syntax is inspired by Blawn language
4 @kmizu/nson NSON: an object notation that is not a JSON but alike JSON.
4 @komiya-atsushi/xgboost-dataframe-prototype A prototype XGBoost integration with Spark and DataFrame (
4 @ktoso/kanbanery-tv
4 @ktoso/scalaslide Awesome landslide & scalatest driven presentation framework, built on sbt
4 @kurochan/java-seed.g8 Giter8 template for a simple hello world app in Java.
4 @lloydmeta/provide @provide Scala annotation so you can annotate abstract method implementations safely instead of abusing override
4 @lloydmeta/seed-scala.g8 A basic skeleton Scala project
4 @mumoshu/play20-zentasks-tests Added spec2 tests to Play20's 'zentasks
4 @mumoshu/vote4music-play20 A Play 2.0 RC1 port of
4 @nisshiee/demo20140315
4 @nyuichi/chisel-brainfuck Tiny Brainf**k CPU written in Chisel
4 @petitviolet/graphql_on_scala example for GraphQL on Scala
4 @ponkotuy/aggregate-exif NamazuCamera - 写真EXIF集計システム ↗️
4 @qtamaki/websocket-jetty-scala websocket server and client example. for scala with jetty.
4 @seratch/kansai-summit-handson Scala Kansai Summit 2015 【ハンズオン】Skinny Framework 2.0 で試すお手軽 Scala Web アプリ開発
4 @seratch/long-lasting-scala.g8 An sbt project template for long lasting OSS maintainers
4 @seratch/play-2.5-example [scalikejdbc-users-group:526]
4 @seratch/reactive-streams-jdbc WIP: A sample to show how to work with RDBMS in the Reactive Streams way ↗️
4 @seratch/redmine-reverse-scaffold Rerverse scaffold demo from Redmine database schema
4 @sile/scala-gomoku A self-contained morphological analyzer (including dictionary data) writed in Scala.
4 @skht777/scalafx-othello simple othello with scalafx
4 @suin/scala-playground 👾 Scalaを勉強するときや、スニペットを手軽に試すためのリポジトリです。
4 @takedasoft/Scalandris AndroidSDK for Scala Example ↗️
4 @takedasoft/ScalatraExample scalatra+scalate のsbtプロジェクトの雛形
4 @takedasoft/scala-slim3-modelmeta-gen ScalaのCompilerPluginを使ってModelMetaを生成します。
4 @takezoux2/msgpack-rpc-scala MessagePack RPC for Scala.
4 @tkrs/aerospiker Aerospike client library for scala
4 @todesking/OJaml ML-like language on JVM
4 @todesking/qb-scalikejdbc Goal: Platform independent query builder for relational data.
4 @todesking/sharrrd Consistent hashing for Scala.
4 @tototoshi/hatenacala はてなダイアリー用のコマンドラインツール ↗️
4 @tototoshi/kushi A very simple HTTP proxy written in Scala and Finagle.
4 @tototoshi/sbt-typesafename Post new name for Typesafe
4 @tototoshi/seedbed An alternative to using database fixtures in your Scala unit tests
4 @uryyyyyyy/akka-http-json-validation
4 @xuwei-k/dynamicjson no longer maintenanced
4 @xuwei-k/hascalator.g8 a g8 templete for functional scala project
4 @xuwei-k/protobuf-javascript-example google protocol buffers example on browser javascript ↗️
4 @xuwei-k/qiitascala Qiita Scala API client
4 @xuwei-k/sbt-global My sbt global settings
4 @xuwei-k/scalajb json data-binding tool for Scala. create case classes from json ↗️
4 @xuwei-k/scalajspack scalajspack - JSON to MessagePack converter powered by scala-js ↗️
4 @ymnk/dstream-client A client software to stream the Desktop images to DStream
4 @ymnk/parameterized-snippet A sample app to demonstrate how to use Parameterized Snippet
4 @yoshiori/coderwall-scala A Scala interface to the API at
4 @yu-iskw/spark-parallelized-sgd Parallelized Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with Apache Spark
4 @yubessy/urule-scala Extract attributes from URL according to custom rule.
4 @yuroyoro/yuroyoro-util yuroyoro-util ↗️
4 @yyuu/scalatest Clear, concise testing for Scala and Java programmers. ↗️
4 @zentooo/gae-scala-twitter-bot scala twitter bot
3 @1984weed/akka-http-realworld-example
3 @3tty0n/church-scala An implementation of church encoding with Scala.
3 @KeitaMoromizato/scala-study-play-mysql-api-server Scala on PlayでAPIサーバーの構築 with MySQL
3 @Kuchitama/PlayMongo fluentdを使ってMongoDBに格納したHTTPアクセスログをもとに、ブラウザ利用率を割り出すPlay2.0Scalaプロジェクト
3 @MakeNowJust/bfa ↗️
3 @UsrNameu1/RedisDISample code samples of clean architecture with play framework, guice di and redis cache
3 @YoshinoriN/gitbucket-code-search-plugin This plugin provides link to GitBucket default code(file) search page on repositorie's sidebar menu.
3 @aereal/music-study
3 @akiradeveloper/akka-s3 Filesystem backed S3-compatible storage in Scala/Akka-Http
3 @akr4/diff-zip diff for zip files
3 @algas/scala-android-tictactoe
3 @algas/scalappybird "Scalappy Bird" Android Game
3 @aoiroaoino/more-abstract-repository
3 @ara-ta3/scalajs-vuejs-getting-started
3 @ara-ta3/scalajs-vuejs-todo-app
3 @aya-eiya/nicoLive Live cording @ niconico live video ↗️
3 @bakenezumi/play-doma-sample Doma Play Sample
3 @bakenezumi/scala2protobuf Generate .proto schema from scala definetions.
3 @camilosampedro/scala-js-nvd3 ScalaJS facade types for NvD3
3 @daiksy/typetalk4s Typetalk Web API for scala
3 @dohzya/play2-plugin-httpauthentication Basic and Digest HTTP Authentication helpers for Play 2
3 @everpeace/bloom-filter This is an implementation of Bloom Filter, especially CountingBloomFilter. ↗️
3 @grimrose/skinny-employee-schedule-sample employee schedule application on Skinny Framework
3 @halcat0x15a/programming
3 @hayatoito/icfpc2013-kirakira
3 @hiroxpepe/examproject an example of scala on spring mvc. ↗️
3 @hsk/SCompiler Pascal Compiler written in scala language
3 @huydx/itlc-sample itlc presentation sample
3 @j5ik2o/akka-backoff-supervisor-enhancement Akka BackOffSupervisor Enhancement
3 @j5ik2o/akka-persistence-kafka akka-persistence plugin for Apache Kafka
3 @j5ik2o/reactive-chronos The Chronos is the Akka based Job Scheduler for Scala
3 @j5ik2o/reactive-redis Akka-Stream based Redis Client for Scala
3 @j5ik2o/scala-first-study
3 @j5ik2o/sw4jj Simple scala Wrapper For Java-Jwt is sw4jj
3 @j5ik2o/thread-weaver
3 @joker1007/movie_browser 動画を管理したり、HTTP Live Streaming形式でエンコードしたりする
3 @jyane/grpc-opencensus-example-scala
3 @jyuch/gitbucket-windows-backup-plugin Provides repository backup for GitBucket on Windows
3 @kamijin-fanta/go-plugin-example ↗️
3 @karupanerura/isucon6-qualifier ISUCON6 予選
3 @kmizu/imo Statically Typed Pure Functinal Strict Language IMO ↗️
3 @kmizu/jsons A very Small and Simple JSON Parser Library for Scala
3 @kmizu/matlike Matlike: A programming language for calculating matrices
3 @kmizu/toys A Toy Language
3 @kmizu/uscala 技術イベント「Understanding Scala」のためのリポジトリ
3 @kmizu/usparse Ultimately simple parser combinator library written in Scala for #scalafukuoka
3 @ktoso/protodoc-scala It's like JavaDoc, but for Google Protocol Buffers! ↗️
3 @ktoso/spray-servlet-example
3 @liquidz/template-scala-gae scala project template for google app engine
3 @lloydmeta/ctdi-play.g8 Compile-time DI Play template
3 @lloydmeta/hystrix-scala-scratchpad Lloyd's Hystrix playground. Exploring Scala + Hystrix.
3 @lloydmeta/play-csv CSV Path, Query, and Form binders for Play 2 framework apps.
3 @lloydmeta/scalameta.g8 sbt/Giter8 starter template for Scala.meta.
3 @magnolia-k/scalakuji すからくじ
3 @matsu-chara/redica redis tataku kun
3 @motemen/lambda-calculator ↗️
3 @ntaro/SlideShare4S SlideShare Web API Wrapper for Scala
3 @nwtgck/ray-tracing-iow-scala Ray Tracing in One Weekend written in Scala
3 @okomok/belt investigating dependent-method-types
3 @papamitra/LocationAlarm LocationAlarm for Android
3 @pocketberserker/scala-royal-monad
3 @ponko2/web-ime-mushroom ShimejiやATOK for AndroidからSocial IME, Google Japanese Input, Google Suggestを検索するMushroom ↗️
3 @qtamaki/ryutsu
3 @qtamaki/scala-hackason-2011 Processing examples
3 @rabitarochan/play-scala-angularjs-gulp My activator template.
3 @raskr/deepgo Deep learning and board game go
3 @seratch/scalikejdbc-play-plugin DEPRECATED: Moved to
3 @seratch/skinny-engine-example Skinny Framework 2 has its own engine instead of Scalatra.
3 @shunjikonishi/github-hook
3 @shunjikonishi/room-sandbox A sandbox of WebSocket
3 @slightair/scala-parse scala で の REST API をたたきたい
3 @takezoux2/dslgen-at-play-meetup
3 @takezoux2/msgpack-scala MessagePack for scala
3 @takezoux2/squerysis Check executed sql's index on mysql
3 @takezoux2/voice-actor-data Aggregate various voice actor data
3 @tarao/namedcap-scala Provides named capturing groups with some enhanced features
3 @tkrs/embulk-output-aerospike Aerospike output plugin for Embulk
3 @tkrs/orcus HBase client for Scala 🐱
3 @tmiyamon/sbt-scalatra-scalate-appengine-template Scalatra-Scalate template project for appengine
3 @todesking/scalalisp
3 @todokr/scala-on-lambda-snappy Code examples for "Running Scala on AWS Lambda in a Snappy Way" at ScalaMatsuri 2019 ↗️
3 @tosametal/digdag-plugin-s3-touch digdag plugin for uploading file to amzon s3
3 @tototoshi/epub4s
3 @tototoshi/json2tsv convert json log to tsv
3 @tototoshi/play-ws-standalone-json4s
3 @tototoshi/scala-tsv tsvファイル用のゆーてぃりてぃ
3 @tototoshi/scalikejdbc-batch.g8 g8 template for scalikejdbc
3 @tototoshi/tostring-macro
3 @tuvistavie/scalog Datalog implementation in Scala.
3 @wmeddie/deeplearning-servicefabric Example of running a deep neural network model on Service Fabric
3 @xuwei-k/adt-generator Algebraric Data Type Generator. Generate Pure Java files from EDSL
3 @xuwei-k/akka-stream-vs-netty benchmark ↗️
3 @xuwei-k/githubtree show all files tree in github project ↗️
3 @xuwei-k/gitter-scala purely functional gitter API client
3 @xuwei-k/httpmock Real http server for stubbing and expectations in Scala (fork )
3 @xuwei-k/sbt-proguard fork from
3 @xuwei-k/scalaz-prototype typeclass encoding using self type. avoid ambiguous implicits ↗️
3 @xuwei-k/twitterz Purely functional twitter api client
3 @y-yu/DIwithTaglessFinal
3 @y-yu/PosixRegex
3 @y-yu/close Resource Management Monad ↗️
3 @ymnk/googlewave-robot-sample Google Wave Robot Sample in Scala/Liftweb
3 @ymnk/lift-gae-api a sample for using GAE/J API on Lift
3 @ymnk/todo
3 @ymnk/track-keyword Tracking Keywords on Twitter
3 @yoshihiro503/NfcDemo_scala Android NfcDemo in Scala ↗️
3 @yuroyoro/TwitBackupper Backup tool for twitter statuses. It's written by scala. ↗️
3 @yuroyoro/esoteric-languages-on-scala 宇宙的な深淵から這い寄る名状しがたいプログラミング言語が見る者のSAN値を容赦なくすり減らすプロジェクト
3 @yuroyoro/isucon3_skinny
3 @yuroyoro/lingr-bot lingr-bot