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Meeting notes, January 26th, 2022

Focus: Organizational Meeting (morning) / Technical meeting (afternoon)

Time: 9:15 - 12:30 and 13:45 - 16:45 Place: Bern

Invited members: All members of qwat and QGEP group and related integrators Present: Kevin André (SIGE) (KA), Alexandres Bosshard (Pully) (AB), Moritz Brennecke (Triform) (MB), Stefan Burckhardt (SJiB) (SB), Urs Kaufmann (Holinger Thun) (UK), Matthias Kuhn (OpenGIS) (MK) (morning), Roger Maurer (Morges) (RM), Cyril Meder (Waldburger Ingenieure AG) (CM), Arnaud Poncet-Montanges (Pully) (AP), Timothée Produit (Alpnetsystem SA (ig-group)) (TP), Louis Teba (Pully) (LT), Maxime Trolliet (Prilly) (MT)

Excused: Martin Andreoli (Ingenieurbüro Senn), Valentine Arrieta (Géoconseils SA) (VA), Remi Bovard (Vevey) (RB), Florian Drändle (Gruner Böhringer AG) (FD), Konradin Fischer (Fischer Ing) (KF), Daniel Gnerre (Vevey) (DG), Gregor Lütolf (geopoint lütolf AG) (GL), Laurine Marte (Ingenieurbüro Senn), Amandine Massart (Pully) (AM), Jürg Möckli (JM) (Kanalinformatik GmbH), Saeid Rezvani (Sutter Ingenieur- und Planungsbüro AG)(SR), Camille Peiry (CP) (SINEF SA), Denis Rouzaud (OpenGIS) (DR), Markus Senn (Ingenieurbüro Senn) (MS), Linda Viguet (Lausanne) (LV), Peter Zamudio (geopoint lütolf AG) (PZ), Dominique Zürcher (Lausanne) (DZ)

Guests: -


Morning 9:15 – 12:15 Organisational questions

  • SB welcomes the present members Due to Covid some members had to cancel their participation at short notice.
  • A short introduction round allows everyone to know who is present.
  • AB gives a short summary of the convergence process launched in 2021 and the current status.
  • The new TEKSI Website is online in French. SB, AB, AP have been trained as administrators by Plates-Bandes in a separate workshop (8.11.2021). E-Mail accounts have been enabled also in the meantime.
  • The site is ready to show which members can offer TEKSI services and who is member of the TEKSI association. As TEKSI is not founded yet this will be done after the foundation. Other functionalities are a news section where meetings and announcements about new functionalities can be published. Different members wish that the German translation will be done quickly - Task till next meeting (AB, SB)
  • SB informs about the new member groups: The technical group (AP) started to meet monthly (see last protocol), the service provider group (VA) should be launched shortly and there have been also discussion to launch the user group (KA).
  • Statutes for the new TEKSI association have been drafted by a small group in French and reviewed and translate to German (thanks to RM, MB and SB). They have been distributed before the meeting by email. AB leads through the review process article by article. The discussion leads to a few minor improvements (e.g. question about beeing a non-profit organisation, which language version is valid in case of differences, ...)
  • With those minor changes the members agree on the draft version.
  • AB will discuss the change request with the juridical department. They will then be sent out again to all members as basis for the official establishment (planned for Q2/2022)

Afternoon Workshop, exchange and technical questions

  • Finalizing statutes discussion - annex 1 membership fees. General agreements as disucussed in 2021. Only change: The maximum amount for the member fee based on fee/inhabitant was reduced from 20'000 to 9'000 based on the feedbacks of the members with the most inhabitants (communities / associations). This will make sure that the range from the minimum fee (100 CHF) to the maximum will not too big as this also influences the maximum number of votes per member.

Presentation of new developments in 2021

  • New form to add hydr_geometry to special_structures -> used in hydraulic simulation programs such as MikeUrban+ or SWMM

  • New INTERLIS Export and INTERLIS Import for VSA-KEK (TV inspection data). The export can be also used to export the network data to your TV inspection company so they can link the TV inspection data directly to the OBJ_ID's of the manholes / reaches (no translation via identifier needed anymore)

INTERLIS import wizard

  • The goal is to further develop this feature so that the user can select also 'SIA405 Wastewater' and the full 'VSA-DSS' INTERLIS model. And that an automatic translation to French is possible. Also a first step has been made to support the export of the text labels (wastewater_structure, reach, catchment area). To be able to support this a new feature extract label in QGIS will be implemented with Release 3.23
  • Export of SIA405 water in qwat (currently implemented as command line tool)
  • These INTERLIS interfaces have been supported by a grant out of the Swiss NGDI fund. The final project report can be found online. It contains also some hints on what to adapt in the qwat datamodel to comply with the SIA405 water standard and be able to configure also the INTERLIS SIA405 water data import.
  • The new data model tool supports the creation of a new qgep database or the migration of existing database. This mainly eases the administrators work.

Discussion about future development of TEKSI

  • As the VSA has deployed a new release of the VSA-DSS datamodel (Release 2020) it needs to be discussed how to migrate from the current qgep datamodel (based on release 2015) to then new version. An INTERLIS2INTERLIS migration tool exists and was developed by the VSA (GEP Datachecker).
  • The detailed workshop of the Service provider group had to be postphoned as VA could not join the meeting. SB gave a short introduction about the preparation to define the requirments for each of the 9 TEKSI services defined in the Code of conduct
  • There was also the wish to develop a mid-term strategy for TEKSI for the next 3-5 years that allows to plan also guidelines for further module development and maintenance.

Organizational and Promotion:

Next dates:

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