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Steven's Personal Log

Steven Spitzform edited this page Feb 4, 2016 · 26 revisions

February 4, 2016

I have been working on the setting's menu general UI design, mostly on the dialogs and their components, as well as the functionality of changing a user's password. If I cannot solve the issue with getting "invalid session tokens" from submitting a new password quickly, I plan on moving to more pressing issues like the Notification System and then come back to the setting's menu.

January 28, 2016

I have continued working on the settings menu which is a fragment itself, but also uses DialogFragments for the menu's contents.

January 21, 2016

Classes started for this semester and I have begun working on making a "settings" fragment. The contents of this menu have not been fully decided on yet.

December 7, 2015

The navigation drawer ended up being implemented in the app where it will hold some various settings/logout feature. I have been working on getting an entry's information to display when the user clicks on the entry's image in MainActivity.

November 30, 2015

The app is finally presentable and contains all the necessary requirements for this semester. I'm putting a couple finishing touches on my branch before I merge it into the master where all components will be assembled.

November 23, 2015

Drawer layout is finally functioning, although the prototype as of right now may not be using a navigation drawer. The goal is to incorporate it next semester when we add more functionality to the app. I have also been working on the style/design of the app with some success. I'm still looking into possible ways to create custom designs/themes.

November 11, 2015

I have continued working on making the drawer layout working in our app. The challenge is learning how to implement drawer layouts from tutorials that start with a blank slate rather than making it work along with everything we have so far. App crashes are becoming more and more scarce which is good news.

November 2, 2015

The focus of this week has been actual coding for our app. I have been working on implementing the drawerLayout for our navigation drawer. I have encountered numerous obstacles and am still working on getting the code to run without errors but progress is being made. The next task is to begin working on implementing the built in Camera API.

October 20, 2015

This week was more focused on thinking about how the app will run and what data we will be using. This means thinking in terms of actual code and researching the possible solutions we can use. I contributed to the diagram for Milestone 8.

October 10, 2015

Again, I had a slow week due to complications with running the emulator in Android Studio however I finally managed to get my hands on an actual android device so testing will be much easier. Shortly after though, the storms hit and my power/internet was very flaky for awhile due to the flooding. It seems to be fixed as of now so I will resume testing and working through tutorials.

September 21, 2015

Last week, not much went on other than playing around with Android Studio more and further researching android development. This week, I drew up 4 rough sketches for Milestone 5. As I was putting my ideas on paper, I found that some of them were not going to work as well as I originally thought or would look clunky but I also began to come up with some new ideas that could flow very nicely with the app if we can implement them smoothly. Most of these ideas are purely supplemental and would likely be considered out of the scope of requirements from our client, but I believe they would be nice additions nonetheless.

September 11, 2015

We met with our clients on Tuesday to get a chance to ask some questions and gain a much better understanding of what this app will be used for. We also had our first meeting with Professor Vidal where we relayed all that we went over with the client and received tips on how we should move forward from this point. I completed the "Project Description" portion of Milestone 4. I have also downloaded and begun playing around with the tutorials on Android Studio which is what we will use for development of the app.

September 4, 2015

This week, our group had our first meeting where we completed Milestone 1. We mainly discussed the approaches we could take to completing this project however we have yet had a chance to ask detailed questions with our client, so the depth our group's discussion was limited. We plan to meet with him sometime this week so we can have a better understanding of what we will really need to do. In the meantime, I will be looking into information about developing Android apps and what tools we can use.

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