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Communication Plan

Yiğit Özgümüş edited this page Sep 28, 2016 · 9 revisions
Audience Description
Team Members Every person in the project development team. Yiğit Özgümüş, Gözde Berk, Erkam Uyanık, Enes Özipek, Kağan Sarı, Arda Yörük,Murat Sinan Açlan, Mustafa Özen are members of group two at Bogazici university cmpe 451course.
Project Funder Person who will arrange work space, meet wages and required supplies such as servers. We will find our funder at the end of the semester. Because we will finish our project details at that time, it will be easy to find and make deal with an investor.
Teaching Assistants Because it is a lecture project, we have teaching assistants. Their feedbacks are very important to us to figure out our weaknesses. So, healthy communication is very important for final product. Suzan Üsküdarlı, Ahmet Alp Kındıroğlu, Can Tunca and Ahmet Cihat Baktır are our Professor and Assistants.
Regular Costumers People who will use our website and application.
Restaurant Owners People who will produce content to our website.
Audience Purpose Delivery Method Where Delivery Frequency Communicators
Regular Costumers Solving little issues, answering their helps Email - Anytime Costumer service team
Regular Costumers Questionary session for understanding satisfaction rates Phone call, Email - once a week Costumer service team
Restaurant Owners Solving little issues, answering their helps Email - Anytime Costumer service team
Restaurant Owners Helping them to improve their content with little change Phone Call - in business our Costumer service team
Restaurant Owners Helping them to improve their content with big change Meeting At costumers restaurant in business our Costumer service team
Project Funder Informing project and budget status Meeting office once in two week project leader
Project Funder Discussing project status Meeting office once in three week all team members
All team members Partition of tasks Trello - Every necessary moment Yigit Ozgumus, Gozde Berk
All team members Getting urgent and simple communication Whatsapp - Every necessary moment All team members
All team members Making plans and status evaluation Meeting ETA B3 Every Thursday and Monday Yigit Ozgumus
All team members Making plans and status evaluation Hangouts - Every Saturday Yigit Ozgumus
All team members+Professor and Assistants Status evaluation and Assignments Meeting ETA B2 Every Wednesday Alp Kindiroglu
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