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User Stories & Acceptance Criteria

gozdeberk edited this page Mar 8, 2016 · 6 revisions


  • As an owner of restaurant or a server, I want to be notified by the system as new comments made about my service also the system should classify positive and negative comments so that I don't spend much time to get feedback.

  • As the owner of the restaurant, I want to reply to the comments about my restaurant.

  • AC: The owner is able to reply to the comment by clicking the reply button which is only visible to the owner.

  • As an owner, I want agree and disagree buttons for the comments so that they will be more accurate.

  • AC: All of the users except the owners is able to agree and disagree by using agree and disagree buttons.

  • As a food server, I want to have stats report weekly so that I can track my sharings.

  • AC: Stats report page must have clicking, commenting, sharing, and picture sharing ratio cart.

  • As a restaurant manager, I want the ability to add tags to my menus in order to easy finding when some users search something which related my menus.

  • AC: Restaurant owners could add tags by themselves.

  • AC: There must be check mechanism for the tags that are logical or not by AI or web site administration.

  • As the owner of a catering company, I want to see the statistics about the mass I cater, like which foods most people never eat, which ones most of them would like to see in their meal, so I can please the majority as much as possible.

  • As a food provider, I want to receive feedback when user comments are negative so that we can inquire the problem.

  • AC: Restaurant owners shall be notified for negative comments and reply accordingly.


  • As a vegan college student, I want to find nearby restaurants that provide vegan meals in my campus area.

  • AC: Filtering can be done according to labels.

  • As a typical user, I want to see the pictures of the foods that are offered by the restaurant so that I could choose more easily.

  • AC: Food cannot be added without a photo.

  • AC: Verify with .jpg and .png files

  • As a dieting user, I want a profile section that I can see to track my daily calorie consumption.

  • AC: Verify with calorie calculator.

  • As a consumer, I want to see the favourite food of the restaurant so I can choose more easily.

  • AC: The food with the highest rate is seen at the top in different color with “This is the best until we make the better one.

  • As a consumer, I want to see recommendations based on my consumption history to find a place I might like.

  • AC: Recommendations shall be seen at the right of the page under “Trust me!”

  • As a typical user, I want to see the location information/direction to the restaurant

  • AC: Verify that all places are added with their location info.

  • AC: There is a earth icon next to each food servers.

  • AC: When the earth icon is clicked, the location is seen in a small map.

  • AC: New page is not opened.

  • As a user, I want to see my past food data.

  • AC: There is a button named “Tasted it!” for all foods.

  • AC: If this button is clicked, the food is stored in the user’s history.

  • AC: The history can be seen by clicking the “history” button on the profile page.

  • As a user, I only want my followers/friends to able to see my past location history because I care about my privacy.

  • AC: History button is visible to followers and friends by user-check.

  • As a businessman with tight daily schedule, I want to filter the restaurants based on whether they open or not in real time to choose more quickly.

  • AC: Filtering restaurant in terms of time.

  • AC: The new food server is not added without opening and closing time.

  • AC: Exact schedule can be seen in the page of the restaurant.

  • AC: In the search screen, servers can be labeled as open or close right now.

  • As a responsible parent , I want to choose my lunch or dinner so that I should not have any worries while my children consume them.

  • AC: Verify that there is a good for children label.

  • As a keaton-person, I want to be able to see which restaurants around me serve food as I like. ( They are very rare )

  • AC: Verify that keaton is added to labels.

  • As a gourmet-person, I want to get notifications from the system when a new server signed up the system so that I can decide on whether I will be tasting their food or not.

  • AC: Notification for the new server is enabled or disabled from user preferences.

  • As a host, I want to order service from my account but at the same time by selecting accounts of my friends coming to my home. In this way we won’t be bothering ourselves to think about which type of food will come. The system gathers all preferences of selected people and shows which servers/restaurants have those types of foods.

  • As an elder person, I want also to know if food is soft or not since I can't chew hard ones.

  • As a person having avitaminosis, I want to see the amount of micronutrients in my food.

  • AC: Micronutrient values is seen in the food details.

  • AC: Search can be done based on these values.

  • As a person doing Dukan diet, I want to know the macronutrient values of the food so that I won’t eat carbohydrate.

  • AC: Macronutrient values is seen in the food details.

  • AC: Search can be done based on these values.

  • As a user, I want to know the rates of kitchen hygiene.

  • AC: Verify that there is a rating for kitchen hygiene.

  • AC: The options can be sorted according to this rating.

  • As a consumer, whether the food is organic or not.

  • AC: Verify that organic label is added.

  • As a person who loves to explore new flavors, I want to know the chef’s background and popularity.

  • As a gourmet, I want to go to the restaurants with michelin stars.

  • As a student, price performance is really important for me. That’s why, I want to see the ratio of price of the food to its rating.

  • AC: Verify that there is a rating for price and performance individually.

  • AC: Foods can be sorted accordingly.

  • As a promoter, I want to see the rating of the restaurant environment so that I will arrange activities accordingly.

  • As a typical user, I want to find the nearest restaurants that fits me and see the locations on the map.

  • As a student, I want to be notified if there is a special offer.

  • AC: Special offers are seen at the left of the page.

  • AC: Verify that there is a star icon next to the search results that have special offers.

  • As a typical user I want to sort places according to themes such as good places for breakfast, valentine’s day etc.

  • AC: Verify that there are lists in terms of labels.

  • As a social person, I want to choose a restaurant for a meeting in a way that all of my friends will be able to choose according to their personal preferences in their profile.

  • AC: Other users’ preferences can be added to the search criteria by adding the users from the drop down list.

  • Since I have multiple food allergies, I want to exclude certain ingredients from my search result.

  • AC: Every ingredient must be in filtering menu.

  • Since I want to make my decision quickly, I want to be able to sort foods of a place according to their ratings or popularity.

  • AC: Every user shall have chance to rate menus.

  • AC: Filtering according to rates and popularity.

  • As a social person, I want to see profiles of my friends, follow them in order to see their new activities.

  • AC: Following system must be for every user as in twitter.

  • AC: Notifications must come to user’s main page.

  • As I value my friends’ opinions, I want to filter search results to involve only the places and foods which are rated or tried from people I follow.

  • AC: There shall be filtering choice at search for only show results according to user’s friends.

  • Since I prefer different cuisines on different days, I want to filter results according to their cuisine, e.g Indian food, Thai food.

  • AC: There shall be cuisine filter.

  • I want to create personalized lists for foods/places for easily accessing them later/sharing the lists.

  • AC: There shall be personal restaurant or food list at user profile.

  • AC: User shall have a chance to share their personal list.

  • Since I am given meal card from my office, I want to know at which places I can pay with that meal card & I want to filter results to only involve those places.

  • AC: There shall be filtering choice as payment options.

  • As a regular user, I want to have a “ratings” page so that I can view food servers and foods that I have rated before.

  • AC: There must be a link for user’s self-rating page at user’s profile page.

  • As a regular user, I want to be able to save my searching criteria so that I can make a search fast.

  • AC: There shall be a recent search list after clicking the search button and at least last three search must be listed.

  • As a regular user, I want to make a search filtered in detail so that I can pinpoint food servers/foods specifically.

  • As a user, I want to have a separate and sharable favorite page so that everybody can benefit from others’ experiences.

  • As a person having celiac, I want to be able to see which restaurants/servers have gluten-free foods for me so that I can choose right places.

  • AC: There must be filtering option for some illnesses and mainstream preferences.

  • As an active facebook user house woman, I want to share my comments to food, menus, restaurant etc. on facebook.

  • AC: Comments shall be also shareable at other social platforms.

  • _AC: Integration with other platforms shall be done.

  • As a university student, I want to follow people who I trusted because of early posts so I want the ability to see their profile history.

  • AC: Profile history page shall be visible for users who are logged in.

  • As a not risk lover officer, I want to see pictures which other people shared.

  • AC: Pictures must be lower than 3 megabytes not to exhaust server.

  • AC: Png and jpeg format is supported.

  • As a hard decider graphic artist, I want to see the most up voted comment at top for decide quickly.

  • As a hard lover businessman, I want the ability to add comments for foods.

  • AC: All users who are logged in shall comment.

  • As a thyme hater, I want the ability to check if there are thyme in food.

  • As a vegan university student, I want the ability to check nearest restaurant which have vegan menus.

  • AC: Vegan is added to the labels.

  • As a starter gym user, I want the ability to sort menus at restaurant by total amount of calories.

  • AC: Filtering according to calories.

  • As a diabetes interrail tripper, I want the ability to learn sugar level of menus at restaurant which I have come first time.

  • AC: Each food is added only with its sugar level.

  • As a college student, I want to see the most rated foods people recommend on my mobile-phone when I enter a restaurant for the first time, so I can decide what I will eat easily.

  • AC: Rating page must be visible at mobile platform.

  • As a middle-aged woman working in a plaza in Levent, I want to get recommendations for foods and restaurants based on searches and comments I did previously.

  • As an obese college student, I want to see the nutritive values of foods I eat in restaurants or school cafeteria, so I can keep up with my nutritionist's advices.

  • As a Chinese student studying in İstanbul, I’d like to find Chinese restaurants.

  • AC:There must be filtering in terms of cousines.

  • As a gym rat, I’d like to enter my preferences based on my lifestyle so that I can see relevant suggested restaurants on my home page next times.

  • AC: There must be AI for suggesting foods and restaurant due to user’s preferences.

  • As a user, I’d like to see pictures of meals with their real-life sizes. It shouldn’t be deceptive. There can also be some information about meals’ weight in grams.

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