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Metamodel cs

Philippe DUL edited this page Mar 1, 2023 · 6 revisions


CompositeStructure aims at defining the common component approach composite structure pattern language (close to the UML Composite structure).


Parent class for deriving specific architectures for each design phase

Common Types: Namespace, NamedElement, AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: SystemAnalysis, EPBSArchitecture, LogicalArchitecture, OperationalAnalysis, PhysicalArchitecture

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
allocatedArchitectures BlockArchitecture 0..*
allocatingArchitectures BlockArchitecture 0..*
ownedAbstractCapabilityPkg AbstractCapabilityPkg 0..1
ownedDataPkg DataPkg 0..1
ownedInterfacePkg InterfacePkg 0..1
ownedRequirementPkgs RequirementsPkg 0..*
provisionedArchitectureAllocations ArchitectureAllocation 0..*
provisioningArchitectureAllocations ArchitectureAllocation 0..*
system Component 0..1

Inherited fields (from AbstractFunctionalArchitecture, ModellingArchitecture, Structure)

Reference Type Range Description
ownedComponentExchangeCategories ComponentExchangeCategory 0..*
ownedComponentExchangeRealizations ComponentExchangeRealization 0..*
ownedComponentExchanges ComponentExchange 0..*
ownedFunctionalAllocations ComponentFunctionalAllocation 0..*
ownedFunctionPkg FunctionPkg 0..1
ownedPropertyValuePkgs PropertyValuePkg 0..*


A modular unit that describes the structure of a system or element. [source: SysML specification v1.1]

Common Types: AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement, Namespace, NamedElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: SystemComponent, ConfigurationItem, LogicalComponent, Entity, PhysicalComponent

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
ownedAbstractCapabilityPkg AbstractCapabilityPkg 0..1
ownedDataPkg DataPkg 0..1
ownedInterfacePkg InterfacePkg 0..1
ownedStateMachines StateMachine 0..*

Inherited fields (from ModellingBlock, Type, AbstractType, AbstractFunctionalBlock)

Reference Type Range Description
abstractTypedElements AbstractTypedElement 0..*
allocatedFunctions AbstractFunction 0..*
functionalAllocations ComponentFunctionalAllocation 0..*
ownedComponentExchangeCategories ComponentExchangeCategory 0..*
ownedComponentExchanges ComponentExchange 0..*
ownedFunctionalAllocation ComponentFunctionalAllocation 0..*
typedElements TypedElement 0..*


A specialized kind of BlockArchitecture, serving as a parent class for the various architecture levels, from System analysis down to EPBS architecture

Common Types: Namespace, NamedElement, AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: SystemAnalysis, EPBSArchitecture, LogicalArchitecture, PhysicalArchitecture

Inherited fields (from BlockArchitecture, AbstractFunctionalArchitecture, ModellingArchitecture, Structure)

Reference Type Range Description
allocatedArchitectures BlockArchitecture 0..*
allocatingArchitectures BlockArchitecture 0..*
ownedAbstractCapabilityPkg AbstractCapabilityPkg 0..1
ownedComponentExchangeCategories ComponentExchangeCategory 0..*
ownedComponentExchangeRealizations ComponentExchangeRealization 0..*
ownedComponentExchanges ComponentExchange 0..*
ownedDataPkg DataPkg 0..1
ownedFunctionalAllocations ComponentFunctionalAllocation 0..*
ownedFunctionPkg FunctionPkg 0..1
ownedInterfacePkg InterfacePkg 0..1
ownedPropertyValuePkgs PropertyValuePkg 0..*
ownedRequirementPkgs RequirementsPkg 0..*
provisionedArchitectureAllocations ArchitectureAllocation 0..*
provisioningArchitectureAllocations ArchitectureAllocation 0..*
system Component 0..1


An entity, with discrete structure within the system, that interacts with other Components of the system, thereby contributing at its lowest level to the system properties and characteristics. [source: Sys EM , ISO/IEC CD 15288]

Common Types: AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement, Namespace, NamedElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: SystemComponent, ConfigurationItem, LogicalComponent, Entity, PhysicalComponent

Specific fields

Attribute Type Range Description
actor EBoolean 1..1
human EBoolean 1..1
Reference Type Range Description
containedComponentPorts ComponentPort 0..*
containedParts Part 0..*
containedPhysicalPorts PhysicalPort 0..*
implementedInterfaceLinks InterfaceImplementation 0..*
implementedInterfaces Interface 0..*
ownedComponentRealizations ComponentRealization 0..*
ownedInterfaceImplementations InterfaceImplementation 0..*
ownedInterfaceUses InterfaceUse 0..*
ownedPhysicalLinkCategories PhysicalLinkCategory 0..*
ownedPhysicalLinks PhysicalLink 0..*
ownedPhysicalPath PhysicalPath 0..*
providedInterfaces Interface 0..*
realizedComponents Component 0..*
realizingComponents Component 0..*
representingParts Part 0..*
requiredInterfaces Interface 0..*
usedInterfaceLinks InterfaceUse 0..*
usedInterfaces Interface 0..*

Inherited fields (from Block, ModellingBlock, Type, AbstractType, AbstractFunctionalBlock, Classifier, GeneralizableElement, InterfaceAllocator, CommunicationLinkExchanger)

Attribute Type Range Description
abstract EBoolean 0..1
Reference Type Range Description
abstractTypedElements AbstractTypedElement 0..*
access CommunicationLink 0..*
acquire CommunicationLink 0..*
allocatedFunctions AbstractFunction 0..*
allocatedInterfaces Interface 0..*
call CommunicationLink 0..*
consume CommunicationLink 0..*
containedProperties Property 0..*
execute CommunicationLink 0..*
functionalAllocations ComponentFunctionalAllocation 0..*
ownedAbstractCapabilityPkg AbstractCapabilityPkg 0..1
ownedCommunicationLinks CommunicationLink 0..*
ownedComponentExchangeCategories ComponentExchangeCategory 0..*
ownedComponentExchanges ComponentExchange 0..*
ownedDataPkg DataPkg 0..1
ownedFeatures Feature 0..*
ownedFunctionalAllocation ComponentFunctionalAllocation 0..*
ownedGeneralizations Generalization 0..*
ownedInterfaceAllocations InterfaceAllocation 0..*
ownedInterfacePkg InterfacePkg 0..1
ownedStateMachines StateMachine 0..*
produce CommunicationLink 0..*
provisionedInterfaceAllocations InterfaceAllocation 0..*
receive CommunicationLink 0..*
send CommunicationLink 0..*
sub GeneralizableElement 0..*
subGeneralizations Generalization 0..*
super GeneralizableElement 0..*
superGeneralizations Generalization 0..*
transmit CommunicationLink 0..*
typedElements TypedElement 0..*
write CommunicationLink 0..*


In SysML, a Part is an owned property of a Block [source: SysML glossary for SysML v1.0]

Common Types: NamedElement, AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
deployedParts Part 0..*
deployingParts Part 0..*
ownedAbstractType AbstractType 0..1
ownedDeploymentLinks AbstractDeploymentLink 0..*
providedInterfaces Interface 0..*
requiredInterfaces Interface 0..*

Inherited fields (from AbstractInstance, Property, Feature, TypedElement, AbstractTypedElement, MultiplicityElement, FinalizableElement, InformationsExchanger, DeployableElement, DeploymentTarget, AbstractPathInvolvedElement, InvolvedElement)

Attribute Type Range Description
aggregationKind AggregationKind 0..1
final EBoolean 0..1
isAbstract EBoolean 0..1
isDerived EBoolean 0..1
isPartOfKey EBoolean 0..1
isReadOnly EBoolean 0..1
isStatic EBoolean 0..1
maxInclusive EBoolean 0..1
minInclusive EBoolean 0..1
ordered EBoolean 0..1
unique EBoolean 0..1
visibility VisibilityKind 0..1
Reference Type Range Description
abstractType AbstractType 0..1
association Association 0..1
deployingLinks AbstractDeploymentLink 0..*
deploymentLinks AbstractDeploymentLink 0..*
incomingInformationFlows AbstractInformationFlow 0..*
informationFlows AbstractInformationFlow 0..*
involvingInvolvements Involvement 0..*
outgoingInformationFlows AbstractInformationFlow 0..*
ownedDefaultValue DataValue 0..1
ownedMaxCard NumericValue 0..1
ownedMaxLength NumericValue 0..1
ownedMaxValue DataValue 0..1
ownedMinCard NumericValue 0..1
ownedMinLength NumericValue 0..1
ownedMinValue DataValue 0..1
ownedNullValue DataValue 0..1
representingInstanceRoles InstanceRole 0..*
type Type 0..1


Mediator class between BlockArchitecture elements, to represent an allocation link

Common Types: ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: OperationalAnalysisRealization, PhysicalArchitectureRealization, SystemAnalysisRealization, LogicalArchitectureRealization

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
allocatedArchitecture BlockArchitecture 1..1
allocatingArchitecture BlockArchitecture 1..1

Inherited fields (from Allocation, Relationship, AbstractRelationship, AbstractTrace)

Reference Type Range Description
realizedFlow AbstractInformationFlow 0..1
sourceElement TraceableElement 1..1
targetElement TraceableElement 1..1


Common Types: ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
realizedComponent Component 0..1
realizingComponent Component 0..1

Inherited fields (from Allocation, Relationship, AbstractRelationship, AbstractTrace)

Reference Type Range Description
realizedFlow AbstractInformationFlow 0..1
sourceElement TraceableElement 1..1
targetElement TraceableElement 1..1


A container for Interface elements

Common Types: Namespace, NamedElement, AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
ownedInterfacePkgs InterfacePkg 0..*
ownedInterfaces Interface 0..*

Inherited fields (from MessageReferencePkg, Structure, AbstractDependenciesPkg, AbstractExchangeItemPkg)

Reference Type Range Description
ownedExchangeItems ExchangeItem 0..*
ownedMessageReferences MessageReference 0..*
ownedPropertyValuePkgs PropertyValuePkg 0..*


An interface is a kind of classifier that represents a declaration of a set of coherent public features and obligations. An interface specifies a contract; any instance of a classifier that realizes the interface must fulfill that contract. [source: UML superstructure v2.2]

Interfaces are defined by functional and physical characteristics that exist at a common boundary with co-functioning items and allow systems, equipment, software, and system data to be compatible.

That design feature of one piece of equipment that affects a design feature of another piece of equipment. An interface can extend beyond the physical boundary between two items. (For example, the weight and center of gravity of one item can affect the interfacing item; however, the center of gravity is rarely located at the physical boundary. An electrical interface generally extends to the first isolating element rather than terminating at a series of connector pins.)

Common Types: AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement, Namespace, NamedElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Specific fields

Attribute Type Range Description
mechanism EString 0..1
structural EBoolean 0..1
Reference Type Range Description
allocatingComponents Component 0..*
allocatingInterfaces Interface 0..*
exchangeItems ExchangeItem 0..*
implementorComponents Component 0..*
interfaceImplementations InterfaceImplementation 0..*
interfaceUses InterfaceUse 0..*
ownedExchangeItemAllocations ExchangeItemAllocation 0..*
providingComponentPorts ComponentPort 0..*
providingComponents Component 0..*
provisioningInterfaceAllocations InterfaceAllocation 0..*
realizedContextInterfaces Interface 0..*
realizedLogicalInterfaces Interface 0..*
realizingLogicalInterfaces Interface 0..*
realizingPhysicalInterfaces Interface 0..*
requiringComponentPorts ComponentPort 0..*
requiringComponents Component 0..*
userComponents Component 0..*

Inherited fields (from GeneralClass, Classifier, GeneralizableElement, Type, AbstractType, FinalizableElement, InterfaceAllocator)

Attribute Type Range Description
abstract EBoolean 0..1
final EBoolean 0..1
visibility VisibilityKind 0..1
Reference Type Range Description
abstractTypedElements AbstractTypedElement 0..*
allocatedInterfaces Interface 0..*
containedOperations Operation 0..*
containedProperties Property 0..*
nestedGeneralClasses GeneralClass 0..*
ownedFeatures Feature 0..*
ownedGeneralizations Generalization 0..*
ownedInterfaceAllocations InterfaceAllocation 0..*
provisionedInterfaceAllocations InterfaceAllocation 0..*
sub GeneralizableElement 0..*
subGeneralizations Generalization 0..*
super GeneralizableElement 0..*
superGeneralizations Generalization 0..*
typedElements TypedElement 0..*


Mediator class between an Interface and its implementor (typically a Component)

An InterfaceRealization is a specialized Realization relationship between a Classifier and an Interface. This relationship signifies that the realizing classifier conforms to the contract specified by the Interface. [source: UML superstructure v2.2]

Common Types: ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
implementedInterface Interface 1..1
interfaceImplementor Component 1..1

Inherited fields (from Relationship, AbstractRelationship)

Reference Type Range Description
realizedFlow AbstractInformationFlow 0..1


Mediator class between an interface and its user (typically a Component)

Common Types: ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
interfaceUser Component 1..1
usedInterface Interface 1..1

Inherited fields (from Relationship, AbstractRelationship)

Reference Type Range Description
realizedFlow AbstractInformationFlow 0..1


Mediator class between an Interface and an element that allocates to/from it.

Common Types: ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: ContextInterfaceRealization, LogicalInterfaceRealization

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
allocatedInterface Interface 1..1
allocatingInterfaceAllocator InterfaceAllocator 1..1

Inherited fields (from Allocation, Relationship, AbstractRelationship, AbstractTrace)

Reference Type Range Description
realizedFlow AbstractInformationFlow 0..1
sourceElement TraceableElement 1..1
targetElement TraceableElement 1..1


Base class for elements that need to be involved in an allocation link to/from an Interface

Common Types: CapellaElement, TraceableElement, ModelElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: Interface, SystemComponent, ConfigurationItem, LogicalComponent, Entity, PhysicalComponent

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
allocatedInterfaces Interface 0..*
ownedInterfaceAllocations InterfaceAllocation 0..*
provisionedInterfaceAllocations InterfaceAllocation 0..*


Allocation link between exchange items and interface that support them

Common Types: ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement, NamedElement, AbstractNamedElement

Specific fields

Attribute Type Range Description
receiveProtocol CommunicationLinkProtocol 0..1
sendProtocol CommunicationLinkProtocol 0..1
Reference Type Range Description
allocatedItem ExchangeItem 0..1
allocatingInterface Interface 0..1

Inherited fields (from Relationship, AbstractRelationship, AbstractEventOperation, FinalizableElement)

Attribute Type Range Description
final EBoolean 0..1
Reference Type Range Description
invokingSequenceMessages SequenceMessage 0..*
realizedFlow AbstractInformationFlow 0..1


characterizes a physical model element that is intended to be deployed on a given (physical) target

Common Types: NamedElement, AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: Part, PhysicalComponent

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
deployingLinks AbstractDeploymentLink 0..*


the physical target that will host a deployable element

Common Types: NamedElement, AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: Part, PhysicalComponent

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
deploymentLinks AbstractDeploymentLink 0..*


the link between a physical element, and the physical target onto which it is deployed

Common Types: ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: PartDeploymentLink, TypeDeploymentLink

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
deployedElement DeployableElement 1..1
location DeploymentTarget 1..1

Inherited fields (from Relationship, AbstractRelationship)

Reference Type Range Description
realizedFlow AbstractInformationFlow 0..1


An involved element is a capella element that is, at least, involved in an involvement relationship with the role of the element that is involved

Common Types: CapellaElement, TraceableElement, ModelElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: Part, PhysicalLink, PhysicalPath

Inherited fields (from InvolvedElement)

Reference Type Range Description
involvingInvolvements Involvement 0..*


A physical artifact is any physical element in the physical architecture (component, port, link,...). These artifacts will be part allocated to configuration items in the EPBS.

Common Types: CapellaElement, TraceableElement, ModelElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: PhysicalLink, PhysicalPort, PhysicalComponent

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
allocatorConfigurationItems ConfigurationItem 0..*


End of a physical link

Common Types: CapellaElement, TraceableElement, ModelElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: PhysicalLinkEnd, PhysicalPort

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
involvedLinks PhysicalLink 0..*


the base element for building a physical path : a link between two physical interfaces

Common Types: NamedElement, AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: PhysicalLink

Inherited fields (from ComponentExchangeAllocator)

Reference Type Range Description
allocatedComponentExchanges ComponentExchange 0..*
ownedComponentExchangeAllocations ComponentExchangeAllocation 0..*


the representation of the physical medium connecting two physical interfaces

Common Types: NamedElement, AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
categories PhysicalLinkCategory 0..*
linkEnds AbstractPhysicalLinkEnd 2..2
ownedComponentExchangeFunctionalExchangeAllocations ComponentExchangeFunctionalExchangeAllocation 0..*
ownedPhysicalLinkEnds PhysicalLinkEnd 0..*
ownedPhysicalLinkRealizations PhysicalLinkRealization 0..*
realizedPhysicalLinks PhysicalLink 0..*
realizingPhysicalLinks PhysicalLink 0..*
sourcePhysicalPort PhysicalPort 0..1
targetPhysicalPort PhysicalPort 0..1

Inherited fields (from AbstractPhysicalPathLink, ComponentExchangeAllocator, AbstractPhysicalArtifact, AbstractPathInvolvedElement, InvolvedElement)

Reference Type Range Description
allocatedComponentExchanges ComponentExchange 0..*
allocatorConfigurationItems ConfigurationItem 0..*
involvingInvolvements Involvement 0..*
ownedComponentExchangeAllocations ComponentExchangeAllocation 0..*


Common Types: NamedElement, AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
links PhysicalLink 0..*


an endpoint of a physical link

A connector end is an endpoint of a connector, which attaches the connector to a connectable element. Each connector end is part of one connector. [source: UML superstructure v2.2]

Common Types: CapellaElement, TraceableElement, ModelElement, PublishableElement

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
part Part 0..1
port PhysicalPort 0..1

Inherited fields (from AbstractPhysicalLinkEnd)

Reference Type Range Description
involvedLinks PhysicalLink 0..*



Common Types: ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Inherited fields (from Allocation, Relationship, AbstractRelationship, AbstractTrace)

Reference Type Range Description
realizedFlow AbstractInformationFlow 0..1
sourceElement TraceableElement 1..1
targetElement TraceableElement 1..1


the specification of a given path of informations flowing across physical links and interfaces.

Common Types: NamedElement, AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
firstPhysicalPathInvolvements PhysicalPathInvolvement 0..*
involvedLinks AbstractPhysicalPathLink 0..*
ownedPhysicalPathInvolvements PhysicalPathInvolvement 0..*
ownedPhysicalPathRealizations PhysicalPathRealization 0..*
realizedPhysicalPaths PhysicalPath 0..*
realizingPhysicalPaths PhysicalPath 0..*

Inherited fields (from ComponentExchangeAllocator, AbstractPathInvolvedElement, InvolvedElement, InvolverElement)

Reference Type Range Description
allocatedComponentExchanges ComponentExchange 0..*
involvedInvolvements Involvement 0..*
involvingInvolvements Involvement 0..*
ownedComponentExchangeAllocations ComponentExchangeAllocation 0..*


Common Types: ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: PhysicalPathReference

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
involvedComponent Component 0..1
involvedElement AbstractPathInvolvedElement 0..1
nextInvolvements PhysicalPathInvolvement 0..*
previousInvolvements PhysicalPathInvolvement 0..*

Inherited fields (from Involvement, Relationship, AbstractRelationship)

Reference Type Range Description
involved InvolvedElement 1..1
involver InvolverElement 1..1
realizedFlow AbstractInformationFlow 0..1


Common Types: ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
referencedPhysicalPath PhysicalPath 0..1

Inherited fields (from PhysicalPathInvolvement, Involvement, Relationship, AbstractRelationship)

Reference Type Range Description
involved InvolvedElement 1..1
involvedComponent Component 0..1
involvedElement AbstractPathInvolvedElement 0..1
involver InvolverElement 1..1
nextInvolvements PhysicalPathInvolvement 0..*
previousInvolvements PhysicalPathInvolvement 0..*
realizedFlow AbstractInformationFlow 0..1



Common Types: ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Inherited fields (from Allocation, Relationship, AbstractRelationship, AbstractTrace)

Reference Type Range Description
realizedFlow AbstractInformationFlow 0..1
sourceElement TraceableElement 1..1
targetElement TraceableElement 1..1


A port on a physical component

Common Types: NamedElement, AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
allocatedComponentPorts ComponentPort 0..*
ownedComponentPortAllocations ComponentPortAllocation 0..*
ownedPhysicalPortRealizations PhysicalPortRealization 0..*
realizedPhysicalPorts PhysicalPort 0..*
realizingPhysicalPorts PhysicalPort 0..*

Inherited fields (from Port, AbstractPhysicalArtifact, InformationsExchanger, AbstractPhysicalLinkEnd, Property, Feature, TypedElement, AbstractTypedElement, MultiplicityElement, FinalizableElement)

Attribute Type Range Description
aggregationKind AggregationKind 0..1
final EBoolean 0..1
isAbstract EBoolean 0..1
isDerived EBoolean 0..1
isPartOfKey EBoolean 0..1
isReadOnly EBoolean 0..1
isStatic EBoolean 0..1
maxInclusive EBoolean 0..1
minInclusive EBoolean 0..1
ordered EBoolean 0..1
unique EBoolean 0..1
visibility VisibilityKind 0..1
Reference Type Range Description
abstractType AbstractType 0..1
allocatorConfigurationItems ConfigurationItem 0..*
association Association 0..1
incomingInformationFlows AbstractInformationFlow 0..*
incomingPortAllocations PortAllocation 0..*
incomingPortRealizations PortRealization 0..*
informationFlows AbstractInformationFlow 0..*
involvedLinks PhysicalLink 0..*
outgoingInformationFlows AbstractInformationFlow 0..*
outgoingPortAllocations PortAllocation 0..*
outgoingPortRealizations PortRealization 0..*
ownedDefaultValue DataValue 0..1
ownedMaxCard NumericValue 0..1
ownedMaxLength NumericValue 0..1
ownedMaxValue DataValue 0..1
ownedMinCard NumericValue 0..1
ownedMinLength NumericValue 0..1
ownedMinValue DataValue 0..1
ownedNullValue DataValue 0..1
ownedPortAllocations PortAllocation 0..*
ownedPortRealizations PortRealization 0..*
ownedProtocols StateMachine 0..*
providedInterfaces Interface 0..*
requiredInterfaces Interface 0..*
type Type 0..1



Common Types: ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Inherited fields (from Allocation, Relationship, AbstractRelationship, AbstractTrace)

Reference Type Range Description
realizedFlow AbstractInformationFlow 0..1
sourceElement TraceableElement 1..1
targetElement TraceableElement 1..1


a package containing parts

Common Types: Namespace, NamedElement, AbstractNamedElement, ModelElement, CapellaElement, TraceableElement, PublishableElement

Known Sub Types: SystemComponentPkg, ConfigurationItemPkg, LogicalComponentPkg, EntityPkg, PhysicalComponentPkg

Specific fields

Reference Type Range Description
ownedComponentExchangeCategories ComponentExchangeCategory 0..*
ownedComponentExchangeRealizations ComponentExchangeRealization 0..*
ownedComponentExchanges ComponentExchange 0..*
ownedFunctionalAllocations ComponentFunctionalAllocation 0..*
ownedParts Part 0..*
ownedPhysicalLinkCategories PhysicalLinkCategory 0..*
ownedPhysicalLinks PhysicalLink 0..*
ownedStateMachines StateMachine 0..*

Inherited fields (from Structure)

Reference Type Range Description
ownedPropertyValuePkgs PropertyValuePkg 0..*

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