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2021 11

mikeplanzer edited this page Nov 9, 2021 · 2 revisions

Meeting Deck

2021-11-09 20:00 - 22:00


  • Marco
  • Arahant
  • Mike
  • Vova
  • Michel
  • Boris
  • Andre



  • We will create a traditional AG (Aktiengesellschaft)

  • We need to use discord for communication so that others see it

  • Marco introduced CryptoMorpher (Boris)

    • Boris: 3 Years working for a blockchain company
    • Boris: Some frontend experiencen with Angular / React
    • Boris: Knows everything about crypto :)
  • On November 17th a screen capture on the beta needs to be done

  • Marco showing the current state on the beta

    • (grid and list view)
    • Governance
    • Tangram

Update Mike (UX):

  • Icons
    • store could be arcade machine
    • Icons will be used in a svg font (already provided)
    • wallet a bit more arcade style
  • Screens
    • showed the icon pack
    • showed the create campaign funnel
    • Focus on Campaign overview page

Update Engineering:

  • Andre:

    • Fixed the bug with the wallet connect
  • Michel

    • Have not touched campaigns view yet. From now a matter of combining components. The base foundation is there.
    • Rough estimate 1MD to adjust all the views
  • Vova:

    • Made good progress
    • Validator node
    • Pallet form subzero almost ported to new substrate
    • Tests in progress
  • Update Communication:

    • Have been occupied the last 10 days with another project
    • Not much progress made on communication side
    • From now on should be a bit more flexible
    • Marco: Agency will present (offer) tomorrow what is needed for proper brand communication
    • Marco: No money was spend on communication so far

Availability Richtiger Alman: Wednesday Morning + Weekend

Main Target:

  • Video recording of the beta needs to be done on November 17th


  • marco and Jogi to move all discussion / notes / wilo to a single source in github (also project board)
  • Christian to watch Andy Lark stream (find link in discord branding channel)

Meeting Notes

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