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201503Bern Group2 UI

María Arias de Reyna edited this page Mar 19, 2015 · 15 revisions


UI / Editing Wizard editor mode

  • Next-next wizard with very simple fields
  • Author details are the user that is creating the metadata
  • Redirect to metadata view
  • Default settings defined by each organization/group/catalog?? Distribution, authoring,... Defined by the administrator, they are automatically added to each metadata
  • Drag & Drop for resources
  • First dialogs are decision yes/no questions to determine the template to use (INSPIRE? Service?...)
  • Admin UI to define the workflow of the wizard and what templates are used on each question-path.
  • Detailed suggestions with concrete examples on each field that has to be filled
  • Limit the free texts on the wizards, better use pre-defined values.
  • Combination of elements defining the values of other fields.
  • Being able to view related metadata to copy elements
  • Being able to look for related elements as suggestions (dictionary?)
  • Add rules/XSLT transformations linked to a step of the wizard
  • Very simple UX, not for experts
  • For defining wizards we can reuse other wizards (from components, maybe, or completeness)
  • Limited time to complete wizard (max 15m min p.e.)
  • On the search add a parameter to filter on completeness

UI / Editing Completeness indicator

  • Open wizard for this specific indicator
  • Admin interface to define: XSLT rule to trigger completeness indicator, wizard, numeric percentage
  • Have default indicators for GeoNetwork, ISO and INSPIRE schematrons

UI / Editing Fixing errors - suggestions

  • Admin interface to define: link to schematron error and the wizard to solve the error

  • Have default suggestions for GeoNetwork, ISO and INSPIRE schematrons

  • We hope that many errors that need wizards are solved with the completeness wizards

  • Check about current suggestions!!!!!!!!!!!!!


UI / Search Storing queries, favorites. Extended User Profile, Suggest content based on user actions

  • Be notified of actions from other users on the same groups
  • Be affected by actions from other users on the same groups
  • Show related metadata based on previously metadata seen (keywords, categories, related on the metadata, operateson, object catalog, organizations, ...?)
  • Like Amazon, store if A looks at md1 and then md2, offer md2 to people looking at md1
  • Research search engines algorithms
  • Personal profile attribute to activate or deactive suggestions
  • Semantic database?
  • Calculated attributes on the public user profile showing general completeness on their own metadata

Social network User comments & feedback, Report errors - a Social extension

  • Like button (using facebook?)
  • Send complementary information about (meta)data
  • Send emails to the data provider (if there is an email defined in the metadata and a mail server defined on GeoNetwork)?
  • Add troll-blocking tools
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