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Application architecture Installation out of the box, patch releases

Jesse Eichar edited this page Mar 19, 2015 · 1 revision

As a administrator, I want to deploy a gn install out of the box with some described use cases and not search for documentation on the web across different resources. As an administrator I would like to be informed about new releases (e.g. PIWIK admin sees at the top right that a new version is there.)

Out Of the box experience:


  • Simpler installer
  • Fix central location for docs and installation so that it correctly links to all the resources



  • Documentation template
  • Central location for docs



  • Admin UI to run upgrade script
  • Upgrade script downloads new version, stops server, deploys new version, restarts server.
  • Problems:
  • Can't access restart because tomcat user doesn't typically have the access to do this
  • Better would be hot deploy of patch
  • Problems with hot deploy:
  • Static fields
  • Need research
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