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NetworkExtension iOS xcode9 beta3

Vincent Dondain edited this page Jul 10, 2017 · 1 revision


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2017-06-11 02:20:25.000000000 -0400
+++ /Applications/	2017-06-30 02:15:16.000000000 -0400
@@ -14,52 +14,6 @@
  *   An application that needs access to the NEHotspotConfiguration API must have
  *   the “” entitlement.
- *   This API does not support configuring a Wi-Fi network that has a hidden SSID.
- *
- *   When this API is used to add new network configuration a dialog is displayed on
- *   the device asking for user's consent. The users must give their consent before
- *   the new configuration is added.
- *
- *   Application will provide SSID, Security type and corresponding credentials to
- *   the API. For Hotspot 2.0 Enterprise(802.1X) networks, Application needs to provide
- *   HS2.0 Domain Name instead of SSID.
- *
- *   Application can use API to query the networks that it has configured.
- *   The query should return list of names (SSID/HS2.0 domain Name) of the networks that
- *   the application has configured.
- *
- *   Application can use the API to update the configuration for the previously configured
- *   SSID, and there is no user’s approval required for the configuration update if the
- *   application already owns the configuration.
- *
- *   Application can use the API to delete the configuration that it has configured.
- *
- *   Application can update configuration for a SSID that has been configured by other
- *   application or user, and in such case API will prompt UI to take user’s approval.
- *
- *   Application cannot delete a configuration added by some other application or user.
- *
- *   Uninstallation of application will lead to removal of configuration for all the networks
- *   that the application had configured. This will also remove the keychain items belonging
- *   to those network configurations.
- *
- *   The API also supports life-time for the configuration which means configuration would be
- *   valid for configured number of days (min = 1 day and max = 30 days). Default value is 30 Days.
- *   The Life Time configuration does not apply to Enterprise and HS2.0 networks.
- *
- *   Application will fail to add configuration if same SSID or HS2.0 domain name is already
- *   configured through MDM Profile or Carrier bundle.
- *
- *   If Application has already configured a SSID or HS2.0 Domain name, and later if MDM profile
- *   or Carrier bundle is installed matching the SSID or HS2.0 domain, then MDM/Carrier configured
- *   network will take a priority over it and thus will overwrite the configuration provided by
- *   the application.
- *
- *   User can see name of the application in Settings > Wi-Fi when the configured network
- *   is available in the scan list.
- *
- *   User can forget the configured networks from Settings > Wi-Fi.
- *
  * @ignorefuncmacro NS_OPTIONS
  * @ignorefuncmacro NS_ENUM
@@ -298,8 +252,8 @@
  * @property lifeTimeInDays
  * @discussion The lifetime of the configuration in days. The configuration is stored for the
- *   number of days specified by this property. The minimum value is 1 day and maximum value is 30 days.
- *   If this property is not set or is set with an invalid value then configuration is stored for 30 days.
+ *   number of days specified by this property. The minimum value is 1 day and maximum value is 365 days.
+ *   A configuration does not get deleted automatically if this property is not set or set to an invalid value.
  *   This property does not apply to Enterprise and HS2.0 networks.
 @property (copy) NSNumber * lifeTimeInDays API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0));
@@ -358,7 +312,6 @@
  * @typedef NEHotspotConfigurationError
  * @abstract Hotspot Configuration error codes
@@ -366,7 +319,9 @@
  * @const NEHotspotConfigurationErrorInvalidSSID The given SSID string is invalid.
  * @const NEHotspotConfigurationErrorInvalidWPAPassphrase The given WPA/WPA2 Personal passphrase is invalid.
  * @const NEHotspotConfigurationErrorInvalidWEPPassphrase The given WEP passphrase is invalid.
- * @const NEHotspotConfigurationErrorInvalidHS20DomainName The given HS2.0 domain name is invalid.
+ * @const NEHotspotConfigurationErrorInvalidEAPSettings  Invalid EAP Settings.
+ * @const NEHotspotConfigurationErrorInvalidHS20Settings Invalid Hotspot 2.0 Settings.
+ * @const NEHotspotConfigurationErrorInvalidHS20DomainName The given Hotspot 2.0 domain name is invalid.
  * @const NEHotspotConfigurationErrorUserDenied Failed to get the user's approval to add a new configuration.
  * @const NEHotspotConfigurationErrorInternal An internal error was encountered.
  * @const NEHotspotConfigurationErrorPending Previous request by the calling application is pending.
@@ -374,7 +329,6 @@
  * @const NEHotspotConfigurationErrorUnknown An unknown configuration error occurred.
  * @const NEHotspotConfigurationErrorJoinOnceNotSupported JoinOnce option is not support for EAP configuration.
  * @const NEHotspotConfigurationErrorAlreadyAssociated Wi-Fi is already associated.
- * @const NEHotspotConfigurationErrorAssociationFailed Wi-Fi association failed.
  * @const NEHotspotConfigurationErrorApplicationIsNotInForeground The application is not in the foreground.
 typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NEHotspotConfigurationError) {
@@ -392,8 +346,7 @@
 	NEHotspotConfigurationErrorUnknown 				= 11,
 	NEHotspotConfigurationErrorJoinOnceNotSupported 		= 12,
 	NEHotspotConfigurationErrorAlreadyAssociated 			= 13,
-	NEHotspotConfigurationErrorAssociationFailed 			= 14,
-	NEHotspotConfigurationErrorApplicationIsNotInForeground 	= 15
+	NEHotspotConfigurationErrorApplicationIsNotInForeground 	= 14
 } API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0));
@@ -415,7 +368,8 @@
  *   This could be nil if application does not intend to receive the result.
  *   The NSError passed to this block will be nil if the configuration is successfully stored, non-nil otherwise.
  *   If the configuration is found invalid or API encounters some other error then completionHandler is called
- *   with instance of NSError containing appropriate error code.
+ *   with instance of NSError containing appropriate error code. This API attempts to join the Wi-Fi network
+ *   if the configuration is successfully added or updated and the network is found nearby.
 - (void)applyConfiguration:(NEHotspotConfiguration *)configuration
@@ -424,6 +378,8 @@
  * @method removeConfigurationForSSID:
  * @discussion This function removes Wi-Fi configuration.
+ *   If the joinOnce property was set to YES, invoking this method will disassociate from the Wi-Fi network
+ *   after the configuration is removed.
  * @param SSID Wi-Fi SSID for which the configuration is to be deleted.
 - (void)removeConfigurationForSSID:(NSString *)SSID API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0));
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2017-06-11 02:26:15.000000000 -0400
+++ /Applications/	2017-06-30 02:15:16.000000000 -0400
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
       - Name: request
         Nullability: N
     - Name: NEHotspotHelper
-      Properties:
-      - Name: supportedNetworkInterfaces
-        Nullability: N
+      Methods:
+      - Selector: supportedNetworkInterfaces
+        MethodKind: Class
+        NullabilityOfRet: N
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