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UIKit watchOS xcode9 beta4

Vincent Dondain edited this page Aug 23, 2017 · 2 revisions


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2017-06-30 23:03:27.000000000 -0400
+++ /Applications/	2017-07-14 17:02:20.000000000 -0400
@@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
+typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIPreferredPresentationStyle) {
+    UIPreferredPresentationStyleUnspecified = 0,
+    UIPreferredPresentationStyleInline,
+    UIPreferredPresentationStyleAttachment,
 @interface NSItemProvider (UIKitAdditions)
 @property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSData *teamData API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
@@ -19,6 +25,19 @@
 // Estimated presentation size, in points. CGSizeZero value indicates this information is not available.
 @property (nonatomic) CGSize preferredPresentationSize API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos);
+@property (nonatomic) UIPreferredPresentationStyle preferredPresentationStyle;
+API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(watchos, tvos)
+@protocol UIItemProviderPresentationSizeProviding <NSObject>
+// Implement this on an object which conforms to the NSItemProviderWriting protocol.
+// When the object is registered to NSItemProvider, this property will be used to automatically set
+// the `preferredPresentationSize` property on NSItemProvider.
+// Return CGSizeZero to indicate that this information is not available.
+@property (nonatomic, readonly) CGSize preferredPresentationSizeForItemProvider;
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2017-06-30 23:29:29.000000000 -0400
+++ /Applications/	2017-07-14 03:22:39.000000000 -0400
@@ -371,6 +371,11 @@
   - Selector: 'initWithTypeIdentifiersForAcceptingClass:'
     MethodKind: Instance
     SwiftName: 'init(forAccepting:)'
+- Name: UIFocusSystem
+  Methods:
+  - Selector: 'environment:containsEnvironment:'
+    MethodKind: Class
+    SwiftPrivate: true
 - Name: UIAppearance
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