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xcode9 Bindings Status

Timothy Risi edited this page Sep 1, 2017 · 295 revisions
framework iOS tvOS watchOS macOS
Accelerate - - b1 nothing
Accounts b1 PR2205
b4 nothing
- - b1 PR2205
b4 nothing
AddressBook b1 nothing
- - b1 nothing
AdSupport b1 nothing
b2 nothing
b3 nothing
b5 nothing
b1 nothing
b2 nothing
b3 nothing
b5 nothing
- -
AppKit - - - b1 PR2245
b2 nothing
b3 PR2347
b4 nothing
b5 nothing
b6 nothing
ARKit b1 PR2187
b3 PR2310
b4 PR2370
b5 PR2505
b6 nothing
- - -
AssetsLibrary b1 nothing
- - -
AudioToolbox b1 PR2294
b2 PR2294
b3 nothing
b1 PR2294
b2 PR2294
b3 nothing
- b1 PR2294
b2 PR2294
b3 nothing
AVFoundation b1 mandel
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
b6 nothing
b1 mandel
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
b6 nothing
b1 mandel
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 nothing
b6 nothing
b1 mandel
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
b6 nothing
AVKit b1 PR2206
b2 PR2250
b4 nothing
b5 nothing
b1 PR2206
b2 PR2250
b3 PR2319
b4 nothing
- b1 PR2206
b2 PR2250
b5 PR2536
CallKit b1 PR2207
b2 nothing
b5 PR2447
- - -
CFNetwork b1 nothing
b1 nothing
- b1 nothing
ClockKit - - b1 PR2208
b2 nothing
CloudKit b1 mandel
b2 mandel
b3 mandel
b1 mandel
b2 mandel
b3 mandel
b1 mandel
b2 mandel
b3 mandel
b1 nothing
b2 nothing
b3 mandel
Contacts b1 PR2209
b2 PR2253
b5 PR2451
- b1 PR2209
b2 PR2253
b5 PR2451
b1 PR2209
b2 PR2253
b5 PR2451
ContactsUI b5 nothing
- - -
CoreAudio b1 miguel
b3 miguel
b1 ???
b3 ???
b1 ???
b3 ???
b1 ???
b3 ???
CoreAudioKit b1 PR2212
- - b1 PR2212
b4 nothing
CoreBluetooth b1 PR2540
b2 PR2540
b1 PR2540
b2 PR2540
b1 PR2540
b2 PR2540
b1 PR2540
b2 PR2540
CoreData b1 PR2210
b3 nothing
b4 PR2365
b5 PR2488
b6 PR2528
b1 PR2210
b3 nothing
b4 PR2365
b5 PR2488
b6 PR2528
b1 PR2210
b3 nothing
b4 PR2365
b5 PR2488
b6 PR2528
b1 PR2210
b3 nothing
b4 PR2365
b5 PR2488
b6 PR2528
CoreFoundation b1 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
b1 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
b1 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
b1 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
CoreGraphics b1 PR2181
b2 ???
b3 nothing
b4 nothing
b5 ???
b1 PR2181
b2 ???
b3 nothing
b4 nothing
b5 ???
b1 PR2181
b2 ???
b3 nothing
b4 nothing
b5 ???
b1 PR2181
b2 ???
b3 nothing
b4 nothing
b5 ???
CoreImage b1 Sebastien
b2 Sebastien
b3 Sebastien
b4 Sebastien
b1 Sebastien
b2 Sebastien
b3 Sebastien
b4 Sebastien
- b1 nothing
b2 nothing
b3 Sebastien
b4 Sebastien
CoreLocation b1 PR2224
b3 nothing
b4 PR2367
b5 PR2453
b1 PR2224
b3 nothing
b4 PR2367
b5 PR2453
b1 PR2224
b3 nothing
b4 PR2367
b5 PR2453
b1 PR2224
b3 nothing
b4 PR2367
b5 PR2453
CoreMedia b1 ???
b2 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
b1 ???
b2 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
- b1 nothing
b2 nothing
b4 ???
b5 ???
CoreMIDI b1 nothing
b5 nothing
- - b1 nothing
b5 nothing
CoreML b1 PR2275
b3 PR2321
b4 PR2387
b5 PR2454
b6 PR2531
b1 PR2275
b3 PR2321
b4 PR2387
b5 PR2454
b6 PR2531
b1 PR2275
b3 PR2561
b4 PR2387
b5 PR2454
b6 PR2531
b1 PR2275
b3 PR2321
b4 PR2387
b5 PR2454
b6 PR2531
CoreMotion b1 PR2225
b2 PR2252
- b1 PR2225
b2 PR2252
CoreNFC b1 PR2226
b2 PR2251
b3 PR2318
b1 PR2226
b2 PR2251
b3 PR2318
- -
CoreSpotlight b1 PR2193
b1 PR2193
- b1 PR2193
CoreTelephony b1 PR2257
b4 nothing
- - b1 PR2257
b4 nothing
CoreText b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 nothing
b4 nothing
b5 nothing
b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 nothing
b4 nothing
b5 nothing
b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 nothing
b4 nothing
b5 nothing
b1 nothing
b2 nothing
b3 nothing
b4 nothing
b5 nothing
CoreVideo b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 nothing
b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 nothing
b2 PR2553
b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 nothing
CoreWLAN - - - b1 nothing
b3 PR2525
b4 nothing
DeviceCheck b1 PR2267
b1 PR2267
- -
EventKit b1 PR2270
- b1 PR2270
b1 nothing
EventKitUI b1 PR2271
- - -
ExternalAccessory b1 nothing
b1 nothing
- b1 PR2526
FileProvider b1 PR2279
b2 PR2279
b3 PR2279
b4 PR2361
b5 nothing
b6 nothing
- - -
FileProviderUI b1 PR2356
b3 PR2356
- - -
FinderSync - - - b1 PR2219
b2 PR2219
b3 PR2315
b4 PR2377
b5 nothing
Foundation b1 PR2468
b2 PR2468
b3 PR2468
b4 PR2468
b5 PR2468
b1 PR2468
b2 PR2468
b3 PR2468
b4 PR2468
b5 PR2468
b1 PR2468
b2 PR2468
b3 PR2468
b4 PR2468
b5 PR2468
b1 PR2468
b2 PR2468
b3 PR2468
b4 PR2468
b5 PR2468
GameController b1 PR2277
b2 nothing
b4 nothing
b1 PR2277
b2 nothing
b4 nothing
- b1 PR2277
b2 nothing
b4 nothing
GameKit b1 PR2291
b4 nothing
b1 PR2291
b4 nothing
b1 PR2291
b4 nothing
b1 nothing
b4 nothing
GameplayKit b1 PR2476
b2 PR2476
b4 PR2476
b1 PR2476
b2 PR2476
b4 PR2476
- b1 nothing
b4 PR2476
GLKit b1 nothing
b1 nothing
- b1 nothing
HealthKit b1 ???
b2 ???
b4 ???
b5 nothing
- b1 ???
b2 ???
b4 ???
b5 nothing
HealthKitUI b1 nothing
- - -
HomeKit b1 PR2276
b2 PR2276
b3 PR2317
b5 PR2492
b1 PR2276
b2 PR2276
b3 PR2317
b5 PR2492
b1 PR2276
b2 PR2276
b3 PR2317
b5 PR2492
iAd b1 PR2265
b2 nothing
- - -
IdentityLookup b1 PR2273
- - -
ImageIO b1 PR2353
b3 PR2353
b1 PR2353
b3 PR2353
b1 PR2353
b3 PR2353
b1 PR2353
b3 PR2353
Intents b1 PR2493
b2 PR2493
b3 PR2493
b4 PR2493
b5 PR2493
- b1 PR2493
b2 PR2493
b3 PR2493
b4 PR2493
b5 PR2493
b1 PR2493
b2 PR2493
b3 PR2493
b4 PR2493
b5 PR2493
IntentsUI b1 PR2497
b2 PR2497
- - -
IOSurface b1 PR2363
b2 ???
b3 nothing
b1 PR2363
b2 miguel
b3 nothing
- b1 PR2363
b2 miguel
b3 nothing
JavaScriptCore b1 nothing
b4 nothing
b1 nothing
b4 nothing
- b1 nothing
LocalAuthentication b1 nothing
b2 nothing
b4 nothing
- - b1 nothing
b2 nothing
b4 nothing
MapKit b1 PR2334
b4 PR2364
b1 PR2334
b4 PR2364
b1 PR2334
b2 nothing
b1 PR2334
b4 PR2364
MediaAccessibility b5 nothing
b5 nothing
- b5 nothing
MediaLibrary - - - b1 PR2219
b3 nothing
MediaPlayer b1 PR2388
b2 PR2388
b3 PR2388
b4 PR2388
b5 PR2456
b1 PR2388
b2 PR2388
b3 PR2388
b4 PR2388
b5 PR2456
- b1 PR2388
b2 PR2388
b3 PR2388
b4 PR2388
b5 PR2456
Messages b1 PR2332
b3 PR2332
- - -
MessageUI b1 PR2333
- - -
Metal b1 Risi
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
b1 Risi
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
- b1 Risi
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
MetalKit b1 Risi
b2 ???
b3 ???
b5 nothing
b1 Risi
b2 ???
b3 ???
b5 nothing
- b1 Risi
b2 ???
b3 ???
b6 nothing
MetalPerformanceShaders b1 ???
b2 ???
b4 ???
b1 ???
b2 ???
b5 nothing
- b1 ???
b2 ???
b5 nothing
MobileCoreServices b2 nothing
b2 nothing
b2 nothing
ModelIO b1 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
b1 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
- b1 nothing
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
MultipeerConnectivity b1 PR2268
b1 PR2268
- b1 nothing
NetworkExtension b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
- - b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
NotificationCenter - - - b1 nothing
OpenAL b5 nothing
b5 nothing
- -
OpenGLES b1 PR2308
b2 nothing
b3 PR2308
b1 PR2308
b2 nothing
b3 PR2308
- -
PassKit b1 PR2475
b3 PR2475
b5 PR2475
- b1 PR2475
b3 PR2475
b5 PR2475
PDFKit b1 PR2378
b2 PR2378
b3 PR2378
b4 PR2378
- - -
Photos b1 PR2290
b2 PR2290
b3 PR2290
b5 PR2452
b1 PR2290
b2 PR2290
b3 PR2290
b5 PR2452
- b1 PR2290
b2 PR2290
b3 PR2327
b5 nothing
PhotosUI b1 nothing
- - b1 nothing
PushKit b1 PR2264
b3 nothing
- - -
QTKit - - - b1 nothing
QuartzCore b1 PR2382
b1 PR2382
- b1 PR2382
QuickLook b1 PR2374
b2 PR2374
b3 nothing
b5 PR2450
- - b1 nothing
ReplayKit b1 PR2484
b2 nothing
b4 PR2484
b5 PR2484
b1 PR2484
b2 PR2484
b4 PR2484
b5 PR2484
- -
SafariServices b1 PR2380
b3 PR2380
b5 PR2455
- - b1 PR2380
b3 PR2380
SceneKit b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
b6 nothing
b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
b6 nothing
b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
b6 nothing
b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 ???
b6 nothing
Security b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
b1 ???
b2 ???
b3 ???
b4 ???
Social b1 PR2256
- - b5 nothing
Speech b1 nothing
b4 nothing
- - -
SpriteKit b1 PR2331
b2 PR2331
b3 PR2331
b4 PR2368
b5 nothing
b6 nothing
b1 PR2331
b2 PR2331
b3 PR2331
b4 PR2368
b5 nothing
b1 PR2331
b2 PR2331
b3 PR2331
b4 PR2368
b5 nothing
b1 PR2331
b2 PR2331
b3 PR2331
b4 PR2368
b5 nothing
StoreKit b1 PR2379
b2 PR2379
b3 PR2379
b1 PR2379
b2 PR2379
b3 PR2379
- b1 nothing
SystemConfiguration b1 nothing
b3 nothing
b1 nothing
b3 nothing
- b1 nothing
b3 nothing
TVMLKit - b1 PR2254
- -
TVServices - b1 PR2255
b2 PR2255
b3 nothing
b6 nothing
- -
UIKit b1 Vincent
b2 nothing
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 nothing
b6 nothing
b1 Vincent
b2 nothing
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 nothing
b6 nothing
b1 Vincent
b2 nothing
b3 ???
b4 ???
b5 nothing
UserNotifications b1 PR2229
b2 nothing
b1 PR2229
b2 nothing
b1 PR2229
b2 nothing
VideoSubscriberAccount b1 PR2533
b2 PR2533
b1 PR2533
b2 PR2533
- -
VideoToolbox b1 ???
b3 ???
b4 nothing
b1 ???
b3 ???
b4 nothing
- b1 nothing
b3 ???
b4 nothing
Vision b1 PR2301
b2 PR2301
b3 PR2301
b5 PR2458
b6 PR2532
b1 PR2301
b2 PR2301
b3 PR2301
b5 PR2458
b6 PR2532
- b1 PR2301
b2 PR2301
b3 PR2301
b5 PR2458
b6 PR2532
WatchConnectivity b1 nothing
- b1 nothing
WatchKit b1 PR2398
b2 PR2398
- b1 PR2398
b2 PR2398
WebKit b1 PR2228
b3 nothing
b4 PR2366
- - b1 PR2228
b2 nothing
b3 nothing
b4 PR2366


  • Do not directly modify the table (it's generated) or the script;
  • When picking a framework: add your name to the API diff itself, below the framework name. E.g: ## Sebastien.
  • When you created a PR for a given framework: remove your name and add the PR URL instead (just the link, no ##), below the framework name. E.g:


  • There is no new bindings in the frameworks in strikeout (e.g. noise in the headers);
  • The bindings are not complete for frameworks in bold;
  • Bindings are done (does not mean tested or final) for frameworks without text decorations;
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