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Kiooeht edited this page Feb 24, 2020 · 6 revisions

AutoAdd allows mods to simplify registering all their cards/relic/etc with BaseMod, instead of manually adding each card like this:

public void receiveEditCards()
    // No more of this
    BaseMod.addCard(new MyCard1());
    BaseMod.addCard(new MyCard2());
    BaseMod.addCard(new MyCard3());
    // etc.



  • AutoAdd(String modID)
    • modID : The ID of the mod you want to search for classes.
  • overrideClassPool(ClassPool pool)
    • pool : The javassist ClassPool AutoAdd should use to find classes.
    • Defaults to Loader.getClassPool()
    • Note: Normally the only time you should have to alter this is if you want to use AutoAdd inside a Raw patch.
  • setDefaultSeen(boolean seen)
    • seen : Whether or not cards should default to seen.
    • By default, cards are NOT seen.
  • packageFilter(String packageName)
    • packageName : The name of a package to search (i.e. ""), any classes outside this package will be ignored.
  • packageFilter(Class<?> packageClass)
    • packageClass : The class type of a class in a package you want to search (i.e. MyAbstractCard.class), any classes outside the package this class is in will be ignored.
  • filter(ClassFilter filter)
    • filter : Custom filter for which classes to include/exclude during the search.


  • <T> Collection<CtClass> findClasses(Class<T> type)
    • Finds all non-abstract, non-interface classes that inherit from the class given by type.
    • This includes any classes that have the @AutoAdd.Ignore annotation.
  • <T> void any(Class<T> type, BiConsumer<Info, T> add)
    • Find classes as per findClasses, gets info about their annotations (see below), then calls the given function/lambda add with that info and a new instance of the class.
    • This excludes any classes that have the @AutoAdd.Ignore annotation (see below).
    • A class MUST have a constructor that takes no arguments (or be ignored), otherwise any will crash.
  • void cards()
    • Finds all cards and registers them with BaseMod (BaseMod.addCard), possibly marking them seen.


The following annotations can be added to individual classes to alter how AutoAdd interacts with them:

  • @AutoAdd.Ignore
    • A class annotated with this will be completely ignored by AutoAdd.
  • @AutoAdd.Seen
  • @AutoAdd.NotSeen
    • Seen and NotSeen will override the default seen setting of AutoAdd, marking a card as seen or not seen by default.


Basic Auto-Adding Cards

public void receiveEditCards()
    // This finds and adds all cards in the same package (or sub-package) as MyAbstractCard
    // along with marking all added cards as seen
    new AutoAdd(MyModID)

Auto-Adding Character Specific Relics for a Modded Character

public void receiveEditRelics()
    // This finds and adds all relics inheriting from CustomRelic that are in the same package
    // as MyRelic, keeping all as unseen except those annotated with @AutoAdd.Seen
    new AutoAdd(MyModID)
        .any(CustomRelic.class, (info, relic) -> {
            BaseMod.addRelicToCustomPool(relic, MY_CHARACTER_COLOR);
            if (info.seen) {