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Alchyr edited this page Feb 18, 2023 · 5 revisions



  • addCustomScreen(CustomScreen screen)

    • Register a new screen. Call this in receivePostInitialize.
  • getCustomScreen(AbstractDungeon.CurrentScreen screen)

    • If you ever want to get the instance of your screen.
  • openCustomScreen(AbstractDungeon.CurrentScreen screen, Object... args)

    • When you want to open your screen. The arguments to pass will attempt to be passed to an open method of your screen's class.


  • curScreen()
    • Return the CurrentScreen enum value for your screen.
    • You need to create a new CurrentScreen enum value using SpireEnum.
    • This is the same value you need to use in getCustomScreen and openCustomScreen to get/open your screen.
  • open(...)
    • Called when your screen is opened. You an define it with any parameters you want but they must match when you call openCustomScreen
    • You may also override open(Object... args) to have full control over how the arguments get passed.
  • reopen()
    • Called when your screen is reopened, i.e. if your screen is open, then the settings screen is opened, then settings is closed, your screen is then "reopened".
  • close()
    • Called when AbstractDungeon.closeCurrentScreen is called while your screen is open.
  • update()
    • Called every frame your screen is open for updating.
  • render(SpriteBatch sb)
    • Called every frame your screen is open for rendering.
  • allowOpenDeck()
    • Return whether or not to allow the master deck screen to be opened while your screen is open. Defaults to false.
  • allowOpenMap()
    • Return whether or not to allow the map screen to be opened while your screen is open. Defaults to false.
  • openingSettings()
    • Called when the settings screen is opened while your screen is open.
  • openingDeck()
    • Called when the master deck screen is opened while your screen is open. Requires you to return true from allowOpenDeck() first.
  • openingMap()
    • Called when the map screen is opened while your screen is open. Requires you to return true from allowOpenMap() first.


public class MyScreen extends CustomScreen
	public static class Enum
		public static AbstractDungeon.CurrentScreen MY_SCREEN;
	public AbstractDungeon.CurrentScreen curScreen()
		return Enum.MY_SCREEN;
	// Note that this can be private and take any parameters you want.
	// When you call openCustomScreen it finds the first method named "open"
	// and calls it with whatever arguments were passed to it.
	private void open(String foo, AbstractCard bar)
                if (AbstractDungeon.screen != AbstractDungeon.CurrentScreen.NONE)
                        AbstractDungeon.previousScreen = AbstractDungeon.screen;
		// Call reopen in this example because the basics of
		// setting the current screen are the same across both
	public void reopen()
		AbstractDungeon.screen = curScreen();
		AbstractDungeon.isScreenUp = true;
	public void openingSettings()
		// Required if you want to reopen your screen when the settings screen closes
		AbstractDungeon.previousScreen = curScreen();
	// ...
// Register
BaseMod.addCustomScreen(new MyScreen());

// Open
BaseMod.openCustomScreen(MyScreen.Enum.MY_SCREEN, "foobar", new Shiv());