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Davis Cook edited this page Feb 25, 2018 · 1 revision


These are 32x32 images used to represent mods that display under the title on the main menu. Clicking one opens that mod's settings menu.

  • BaseMod.registerModBadge(Texture texture, String modName, String author, String description, ModPanel settingsPanel) - register your Mod Badge with BaseMod.
  • ModPanel.addButton(float x, float y, Consumer<ModButton> clickEvent) - add a button to your settings menu.
  • ModPanel.addLabel(String text, float x, float y, Consumer<ModLabel> updateEvent) - add a label to your settings menu.
  • There is some more functionality here, but it is likely to changed soon and/or cleaned up.


ModPanel settingsPanel = new ModPanel();
settingsPanel.addLabel("", 475.0f, 700.0f, (me) -> {
    if (me.parent.waitingOnEvent) {
        me.text = "Press key";
    } else {
        me.text = "Change console hotkey (" + Keys.toString(DevConsole.toggleKey) + ")";

settingsPanel.addButton(350.0f, 650.0f, (me) -> {
    me.parent.waitingOnEvent = true;
    oldInputProcessor = Gdx.input.getInputProcessor();
    Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputAdapter() {
        public boolean keyUp(int keycode) {
            DevConsole.toggleKey = keycode;
            me.parent.waitingOnEvent = false;
            return true;

Texture badgeTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("img/BaseModBadge.png"));
registerModBadge(badgeTexture, MODNAME, AUTHOR, DESCRIPTION, settingsPanel);

Further Reading

Take a look at basemod.BaseModInit to see the code used to create the Mod Badge for BaseMod.