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File metadata and controls

2089 lines (1439 loc) · 115 KB

Change Log - AWS SDK for Android

Version 2.18.0 introduces breaking changes against 2.17.1.

Breaking Updates

  • aws-android-sdk-mobile-client:
    • No breaking changes code-wise but if you already setup HostedUI for an older version of the SDK,
      you'll need to follow the steps in the updated documentation to properly handle the response going forward.
  • aws-android-sdk-cognitoauth:
    • getSession() method has been refactored to getSession(Activity activity), where activity is an instance of the activity the user is calling this method from. It uses this to launch HostedUI if it needs to sign in again.
    • getSession(boolean launchWebUIIfExpired) has been refactored to getSessionWithoutWebUI(). It will get session information if the refresh token is still valid, otherwise will throw an exception indicating the user must sign in again.

Bug Fixes

  • aws-android-sdk-mobile-client:
    • getTokens() was making a network call every time it was used, negating any benefit of cached tokens. Removed the unnecessary network call so it now correctly returns cached tokens when available with no network call (Issue #1722)

Bug fixes

  • Resolves UnsupportedOperationException while passing client metadata to signUp and signIn auth APIs

Updated Service Models

  • SNS
    • Documentation updates
  • Transcribe
    • Support Medical use cases
  • Lex
    • Updates to NLU confidence

Miscellaneous Updates

  • Update third-party dependency versions

  • AndroidX Core 1.3.1

  • Paho MQTT Client 1.2.5

  • Google Play Services Auth 18.1.0

  • Android Gradle Plugin 4.0.1

  • Allow override of User Agent in the AWSMobileClient

Version 2.17.0 introduces breaking changes against 2.16.13.

Breaking Updates

  • Modules now produce .aar files instead of .jar files
  • Migrated to AndroidX
  • Updated all dependencies to the latest version in Maven
  • Target API 27 -> 29
  • Updated minSDKs to be aligned with the actual Android API usage
  • No longer dependent on:
    • Legacy Apache HTTP Runtime
    • Jackson library

Removed from the library:

  • AWS Auto Scaling
  • Elastic Load Balancing

New Features

  • AWS Mobile Client

    • Added client metadata as optional parameter to various methods
  • AWS Core Runtime

    • Added json unmarshaller for multiple formats of timestamp

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services:
    • Amazon Comprehend
    • Amazon Connect
    • Amazon SNS

New Features

  • AWS Mobile Client
    • Added client metadata as optional parameter to various methods
  • AWS IoT
    • Model updates

New Features

  • AWS Core Runtime
    • Added support for af-south-1 - Africa (Cape Town) region.
    • Added support for eu-south-1 - Europe (Milan) region.

New Features

  • Amazon Pinpoint
    • EndpointProfileUser can now store user attributes, which will persist even after updating the endpoint.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3
    • Fix a bug in TransferUtility#pause(int) when uploading a multipart item (> 5MB). See Issue# 1500 for details.

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Mobile Client
    • Fixes drop in UI to work with Dark Theme (Issue #1281)
    • Fixes getTokens exception if attempting to do a normal sign in after having done HostedUI sign in previously (Issues #1469 and #1262)

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • AWS Rekognition
      • This update adds the ability to detect text in videos and adds filters to image and video text detection.
    • AWS Auto Scaling
      • Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling now supports the ability to enable/disable target tracking, step scaling, and simple scaling policies.

New Features

  • Amazon Rekognition

    • Adds new APIs for detecting text in a video file.
  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider

    • This release adds a new setting for a user pool to allow if customer wants their user signup/signin with case insensitive username. The current default setting is case sensitive, and for our next release we will change it to case insensitive.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • AWS Auto Scaling
      • Documentation updates
      • Adds a field to request enable or disable on a PutScalingPolicyRequest
    • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider
    • AWS Key Management Service (KMS)
      • The ConnectCustomKeyStore API now provides a new error code (SUBNET_NOT_FOUND) for customers to better troubleshoot if their "connect-custom-key-store" operation fails.

New Features

  • AWS IoT
    • Added support for Custom Authorizers. AWS IoT allows you to define custom authorizers that allow you to manage your own authentication and authorization strategy using a custom authentication service and a Lambda function. Custom authorizers allow AWS IoT to authenticate your devices and authorize operations using bearer token authentication and authorization strategies. See AWS IoT Custom Authentication for more details.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Comprehend
    • Amazon Connect Participant
    • Amazon Translate
    • AWS Lambda
    • AWS Key Management Service

New Features

  • AWSMobileClient
    • confirmSignIn() now supports passing clientMetaData, map of custom key-value pairs that developers can provide as an input for any custom workflow lambda triggers.

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Pinpoint
    • Fixed a bug where setting Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP and Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP on the notificationIntent being created for displaying notification causes a crash in Android OS Versions < 4.4. The fix involves removing the setting of flags as it is not relavent for an intent that communicates with a Android Service and a Broadcast receiver. See PR #1370 for details.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon AutoScaling
    • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider
    • Amazon Comprehend
    • AWS IoT
    • AWS Key Management Service (KMS)
    • Amazon Kinesis Firehose
    • Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
    • Amazon Kinesis Video Signaling
    • AWS Lambda
    • Amazon Lex
    • Amazon Rekognition
    • Amazon Security Token Service (STS)
    • Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
    • Amazon Textract
    • Amazon Transcribe

New Features

  • Amazon Connect Participant

    • Amazon Connect is a cloud-based contact center solution that makes it easy to set up and manage a customer contact center and provide reliable customer engagement at any scale. Amazon Connect enables customer contacts through voice or chat. The Amazon Connect Participant Service is used by chat participants, such as agents and customers. See Amazon Connect Participant Service Documentation (link for more details.
  • Amazon Connect

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3
    • PutObjectResult object will now contain content MD5 that was used in data validation (if available). See Issue# 1236.
    • Changed the default notification ID of the notification that will be displayed when the TransferService transitions to foreground from 0 to 1 because 0 is reserved and not recommended by Android. TransferService would fail to transition to foreground if notification ID is 0. See Android guide for details.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Connect
    • Amazon Connect Participant

New Features

  • AWS IoT
    • Added proxy support for connecting to AWS IoT via Keystore over port 8883

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Core

    • Added warning against using BasicAWSCredentials instead of AWSMobileClient in Javadoc.
  • AWS Mobile Client

    • During signUp, when the user is confirmed, Cognito does not send CognitoUserCodeDeliveryDetails and it appears to be null when the SignUpResult is unmarshalled. Add a check before accessing the CognitoUserCodeDeliveryDetails only when the user is not confirmed. See issue #1264 for more details.

New Features

  • AWS Core

    • Now supports calling LogFactory.setLevel(Level) to set a global level of which logs will be output. Any logs below the set level will not be output You can also call Log.setLevel(Level) on a specific Logger to limit the logs which are output by a specific class. Addresses issue #1174
  • Amazon Polly

Bug Fixes

  • AWSMobileClient

    • Sets default confirmSignup behavior to prevent a user from signing up with the same email/phone as another user. This is the same as iOS. NOTE: When you upgrade to this version, your app behavior will change from allowing users to sign up with the same email/phone as another user (and just overriding the existing user) to giving the user an error if they attempt to do that.
  • AWS IoT

    • Specified minimum SDK (11) and target SDK (27) version in AndroidManifest.xml for IoT SDK.
    • Prevents unintended permission from being implied in AndroidManifest.xml. See Issue #1234.

Misc. Updates

  • Amazon S3

    • Added serialized name annotation to TransferNetworkConnectionType enum values and added instrumentation tests.
  • Model updates for the following services

    • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider
    • Amazon Kinesis Firehose
    • Amazon Lex
    • Amazon Pinpoint

Misc. Updates

  • AWS IoT

    • AWS Android SDK for IoT now depends on the 1.2.2 version of the Paho Library org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3
  • AWS Security Token Service

    • AWS Security Token Service client now supports two additional APIs:
      • assumeRoleWithSAML
      • decodeAuthorizationMessage
  • Model updates for the following services

    • Amazon Transcribe
    • Amazon STS

New Features

  • AWS Mobile Client

    • Breaking API Change
      • SignUpResult available in the user callback provided during sign up now contains UserSub(UID)
      • Deprecated APIs getCredentialsProvider, setCredentialsProvider, initialize(Context) and initialize(Context, AWSStartupHandler) have been removed
      • confirmSignIn(final Map<String, String> signInChallengeResponse) now throws IllegalStateException if confirmSignIn is called after signIn has succeeded. This matches the behavior of the overloaded version of this method, viz. confirmSignIn(final String signInChallengeResponse, final Callback<SignInResult> callback)
    • AWSMobileClient now supports Cognito Custom Authentication flow. See relevant cognito docs and amplify docs for details
  • Amazon CognitoIdentityProvider

    • Breaking API Change SignUpHandler now receives SignUpResult upon success instead of a ConfirmationState and CognitoUserCodeDeliveryDetails
    • signUpInBackground and signUp now receive SignUpResult in the onSuccess callback
  • Amazon SNS

    • Updated model to support latest Amazon SNS features such as TagResource function. This resolves Issue# 1020.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon SES
    • Amazon SNS
    • Amazon Textract
    • Amazon Transcribe

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Mobile Client
    • Fix issue where MobileClient would return invalid tokens after initialization when using Hosted UI. See issue #873 and issue #888
  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider
    • Use internal username for computing secret hash that is passed in challenge response. See Issue# 889 for details

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Connect
    • Amazon Rekognition
    • Amazon Transcribe

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Core Runtime

    • Fixed a bug where encrypted authentication data persisted by the SDK could not be recovered due to:

      • The encryption key being removed
      • The encryption key being replaced
      • The encryption key not being recoverable by the OS

      These conditions formerly resulted in an app crash. Now, the errors are logged (without logging sensitive data) and the decryption attempt returns null, as if the data simply isn't present in the persistent store.

      Classes affected:

      • CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider
      • CognitoUserPool
      • CognitoAuth
      • AWSMobileClient

      For more detail, see issues:

  • Amazon S3

    • Fixed a bug where multi-part uploads via TransferUtility would fail to propagate tags to Amazon S3 from the UserMetadata passed through the ObjectMetadata. See Issue#541.

    • The following code should now attach a tag for both single-part and multi-part uploads:

      ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata();
      metadata.addUserMetadata(Headers.S3_TAGGING, "key=value");
      TransferObserver observer = transferUtility.upload(

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Core Runtime
    • Update LogFactory.getLog to automatically truncate the log tag to be within 23 character limit imposed by Android for Nougat(7.0) releases and prior(API <= 23). See issue #1103
  • Amazon Pinpoint
    • Removed the check for INTERNET and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permissions while initializing PinpointManager. These are normal permissions and therefore are not required to be checked before performing corresponding app-op. This changes Pinpoint SDK behavior to match that of our other SDKs where an UnknownHostException or a corresponding RuntimeException would be thrown if connectivity is not present when network calls are made by the SDK. This fixes Issue#1092.

Misc. Updates

  • Breaking Changes
    • Removed deprecated SDKGlobalConfiguration options:
  • Remove unused mfaOption property from CognitoUserAttributes class
  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon AutoScaling
    • AWS IoT
    • Amazon Lex
    • Amazon Rekognition

New Features

  • AWS IoT
    • Added an overloaded version of subscribeToTopic() method, public void subscribeToTopic(final String topic, final AWSIotMqttQos qos, final AWSIotMqttSubscriptionStatusCallback subscriptionStatusCallback, final AWSIotMqttNewMessageCallback callback);, in AWSIotMqttManager which accepts subscription status callback to notify users of the status of subscription operation. See Issue#1005 for details.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Polly

New Features

  • AWS Core Runtime
    • Added support for me-south-1 - Middle East (Bahrain) region.

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Core Runtime
    • Fixed response unmarshalling when response is gzip encoded without a CRC32 checksum. Also fixes bug decoding Kinesis responses with GZIP encoding.
  • Amazon Kinesis Video
    • Fixed a bug when CreateStreamRequest is initialized without setting Tags, auto-generated empty HashMap of Tags would cause ValidationException from Kinesis Video.
    • Fixed incorrect timestamp unit for encoder input caused high bitrate issue for the stream.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Comprehend
    • Amazon Security Token Service (STS)

New Features

  • Amazon Connect
    • Amazon Connect is a self-service, cloud-based contact center service that makes it easy for any business to deliver better customer service at lower cost. Amazon Connect is based on the same contact center technology used by Amazon customer service associates around the world to power millions of customer conversations. The self-service graphical interface in Amazon Connect makes it easy for non-technical users to design contact flows, manage agents, and track performance metrics – no specialized skills required. There are no up-front payments or long-term commitments and no infrastructure to manage with Amazon Connect; customers pay by the minute for Amazon Connect usage plus any associated telephony services. See Amazon Connect Documentation for more details.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Kinesis Video
    • Amazon Rekognition
      • Breaking Change: This SDK has been updated to the latest model after a long interval, and there have been several breaking changes in the intervening time. Please review the API documentation to see the latest API.

New Features

  • Amazon SageMaker

    • Amazon SageMaker provides every developer and data scientist with the ability to build, train, and deploy machine learning models quickly. Amazon SageMaker is a fully-managed service that covers the entire machine learning workflow to label and prepare your data, choose an algorithm, train the model, tune and optimize it for deployment, make predictions, and take action. Your models get to production faster with much less effort and lower cost. See Amazon SageMaker Documentation for more details.
  • Amazon Textract

    • Amazon Textract is a service that automatically extracts text and data from scanned documents. Amazon Textract goes beyond simple optical character recognition (OCR) to also identify the contents of fields in forms and information stored in tables. See Amazon Textract Documentation for more details.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3

    • Fix a bug where the TransferNetworkLossHandler crashes while pausing the on-going transfers when network connectivity goes offline. See issue #777 for details.
  • Amazon Pinpoint

    • Added limits to batch submit events. A maximum of 100 events per batch as specified by the service. See issue #977 for details.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon AutoScaling
    • Amazon Cognito Identity Pools
    • Amazon Cognito UserPools
    • Amazon Comprehend
    • AWS IoT
    • Amazon Key Management Service (KMS)
    • Amazon Kinesis Firehose
    • Amazon Kinesis Video
    • AWS Lambda
    • Amazon Lex
    • Amazon Machine Learning
    • Amazon Polly
    • Amazon Security Token Service (STS)
    • Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)
    • Amazon Transcribe
    • Amazon Translate

New Features

  • AWS Core Runtime
    • Add AWSConfiguration(JSONObject) constructor to construct a AWSConfiguration object from the configuration passed via a JSONObject.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Transcribe

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3

    • Fix a bug where the TransferListener is not triggered when the preferred network type is not available. See issue #958 for details.
  • AWS Core Runtime

    • Fixed a bug where generating RSA keys for encryption of the credentials failed due to setKeySize(int) method not available in Android API level 18. See issue #964 for details.
  • Amazon Kinesis Video Streams

    • Removed trailing zeroes from encoder output that caused 0x3200000d errors when frames contained more than 3 trailing zeroes. See AnnexB sepcification.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Comprehend
    • Amazon Security Token Service (STS)
    • Amazon Transcribe

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Mobile Client
    • Fix initialization NPE for Hosted UI feature. See issue #888


  • AWS Mobile Client
    • Update logic to expose network related exceptions during API calls. The network related exceptions were not surfaced previously in API calls like getUserAttributes. Only the exceptions that conclusively indicate signed-out are used to trigger SIGNED_OUT_TOKENS_INVALID variants. See issue #679
    • Reduced logging of unfound dependencies for the Hosted UI feature when not used.
    • Delay usage of drop-in UI dependencies until showSignIn() is called.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • AWS Lambda

New Features

  • AWS Core Runtime
    • Added support for ap-east-1 - AP (Hong Kong) region.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider
    • Amazon Polly
    • Amazon Transcribe


  • AWS IoT
    • AWS IoT SDK for Android now supports connecting your devices to AWS IoT Core using Persistent Sessions. Please look at this blog for more details.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Comprehend

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Cognito Auth

  • Amazon S3

    • Fixed a bug where uploading a file using AmazonS3Client.putObject(PutObjectRequest) with SSEAwsKeyManagementParams fails with contentMD5 validation error. Now, the contentMd5 validation is skipped when a file is uploaded with SSEAwsKeyManagementParams through the PutObjectRequest.
  • Amazon Pinpoint

    • Added SocketException to the list of client exceptions where the events submitted to Amazon Pinpoint will be saved in the local database. See issue #773.


  • AWS Mobile Client

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3

    • Fixed an issue where the transfer state is not set to WAITING_FOR_NETWORK when the network disconnects. See issue #616
    • Shorten RepeatableFileInputStream log tag to be within the 23 character limit imposed by android on certain API Levels. See issue #787
  • AWS Mobile Client

    • Fixed a bug that caused repetitive sign-in using the drop-in UI to the same provider to not federate the correct credentials. See issue #809
  • Amazon Cognito Auth

    • Fixed a bug that caused isAuthenticated() to return false after sign-in when no scopes were requested. See issue #813
  • Amazon Pinpoint

    • Fix a bug where the image that is part of a push notification is persisted in the subsequent notifications.
    • Fix a bug where the events recorded and stored in the device will not be deleted when the network is not available. See issue #773. With this change, the events will be kept in the local database when there is a retryable error or device is offline. For all other exceptions during submitEvents, the exception is logged and the events will be removed from the local database.


  • AWS IoT
    • AWS IoT SDK for Android now supports MQTT over TLS with X.509 client certificate authentication on port 443. Previously this combination of protocol and authentication mechanism was only supported on port 8883. connectUsingALPN() method allows developers to connect to AWS IoT using client certificate authentication on port 443. Please look at this blog for more details.
    • Breaking Change: Please note that the type of aws-android-sdk-iot artifact is being changed from ajar to an aar. Also note that the aar artifacts needs to be explicitly specified in the dependency as implementation ("com.amazonaws:aws-android-sdk-iot:2.12.+@aar") { transitive =true } on some of the older versions of gradle.

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Mobile Client
    • Fixed a bug when initializing drop-in UI that caused the Facebook, Google, or Userpools provider to not be instantiated.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • AWS IoT
    • Amazon Transcribe


  • AWS Mobile Client
    • Updated federatedSignIn() method to contact the service immediately to validate tokens. The signIn() method will also attempt to federated immediately when applicable. See issue #800
    • Fix Google or Facebook refresh when using the drop-in UI. See issue #809, issue #700.
    • Annotated methods that are designed to be called from UI thread or from a background thread with @AnyThread and @WorkerThread, respectively.

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Core
    • Fixed support for EU (Stockholm) region - eu-north-1 by adding to RegionDefaults. See issue #797
    • Fixed a bug where a stringSet stored in SharedPreferences cannot be migrated to the AWSKeyValueStore.
    • Propagate the exception when loading/creating the encryption key fails while trying to persist data through AWSKeyValueStore.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services

    • AWS Autoscaling
    • Amazon Cognito Identity
    • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider
    • Amazon Comprehend
    • Amazon Kinesis Video
  • AWS IoT

    • Fixed the timestamp used for signing requests to AWS IoT by accounting for the offset specified in SDKGlobalConfiguration. See issue #814
  • Amazon Lex

    • Set user-specified RequestAttributes for the PostContentRequest sent to Amazon Lex bots. See issue #801

Misc. Updates

  • AWS IoT
    • Fixed an internal SDK usage metrics tracker.

New Features

  • AWS Mobile Client

    • Added support for SAML in federatedSignIn().
    • Added support for developer authenticated identities in federatedSignIn(). See issue #577
    • Added support Cognito Hosted UI in showSignIn().
    • Added support to use OAuth 2.0 provider like Auth0 in showSignIn(). Federation for AWS credentials requires OpenID support from the provider.
    • Added support for global sign out.
    • Added support for device features which include list, get, updateStatus and forget. These APIs are available through getDeviceOperations().
  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider

    • Fixed threading issues to ensure callbacks are made from main looper when xInBackground() method variants are used. See issue #722
  • Amazon Cognito Auth

    • Fixed erroneous user cancelled error when redirecting back to app. See issue #328
  • AWS Core
    • Fixed a crash in initializing CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider while migrating the data stored under expirationDate.


  • AWS Core

    • Persistence of client state including user credentials is now enabled and encrypted by default.
    • Added a method CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider.setPersistenceEnabled(boolean), which is enabled (set to true) by default therefore the information is persisted in SharedPreferences. When disabled (set to false), the information will only be kept in memory.
  • Amazon CognitoIdentityProvider

    • Persistence of client state including user credentials is now enabled and encrypted by default.
    • Added a method CognitoUserPool.setPersistenceEnabled(boolean), which is enabled (set to true) by default therefore the information is persisted in SharedPreferences. When disabled (set to false), the information will only be kept in memory.
  • Amazon CognitoAuth

    • Persistence of client state including user credentials is now enabled and encrypted by default.
    • Added a method Auth.setPersistenceEnabled(boolean), which is enabled (set to true) by default therefore the information is persisted in SharedPreferences. When disabled (set to false), the information will only be kept in memory.
  • AWSMobileClient

    • Persistence of client state including user credentials is now enabled and encrypted by default.
    • Added an option through awsconfiguration.json to disable persistence. Note: The Amplify CLI (as of March 8th 2019) does not support this configuration and will remove it when auto-generating the awsconfiguration.json.
        "Auth": {
          "Default": {
            "Persistence": false

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon S3

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Mobile Client
    • Fixed a bug that cause changePassword(String, String, Callback) to return error when successful. The error returned was null and will now call onResult(Void)


  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider

    • The Amazon Cognito Identity Provider SDK now supports all Amazon Cognito Identity Provider APIs, including "CreateUserPool", "DescribeUserPool", "UpdateUserPool", "ListUserPools", "AdminEnableUser", "AdminDisableUser", "AdminConfirmRegisterUser", "AdminResetUserPassword", "AdminGetUser", "AdminUpdateUserAttributes", "AdminDeleteUserAttributes", "AdminDeleteUser". All admin APIs require developer credentials. Note that by using admin APIs, you are inherently dealing with privileged functions that could result in data loss, if improperly used.
    • Fixed initiateUserAuthentication() to respect runInBackground flag for network calls. See pr #702
  • AWS Core Runtime

    • Add templated callback structure for async methods across SDKs. Internal ReturningRunnable added to facilitate support for synchronous and asynchronous methods.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • AWS IoT
    • Amazon Lambda


  • Amazon Cognito Auth

    • Allow user to unbind the service after being done with authentication. See pr #615. Thanks @rlatapy-luna!
  • Amazon Cognito User Pools

    • Adds support for the SRP protocol at the beginning of custom auth. Please use AuthenticationDetails(String, String, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>) to trigger custom auth flow with SRP protocol as the first step.
  • Amazon S3

    • Note: AWS Signature Version 4 (SigV4) is recommended for signing Amazon S3 API requests over AWS Signature Version 2 (SigV2) as it provides improved security by using a signing key rather than your secret access key. SigV4 is currently supported in all AWS regions while SigV2 is only supported in regions launched prior to Jan 2014. Amazon S3 will stop accepting requests signed using SigV2 in all regions on June 24, 2019, any requests signed using SigV2 made after this time will fail. Please visit the S3 documentation site to get more information on using SigV4: Signing Aamzon S3 requests using SigV4. You can find the list of changes between versions here: Changes in SigV4.
    • Deprecated the existing constructors in AmazonS3Client and introduced equivalent constructors that require the AWS region, because a valid AWS region is required to sign the request using SigV4. Please use the following constructors to specify the AWS region in order to sign the request to Amazon S3 using SigV4.
2.11.1 2.12.0
AmazonS3Client(AWSCredentials) AmazonS3Client(AWSCredentials, com.amazonaws.regions.Region)
AmazonS3Client(AWSCredentials, ClientConfiguration) AmazonS3Client(AWSCredentials, ClientConfiguration, com.amazonaws.regions.Region)
AmazonS3Client(AWSCredentialsProvider) AmazonS3Client(AWSCredentialsProvider, com.amazonaws.regions.Region)
AmazonS3Client(AWSCredentialsProvider, ClientConfiguration) AmazonS3Client(AWSCredentialsProvider, ClientConfiguration, com.amazonaws.regions.Region)
AmazonS3Client(AWSCredentialsProvider, ClientConfiguration, HttpClient) AmazonS3Client(AWSCredentialsProvider, ClientConfiguration, HttpClient, com.amazonaws.regions.Region)
AmazonS3Client(ClientConfiguration) AmazonS3Client(ClientConfiguration, com.amazonaws.regions.Region)

New Features

  • Amazon S3
    • Add the ability to specify the type of network connection (TransferNetworkConnectionType.ANY - any network, TransferNetworkConnectionType.MOBILE - mobile only, TransferNetworkConnectionType.WIFI - WiFi only) for the transfers through TransferUtilityOptions. The TransferUtilityOptions is passed to the TransferUtility object and is used for all the transfers that are initiated through this object. The network connection type can be passed while constructing the TransferUtilityOptions object through TransferUtilityOptions(int, TransferNetworkConnectionType). See pr #575. Thanks @nasdf!

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider

  • AWS IoT

    • Fixed a bug that caused some IoT connections to not reconnect after errors. See PR #660. Thanks @sklikowicz!
  • Amazon S3

    • Improved the state, progress and error reporting when the transfers are interrupted.
      • When the transfer is paused or cancelled by the user, the state is reported correctly.
      • When the transfer is interrupted because of a network drop, the state is set to WAITING_FOR_NETWORK when the TransferNetworkLossHandler is used.
      • When the transfer is interrupted otherwise, the transfer is set to FAILED and the exception is reported via TransferListener.onError callback.
    • Fixed the bug where progress is reported inaccurately (over 100%) when a transfer is paused by user or network drop and resumed before completion. See issue #677, issue #667, issue #616, issue #406


  • Amazon Cognito Identity
    • The Amazon Cognito Identity SDK now supports all Amazon Cognito Identity APIs, including admin APIs that require developer credentials. Note that by using admin APIs, you are inherently dealing with privileged functions that could result in data loss of data if improperly used. See issue #645

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • AWS IoT
    • Amazon Comprehend
    • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider
    • Amazon Kinesis Firehose
    • Amazon Transcribe
    • Amazon Pinpoint


  • Amazon S3
    • Introduced TransferNetworkLossHandler, a utility that listens for network connectivity changes. TransferNetworkLossHandler pauses the on-going transfers when the network goes offline and resumes the transfers that were paused when the network comes back online.
    • TransferService will be moved to foreground state when the device is running Android Oreo (API Level 26) and above.
      • Transitioning to the foreground state requires a valid on-going Notification object, identifier for on-going notification and the flag that determines the ability to remove the on-going notification when the service transitions out of foreground state. If a valid notification object is not passed in, the service will not be transitioned into the foreground state.
      • The TransferService can now be started using startForegroundService method to move the service to foreground state. The service can be invoked in the following way to transition the service to foreground state: getApplicationContext().startForegroundService(intent);.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3
    • Fixed a bug in TransferUtility where the state is not set to 'WAITING_FOR_NETWORK when network goes offline during execution of transfers.
    • Fixed a bug where objects with key name containing characters that require special handling are uploaded with URL encoded key name on the S3 bucket.
      • Since 2.4.0 version of the SDK, the key name containing characters that require special handling are URL encoded and escaped ( space, %2A, ~, /, :, ', (, ), !, [, ] ) by the AmazonS3Client, after which the AWS Android Core Runtime encodes the URL resulting in double encoding of the key name.
      • Starting 2.11.0, the additional layer of encoding and escaping done by AmazonS3Client is removed. The key name will not be encoded and escaped by AmazonS3Client. Now, the key name that is given to AmazonS3Client or TransferUtility will appear on the Amazon S3 console as is.
      • See issue #526, issue #321, issue #360 , issue #545, issue #597.
    • Fixed a bug where AmazonS3Client.listObjects operation executed on a bucket, with key names containing characters that require special handling, returns the ListObjectsResponse with the key names being URL encoded.
      • When a S3 bucket contans objects with key names containing characters that require special handling, and since the SDK has an XML parser, (XML 1.0 parser) which cannot parse some characters, the SDK is required to request that Amazon S3 encode the keys in the response. This can be done by passing in url as encodingType in the ListObjectsRequest.
      • Since 2.4.0, there was a bug where the SDK did not decode the key names which are encoded by S3 when url is requested as the encodingType. This is fixed in 2.11.0, where the SDK will decode the key names in the ListObjectsResponse sent by S3.
      • If you have objects in S3 bucket that has a key name containing characters that require special handling, you need to pass the encodingType as url in the ListObjectsRequest.

Misc. Updates

  • Amazon S3
    • Allow requester-pays access for listObjects and listObjectsV2 requests.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Pinpoint
    • Fixed a bug where Attributes were not being sent in the Event payload while submitting events to Pinpoint. See PR #641

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Lex
      • Added overrides to various InteractionClient and LexServiceContinuation methods, to allow passing request attributes
      • Breaking API Changes: The following APIs have been changed:
        • PostContentRequest, PostContentResponse
          • Certain properties which used to have a type of Map<String, String> are now String. This requires your calling code to JSON serialize and base64-encode the value. The get, set and with APIs of the following properties are affected:
            • PostContentRequest.requestAttributes
            • PostContentRequest.sessionAttributes
            • PostContentRequest.slots
            • PostContentResponse.requestAttributes
            • PostContentResponse.sessionAttributes
            • PostContentResponse.slots

Bug Fixes

  • AWS IoT

    • AWSIotMqttManager passes publish exceptions via the callback. If callback is not provided it throws AmazonClientException.
    • AWSIotMqttManager logs the reconnection errors and pass it to the user provided connection callback.
  • Amazon Pinpoint

    • Fixed bug that could potentially cause rejected events to be dropped incorrectly because service response could not be unmarshalled. The response will now be processed correctly and events rejected by the service will be retried.
  • Amazon S3

    • Fixed a bug where a disk operation to remove completed transfers from database was performed on the main thread. See issue #603

New Features

  • Amazon Cognito Auth
    • Added customization for CustomTabs through setCustomTabsExtras() in the builder. See PR #608

Bug Fixes

  • AWS IoT

    • Fixed bug that leaked threads during reconnect. See PR #601
    • Fixed reporting of failed message publishes during reconnect. See PR #407
    • Fix reconnection failure upon network disconnect. Any subsequent reconnect honors the value passed to the cleanSession flag. See issue #584 and PR #612
  • AWS Mobile Client

    • Fixed exception being thrown from getCredentials() and refresh() to adhere to AmazonClientException to allow other portions of SDK to catch properly. Previously a generic RuntimeException was being thrown; AmazonClientException is a subclass of RuntimeException. See issue #588

New Features

  • AWS Core Runtime
    • Added support for EU (Stockholm) region - eu-north-1.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Pinpoint
    • AppPackageName, AppTitle, AppVersionCode, SdkName fields will now be accepted as part of the Event when submitting events from your app to Amazon Pinpoint. This fixes the issue where the event when exported by Amazon Kinesis Streams was missing these fields in the exported event.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services

    • Amazon Pinpoint
      • Breaking API Changes: The following APIs have been changed:
        • PutEventsRequest
          • The type of Endpoint field is now changed back from EndpointRequest to PublicEndpoint.
        • PutEventsResponse
          • PutEventsResponse will have an EventsResponse field. The Results object in the PutEventsResponse is now nested under EventsResponse.
  • Amazon Cognito Sync

    • This library is deprecated. Please use AWS AppSync for synchronizing data across devices.
  • Amazon Mobile Analytics

New Features

  • AWS Mobile Client

    • Support showSignIn without Cognito Identity Pool configured. See issue #592
  • Amazon Cognito Auth

    • Support identity provider identifier setting. See PR #602

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Mobile Client

    • Fix state change to GUEST mode which was not being triggered previously and would stay in SIGNED_OUT mode. This state is triggered by calling getCredentials or getIdentityId while signed-out and unauthenticated access is enabled in Cognito Identity Pools.
  • AWS Auth SDK

    • Fix forced change password view's IDs to prevent crash. See issue #586
  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider

    • Fix secret hash generation for empty value of client secret. Allows for operations such as sign-up to occur without client secret. See issue #587 PR #593
  • Amazon Lex

    • Fix race condition for microphone access when no speech is detected during interaction.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • AWS IoT
    • AWS Lambda

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Mobile Client

    • Fix an issue persisting the username between launches. The method getUsername() should retain the username while signed-in.
  • AWS IoT

    • Removed validation for IoT endpoint.
    • Fix an issue in parsing the region from ATS enabled endpoint. See PR #580


  • Amazon Polly
    • Add support for new voices Bianca, Lucia and Mia.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon DynamoDB Document Model

    • Fixed the typo (defination -> definition) in the following IllegalStateException messages.
      • hash key type does not match the one in table definition
      • range key type does not match that of table definition
  • Amazon Pinpoint

    • Fix an issue where the consecutive direct send messages / send user messages (excluding campaign) replaces the previous notifications. Now the request identifier for the notification is changed from the hashcode of <campaign_id>:<campaign_activity_id> to the hashcode of a unique identifier for Direct send messages / send user messages (excluding campaign), so that the notifications are unique within the application. See AWS Forums Post

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Auto Scaling
    • Amazon Comprehend
    • Amazon Kinesis Firehose
    • Amazon Polly

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Core Runtime
    • Fix logging detection to prevent crash during initialization on Android Oreo and above. issue #562

New Features

  • AWS Core Runtime
    • Added support for GovCloud US East region us-gov-east-1.


  • AWS Mobile Client
    • General improvements to synchronization, null checking, and state management.

New Features

  • AWS Mobile Client
    • The AWSMobileClient provides client APIs and building blocks for developers who want to create user authentication experiences. It supports the following new features:
      • User state tracking: AWSMobileClient offers on-demand querying for the “login state” of a user in the application.
      • Credentials management: Automatic refreshing of Cognito User Pools JWT Token and AWS Credentials from Cognito Identity.
      • Offline support: AWSMobileClient is optimized to account for applications transitioning from offline to online connectivity, and refreshing credentials at the appropriate time so that errors do not occur when actions are taken and connectivity is not available.
      • Drop-in Auth UI: AWSMobileClient client supports easy “drop-in” UI for your application.
      • Simple, declarative APIs signUp, signIn, confirmSignIn, etc.

Note: The existing methods of AWSMobileClient are deprecated and will be removed in a future minor version. AWSMobileClient now takes a dependency on AWSCognitoIdentityProvider(Cognito User Pools SDK) package to offer integration with CognitoUserPools. When using the new drop-in UI, AWSAuthUI and Social sign-in features continue to be pluggable dependencies for AWSMobileClient.

All documentation is now centralized at


  • Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
    • Improve exception handling.
    • Lower default memory allocation to 385MB to reduce crashes from over-allocation.
    • Breaking API Changes
      • Remove streamName parameter from KinesisVideoClient.registerMediaSource() as MediaSource already has the stream name in StreamInfo.
      • Add KinesisVideoClient.unregisterMediaSource() to remove MediaSource to KinesisVideoProducerStream binding from KinesisVideoClient. Customers can use unregisterMediaSource() after they stop streaming, so MediaSource data will not to be sent to Kinesis Video Streams.
      • Add getStreamInfo() to MediaSource instead of MediaSourceConfiguration. If customers have implemented their own MediaSource and MediaSourceConfiguration, they would need to provide stream information via MediaSource.getStreamInfo(). The MediaSourceConfiguration.getStreamInfo() will not work.
      • The following classes are no longer publicly available.
        • MediaSource
        • MediaSourceConfiguration
        • MediaSourceSink
        • AbstractKinesisVideoClient
        • NativeKinesisVideoClient
        • BytesGenerator
        • BytesMediaSource
        • BytesMediaSourceConfiguration
        • ProducerStreamSink
        • KinesisVideoServiceClient
        • NativeKinesisVideoProducerJni
        • NativeKinesisVideoProducerStream
        • NativeLibraryLoader
        • KinesisVideoMetrics
        • KinesisVideoProducer
        • KinesisVideoProducerStream
        • KinesisVideoStreamMetrics
        • ReadResult
        • ServiceCallbacks
        • com.amazonaws.kinesisvideo.service.exception.AccessDeniedException
        • com.amazonaws.kinesisvideo.service.exception.AmazonServiceException
        • com.amazonaws.kinesisvideo.service.exception.ResourceInUseException
        • com.amazonaws.kinesisvideo.service.exception.ResourceNotFoundException
        • AckConsumer
        • BlockingAckConsumer
        • DefaultServiceCallbacksImpl

Bug Fixes

  • AWS IoT
    • Handle exception during AWSIotMqttManager.connect call and pass it through the status callback. See issue #556

Misc. Updates

  • Generate Javadoc for Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Kinesis Firehose clients. See issue #560
  • Model updates for the following services
    • AWS IoT

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3
    • Fixed the regression introduced in 2.7.4 to support transfer objects with name containing special characters.


  • AWS Auth SDK
    • Added support for forced changed password in the sign-in flow of the UI. issue #374
    • UI activities will show keyboard by default when requesting input from the end-user. issue #550
    • Preserve sign-up form fields when sign-up validation fails so that end-users can correct and try again. issue #460
    • Automatically sign-in user after actions such as sign-up or forgot password. issue #460
    • Show the partially redacted destination of the MFA code on the screen when end-user needs to input a code.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Comprehend
    • Amazon Transcribe

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider

    • Synchronize to reduce network calls when refreshing the Cognito User session. See pr #272
  • AWS IoT

    • Fix a bug to prevent crashes when concurrent threads publish messages. See pr #532

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3
    • Fix a bug in specifying a custom Security Provider for client-side encryption.
    • AmazonS3EncryptionClient (Client-side encryption) is deprecated. You can secure your content in S3 in two ways: a) For uploads, you can encrypt the file locally using an algorithm of your choice and use the TransferUtility API to upload the encrypted file to S3. For downloads, you can use the TransferUtility API to download the file and then decrypt it using the algorithm that you used to upload the file. b) ServerSideEncryption: There are multiple options available for ServerSide Encryption. You can setup encryption at the S3 bucket level using the AWS S3 console. When encryption is setup at the bucket level, all objects in the bucket are encrypted. You can also use the AWS console to encrypt individual objects after they have been uploaded. Another option is to request ServerSide encryption for the object being uploaded using the SDK.
    • Fix a bug to support transfer objects with name containing special characters. '+', '*', '%7E' and '%2F' characters are URL-encoded.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Kinesis
    • Use different patition keys for each record within a single batch when partition key is not specified by caller.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Pinpoint
    • Fix notifications from not showing when notification image could not be loaded. Notifications are now expandable.


  • AWS IoT
    • Added support for new BJS endpoint serving ATS server cert in format: []

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon CloudWatch Logs
    • Amazon DynamoDB
    • Amazon Elastic Load Balancing(ELB)
    • Amazon Parrot
    • Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)


  • Amazon S3
    • Starting version 2.7.0 of the SDK, TransferService logic has been refactored. This service now will be responsible only for monitoring network connectivity changes. When the network goes offline, the transfers that are in progress will be paused. When the network comes back online, the transfers that are paused will be resumed. If you expect your app to perform long-running transfers in the background, you need to initiate the transfers from a background service of your choice.

    • The TransferService will not be started or stopped by TransferUtility anymore. You have to start TransferService manually from your application. A recommended way is to start the service upon Application startup. One way you can do this is to include the following line in the onCreate method of your app's Application class.

      getApplicationContext().startService(new Intent(getApplicationContext(), TransferService.class));


  • Amazon Polly
    • Added support for new voice Zhiyu.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider

    • Compute and send secret hash when client secret is present for Custom Authentication Flow.
  • AWS Core

    • Fixed a bug where getting a logger using Apache Commons Logging would crash starting Android 9.0 (Pie / API Level 28). See pull #521. Now, Apache Commons Logging would be used if it's being added as a dependency, otherwise android.util.Log will be used.

Bug Fixes

  • AWS IoT
    • setMaxAutoReconnectAttepts method in AWSIotMqttManager is deprecated. Please use setMaxAutoReconnectAttempts instead.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider
    • Amazon DynamoDB
    • Amazon Lex
    • Amazon Rekognition

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Cognito Auth
    • Fix an issue where getAppWebDomain was used instead of getAppId which caused the SDK to return isAuthenticated as false for a logged in user. See issue #508
    • Added identity provider as parameter to the CognitoAuth builder to allow developers to launch hosted UI directly to a certain social provider. See issue ##494 and issue ##230

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon CloudWatch Logs
    • Amazon DynamoDB
    • Amazon KMS
    • Amazon Pinpoint
    • Amazon Transcribe

New Features

  • Amazon Polly
    • Amazon Polly enables female voice Aditi to speak Hindi language.

Bug Fixes

  • AWS IoT

    • Add customer callback when exception is thrown in client connect.
  • Amazon Cognito Identity

    • Fixes developer authentication flow in the cn-north-1 region.
  • AWS Lambda

    • Fix a bug in LambdaInvocationHandler where the InvocationType is always set to RequestResponse even if LogType is None. See issue #459

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon DynamoDB


  • Amazon Polly
    • Added support for new SynthesisTask feature which allows asynchronous and batch processing.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Comprehend
    • Amazon DynamoDB
    • AWS IoT
    • Amazon Pinpoint
    • Amazon Polly
    • Amazon Rekognition
    • Amazon Transcribe

New Features

  • Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
    • Updated models for HLS streaming feature. Add AWSKinesisVideoArchivedMediaClientand dependency implementation 'com.amazonaws:aws-android-sdk-kinesisvideo-archivedmedia:2.6.25' to access HLS streaming feature.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider
    • Fix bug that prevents authentication with the username and password flow. See (issue #484)[aws-amplify#484]


  • Amazon S3
    • Support user metadata headers.


  • Amazon Polly
    • Added support for new voice - Lea.


  • Amazon Kinesis Streams and Amazon Kinesis Firehose
    • Added DeadLetterListener to allow for records that cannot be retried or exceeded the retry limit to be handled.
    • Added one automatic retry for unmarshall errors when submitting all records.

Misc. Updates

  • Model updates for the following services
    • Amazon Auto Scaling
    • Amazon Cognito Identity
    • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider
    • Amazon Cognito Sync
    • Amazon DynamoDB
    • Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
    • Amazon Kinesis Firehose
    • Amazon Kinesis Streams
    • Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
    • Amazon Lex
    • Amazon Machine Learning
    • Amazon Pinpoint
    • Amazon Polly
    • Amazon Rekoginiton
    • Amazon Security Token Service (STS)
    • Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)
    • AWS IoT
    • AWS Key Management Service (KMS)
    • AWS Lambda

New Features

  • Amazon Comprehend

  • Amazon Comprehend is a natural language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning to find insights and relationships in text.

  • Amazon Translate

    • Amazon Translate is a neural machine translation service that delivers fast, high-quality, and affordable language translation.

Misc. Updates

  • Amazon CloudWatch Logs

    • Update Amazon CloudWatch Logs client to the latest service model.
  • Amazon Cognito Identity

    • Update Amazon Cognito Identity client to the latest service model.
  • Amazon Lex

    • Update Amazon Lex client to the latest service model.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3
    • Support Storage Class in TransferUtility. See pr #398

New Features

  • Amazon Transcribe
    • Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for developers to add speech to text capability to their applications.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon CloudWatch Logs

    • Fix signing issue for AmazonCloudWatchLogsClient. See issue #453
  • AWS IoT

    • Use ConcurrentHashMap to avoid ConcurrentModificationException. See PR #330


  • Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
    • Add handling of token rotation, error recovery and the re-streaming in general.

    • Breaking API Changes

      Class 2.6.17 API 2.6.18 API
      KinesisVideoProducerStream getStreamData(byte[], int, int)
      return type: int
      getStreamData(byte[], int, int, ReadResult)
      return type: void
      NativeKinesisVideoProducerJni getStreamData(long, byte[], int, int)
      return type: int
      getStreamData(long, byte[], int, int , ReadResult)
      return type: void
      NativeKinesisVideoProducerStream getStreamData(@ byte[], int, int)
      return type: int
      getStreamData(@ byte[], int, int, ReadResult)
      return type: void

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Pinpoint

    • Issue with Android API level 23 causing crashes when generating notification icon from a bitmap. Updated SDK behavior to only generate icon from a bitmap on API level 24 and above.
    • Fixed an issue when the userId was unset, registering for notifications would clobber the userId on the server. This overwrote any value set by updateEndpointProfile. Set user id to empty string to reset server user id, null to retain server value.
    • Issue with ANRs (Application Not Responding) when downloading images for notifications. Updated SDK behavior to background download image tasks.
    • Added an option to specify a custom ExecutorService through PinpointConfiguration for the TargetingClient. Use PinpointConfiguration.withExecutor(ExecutorService) to choose an Executor to register for Pinpoint notifications and to run handlers. Choosing a single thread Executor can be used when running handlers sequentially on the same thread after registration.
  • Amazon S3

    • Optimized the TransferService.loadAndResumeTransfersFromDB to minimize the time holding the database connection.


  • Amazon S3
    • Added TransferUtilityOptions to configure the size of the transfer thread pool and the time interval in TransferService to check for unfinished transfers and resume them.
    • Fixed bugs and added some performance improvements.

New Features

  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider
    • Support for user migration over lambda trigger in Cognito User Pools.


  • Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
    • Breaking API Changes: Added uploadHandle parameter to the following APIs.
      • KinesisVideoProducerStream.getDataStream()
      • KinesisVideoProducerStream.fragmentAck()
      • KinesisVideoProducerStream.streamTerminated()
      • StremCallbacks.streamDataAvailable()
      • StremCallbacks.streamClosed()
      • NativeKinesisVideoProducerJni.streamClosed()
      • NativeKinesisVideoProducerJni.fragmentAck()
      • NativeKinesisVideoProducerJni.streamDataAvailable()
      • NativeKinesisVideoProducerJni.streamTerminated()
      • NativeKinesisVideoProducerStream.getDataStream()
      • NativeKinesisVideoProducerStream.fragmentAck()
      • NativeKinesisVideoProducerStream.parseFragmentAck()
      • NativeKinesisVideoProducerStream.streamTerminated()
      • NativeKinesisVideoProducerStream.streamDataAvailable()
      • NativeKinesisVideoProducerStream.streamClosed()
      • DefaultStreamCallbacks.streamDataAvailable()
      • DefaultStreamCallbacks.streamClosed()
      • AckConsumer.AckConsumer()
      • DefaultServiceCallbacksImpl.CompletionCallback()

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon CloudWatch Logs
    • Allow Amazon CloudWatch Logs SDK to be fetched via maven. See issue #392


  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider

    • Repackaged Amazon Cognito Identity Service Provider Android SDK to change dependency for ASF components.
  • Amazon Cognito Auth

    • Repackaged Amazon Cognito Auth Android SDK to change dependency for ASF components. Use { transitive = true; } while importing aws-android-sdk-cognitoauth via maven in gradle.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3

    • Fix the upload method with CannedAccessControlList and TransferListener in TransferUtility. See issue #388
  • Amazon Cognito Auth

    • Fixes bug - "Unexpected char 0x0a at 82 in header value" error, when using App clients with an associated secret. See pr #367
    • Added minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion in AndroidManifest
  • AWS Mobile Client

    • Added minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion in AndroidManifest

New Features

  • AWS IoT
    • Starting from this release, AWS IoT SDK by default sends metrics indicating which language and version of the SDK is being used. However, user may disable this by calling setMetricsEnabled(false) before calling connect method, if they do not want metrics to be sent.

New Features

  • AWS Core Runtime
    • Added support for Europe (Paris) region eu-west-3.

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Auth SDK

    • Added minimum sdks and target sdk version.
  • Amazon Kinesis Video Streams

    • Added minimum sdks and target sdk version.

New Features

  • AWS Core Runtime
    • Added support for China (Ningxia) region cn-northwest-1.

New Features

  • Amazon Rekognition
    • Breaking API Change
      • The GenderType enum entries have changed from MALE FEMALE to Male Female.
      • The LandmarkType enum entries have changed to camelcase. i.e. EYE_LEFT LEFT_EYEBROW_LEFT to EyeLeft LeftEyebrowLeft
    • Update the enum value of LandmarkType and GenderType to be consistent with service response.
    • Update to add face and text detection.
    • Update to Amazon Rekognition in general to latest API specifications.

Bug Fixes:

  • Amazon Pinpoint

    • Improve error handling during event submission to ensure DB event corruption is handled gracefully (without crashing the app due to an uncaught exception).
  • Amazon Kinesis Video Streams

    • Breaking API Change KinesisVideoAndroidServiceClient.getAwsAcuityClient() is renamed to KinesisVideoAndroidServiceClient.getAwsKinesisVideoClient() for consistency.

Bug Fixes:

  • AWS Auth Core
    • Fixed a bug where the doStartupAuth method in IdentityManager method introduced in 2.6.0 was misspelled as doStartUpAuth in SDK versions 2.6.7 and 2.6.8. The method now continues to have the name doStartupAuth from SDK version 2.6.9.

New Features

  • Support for Amazon Kinesis Video Streams: Amazon Kinesis Video Streams is a fully managed video ingestion and storage service. It enables you to securely ingest, process, and store video at any scale for applications that power robots, smart cities, industrial automation, security monitoring, machine learning (ML), and more. Kinesis Video Streams also ingests other kinds of time-encoded data like audio, RADAR, and LIDAR signals. Kinesis Video Streams provides you SDKs to install on your devices to make it easy to securely stream video to AWS. Kinesis Video Streams automatically provisions and elastically scales all the infrastructure needed to ingest video streams from millions of devices. It also durably stores, encrypts, and indexes the video streams and provides easy-to-use APIs so that applications can access and retrieve indexed video fragments based on tags and timestamps. Kinesis Video Streams provides a library to integrate ML frameworks such as Apache MxNet, TensorFlow, and OpenCV with video streams to build machine learning applications.

  • Amazon Cognito Auth

    • Add support for the adaptive authentication feature of Amazon Cognito advanced security features (Beta).
  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider

    • Add support for Time-based One-time Passcode multi-factor authentication.
    • Add support for the adaptive authentication feature of Amazon Cognito advanced security features (Beta).

New Features

  • AWS MobileClient
    • Added AWSMobileClient to initialize the SDK and create instances of other SDK clients. Currently support is limited to SignInUI. AWSMobileClient creates the AWSConfiguration based on awsconfiguration.json, fetches the Cognito Identity and registers the SignIn providers with the permissions based on the AWSConfiguration.


  • Amazon Polly

    • Added support for new voices - Aditi and Seoyeon.
    • Added support for new language code - ko-KR.
  • Amazon Pinpoint

    • Added support for notification channel on Android SDK 26 (Oreo).
    • On Android SDK 23 (Marshmallow) and newer devices, the large icon is not set if it is not present from the push payload and a small icon is set in the push payload. This allows setting only the small icon from the campaign in the Pinpoint console.
    • On Android SDK 23 and newer devices, if the small icon is set in a format that is an opaque color image, it is now converted to greyscale to prevent displaying a grey box. Small icons in the correct format of opaque white with a transparent background will still render appropriately.

Bug Fixes:

  • General

    • Fixed domain returned for cn-north-1 region and region parsing for domains. See pr #362.
  • AWS IoT

    • Increased default time to keep alive to 300 seconds.

Bug Fixes:

  • Amazon Pinpoint

  • Amazon S3

    • Fixed a bug in the download progress reporting for large files where the last status update could be a jump of 75% or more. The default for notification used to be 8K bytes chunks, it has been changed to 1024K bytes. The value can be changed using the setNotificationThreshold method of AmazonS3Client instead of being a constant. See issue #333
  • AWS IoT

    • Fix validation for endpoint in China that ends with ".cn". See issue #337


  • Amazon Polly
    • Added support for new voices - Matthew and Takumi.
    • Polly is now available in ap-northeast-1 region.

Bug Fixes:

  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider
    • Fixed a bug in the deletion of CognitoUser where the callback function is not invoked when deletion is successful. See issue #304

Bug Fixes:

  • Amazon Kinesis Firehose & Amazon Kinesis Streams
    • Fixed a bug that caused infinite loops while reading local cache of streams used for batching. See issue #182

New Features:

  • Amazon Pinpoint
    • Add support for ADM and Baidu channels. Now Android developers will be able to target devices that leverage Amazon Device messaging and Baidu Cloud messaging.
  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider
    • Support for Pinpoint Analytics integration in Cognito User Pools.

Bug Fixes:

  • AWS Auth SDK
    • Fixed a bug in the creation of SignInButton.
    • Removed the manifest entries for Facebook Application ID and Google Play Services version.

Bug Fixes:

  • AWS Auth SDK

    • Fixed border and shadow for Facebook and Google SignIn buttons.
    • Fixed the Android Support Package dependencies of the different auth clients. The Android Support Packages support-v4 and appcompat-v7 of all the auth clients now have the same version 23.0.1 and are optional dependencies. Apps consuming the auth clients will now declare the appcompat-v7 and support-v4 dependencies in the gradle manually.
  • Amazon Pinpoint

    • Notification icon handling has been improved. By default, when the Notification icon uses the app icon, the icon will now be shown in color on Apps targeting SDK version 21 or greater. This will be achieved by setting the large icon to the app icon and generating the small icon by converting the app icon image to gray scale. For Apps targeting SDK version below 21, the behavior remains the same and the color icon is shown.

New Features:

  • AWS Auth SDK

    • Added new SDK for configurable User SignIn Screen with Amazon Cognito UserPools, Facebook SignIn and Google SignIn.
  • AWS Core Runtime

    • Added support for a configuration file awsconfiguration.json that can be used to construct:
      • CognitoCredentialsProvider, CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider, CognitoUserPool, TransferUtility, DynamoDBMapper, PinpointConfiguration, CognitoSyncManager, and LambdaInvokerFactory.


  • AWS S3

    • Add builder pattern constructor to TransferUtility.
    • Add default bucket property in TransferUtility builder. The default bucket will be used when no bucket is specified.
  • AWS Lambda

    • Add builder pattern constructor to LambdaInvokerFactory.
  • Amazon DynamoDB

    • Add builder pattern constructor to DynamoDBMapper.
  • Amazon Pinpoint

    • Add configuration option to post notifications even if the app is in the foreground.

Bug Fixes:

  • Amazon Pinpoint

    • Fixed bug that caused Pinpoint endpoint profile to incorrectly calculate the number of profile attributes and metrics.
  • Amazon Lex

    • Fixed aar file and added new architecture support arm64-v8a, mips, mips64, x86, x86_64. See issue #298


  • Amazon Cognito Auth

    • Making Cognito App Integration and Federation feature generally available
  • AWS IoT

    • Add API to enable/disable auto-resubscribe feature.

Bug Fixes:

  • AWS IoT
    • Fixed bug that caused reconnecting to the session to throw an exception due to failure to obtain credentials.

Bug Fixes:

  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider

    • Fixed bug that caused CognitoDeviceHelper.getDeviceKey to return null on certain cases. See issue #259
    • Fixed bug where onSuccess callback was missing from verifyAttribute function. See issue #266
  • Amazon Pinpoint

    • Fix crash in Pinpoint SDK when getting locale's country code.

Bug Fixes:

  • Amazon S3

    • Fixed bug that caused keys to convert spaces to url encoded characters. See issue #310
  • Amazon DynamoDB Document Model (Beta)

    • Fixed bug that caused item updates to fail due to equality check error.

New Features:

  • Amazon DynamoDB Document Model (Beta)
    • Added DynamoDB Document API: The Document API provides full JSON data support, use of Document Path to access part of a document, and new data types such as Map, Primitive, List, and Boolean. More information and sample code can be found in the blog.
  • Amazon Cognito Auth (Beta)
    • A new SDK that enables sign-up and sign-in for Amazon Cognito Your User Pools via a lightweight hosted UI.

Bug Fixes:

  • Amazon Pinpoint

    • Change Pinpoint notification client to be a strong reference in Pinpoint notification receiver
    • Breaking API Change Please use PinpointNotificationReceiver.setNotificationClient() API instead of setWeakNotificationClient.
  • Amazon S3

    • Fixed bug in TransferUtility which caused the app to crash due to a race condition when loading Transfer Records from Transfer Database. See issue #288


  • AWS IoT

    • Update API to latest spec.
  • Amazon Polly

    • Added support for new voice id - Vicki.
  • Amazon Pinpoint

    • Update logging to be more restrictive.
    • Added support for app-level opt-out.

Bug Fixes:

  • All Services
    • Fixed an issue where endpoint URLs were incorrectly set after using setRegion.. See issue #290
  • Amazon S3
    • Fixed bug which caused gradle build error on commons-io. See issue #282
    • Fixed NPE error while resuming transfers using TransferUtility. See issue #299
    • Fixed TransferUtility observer progress tracking bug. See issue #257


  • Amazon Lex

    • Amazon Lex is now Generally Available.
    • Added support for input transcripts.
  • Amazon Polly

    • Added support for multiple Lexicons in presigned request.
    • Added support for speech marks.
  • Amazon Rekognition

    • Added support for content moderation and age range estimation. See issue #281

Bug Fixes:

  • Amazon DynamoDB
    • Fixed bug which did not use credentials provider when available in method getClient(Region).
  • Amazon S3
    • Fixed bug which caused gradle build error on commons-io. See issue #282

New Features:

  • Support for Amazon Cloudwatch Logs: Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring service for AWS cloud resources and the applications you run on AWS. You can use Amazon CloudWatch to collect and track metrics, collect and monitor log files, and set alarms.

Bug Fixes:

  • Amazon IoT: fix an issue which triggers NetworkOnMainThreadException when calling reconnectToSession(). See issue #261
  • Amazon S3: fixed maven dependencies. See issue #276 & issue #268
  • Amazon S3: fixed an issue which caused resource path to be incorrectly encoded.See AWS Forum Post
  • General: checkstyle fixes across the sdk.
  • General: move all sdk's to use commons logging instead of LogCat.

Release 2.4.0 (03/21/2017)


  • Amazon Lex:LexVoiceButton will now show an image of a bot when audio response from lex is being played.

Bug Fixes:

  • Amazon API Gateway: Allow marshalling alternative date formats in API Gateway.
  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider: Bug fix for missing required attribute Exception
  • Amazon IoT: fix typo's with variable names in AWSIoTMQTTManager. See issue #220.
  • Amazon Lex: Fix a bug which caused readyToFulfill to not file in InteractionListener.
  • Amazon Pinpoint:Fix cursor leakage in Pinpoint.
  • Amazon Pinpoint:Bug fixes for campaign open rate.
  • Amazon Pinpoint:PinpointEndpointClient to retain instance of endpoint.
  • Amazon Pinpoint:corrected the implemented for optout for profile.
  • Amazon Pinpoint:Deprecated formatted price in MonetizationEventBuilder.
  • Amazon S3: Bug Fixes with encryption client.
  • Amazon S3: SigV4 signing is now default for S3. See issue 234 & issue #108.
  • Amazon S3: Added feature to specify listener in TransferUtility.upload(). See issue #210.
  • Amazon S3: Fixed a bug where when using setAccelerateModeEnabled caused uploads to fail. See issue #264.
  • General : Fixed a bug which caused incompatibility between maven releases and releases on marketing page.

Release 2.3.9 (02/02/2017)


  • Amazon Kinesis Firehose & Amazon Kinesis Streams: Allow setting a static partition key in the KinesisRecorderConfig. See issue #228.
  • AWS KMS: Updated service to latest spec.

Bug Fixes:

  • Amazon Cognito Identity: Fixed a bug that could cause a NullPointerException if credential refresh occured while another thread signed in with a provider. See issue #247.
  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider: Fixed bugs in SRP and exception handling.
  • Amazon Kinesis Firehose & Amazon Kinesis Streams: Prevent KinesisRecorder.submitAllRecords() from potentially losing data if the service is killed by waiting until the data is transferred before removing it from the cache. See issue #225.
  • Amazon Pinpoint: Fixed a bug that caused a crash when opening a deep link. See issue #246.
  • Amazon Lex: Fix incorrect comparison for dialog states. See issue #245.

Bug Fixes:

  • Amazon Pinpoint: Fixed incorrect signer config in Pinpoint Analytics.
  • Amazon S3: Fixed a bug that caused TransferObserver.getBytesTransferred() to always return 0. See issue #217.
  • Amazon S3: Fixed a race condition in TransferService. See issue #197.

Release 2.3.7 (12/13/2016)

New Features

  • Support for Amazon Rekognition: Rekognition is a deep-learning based service to search, verify and organize images. With Rekognition, you can detect objects, scenes, and faces in images. You can also search and compare faces.
  • AWS Core Runtime: Added Support for eu-west-2/LHR region in the SDK.


  • AWS Core Runtime: Added support for enabling curl logging in the SDK. See issue
  • AWS Lambda: Update to Latest Models.

Bug Fixes:

  • Amazon Pinpoint: Fixed a bug that caused setting wrong endpoint for pinpoint client.
  • Amazon S3: Fixed a bug that could cause NPE in Transfer Service. See issue.
  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider: Fix incorrect exception being thrown in CognitoDevice. See issue.
  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider: Fix a bug where NewPasswordContinuation throws CognitoParameterInvalidException: Missing required attribute even when the required user attributes have been set. See issue.

Release 2.3.6 (12/07/2016)


  • AWS Core Runtime: Added Support for ca-central-1/YUL region in the SDK.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon SQS: Fixed a bug that caused SQS send message to fail. See issue.
  • Amazon Lex Runtime: Fixed a bug where requests were not getting signed correctly.
  • Amazon Pinpoint: Fix serialization of endpoint profile bug.
  • Amazon Mobile Analytics: Ensure session file directories exist before saving

Release 2.3.5 (12/01/2016)

New Features

  • Support for Amazon Pinpoint: Amazon Pinpoint makes it easy to run targeted campaigns to improve user engagement. Pinpoint helps you understand your users behavior, define who to target, what messages to send, when to deliver them, and tracks the results of the campaigns.

Release 2.3.4 (11/30/2016)

New Features

  • Support for Amazon Lex - Beta: Amazon Lex is a service for building conversational interactions into any application using voice and text. With Lex, the same conversational engine that powers Amazon Alexa is now available to any developer, enabling you to build sophisticated, natural language, conversational bots (chatbots) into your new and existing applications. Amazon Lex provides the deep functionality and flexibility of automatic speech recognition (ASR) for converting speech to text and natural language understanding (NLU) to understand the intent of the text. This allows you to build highly engaging user experiences with lifelike, conversational interactions.

  • Support for Amazon Polly: Amazon Polly is a service that turns text into lifelike speech, making it easy to develop applications that use high-quality speech to increase engagement and accessibility. With Amazon Polly the developers can build speech-enabled apps that work in multiple geographies.

Release 2.3.3 (10/11/2016)


  • AWS Core Runtime Library: Support for us-east-2/CMH region in SDK.

Release 2.3.2 (10/06/2016)


  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider:
  • Support for Admin Create User feature.
  • Allow SDK to refresh tokens which are about to expire within a pre-set threshold.

Release 2.3.1 (09/08/2016)


  • API Gateway: Added a generic invoker to execute requests for any path.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider:
  • Fixed a bug introduced by StandardCharsets that caused the Android SDK to be unavailable for API 18 and below.

Release 2.3.0 (07/28/2016)


  • AWS Core Runtime Library: Added support for us-west-2/PDX region for cognito identity.
  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider:
  • Support for Custom authentication flows. Developers can implement custom authentication flows around Cognito Your User Pools.
  • Support for devices.
  • Global sign-out users, to sign-out from all devices.
  • Amazon Cognito Sync: Added support for us-west-2/PDX region.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider:
  • Authentication flow in Android SDK now uses Custom Authentication API.
  • Two new exceptions added for getSession API. These exceptions have been added to accurately represent the user state when the username is invalid and when the user is not confirmed. You will have to update your application to handle these exceptions.
  • UserNotFoundException: Returned when the username user does not exist.
  • UserNotConfirmedException: Returned when the user has not been confirmed.

Release 2.2.22 (07/27/2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Simple Email Service: Resolved an issue where some SES APIs were missing from the 2.2.21. #179

Release 2.2.21 (07/21/2016)


  • Amazon Web Services: General service updates and documentation improvements.
  • AWS Core Runtime Library: Allow custom TrustManager on ClientConfiguration. #165
  • AWS IoT: Updated Eclipse Paho MQTT client to v1.1.0. #145

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon Mobile Analytics: Fixed crash while creating the base directory. #126
  • Amazon Cognito: Fixed a token refresh bug in Your User Pools.

Release 2.2.20 (06/27/2016)

New Features

  • Amazon Web Services: Introducing new AWS region Asia Pacific (Mumbai) region, endpoint ap-south-1.


  • Amazon Web Services: General service updates and documentation improvements.
  • API Gateway: Expose client configuration through ApiFactory. #158
  • Amazon Web Services: Service clients are now generated with a new code gen system. Some trivial changes are listed below
  • List members in POJO are defaulted to null instead of an empty list to align with map members. Please perform null check to avoid NPE. When marshalling a list member, a null list will be omitted and an empty list will result in an empty array.
  • In ListRecordsRequest of Cognito Sync, the data type of lastSyncCount is changed from String to Long and that of maxResult from String to Integer.
  • In DynamoDB, the method setKey(java.util.Map.Entry<String, AttributeValue> hashKey, java.util.Map.Entry<String, AttributeValue> rangeKey) is removed from GetItemRequest, UpdateItemRequest, DeleteItemRequest, and DeleteRequest. Use addKeyEntry(String key, AttributeValue value) instead. setExclusiveStartKey(java.util.Map.Entry<String, AttributeValue> hashKey, java.util.Map.Entry<String, AttributeValue> rangeKey) is also removed from QueryRequest and ScanRequest. The alternative is addExclusiveStartKeyEntry(String key, AttributeValue value).

Bug Fixes

  • API Gateway: Fixed a bug where user agent is overwritten by ApiHandler. #159

Release 2.2.19 (06/23/2016)

New Features

  • Amazon Cognito Identity: Added support for SAML role resolution.

Release 2.2.18 (06/02/2016)

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Core Runtime Library: Removed testing implementation for X509TrustManager, for more information see.

Release 2.2.17 (05/20/2016)

New Features

  • Amazon S3:
  • Introducing a new version of the ListObjects (ListObjectsV2) API that allows listing objects with a large number of delete markers. See GET Bucket (List Objects) Version 2 for more details.
  • Added support for a new configuration named BucketAccelerateConfiguration which supports faster uploads/downloads to S3 buckets. See Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration.
  • Amazon S3 now supports cross-region replication, which provides automatic, asynchronous copying of objects across buckets in different AWS regions. For more information, see Cross-Region Replication in the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Core Runtime Library: Fixed a potential bug during retry where content input stream is not reset correctly.
  • Amazon Cognito: Fixed a bug where Cognito Sign-in may fail on non US locale environment. aws-sdk-android-samples #129

Release 2.2.16 (05/10/2016)

New Features

  • AWS IoT: The AWS IoT Device Gateway now supports MQTT over WebSockets. Build real-time mobile and web applications that interact over WebSockets, and easily scale to millions of simultaneous users. You can use WebSockets with Amazon Cognito to securely authenticate end-users to your apps and devices.


  • Amazon Web Services: General service updates and documentation improvements.
  • AWS Core Runtime Library: Removed verbose logging of errors in retries.
  • AWS IoT: Added MQTT message delivery callback.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3: Fixed a bug in TransferUtility caused by socket timeout exception. The exception is incorrectly treated as manually interrupt and thus is not reported to TransferListener.onError(Exception). #119 and #120
  • Amazon Cognito: Fixed a bug caused by StandardCharsets which is available from API level 19. #129

Release 2.2.15 (04/19/2016)

New Features

  • Amazon Cognito Identity Provider: You can now use Amazon Cognito to easily add user sign-up and sign-in to your mobile and web apps. Your User Pool in Amazon Cognito is a fully managed user directory that can scale to hundreds of millions of users, so you don’t have to worry about building, securing, and scaling a solution to handle user management and authentication.
  • Amazon S3: Canned ACL support when uploading objects to S3 with TransferUtility. #63

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3: A NPE bug in TransferUtility caused by network receiver. #117 and #118

Release 2.2.14 (03/31/2016)

New Features

  • AWS Iot: Added support for LWT (last will and testimony).
  • Amazon SES: Added support for custom MAIL FROM domains.


  • Amazon S3: Improved performance of S3 TransferUtility.
  • Now the number of parallel transfers is set to the number of processors (cores) + 1. #111
  • Removed unnecessary network requests in download task.

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Core Runtime Library: Addressed a potential bug in Cognito credentials provider.
  • Amazon S3: Fixed RejectedExecutionException in TransferUtility which may occur when the service is shutting down. #113

Release 2.2.13 (02/25/2016)


  • Amazon S3: Tweaked the usage of TransferListener in S3 TransferUtility.
  • Now listeners are kept as strong references. They will be removed when transfers are completed. However user are still encouraged to clean up listeners themselves to prevent memory leak. #93 and #101
  • Transfers in WAITING_FOR_NETWORK state can now be paused or canceled. #102
  • Improved the experience to delete a transfer. #104

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Core Runtime Library: Addressed potential internalization bugs. #96
  • Amazon S3: Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException bug caused by listeners being removed in their callbacks. #103

Release 2.2.12 (02/12/2016)

New Features

  • AWS IoT: AWS IoT is now supported by the SDK. AWS IoT is a managed cloud platform that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. AWS IoT can support billions of devices and trillions of messages, and can process and route those messages to AWS endpoints and to other devices reliably and securely. With AWS IoT, your applications can keep track of and communicate with all your devices, all the time, even when they aren't connected.


  • Amazon Web Services: General service updates and documentation improvements.

Release 2.2.11 (01/28/2016)

New Features

  • AWS Key Management Service: AWS Key Management Service (KMS) is now supported by the SDK. AWS Key Management Service (KMS) is a managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt your data, and uses Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) to protect the security of your keys. AWS Key Management Service is integrated with several other AWS services to help you protect your data you store with these services. AWS Key Management Service is also integrated with AWS CloudTrail to provide you with logs of all key usage to help meet your regulatory and compliance needs.


  • Amazon S3: Revamped S3 TransferUtility. Huge performance boost and lots of enhancements.
  • Offload most database operations to background thread.
  • Re-architected transfer listeners. Moved away from ContentObserver.
  • Reduced the frequency of writing transfer states to database.
  • Better error reporting. Now the original exception is passed to TransferListener.onError(int, Exception). #61
  • Allow user to resume a transfer in any state other than TransferState.COMPLETED. #81 and #87
  • Better diagnostics of TransferService. You can dump its status with adb shell dumpsys activity service com.amazonaws.mobileconnectors.s3.transferutility.TransferService. It works only if the app is debuggable.
  • Better handling of network connectivity changes.
  • Other cleanups, bug fixes and improvements.
  • Amazon S3: Adds support of server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service. See Amazon S3 developer guide for more information.
  • Amazon S3: Signature Version 4 is now the default signing methods for all S3 requests as long as a region is specified or can be easily determined from the given endpoint.

Release 2.2.10 (01/06/2016)

New Features

  • Amazon Web Services: Added support for new AWS region in South Korea (ap-northeast-2).
  • Amazon Kinesis Firehose: Amazon Kinesis Firehose is the easiest way to load streaming data into AWS. It can capture and automatically load streaming data into Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift, enabling near real-time analytics with existing business intelligence tools and dashboards you are already using today. See the developer guide for instructions about using KinesisFirehoseRecorder.


  • Amazon S3: Allow user to add or overwrite file extension to MIME type mapping so that AmazonS3 can identify the MIME type of consequent uploads and set the content type correctly. #83
  • AWS Lambda: Added a method to access the installation id of the client context that is sent to AWS Lambda. #74
  • Amazon Web Services: General service updates and documentation improvements.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3: Fixed the termination condition of TransferService so that it stays alive when there are active transfers waiting for network. #70
  • Amazon S3: Fixed a resource leak issue in TransferUtility caused by unclosed cursor.
  • AWS Lambda: Fixed a potential issue with Lambda when invoking methods with no args. #80
  • API Gateway: Updated the message of ApiClientException to match exactly what the API responds. #78

Release 2.2.9 (11/18/2015)

New Features

  • Amazon Web Services: General service updates and documentation improvements.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3: Fixed slow initialization of Amazon S3 client. #69
  • General: Updated instruction for proguard.

Release 2.2.8 (11/05/2015)

New Features

  • Amazon Web Services: General service updates and documentation improvements.

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Core Runtime Library: Improved retry logic so that aborting a request will not cause a retry.

Release 2.2.7 (10/08/2015)

New Features

  • AWS Lambda: You can now maintain multiple versions of your Lambda function code. Versioning allows you to control which Lambda function version is executed in your different environments (e.g., development, testing, or production). You can also set up your Lambda functions to run for up to five minutes allowing longer running functions such as large volume data ingestion and processing jobs.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3: Resolved a hostname verification issue when there is a . in the bucket name. #59
  • Amazon S3: Resolved an issue when using SSE-C with Transfer Manager
  • Amazon API Gateway: Fixed an issue where the incorrect content length was sent to the service when the body contained UTF-8 characters that were multiple bytes in length. #62

Release 2.2.6 (09/17/2015)

New Features

  • Amazon Web Services: General service updates and documentation improvements.
  • Amazon S3: Added support of ObjectMetadata for upload in Amazon S3 TransferUtility. #56

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Core Runtime Library: Fixed a potential NPE issue caused by ResponseCache by explicitly disabling HTTP response cache.
  • Amazon API Gateway: Fixed a bug where the region for SigV4 signing is pinned to us-east-1. Now the region is deduced from API's invoke URL and can optionally be overwritten via ApiClientFactory.region(String).

Release 2.2.5 (08/07/2015)

New Features

  • Amazon Web Services: General service updates and documentation improvements on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Auto Scaling.
  • Github: Open sourced unit tests and added this changelog.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3: Fixed a bug when using Amazon S3 TransferUtility on a worker thread. #51
  • AWS Core Runtime Library: Fixed a bug caused by improper closing of a GZIP encoded content stream. See AWS forum.
  • Maven: Changed the dependency scope of Apache Commons Logging to provided which can remove compilation warnings and improve capability with Gradle.

Release 2.2.4 (07/22/2015)

New Features

  • Amazon S3: The S3 transfer utility has been added to the SDK, which replaces the now deprecated transfer manager. This utility automatically pauses and resumes transfers when internet connectivity is lost and reestablished. The utility also automatically pauses transfers if an app crashes. Developers can manually pause and resume transfers without having to persist any data themselves. For more information, see our blog and Getting Started documentation for more info.
  • Amazon Mobile Analytics: A new simpler constructor has been added to the MobileAnalyticsManager, and transmission of events over WAN is now enabled by default.

Release 2.2.3 (07/09/2015)

New Features

  • Amazon API Gateway: Added a runtime library for the generated SDK of Amazon API Gateway. Amazon API Gateway makes it easy for AWS customers to publish, maintain, monitor, and secure application programming interfaces (APIs) at any scale. To know more please visit Amazon API Gateway.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3: Fixed an issue in Amazon S3 where the range information is incorrect in PersistableTransfer. #35
  • AWS Core Runtime Library: Fixed an issue in CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider where the credentials might not be cached when using developer-authenticated identities. #48

Release 2.2.2 (06/11/2015)

New Features

  • AWS Core Runtime Library: Enabled HTTP compression by adding "Accept-Encoding:gzip" header. If the target AWS service (for example, Amazon DynamoDB) supports compression and returns compressed data, the SDK will handle the content correctly. #41
  • Amazon Kinesis: KinesisRecorder now sends compressed records to Amazon Kinesis.
  • Amazon Mobile Analytics: Analytics events are compressed prior to sending the service in order to save network bandwidth.

Bug Fixes

  • Amazon S3: Fixed an issue that occurs when required headers are not properly signed. This issue affects S3 in two regions: Frankfurt (eu-central-1) and China (cn-north-1). #42
  • AWS Core Runtime Library: Fixed an issue in Maven distribution where an incorrect version string is set in "User-Agent".