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Roadmap Meeting September 27 2013

kstapelfeldt edited this page Sep 27, 2013 · 25 revisions


Attending: Melissa Anez, Mark leggott, Paul Pound, Kirsta Stapelfeldt Apologies: Donald Moses, Jonathan Green

Old Business

###Code Snippets repo

  • Forms are a current community topic. Paul suggests we look at the CSL style model, and focus on directories per schema. TODO: Create a page on called "Snippet Repo" or "Code repo" - something that points to the form repository on git and the core repositories. Separate bibliography and resources pages. Set up repositories "Forms," "Tools (scripts is a subcategory)," "Learning Resources," "Sites," "Installation tools" "Logos and images," "Modules and other code" (experimental) - gathering what is out there and describing it, in this way, on

###Old/abandoned Islandora projects in GitHub - cleanup/describe. Add "experimental code"?

  • **TODO: **adding descriptions to current repositories will do a lot to clear up the current status of repositories on Github

New Business

  • Discussion about how to manage the role of the Roadmap group in relation to the Board of the nascent Islandora Foundation. No firm decisions, but the commitment to an organic and transparent process. Need to begin planning for the next release - considering March 2014. Need to look at funding pieces and how to manage future resources. **TODO:**Identify community contributions and determine how to put them through the release process: Image Annotation, (Taverna/Vault?), WARC, Forms? Sync module? David needs to look through dgi repository to see what he might include.
  • Crowdscource Q&A? - maybe additional promotion will encourage greater participation. The VM did not increase participation from the community in the future. TODO: "Islandora Detectives": page on the site to describe what it is, an application form. List Roadmap group on site as well (under governance). Also add institutions, category of "Islandora champions"

Islandora Camp NY updates

  • First day is mapped out. Third day is almost done. Planning is underway and working well. Registrations are trickling in. Details in planning documents.

  • IdeaWall progress: Workflow for Islandora 7, Support for Docs, Index content in Google Scholar - These are the top ideas and need to find their way into JIRA as feature requests - Workflow is: Ideawall to JIRA. TODO: Determine communication and timing around the process of migration to JIRA and determining funding for top-voted ideas. Use google docs for developing requirements. TODO: Update IdeaWall to say that UPEI has decided to talk on the challenge of indexing for google scholar.

  • Islandora CLA (based off Apache CLA. See redlined Hydra iCLA and cCLA)- push to next meeting?

  • Islandora Futures: Drupal 8 and Fedora 4 - push to next meeting?

  • Islandora/AIF reports from Kirsta - push to Oct 25th meeting?

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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