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856 lines (573 loc) · 25.9 KB

File metadata and controls

856 lines (573 loc) · 25.9 KB


3.29.1 (2023-05-10)


3.29.0 (2022-10-19)


  • The maximum number of breadcrumbs can now be configured between 0-100 (inclusive) #652

  • Raised the default maximum number of breadcrumbs to 50 #652

  • Add a Report::getFeatureFlags method to allow accessing feature flags in callbacks #653

3.28.0 (2022-05-18)


3.27.0 (2022-02-07)


  • Improve serialisation of backed enums. Previously a backed enum would JSON encode to their backing value, but will now include the enum name like EnumName::CaseName (value) #639


  • A number of errors in docblocks have been corrected xPaw #633 #637
  • Handle serialising pure enums when added as metadata. Previously a pure enum would be JSON encoded as null, but will now be converted to a string like EnumName::CaseName #639
  • Remove use of the deprecated strftime function #640
  • Fix session throttling when storage backend doesn't store integers #643

3.26.1 (2021-09-09)


  • Avoid JSON encoding event payloads more than once, where possible #628
  • Add the ReturnTypeWillChange to Bugsnag\Breadcrumbs\Recorder to avoid a deprecation in PHP 8.1 #630

3.26.0 (2021-02-10)


  • Out of memory errors will now be reported by increasing the memory limit by 5 MiB. Use the new memoryLimitIncrease configuration option to change the amount of memory, or set it to null to disable the increase entirely. #621

  • Add a "discard classes" configuration option that allows events to be discarded based on the exception class name or PHP error name #622

  • Add a "redacted keys" configuration option. This is similar to filters but allows both strings and regexes. String matching is exact but case-insensitive. Regex matching allows for partial and wildcard matching. #623


  • The filters configuration option is now deprecated as redactedKeys can express everything that filters could and more.

3.25.0 (2020-11-25)


  • Add a default timeout & connect_timeout to Guzzle instances created by bugsnag-php. This does not apply if you are providing a custom Guzzle instance. #616

3.24.0 (2020-10-27)

This release changes how Bugsnag detects the error suppression operator in combination with the errorReportingLevel configuration option, for PHP 8 compatibility. Bugsnag's errorReportingLevel must now be a subset of error_reporting — i.e. every error level in errorReportingLevel must also be in error_reporting

If you use the errorReportingLevel option, you may need to change your Bugsnag or PHP configuration in order to report all expected errors. See PR #611 for more details


  • Improve the display of breadrumbs in the Bugsnag app by including milliseconds in timestamps #612


  • Make Configuration::shouldIgnoreErrorCode compatible with PHP 8 by requiring the errorReportingLevel option to be a subset of error_reporting #611

3.23.1 (2020-10-19)

This release fixes several issues with Bugsnag's error handlers that caused it to affect the behaviour of shutdown functions (#475) and CLI script exit codes (#523). This does not apply if you are using the Laravel or Symfony integrations, as they use separate methods of error handling.

These bugs have been fixed and so registering Bugsnag's error handlers should not cause any change to PHP's default behaviour. Make sure that PHP's display_errors option is disabled in production environments, as exceptions and errors will now go through PHP's default handling.


  • The previous error and exception handler will now always be called

  • Exceptions raised by the previous exception handler will now be reported

  • The default PHP exception handler will now be called, unless this is prevented by a previous exception handler

  • Avoid calling method_exists on non-objects #603


  • Bugsnag\Handler::registerWithPrevious has been deprecated as calling previous error/exception handlers is now the default behaviour. Calls to registerWithPrevious can be safely replaced with Bugsnag\Handler::register

3.23.0 (2020-09-14)


  • Filters are now applied case insensitively, e.g. 'password' will now also match 'PASSWORD' #595

  • Cookies are now filtered from events by default #596

  • HTTP basic auth headers are filtered from events by default #597

3.22.0 (2020-08-20)


  • Include all HTTP headers in request metadata #588

  • The Client and SessionTracker now share a single Guzzle instance #587


  • Client::ENDPOINT This is ambiguous as we have three separate endpoints Use Configuration::NOTIFY_ENDPOINT instead

  • HttpClient::PAYLOAD_VERSION This is ambiguous as there is a session payload version too Use HttpClient::NOTIFY_PAYLOAD_VERSION instead

  • Report::PAYLOAD_VERSION As above. This was also unused by the notifier Use HttpClient::NOTIFY_PAYLOAD_VERSION instead


  • HttpClient::send Use HttpClient::sendEvents instead

  • HttpClient::build Use HttpClient::getEventPayload instead

  • HttpClient::postJson Use HttpClient::deliverEvents instead

  • Using the base_uri/base_url on a Guzzle instance The base URI is ambiguous as there are three separate endpoints which could be used, therefore all Guzzle requests now use absolute URIs. We will extract the base_uri/base_url Guzzle option if one is set and use it as the notification endpoint URI, however this will be removed in the next major version Set the notification endpoint manually with Configuration::setNotifyEndpoint instead

  • Calling HttpClient::getHeaders without providing a payload version This is deprecated as the version is ambiguous between the notification payload version and session payload version Call this with the correct HttpClient payload version constants instead

  • Client::getSessionClient and Configuration::getSessionClient This method is dangerous to use as there is now only one Guzzle instance used across every request, so changing this client would also affect the notification client. Changes to this Guzzle client will now be ignored Use the $guzzle parameter of the Client constructor to customise the Guzzle client instead

  • SessionData::$client The SessionData class will be passed a SessionTracker instead of a Client instance in its constructor in the next major version

  • SessionTracker should be constructed with a HttpClient The SessionTracker class should now always be passed a HttpClient In this version it will construct its own HttpClient if one is not provided In the next major version, this fallback will be removed and passing a HttpClient will be mandatory

3.21.0 (2020-04-29)


  • Use full class names in breadcrumbs #578

  • Added support for getting the "original error" #576

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed session tracker possibly raising a warning on PHP 7.2 and above #579

3.20.0 (2020-02-26)


  • Added support for Guzzle 7 #567

Bug Fixes

  • Added support for PHP 7.3 and 7.4 #552 #556

  • Only try to search for the CA bundle on PHP 5.5 #566

3.19.0 (2019-11-18)


  • Added a strategy pattern for the Client shutdown behaviour #547

  • Replaced the dependency on phpdotenv with a simple "read" function that follows the same strategy ($_ENV, $_SERVER, getenv()) #511

  • Removed the length restriction on the Breadcrumb "name" field to match the API and allow large names to be sent. #544

Bug Fixes

  • Make session delivery obey the release stage rules used by notify #542

3.18.0 (2019-08-28)


  • More robust environment variable fetching GrahamCampbell #530

  • Support suppressed errors using "@" to ignore exceptions #531

  • Bump max payload limit to follow Bugsnag's backend limit to enable larger errors #538

3.17.0 (2019-05-28)

Add the version of PHP to report information to allow easier diagnosis of version-specific issues.


  • Add PHP version string to report and session payloads (device.runtimeVersions) #525

3.16.0 (2019-01-29)


Bug Fixes

3.15.2 (2019-01-10)

Bug Fixes

  • Improve performance by removing reflection calls from Client to Configuration #510

  • Prevent automatic collection of POST form data #511

3.15.1 (2018-12-19)

Bug Fixes

  • Allow modifying stack frame values by reference #507

3.15.0 (2018-11-1)


  • Added insertBefore to Pipeline and getPipeline to Client to facilitate callback ordering #495

3.14.1 (2018-07-20)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix notifyError(name, message, callback) and notifyException(ex, callback) to ensure that reports are sent when callback != null

3.14.0 (2018-07-06)


  • Added registerMiddleware method for external middleware additions #478

3.13.0 (2018-06-06)


  • Added GET parameter support #472


  • Speed up error handler #476

3.12.1 (2018-02-28)


  • Updated the payload body version to 4.0 #467

  • Ensured reports always have a valid name Graham Campbell #463

  • Better name handling in breadcrumbs #427

3.12.0 (2018-01-24)


  • Deprecated the deploy API in favor of the build API Calls to deploy will now redirect to build. #454


  • Re-added apiKey parameter to payload for older API versions #459

3.11.0 (2018-01-09)


  • Add support for tracking sessions and overall crash rate by setting autoCaptureSessions in configuration options. In addition, sessions can be indicated manually using Client->startSession()

3.10.0 (2017-12-14)


  • Add 'addMetaData' method to reports #430

3.9.0 (2017-11-23)



  • Ensured severity_reason has sensible defaults #421

3.8.1 (2017-10-04)


  • Ensured Console Requests can handle empty argument array #413

3.8.0 (2017-10-02)


  • Added data acquisition for handled/unhandled feature #406

3.7.0 (2017-09-13)


  • Added issue template to repository #401

  • Added Architecture guide to aid contributors #402

  • Added ConsoleRequest handler for extracting data out of console-run applications #398

3.6.0 (2017-08-10)


  • Allow configuring strip path regex Paul Kuruvilla #390

  • Chain previously defined error handlers. This behavior can be activated using registerWithPrevious Matt Terwilliger #395

  • Make Bugsnag\Handler constructor public instead of protected to allow configuring custom clients Adam Vercimak #381

3.5.1 (2017-06-07)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix in-project detection and path stripping support for paths with repeated strings. Michael Tibben #384

3.5.0 (2017-04-06)


  • Include more deeply nested exception causes in reports

3.4.0 (2016-09-05)


3.3.0 (2016-08-19)


Bug Fixes

3.2.0 (2016-08-08)


Bug Fixes

3.1.1 (2016-07-25)

Bug Fixes

3.1.0 (2016-07-22)

Bug Fixes

3.0.1 (2016-07-08)

Bug Fixes

3.0.0 (2016-07-07)

This is a major refactor to make the library clearer and easier to use. The minimum PHP version supported has been updated to 5.5.9. For upgrading instructions, see the upgrading guide.


  • Added a pipeline system for loading request information, app information, and other metadata. Each component can be individually loaded.

  • Make request resolution customizable #99

  • Replaced transport handling with Guzzle

  • notify(), notifyException() and notifyError() now accept a callable –instead of metaData and severity– which can be used to modify any of the properties of an error report.

  • Deprecated methods from v2 have been removed

  • Namespaced the library under Bugsnag

Bug Fixes

  • Every bug

2.9.1 (2016-07-06)

Bug Fixes

2.9.0 (2016-06-24)


Bug Fixes

2.8.0 (2016-06-21)


  • Add ability to optionally merge metadata with existing properties, otherwise overwrite them Graham Campbell #162

Bug Fixes

2.7.3 (2016-06-20)

2.7.2 (2016-06-17)

Bug Fixes

2.7.1 (2016-06-02)

Bug Fixes

2.7.0 (2016-03-09)


Bug Fixes

2.6.1 (2016-01-28)

Bug Fixes

2.6.0 (2015-12-23)



  • Added a debug flag to help diagnose notification problems


  • Ensure no unnecessary code is executed when errors should be skipped


  • Fix HHVM support for release 2.5.3


  • Add support for custom curl options


  • Add support for setHostname


  • Extract file and line numbers better for crashes in eval'd code


  • Collect and send snippets of source code to Bugsnag for easier debugging
  • Update setEndpoint to accept full URLs
  • Add support for Error#setGroupingHash to customize error grouping in setBeforeNotify functions


  • Don't send $_ENV by default


  • Warn if neither curl or fopen are available


  • Remove cURL requirement, fallback to using fopen() if cURL not available


  • Remove default for setProjectRoot since it was sometimes overzealous


  • Fix boolean metadata handling


  • Fix various metadata-encoding bugs


  • Allow configuration of projectRoot stripping from stacktraces


  • Fix calling mb_detect_encoding on non-objects


  • Remove deprecated "fatal" severity state


  • Prepare 'severity' feature for release


  • Fix invalid utf-8 errors for people using iso-8859-1 by default.


  • Make frames public on the stacktrace.


  • Log any curl errors to the command line, increase default timeout to 10s


  • Support previous exceptions on PHP >= 5.3.0
  • Allow overriding notifier
  • Use manual loading in place of custom autoloading


  • Make cURL timeout configurable (thanks pauloschilling)


  • Fix crash during stacktrace generation that happened when a closure was the first stackframe.


  • Add ErrorTypes::getLevelsForSeverity function to fetch an error_reporting bitmask for a particular Bugsnag severity


  • Fix crash during stacktrace generation for frameworks that have their own shutdown_handler method (eg. Laravel)


  • Add setAppType for sending app type (script, request, resque, etc)
  • Add setUser for sending structured user data
  • Automatically send the severity level of each PHP error
  • Added ability to chain setters (eg $bugsnag->setUser(...)->setReleaseStage(...))


  • Add hostname collection to help with debugging


  • Add setBatchSending function to disable batch sending of errors at the end of each request


  • Fix bug which caused setNotifyReleaseStages being ignored


  • Fix minor request meta-data issues introduced in 2.0.0


  • Backwards-incompatible rewrite (using non-static access)
  • Full suite of tests and Travis CI testing on PHP 5.2+
  • Add setBeforeNotify functionality to add meta-data or execute code before each error is sent to Bugsnag


  • Add setAutoNotify function to allow disabling of automatic error handling
  • Fix bug where error reporting level was being ignored for fatal errors


  • Added a setMetaData function for sending custom data with every error


  • Don't default notifyReleaseStages to anything to reduce confusion


  • Fix PHP 5.2 bug with missing constants


  • Protect against missing $_SERVER variables


  • Send JSON POST params to Bugsnag if available
  • Send HTTP headers to Bugsnag if available


  • Remove unnecessary post to Bugsnag when error list is empty


  • Fix bug with 'internal' stacktrace lines (missing line/file)


  • Renamed default error classes for clarity
  • Batch-send errors at the end of each request
  • Bugsnag::errorHandler now respects PHP's error_reporting settings
  • Added setErrorReportingLevel function to override PHP's error_reporting settings


  • First public release