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vrx_2019 waypoint_vis_tutorial

M1chaelM edited this page Jul 9, 2021 · 1 revision

Waypoint visualization markers

Waypoint visualization allows users to see waypoint markers for station-keeping and wayfinding tasks inside Gazebo. The visualization markers only show the position of the waypoints and not their orientation.


Waypoint visualization is enabled by default. Parameters for markers can be modified by editing the SDF in or inside vrx_gazebo/worlds.

   <scaling>0.2 0.2 2.0</scaling>

To disable the visualization, simply remove the <markers /> tag.

SDF Parameters

  • <material /> - specifies the Gazebo material used for the marker. (Default: Gazebo/red)
  • <scaling /> - specifies scaling for the marker. (Default: 0.2 0.2 1.5)
  • <height /> - height of marker above water (Default: 0)

Note: all parameters are optional

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