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vrx_2023 wildlife_task

M1chaelM edited this page May 30, 2023 · 2 revisions

Task 5: Wildlife Encounter and Avoid


This task requires the system to track a heterogeneous set of moving animals representing animal life and plan an appropriate action according to the animal type. The system should plan and traverse a path that

  • circles clockwise around platypus markers,
  • circles counterclockwise around turtle markers, and
  • avoids (i.e. remains at a distance of 10m from) crocodile markers.

How to Practice

Step 1: Launch the example

ros2 launch vrx_gz world:=wildlife_task

Step 2: Subscribe to relevant topics

The following ROS topics contain information relevant to this task:


with a separate pose topic for each animal in the world.

For the timeout counter and your current score, subscribe to the /vrx/task/info topic:

ros2 topic echo /vrx/task/info

To receive the location of each animal in spherical coordinates, subscribe to the /vrx/wildlife/animalX/pose topics of interest:

ros2 topic echo /vrx/wildlife/animal0/pose

for the first animal, and replacing "X" with sequential integers for each additional animal.

Step 3: Complete the task

  • Always stay 10 meters away from the crocodiles!
  • Circumnavigate the platypus clockwise while staying within a 10 meter radius.
  • Circumnavigate the turtles counterclockwise while staying within a 10 meter radius.

Notes / Hints:

  • If you hit an animal with the WAM-V, your current circumnavigation status is reset.
  • The task finishes when all circumnavigable animals have been circumnavigated or the task timeouts.
  • Your time bonus is always applied at the end of the task.
  • For debugging purposes you can check the completion percentage in the console when you start circumnavigating an animal:
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [] platypus::link Transition from NEVER_ENGAGED to ENGAGED
[ruby $(which gz) sim-1] [Dbg] [] platypus::link Virtual gate incorrectly crossed counterclockwise! (0% completed)

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