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vrx_2023 scan_dock_deliver_task

M1chaelM edited this page May 30, 2023 · 2 revisions

Task 8: Scan and Dock and Deliver


Detect the dock and execute a controlled docking maneuver in the appropriate gate. The system should detect the color sequence emitted by the scan-the-code buoy, as this color sequence dictates the correct docking gate. Additional points will be awarded for vehicles that can successfully propel a projectile through one of the two holes in the placard at the head of the correct docking bay.

How to Practice

Step 1: Launch the example

ros2 launch vrx_gz world:=scan_dock_deliver_task

Step 2: Access relevant topics and services

The following ROS topics and services are used in this task:





Using these topics and services

  1. To see the timeout counter and your current score, subscribe to the /vrx/task/info topic:
    ros2 topic echo /vrx/task/info
  2. To shoot a projectile from the ball shooter, publish a std_msgs/msgs/Bool message to the /wamv/shooters/ball_shooter/fire topic:
    ros2 topic pub /wamv/shooters/ball_shooter/fire std_msgs/msg/Bool "{data: 0}" --once
  3. To report the scan-the-code color sequence, publish a ros_gz_interfaces/msg/StringVec to the /vrx/scan_dock_deliver/color_sequence topic:
    ros2 topic pub --once vrx/scan_dock_deliver/color_sequence ros_gz_interfaces/msg/StringVec "{data: ['red', 'green', 'blue']}"

Step 3: Complete the task

  • Get close to the scan-the-code buoy and report the correct color sequence.
  • Identify the dock and the correct docking gate.
  • Approach the correct gate and execute a smooth docking maneuver.
  • Point to the right placard targets and shoot your projectiles.
  • Exit the gate smoothly.

Notes / Hints:

  • Only four shots are allowed during this task. If you want to practice with unlimited shots remove the line <num_shots>4</num_shots> in wamv_gazebo/urdf/ball_shooter/ball_shooter.xacro and recompile VRX.
  • Points are awarded for any successful docking maneuver, even in an incorrect gate.
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