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M1chaelM edited this page May 9, 2023 · 1 revision

This tutorial is being updated to ROS Noetic/Gazebo11


RViz is a standard ROS tool for visualizing messages. This tutorial explains how to run RViz to display the WAM-V and sensors that you are simulating with Gazebo.

Launching Gazebo

If you have not done so already, first run the simulation with a front camera and the IMU:

roslaunch vrx_gazebo vrx.launch camera_enabled:=true gps_enabled:=true imu_enabled:=true

Leave this simulation running for the remainder of the tutorial. In the steps below, you will use the robot_state_publisher to make the simulated data available to RViz.

Running RViz

To open RViz with a configuration made for the WAM-V, open a new terminal and run:

roslaunch wamv_gazebo rviz_vrx.launch

RViz should open and display the WAM-V and a camera! Try driving around to see the different sensor measurements in RViz.


Customizing RViz

The example launch file above runs RViz with a preconfigured set of topics. You can add, remove, and edit topics and more from within the RViz GUI to better visualize your robot.

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