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Islandora Foundation Community edited this page Aug 10, 2022 · 6 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. The hosting can be claimed by anybody with the host ID. The Host ID is in the header of the TAG slack channel.

Chair Roster

These are the core members of TAG and will take on chair of the meeting if there are no volunteers, and will support volunteers who are chairing for the first time:

  • Don
  • Seth
  • Rosie πŸͺ‘
  • Willow


  • Don Richards (chair)
  • Seth Shaw
  • Alexander O’Neill
  • Yamil Suarez
  • Isabella Nikolaidis
  • Cary Gordon
  • Wade Collins
  • Kevin Fletcher
  • Alan Stanley
  • Rebel Cummings-Saul


  1. Batch Uploads broken:
  2. Issue Roundup - Link sorted by recently updated
  3. PR Roundup- Link sorted by recently updated
  4. Review of mailing list
  5. Feel free to add more, or add something from Islandora Discussions


Issue Roundup

  • Jordan mentioned he may be working on a fix for it

  • Yamil: I noticed at the bottom of the readme for playbook, it has a phrase that I thought should be in documentation - Rosie's comments suggest that the README of the playbook needs the change instead
  • Alex: Still maintaining playbook for server deployments, using ISLE for some desktop stuff, and VirtualBox for some others
    • The playbook is still getting updated
  • Don: ISLE and playbook are supported, both fill different needs
  • Seth: What does it mean for it to be community supported? depending on the time of year, different - devops - what does it mean that we support either of them - we know Alex and Jared were doing big playbook work while Born-Digital was doing a lot with ISLE, and the response to tickets varies depending on bandwidth.
  • Seth: Both tools are being developed and in-use by the community
  • Yamil: Taking the README at face-value was misleading so it should be updated
  • Directing people towards slack for support

  • Seth: Not something most people come across bc most derivative actions are based off what nodes you edit
    • ASU has a derivative action based off the media, for sending transcription service request
    • Returning null if the item that triggered the action was a node rather than a media
  • Meaning when we had a context triggering this action, that happened to be a node, it would explode
  • If people misconfigure, it shouldn't whitescreen
  • It should throw a Runtime exception with the message
  • If someone can test that they create derivatives and it doesn't whitescreen on them
  • Alan: Creating context - you can select a huge range of conditions - it would be good to filter these out
    • or put something in the logs saying this is an "illegal configuration"
  • Seth: It eventually gets caught and put out via EmitEvent and may have additional messaging - "error generating events" and then the message received
  • Alan to look at

  • Seth: Came up during IslandoraCon, in the #islandora channel
  • Summary of thread: lock files might make sense when you have a small dev team on very similar deployment infrastructure, but with open source the composer.json is stringent enough that we don't need the lock file to get to this greater specificity
  • Cary: Have used it internally - keep the composer.json as loose as possible and then use the .lock to generate whatever was done last
  • Seth: The .lock file gets out of date very quickly
  • Seth: Original question was based off the multiple versions of PHP - locking down the PHP version for folks. If you want to support 7.4 and 8 you can't really do with a .lock file.
  • Cary: Drupal is moving to 8
  • Seth: When its shifting php 8 to 9 there's a large window, you have to decide
  • When there's a choice between PHP 8 and 9 in the future, we'll have to say both where the lock doesn't do that but the .json does
  • Alex: Often for an update to dependency. You have to fix the /json file anyways.

  • blocker - Nigel following up

  • Seth: We need to add some javascript, because you can't take the name of the file after the fact bc of the transliterate files name module that makes them webfriendly.
    • Javascript to pull filename first and populate that field to update their form
  • Don: Ajax form override?

  • Yamil: Require Context explanation in Glossary
  • Seth: The term Context gets overloaded in Drupal
  • Seth: So there are other uses in Drupal, but when we talk about contexts in documentation, this is what we're referring to

  • Don: Defaults to .mp4 out of the box, you can add other extensions but its not super clear or documented how
  • Seth: Drupal has locked it down. They prefer things that the browser can render natively without plugins
  • Seth: For user documentation?
  • Don: Haven't used these formats, trial and error testing and documentation?
  • Don: Figure out which formats are going to meet the needs of 90% does it meet that, docment that
    • And then we'll discover what else is needed for support

  • Seth: it works on the surface level but haven't tested by pull
    • Self-assigned

  • Don: UI suggestion based on IslandoraCon discussions
  • Some terminalogy is Drupal specific vs Islandora specific
    • ex. media - between Drupal and Islandora, this means different things
  • It would be nice if we visually or otherwise indicated that this is an Islandora thing rather than Drupal core
  • The tabs do not illustrate this well
  • Seth: It can be done, but when people shift or customize their theme we'd want some sort of other indication. It would be easier to change the label of the tab to say "Islandora Media", "Islandora Children", and that would give it more text indication
  • Don: Agreed that the text would be better

  • Alan: Islandora Lite had a different solution rather than OCR
  • Seth: Think Annotations were used for ease of edition
  • Alan: Trouble with HOCR, when tesseract gives you HOCR it almost always needs cleanup, and difficult because they have tags around words, your search results may or may not show up in OCR (not good at line breaks and things like that).
  • Seth: Islandora lite folks have what appears to be a workable solution.

Pull Request Roundup

  • Drop Drupal 8 specification
  • Seth approved

  • Alex: Rosie and Noah still debugging. When installing it, pulling updates to .yml config files which isn't straightforward

  • Don: Looks like it's in progress
  • Danny is testing with ISLE and facing issues

  • Terminology question: Field Types or Field Data Types?
  • Yamil to follow up in DIG meeting

  • Don: protoype still in description for ISLE
  • Yamil: Should probably also take out the "Islandora 8" too and make it 2.x

  • Don: Prevents broken images
  • Alexander to test

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