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ICC:January 27, 2023

Sarah Goldstein edited this page Feb 3, 2023 · 4 revisions


[please add attendees] [indicate Chair, notes]


  • Interest Group Updates
  • Code of Conduct edits to conform with best practices
  • Open Meeting Jan 31 ICC update, planning for Feb 28 Open Meeting
  • Event planning -- IslandoraCon 2023 planning meetings have begun
  • SOAR analysis follow-up discussion -- meeting with Leadership Group?

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Don)
  • Documentation Interest Group (Yamil or Mirko)

Islandora Events

Action Items

  • Notes for next meeting:


  • Interest Group Updates
    • Sent most invites to the groups for a future time to come to this meeting or to the Open meeting
  • DIG
    • Meeting on the 18th to discuss a new wiki
    • Pilot the wiki for the starter site, not sure if that will be Github or Mediawiki
    • Idea is that a wiki is a lower threshold way to edit and contribute documentation
  • Code of Conduct edits to conform with best practices
    • Some minor edits to the CoC policy to align with best practices were reviewed and we agreed that they were fine.
  • Open Meeting Jan 31 ICC update, planning for Feb 28 Open Meeting
    • Will be a short meeting (link in notes)
    • Amy is putting together slides for the ICC update; we discussed what updates we wanted to convey.
  • Planning for Feb meeting
    • Migration questions: Are you migrating right now? Do you have questions about migration right now? We’ll hold space for migration-specific questions.
  • Event planning
    • Camp and Con planning are underway
    • ICC is in touch with Kirsta about CoC coverage
  • SOAR analysis follow-up discussion -- meeting with Leadership Group?
    • Interpretation that the results are we need to support aligning the vision of leadership and establish a framework for connecting that to the larger community; possibility for ICC involvement with the Roadmap in a more intentional way.
  • We discussed some indirect feedback that community Slack questions are sometimes not answered
    • What is the ICC role? We could bring this to the next Open meeting?

Quick Link to a Wiki Search in Github

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πŸ““ Board of Directors (BOD)

πŸ““ Coordinating Committee (ICC)

πŸ““ Leadership Group (LG)

πŸ““ Technical Advisory Group (TAG)

πŸ““ Code of Conduct Committee

πŸ“š List of Interest Groups


πŸ“† Weekly Open Tech Call

πŸ“† Monthly TAG Meetings

πŸ“† Monthly Open Meetings

πŸ“† Biweekly Islandora Coordinating Committee Meetings for ICC members

Camps and Conferences

πŸ“£ Upcoming:

  • No upcoming events

πŸ“£ Past Camps and Conferences

πŸ“… see the Islandora Community Calendar for events and meetings.

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