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MichaelGoodman edited this page Jan 3, 2017 · 56 revisions

Grammar Engineering mini-meeting

This page contains some information about the Grammar Engineering mini-meeting to be held in Seattle, WA January 2-6 2017.

Upsizing Grammars and Cross-lingual Learning.

January 2 - 6 2017

Capitol Hill neighborhood, near the University of Washington, Seattle





  1. Grammar Engineering mini-meeting
    1. Proposed Timetable
    2. Topics

Proposed Timetable

Morning 1 Afternoon 1 Afternoon 2
Monday Agenda Setting Long Distance Dependencies (FCB,FZZ) Small2Large (FCB,LMC)
Tuesday ChartMap and Redup (FCB,DVM) LangLearning and Malrules (SSH,FCB) Treebank (FCB,SSH)
Wednesday Definiteness (SSH,EMB) Passives (DVM,FCB) Discoursey Things (FZZ,EMB)
Thursday Lexicon Building (GCS,FZZ) Generation Testing (MWG,DPF) Performance Robustness (DPF,FCB)
Friday PhD Design (EMB,MWG) Afternoon Underspecification Afternoon Underspecification

Friday Evening (19:00-21:00): Karaoke at Rock Box,1603 Nagle Pl, Seattle, Washington 98122; Drinks beforehand at Tintagel


  • Revision of long distance dependencies
    • discussion of asymmetries in S/O
  • Indonesian POS and tokenization
  • Chart mapping and reduplication
  • Treebanking tips
    • web interface
    • interface with sense disambiguation
  • Generation testing
    • how to incorporate that more easily
  • Language Learning
    • NLP tools for analyzing learner's corpora
    • Using ERG for understanding non-native speakers' texts
    • How to create the mal-rules
      • how to learn from language corpora
      • how to group by learner-type
  • Experimental Syntax and Grammar Engineering
  • Zhong
    • definiteness
    • subjecthood
    • clefts (shi ... de)
    • multiple GAPs
    • Discourse "yes, ...."
    • PP
    • clitics as DET
    • number, classifiers, quantifiers
    • passive voice
    • relative clause
    • Existential ada
  • Robustness
    • making c-saw run
    • quickcheck
  • Transmitting Knowledge
    • constructions
    • other levels
  • going from small to medium to large
    • techniques for deciding what to work on next
    • what corpus to work on
    • effective use of testsuites
    • how to identify phenomena
  • PhD around a grammar
    • how to build a certain scale (NTU)
      • not the same as building a sketch grammar
    • model a phenomenon (UW)
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