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JesseTseng edited this page Aug 21, 2007 · 1 revision

Hierarchy of French phonemes

(La Grenouille, 2007-08-21)

phon := sort.
  voiced := phon.
  sonorant := voiced.
  nasal := sonorant.

glide_cons := phon.
glide_vow := voiced.

vowel := glide_vow & sonorant.
high-vowel := vowel.
oral-vowel := vowel.
  high-oral-vowel := oral-vowel & high-vowel.
  mid-vowel := oral-vowel.
    tense-vowel := mid-vowel.
    lax-vowel := mid-vowel.
  low-vowel := oral-vowel.

 i := high-oral-vowel.
 u := high-oral-vowel.
 y := high-oral-vowel.

 e := tense-vowel.
 ɛ := lax-vowel.
 a := low-vowel.
 ɑ := low-vowel.
 ɔ := lax-vowel.
 o := tense-vowel.
 œ := lax-vowel.
 ø := tense-vowel.
 ə := lax-vowel.

nasal-vowel := oral-vowel & nasal.
 ɔ̃ := nasal-vowel.
 ɑ̃ := nasal-vowel.
 ɛ̃ := nasal-vowel.
 œ̃ := nasal-vowel.

glide := glide_cons & high-vowel.
 j := glide.
 w := glide.
 ɥ := glide.

consonant := glide_cons.
voiced-cons := consonant & voiced.
voiceless-cons := consonant.
stop := consonant.
fricative := consonant.

voiced-stop := voiced-cons & stop.
voiceless-stop := voiceless-cons & stop.
voiced-fricative := voiced-cons & fricative.
voiceless-fricative := voiceless-cons & fricative.

 p := voiceless-stop.
 t := voiceless-stop.
 k := voiceless-stop.
 ʔ := voiceless-stop.

 b := voiced-stop.
 d := voiced-stop.
 g := voiced-stop.

 s := voiceless-fricative.
 f := voiceless-fricative.
 ʃ := voiceless-fricative.
 z := voiced-fricative.
 v := voiced-fricative.
 ʒ := voiced-fricative.
 h := voiceless-fricative.

liquid := voiced-cons & sonorant. 
 l := liquid.
 ʎ := liquid.
 r := liquid.
 ʁ := liquid.

nasal-cons := voiced-stop & nasal.
 m := nasal-cons.
 n := nasal-cons.
 ɲ := nasal-cons.
 ŋ := nasal-cons.
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