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FrancisBond edited this page Jul 5, 2010 · 7 revisions


In July 2010, at the time of the annual DELPH-IN Summit (see the ParisTop page for background), a new tagged release of the LOGON infrastructure (see the LogonTop page for details) is being made available. This page documents (some of) the updates and extensions provided in this snapshot.

Release Schedule

The proposed schedule is to freeze development on August 16, and complete general availability by August 31. Module developers who want to contribute updates of their components in the LOGON tree, please contact Stephan Oepen. In the last two weeks of August, we will depend on component developers to assist in testing various functionalities.

Changes in this Release

Following is an incomplete list of revisions included in the Paris snapshot of the LOGON tree:

  • harmonization of LKB and [incr tsdb()] code with the DELPH-IN SVN trunks;

  • updates to REPP characterization, including critical bug fix for Hag;

  • bug fix in SPPP (interface to FreeLing) addressing multiple punctuation marks;

  • increased granularity in [incr tsdb()] treebanking timestamps;

  • ERG version 1004 (corresponding to initial WikiWoods release);

  • up-to-date versions of SRG and FreeLing;

  • audit and revise licenses

  • add new Japanese rewriting code (JaJa)

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