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FrancisBond edited this page Jun 25, 2006 · 12 revisions

This is the page to add wishlist items for the Lui interface (LkbLui).


  • 2005-09-21 Convert the treebanking tool to LUI (FCB and the NTT treebankers)

  • 2005-09-21 Use fontsets rather than fonts to allow greater language coverage (FCB)

  • 2005-08-20 make the ordering of features in the avm display configurable (WP).

    • I am not sure this needs to be configurable. I would rather have sensible defaults,... Too much configuration leads to madness (FCB)
  • 2005-08-19 Use CFROM/CTO to link the text to the MRS predicates in the simple MRS, like in the HoG HTML interface. (FCB)

  • 2005-08-19 Make all text windows selectable (JG)

  • 2005-08-18 Halfwidth characters shown as halfwidth in yz. (FCB)

    • semi solved by pavel in trollet
  • 2006-06-25 Display of fs for lexical entries. (lkb::show-word-aux-tty "鬼" nil)

    • see mail to developers list for a bug report.


  • 2005-08-18 Multibyte fonts in the window titles. (FCB) Done: 2005-08-19 (WP)
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