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FrancisBond edited this page Mar 2, 2007 · 21 revisions

DELPH-IN Developers Meeting

This page contains some information about the DELPH-IN developers meeting to be held at CSLI in 2007-03. We are trying a shorter meeting where people can talk about what they are doing and what they want to do, in an attempt to coordinate our efforts. Many potential participants are likely to be at CSLI a bit before/after the meeting, so individual issues can be worked on then.

Mar 1--2, 2007

CSLI, Stanford University

EmilyBender, FrancisBond, AnnCopestake, DanFlickinger, StephanOepen, UlrichSchaefer (arr 28feb afternoon, dep 04mar noon), TimothyBaldwin.

Proposed Timetable

The timetable has been left deliberately underspecified.

Morning (10:00-12:00) Afternoon (13:30-17:30)
Thursday (Cordura 104) What have we done: 15+ minutes/site --- Agenda Setting What are we planning to do?
Friday (Cordura 100) Funding possibilities Wrap up


  • Site reports
    • DPF: CSLI
    • Oe: Oslo/Logon
    • FCB: NTT and NICT
    • AAC: Cambridge
    • US: DFKI and UdS
    • TB: Melbourne
    • EB: Washington (afternoon)
  • Agenda
    • When and where should the next summit be?
    • incorporating WSD with parsing (FCB)
    • Idiom checking in pet
    • pragmatics
    • font issues
    • SBCL
    • lextype DB
    • parse-selection (unsupervised)
    • testing
    • Delphin Acknowledgments
    • multilingual super tagging
    • harmonizing analayses
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