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EmilyBender edited this page Mar 25, 2008 · 26 revisions

---+++ Sets of interests or constituencies that have a stake in the design of (R)MRS representations:

  • parsing/underspecification
  • generation
  • integration with shallow systems
  • shallow inference/IE
  • inference
  • syntax, composition
  • multilingual harmonization
  • transfer
  • anaphora

---+++ Demise of pronoun_q_rel:

When we remove pronoun_q_rel, we run into the problem that the tree gets smaller, and the labels of the pronoun relation have to get identified with something. This was troubling for quite a while until we convinced ourselves that modified pronouns are always pseudopartitives.

Pronouns don't ever get quantifiers, and share their labels with the verbal projection they combine with ("You who brought laptops probably have the right idea." "You with laptops must leave now."). Modified pronouns ("You who brought laptops") involve a pseudopartitive construction which introduces both a new variable and a quantifier for that variable.

Proper names can go without quantifiers, but might get them when they are overt ("Every Kim I've met"). "John in Paris" doesn't need a quantifier.

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