Releases: Genentech/jmpost
Releases · Genentech/jmpost
jmpost 0.0.1
- Initial Release
What's Changed
- New history by @gowerc in #205
- Fix issue with multiple chains by @gowerc in #207
- Update Survival Plots by @gowerc in #208
- Re-enable lintr CICD checking by @gowerc in #222
- Add ability to extract raw samples by @gowerc in #221
- Major Documentation Update by @gowerc in #223
- re-enabled lintr by @gowerc in #225
- Align Longitudinal Plots API by @gowerc in #228
- Remove Global Variable by @gowerc in #229
- Fix cicd failures by @gowerc in #231
- Enable Blank data objects by @gowerc in #232
- Prior parameters supplied as data by @gowerc in #234
- Print methods by @gowerc in #235
- Print method for data objects by @gowerc in #236
- Feature/print quantities by @gowerc in #237
- Implements the Brier Score by @gowerc in #241
- Fix R code in Readme by @gowerc in #244
- Improve Stan Parser by @gowerc in #246
- Add Stan + jmpost examples by @gowerc in #251
- Improve the GSF model implementation by @gowerc in #249
- Add missing prior distributions by @gowerc in #252
- Different initial values for each mcmc chain by @gowerc in #254
- Model guidance by @gowerc in #256
- Change to plain text LICENSE by @cicdguy in #260
- Rework link functions by @gowerc in #259
- More examples of AIC / BIC / loo by @gowerc in #262
- Add Stein-Fojo Model by @gowerc in #265
- Reduce file length to appease R CMD CHECK by @gowerc in #267
- Added RdPack for references by @gowerc in #271
- Added user option to adjust GQ function by @gowerc in #272
- Address CRAN check warnings by @gowerc in #270
- Changed parameterisation of Loglogistic model by @gowerc in #275
- Add "exe" extension to windows programs by @gowerc in #276
- Simulation function supports multiple studies by @gowerc in #278
- Support Negative Time / Re-work Simulation function by @gowerc in #282
- Added coercion function by @gowerc in #290
- Re-factored the stan code for longitudinal generated quantities by @gowerc in #289
- Add helpful instructions to direct user if cmdstanr is not installed by @gowerc in #292
- Enable Left-Censoring for Random Slope Model by @gowerc in #291
- Document need for manual IVs for constrained parameters by @gowerc in #295
- Add documentation for missing survival distributions by @gowerc in #297
- Added data object documentation by @gowerc in #298
- Rework of Generated Quantities by @gowerc in #294
- Added GridEven and GridManual by @gowerc in #303
- Plot Examples by @gowerc in #304
- Fix generating quantities not using correct max value by @gowerc in #306
- Fix Example code by @gowerc in #307
- Harmonise link methods by @gowerc in #308
- Population summary for longitudinal model by @gowerc in #309
- added missing assertion by @gowerc in #311
- Refactor of QuantityGenerators by @gowerc in #312
- Support for Survival Predictions by @gowerc in #313
- Fix SF model not compiling by @gowerc in #314
- Added Survival Documentation by @gowerc in #315
- Enabled
to work with survival only models by @gowerc in #321 - Include documentation for generated quantity data objects by @gowerc in #319
- Warnings for StanModules + cleanup by @gowerc in #326
- Implements growth link function by @gowerc in #330
- Document interfaces for custom longitudinal models by @gowerc in #318
- Add documentation for extending the simulation functions by @gowerc in #328
- Convert "patient" -> "subject" by @gowerc in #331
- Change the URL checker to lychee by @cicdguy in #337
- Fix failing CRON unit tests by @gowerc in #336
- removed legacy option by @gowerc in #335
- Update cmdstandr URL by @gowerc in #339
- Include cmdstan url to description file by @gowerc in #340
- updated priors for regression coeficients by @gowerc in #344
- Remove model cache by @gowerc in #343
- Implement
by @gowerc in #353 - Harmonise Simulation and formula parameter values by @gowerc in #354
- Covert growth link to be on log scale by @gowerc in #357
- Update Snapshot tests by @gowerc in #360
- Fix number of chains print method by @gowerc in #362
- Add toggle for Graph Snapshot Testing by @gowerc in #361
- Rename lt0 -> gte0 by @gowerc in #363
- Stop deletion of snapshot files by @gowerc in #366
- Defer inclusion of generated quantity code by @gowerc in #364
- Claret Bruno Model by @gowerc in #350
- Fix SF Quantities by @gowerc in #370
- Logit-Normal parameterisation for GSF Phi by @gowerc in #375
- Support initial values for constrained parameters by @gowerc in #372
- Flow diagram by @gowerc in #369
- Fix prior_shrinkage documentation by @gowerc in #378
- Change default landing page for tags by @cicdguy in #379
- Resolve CICD errors by @gowerc in #381
- First Version by @gowerc in #385
Full Changelog: