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Releases: discord-jda/JDA

v3.8.3 | Version 3 Stable Release

27 Jun 18:12
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In this version we only updated the OkHTTP dependency to the stable 3.13.0 release.


repositories {
dependencies {



v3.8.2 | JDA LTS Release

02 Feb 16:26
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Important Notice

Recently we have started work on the new major version of JDA
This release signals the end of JDA v3's lifecycle in which we will only be fixing critical issues for the supported timeframe. Once v4 becomes the new stable release we will continue fixing issues with v3 for 6 months to give people with a huge codebase enough time for the conversion. The current expected time for the JDA version 4 release is mid May.

Currently JDA version 4 is in its alpha stadium. This means it receives breaking changes which are not yet supported by 3rd party extensions like lavalink. Once version 4 reaches its beta stadium we will make efforts to help extension developers to adapt to the new ABI provided as soon as possible. We attempt to make a clear separation between what we consider API and internal. We expect extensions to only target the API side of JDA in the future to reduce the possibility of causing incompatibilities.

New features and enhancements will only be coming to JDA 4. This includes new features of Discord as well as overhead reduction such as the changes done to CacheView. One of the major changes coming here is the removal of client-only features such as group channels/messages. We will however continue to support using JDA with AccountType.CLIENT but it will be reduced to features available to bot accounts.

To track what is happening with JDA 4 you can take a look at the milestone: v4

Pull Requests

PR Description
#793 Read-only MessageActivity support
#795 Add Guild#getChannels for convenience
#811 Added setPresence to ShardManager and improved documentation consistency
#814 Added appendCodeLine(CharSequence text)
#819 Add ChannelAction#setPosition(Integer)
#820 Close socket on malformed zip data
#825 Added copying of the slowmode when cloning a channel
#826 Hacktoberfest Changes
#827 Don't check admin on permission overrides
#843 Update OkHTTP to 3.12.0
#849 Create User#getAsTag
#887 Add MESSAGE_ADD_REACTION to text only permissions
#896 Ignore alpha when comparing colors in MessageEmbed

Thank you all for your contributions!


Latest version: Download

The latest release build: 3.8.2_459



  • Guild#getChannels to get the display order of the channels in a guild
  • MessageBuilder#appendCodeLine for more intuitive monospace usage
  • ShardManager#setPresence to update both game an online-status in one request
  • ChannelAction#setPosition for applying a channel position before its creation
  • User#getAsTag for easy retrieval of Minn#6688 format
  • MessageActivity support for spotify and game invites


  • The WebSocket will now reconnect when malformed data is received for better recovering
  • MessageEmbed#equals now only checks RGB value of the raw color instead of RGBA


  • VoiceJoin events now fire with updated muted/deafened status
  • Slowmode property is now copied with Channel#createCopy
  • ContextException are now fired properly again
  • The ADMINISTRATOR permission is no longer checked when set on permission overrides


repositories {
    // Required for OkHTTP 3.13.0-SNAPSHOT
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    compile 'net.dv8tion:JDA:3.8.2_459'



<repository> <!-- Required for OkHTTP 3.13.0-SNAPSHOT -->

v3.8.1 | Slowmode - Chunking timeout - No more complete() in callbacks

13 Oct 06:25
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Due to deadlocks in code of less experienced programmers (and even experienced ones) we now prohibit usage of complete() in callbacks of RestAction#queue. This means code similar to the following will no longer work and throw an exception (in the callback).

channel.sendMessage("hello there").queue(message -> {
    message.editMessage("hello world").queue(); // this is still fine
    message.delete().complete(); // exception

Requesting member chunks can cause a shard to not finish connecting when discord fails to respond. This issue has been known for quite a while and can now be handled properly by JDA thanks to the new setup system introduced in 3.8.0. Now JDA will re-attempt requesting chunks when nothing was received.

Discord has released slowmode for text channels in servers, this can now be configured through JDA to allow automation by bots.

Pull Requests

PR Description
#762 Prevent using complete() in callbacks
#771 Cleanup logs
#773 Slowmode
#776 Configuration for [gateway] sending pools
#778 Prevent creation of send and receive systems before ws ready
#785 Add DefaultShardManager#setEventManagerProvider and JDA#getEventManager
#788 Add timeout mechanic for chunk requests

Thank you all for your contributions!


Latest version: Download

The latest release build: 3.8.1_437



  • Various additions for slowmode support
  • DefaultShardManagerBuilder#setEventManagerProvider and JDA#getEventManager
  • JDABuilder#setGatewayPool as well as similar methods for shard manager


  • You can no longer use complete() in queue callbacks
  • closeAudioConnection() can once again be used in lavaplayer event handlers
  • The logs for rate-limiter and gateway have been improved (useful for debugging)


  • Idle audio send-system should no longer cause CPU issues
  • UnavailableGuildJoinedEvent should fire again


  • DefaultShardManagerBuilder#setEventManager should be replaced with setEventManagerProvider(...)


  • JDABuilder(AccountType) may not be available in the future
  • Game.watching(...) is not officially released
  • Game.GameType.WATCHING is not officially released
  • RichPresence.Party.getMax() and RichPresence.Party.getSize() will return long in the future
  • AudioManager.setSpeakingMode(...) and AudioManager.getSpeakingMode() is not officially released

Note the Incubating category which marks things that might change without deprecation phase.


repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'net.dv8tion:JDA:3.8.1_437'




v3.8.0 | New shard startup – Easy bulk delete – Cache flags

16 Sep 13:22
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Due to reports of several issues with shards starting I took the time to completely rewrite all of the startup logic in this release. (#706)
These changes have close to no affect to your codebase apart from one little improvement. I have added GuildReadyEvent which is fired for every single guild on startup before ReadyEvent and ReconnectedEvent are received. This allows guilds to already function without having to wait for everything else to be completed. This means no single guild can keep an entire shard dead. (Users have asked for this).

Because of several caching issues caused by users storing JDA entities such as roles or channels we now changed the cache to use WeakReferences for things such as Role.getGuild().
We highly recommend to just store IDs of entities and a JDA instance (if needed) to then do:

Role role = jda.getRoleById(modRoleId);

More on this issue is talked about in the new troubleshooting page.

Deleting messages was really annoying in the past with JDA, until now!
Simply use MessagePaginationAction#takeAsync(...) and MessageChannel#purgeMessages(...).

MessageChannel channel = event.getChannel();
if (event.getMessage().getContentRaw().equals("--purge")) {

Oh and one more thing... we added a CacheFlag enum to disable some parts of the JDA cache to be more lightweight.

EnumSet<CacheFlag> disabled = EnumSet.of(CacheFlag.GAME, CacheFlag.EMOTE);
JDABuilder builder = new JDABuilder(BOT_TOKEN);

I highly recommend only using setDisabledCacheFlags for backwards compatibility.

Pull Requests

PR Description
#674 Improve gradle builds and debugging
#700 Add jump-to URL for Messages
#705 Add more configurations to JDABuilder
#706 Rewrite for guild setup system
#709 Better group Invite support
#721 Improve use of MDC
#722 Add South African server region
#726 Make use of WeakReference for upstream references
#731 Add Permission.PRIORITY_SPEAKER
#732 Add support for new sending modes
#734 Support getting ban by Id
#735 Add support for getting webhooks by id
#738 Change minimum channel name length to 1
#740 Add support to retrieve emotes via RestAction access
#741 Added retrieveUserById to ShardManager
#745 Add new annotations for common documentation concerns
#747 Fix IllegalArgumentException on TextChannel#canTalk()
#748 Patch upstream reference
#749 Add request exceptions to cause of ErrorResponseException
#750 Add purgeMessages methods for convenient message deletions
#751 Allow [embed] titles without TLD
#752 Fix NullPointerException in EmoteImpl#getGuild()
#754 Add ThreadLocalReason
#756 Prevent creation of audio manager for uncached guilds
#757 Replace Emote#hasRoles to avoid ambiguity
#758 Update documentation of JDABuilder and add new constructor overloads
#761 Fix ShardManager#getGuildById
#764 Cleanup RTP handling
#766 Make AudioWebSocket a subordinate class
#769 Fix granting / denying permissions [in PermOverrideManager]
#770 Only update lastFrameSent when actually sending something

Thank you all for your contributions!


Latest version: Download

The latest release build: 3.8.0_423



  • ThreadLocalReason to set thread specific audit log reasons
  • Group invite support
  • JDABuilder#setCacheFlags, and CacheFlag enum
  • MessageChannel#purgeMessages
  • PaginationAction#takeAsync and PaginationAction#takeAsyncRemaining
  • ShardManager#retrieveUserById
  • Guild#retrieveEmote, Guild#retrieveEmoteById, and Guild#retrieveEmotes
  • JDA#getWebhookById
  • JDA#awaitStatus and JDA#awaitReady
  • JDABuilder#setCallbackPool, JDABuilder#setRateLimitPool, and JDABuilder#setHttpClient
  • Permission.PRIORITY_SPEAKER and AudioManager#setSpeakingMode
  • Message#getJumpUrl


  • JDABuilder will now only have a single build method `build()` and can be made blocking by calling JDA#awaitReady() on the built JDA instance
  • JDA cache can now partially be disabled to reduce memory impact
  • JDA now uses WeakReference internally to avoid memory leaks and issues coming from user code


  • Several fixes for audio receiving and sending
  • Several fixes for shard startup (rewrite)
  • Usage of SLF4J MDC has been improved


  • Removed previously deprecated methods in WebhookMessage and WebhookMessageBuilder
  • Deprecated legacy build methods buildAsync() and buildBlocking() for new build() and awaitReady() methods
  • Deprecated Emote#hasRoles to avoid ambiguity. Use Emote#canProvideRoles


  • JDABuilder(AccountType) might be removed in a future version
  • Game.watching and GameType.WATCHING are not officially released
  • RichPresence.Party.getMax() and ..getSize() will be changed to return `long`
  • AudioManager.setSpeakingMode and ..getSpeakingMode are not officially released

Note the new Incubating category which marks things that might change without deprecation phase.


repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'net.dv8tion:JDA:3.8.0_423'




v3.7.1 | Hotfix for DefaultSendSystem

18 Jul 13:21
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This fixes a bug introduced by 3.7.0 which causes the DefaultSendSystem to fail delivering packages.

Pull Requests

PR Description
#714 Add getGuildsByName to ShardManager

Thank you all for your contributions!


Latest version: Download

The latest release build: 3.7.1_385



+ Add getGuildsByName to ShardManager


- Fixed issue with DefaultAudioSendSystem


repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'net.dv8tion:JDA:3.7.1_385'




v3.7.0 | Better Opus Library Support / New Audio Encryption Modes

14 Jul 15:26
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The opus libraries used for encoding/decoding are now exported to their own dependency at opus-java. This allows for a smaller artifact if no audio encoding has to be performed by JDA (like just sending with lavaplayer).

You can find out how to exclude the dependency and consecutively decrease your classpath size by looking at the Download Section in the README.

We additionally now host a jar without opus natives on jenkins (suffix noOpus).

Discord has added new encryption modes to replace old ones, we now implement all currently supported encryption modes for audio. Additionally we reduced the amount of required allocations for sending audio, which should reduce garbage accumulation and CPU usage respectively.

Pull Requests

PR Description
#651 Voice Gateway V4 and new encryption modes
#655 Added enum to represent the flags set on RichPresence
#658 Clear expected member chunks on delete
#659 Externalize opus binaries
#660 Proper closing of resources in MessageAction
#664 Fixed issues with permission management in RoleManager
#665 Permission#VOICE_MOVE_OTHERS does not grant access to a voice channel
#669 Updated invite pattern to only trigger on alphanumeric with underscore and dash
#670 Cleaned up BotRateLimiter for better handling of partial/missing headers
#671 Add unicode flag emoji for each Region
#675 Allow null user_id and provide partial Webhooks [in audit logs]
#676 Added possibility to sync Permissions between channels
#678 Additional invite info
#680 Ability to add members to guilds
#681 Add support for sending multiple files with a webhook
#684 Fixing Role#getAsMention() for public Role
#685 Add option to exclude deprecated voice regions
#687 Improve snowflake checks for rest requests
#692 Add proper boundaries to methods
#694 Don't call toString() eagerly on arguments to format()
#703 Add Guild Features to Invite
#713 Complete rest action on internal server errors

Thank you all for your contributions!


Latest version: Download

The latest release build: 3.7.0_382



+++ Webhooks can now send multiple files in one message
++ Bots can now add members to guilds (oauth2 access required)
+ Region enum now contains unicode flags
+ We now offer an ability to sync channel permissions for a channel in ChannelManager
+ You can now see webhook information in Audit-Logs
+ Can now specify custom opus library
+ Now giving access to member counts in invites
+ We now expose the flags on RichPresence


- JDA now uses the voice gateway version 4
- Audio transmission now supports lite and suffix encryption
- Audio transmission now uses less allocations for each package to produce less garbage
- Using getAsMention() on the public role now properly returns @everyone


- RestActions should now complete for continuous 500 responses (internal server errors)
- Resources added to MessageAction should now be closed properly on clearing files
- Permission management in RoleManager is now improved
- WebhookManager#setChannel should now properly update the channel
- Improved handling of rate limit headers
- Audit-Logs should now handle null user_ids properly
- RestAction callbacks now use proper generics boundaries such as ? super T
- AFK-Channel setting in GuildManager should work properly now
- Permission checks in openAudioConnection have been corrected, VOICE_MOVE_OTHERS should not grant VOICE_CONNECT
- Invite parsing in Message should now only trigger on alphanumeric with dash


- Removed old updatable managers and associated classes/methods deprecated
- Removed several old methods in events to be replaced by new consistent method names


repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'net.dv8tion:JDA:3.7.0_382'




v3.6.0 | Manager Rewrite, Improved Documentation

28 Mar 19:23
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In this release we are replacing the old and clunky updatable manager pattern with a new and flashy rest action extension pattern.


    .getTopicField().setValue("testing channel")


    .setName("testing") // returns ChannelManager
    .setTopic("testing channel") // returns ChannelManager


The event documentation got a complete rewrite and should now be a lot cleaner and (hopefully) more understandable than before.

See: javadoc

Pull Requests

PR Description
#595 Add sharded listener provider
#608 Manager rewrite
#611 Store color with raw RGB value
#613 Support for parsing more presences
#627 Fallback body parsing for http response
#628 Add Japan region
#630 Added Guild#retrieveRegions
#633 Enhancement for Permissions/CacheView/ErrorResponseException
#634 Make mentions distinct
#636 First pass on new event docs
#644 Return RequestFuture for PaginationAction async iterations
#645 WebSocketClient optimization/enhancement
#646 Added support for bulk updating permission overrides

Thank you all for your contributions!


Latest verison: Download

The latest release build: 3.6.0_354



+++ New managers
++ UpdateEvent for generic update events
+ Support for bulk updating permission overrides in channels
+ ShardManager event listener provider
+ Guild#retrieveRegions
+ Japan voice region
+ Role#getColorRaw etc


- Mentions in Message#getMentionedUsers and getMentionedRoles are now distinct
- Now returning RequestFuture in PaginationAction#forEachAsync and similar
- Color values are now stored as ints rather than java.awt.Color
- WebSocketClient now uses the same buffer for all received payloads
- Spotify presences are now parsed properly
- Renamed UserXUpdateEvent to UserUpdateXEvent for consistency
- UserUpdateNameEvent has been split into name and discriminator update events


- ErrorResponseException now gives more details again


+ Marked old updatable managers and associated classes/methods deprecated
+ Marked several old methods in events as deprecated to be replaced by new consistent method names

Downloads for this version are available from the build server: or below.


repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'net.dv8tion:JDA:3.6.0_354'




RestAction Caller Context | Better RequestFuture Continuations

14 Feb 18:43
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It really is difficult to debug when the stacktraces of RestAction failures don't point to your code...
We got the thing for you! In 3.5.1 we added ContextException which can be used to track caller context for rest actions. What does this mean?

Simply add a failure consumer (see #queue(Consumer, Consumer)) to your restaction queue call and it will create a context exception right there. That exception is then added as a cause to the resulting failure.

RestAction<?> action = channel.sendMessage("Hello, World");
action.queue(null, ContextException.herePrintingTrace());

This will result in a proper exception with traces of the calling code.

If you need to do severe debugging you might want this on every rest action to test.
For this you can simply do the following:

RestAction.setPassContext(true); // enable context by default
RestAction.DEFAULT_FAILURE = Throwable::printStackTrace;

Doing this will result in major performance loss so it is recommended to only go to this extreme when you need to debug errors

Pull Requests

PR Description
#550 Added ContextException and checks for RestAction improvements
#597 Fix unban string
#600 Improved RequestFuture interface
#604 Removed caching of delete events
#605 "Fixed" permissions
#606 Replaces Semaphore with (superior) ReentrantLock
#614 Fixed Message#getMentionedX() methods returning non-mentioned entities
#618 Lazy evaluation of HTTP responses

Thank you all for your contributions!


Latest verison: Download

The latest release build: 3.5.1_339


Downloads for this version are available from the build server: or below.


repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'net.dv8tion:JDA:3.5.1_339'




v3.5.0 | SessionController

09 Jan 18:21
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In previous versions sharding seemed to have been a lot of work for new users. We decided to make a central elevated system that takes care of everything you need.
In addition to the ShardManager (introduced in 3.4.0) we now added the SessionController interface (and SessionControllerAdapter implementation) for the convenience in sharding via the JDABuilder approach.
You no longer have to handle the IDENTIFY ratelimit (waiting 5 seconds between building) manually, it has been moved into the controller completely. This should resolve many issues that users had with the SessionReconnectQueue approach of earlier versions (only handled reconnect, not building). We centered all of the sharding systems that were required previously into the new controller to have a single class responsible for cross-session behaviour and states such as:

  • Global REST ratelimit
  • Gateway retrieval
  • Session start ratelimit

This system can easily be extended in later versions (through Java 1.8 default methods [c.t. jls]).

Pull Requests

PR Description
#562 Introducing SessionController System
#578 Added a CategoryOrderAction, documentation, and access points
#581 First pass on animated emote support
#585 Support for viewing ban reasons
#586 Update
#592 Hotfix deadlock in audio connections

Thank you all for your contributions!


Latest verison: Download

The latest release build: 3.5.0_327


Downloads for this version are available from the build server: or below.


repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'net.dv8tion:JDA:3.5.0_327'




v3.4.0 | Logger Rewrite - Part II, Message-Rewrite, ShardManager

20 Dec 11:13
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We've rewritten major parts of our message handling and sending modules which should improve usability, maintainability, and readability.

The introduction of MessageAction allows to send multiple files in one message and modify
the message before executing the send operation. Additionally it now allows to remove existing embeds using override(true)

event.getChannel().sendMessage("Hello ")
                  .embed(new EmbedBuilder().setDescription("Test").build())
                  .queue( (message) -> message.editMessage("Removed Embed...").override(true).queue() )

With the addition of ShardManager and DefaultShardManagerBuilder you can now use a JDA sharding mechanism for your bot which should decrease the amount of time needed to setup sharding.

ShardManager manager = new DefaultShardManagerBuilder().setToken(MY_TOKEN).addEventListener(new BotListener()).build();

Pull Requests

PR Description
#433 Added PaginationAction#forEachAsync for async iterations
#445 Implemented phone verification (only get) and 50 MiB file limit for nitro accounts
#453 Message Rewrite
#479 Adding ShardedRateLimiter to keep track of global REST rate limit
#480 Adding ChannelManager#setPosition
#490 First pass on GuildAction
#492 SLF4J Logger rewrite part2
#494 Added handling for relationship presence updates
#523 Hotfix zlib fragmentation
#524 role modification changes
#533 Made audio manager cache accessible from JDA instances
#535 Added methods to properly use message history endpoint
#537 Hacktoberfest Changes
#542 General cleanup of documentation and naming conventions
#543 Fixed issues with cache view iterators not being thread-safe
#544 Added new game types
#547 Added first support for viewing the RichPresences of other users
#557 Added MDC
#558 Added ability to get a Guild's features (vip voice, verified, ...)
#559 Added GuildVoiceUpdateEvent to combine leave and move
#563 Add missing null checks in HttpRequestEvent
#567 Updated README and templates
#572 Improve some logic in PermissionUtil
#575 Added some since tags, bumped version, removed old deprecated methods

Thank you all for your contributions!


Latest verison: Download

The latest release build: 3.4.0_317


Downloads for this version are available from the build server: or below.


repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'net.dv8tion:JDA:3.4.0_317'


